Shelby County Board of Education
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Issued Date: 08/26/10
Revised: 06/30/11


The grading system for Shelby County Elementary Schools in accordance with the Tennessee Uniform Grading System establishes the grading system for grades kindergarten through fifth grade.

Two (2) report cards are used in grades K-5; (1) for kindergarten; (1) for grades 1-5. Teachers should refer to the appropriate card for an explanation of the grading system for each level.

The kindergarten report cards show progress toward the state standards. The grade level standard is set by the state and indicates what a student should know and be able to do. Students are evaluated based on their progress toward meeting benchmarks for each standard. This is indicated by mastery or non-mastery for each skill. Report cards are sent home at the end of each nine-week term.

Grades 1-5:
1. In all schools, students' conduct is graded as “E”, “G”, “S”, “N”, or “U” and is to be reported at each grading period on the report card. Self-contained classes receive one homeroom conduct grade. Individual subject classes each give a conduct grade.

2. The basic grading system for knowledge / subject area is expressed by the letters “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “F” with the following numerical values except for 1st grade science and social studies which will be expressed by the letter “S” or “N”.

    A ........................................................ 93-100
    B ........................................................ 85-92
    C ........................................................ 75-84
    D ........................................................ 70-74
    F ........................................................ Below 70

Plus and minus evaluations are not to be added to letter grades. 
The numerical values listed are for teacher use only. 


3. Report cards are issued to parents at the end of each nine-week term.

4. In grades 1-5 Integrated Language Arts and Math, a minimum of twelve grades per subject per nine-week term should be recorded for every student. For all other subjects in grades 1-5, a minimum of 9 grades per nine-week term should be recorded. Fifty percent of the required grades must be earned and recorded by the interim of the nine-week term. (These grades could be determined by projects, oral and written assignments, etc.) Term grades given at the end of each nine-week period will be determined by the average of daily work, oral assignments, written assignments and tests. The teacher will assess all student assignments and weigh the value of grades given for various assignments within the nine-week term in computing the term grade. This procedure will enable the teacher to allow for individual student differences in the grading process. Grades for homework assignments should be given with care, since homework may not always be completed by the student himself. Homework assignments are of value in affording students needed practice, and such assignments should be made within practicable limits.

5. Semester grades for grades 1-5 are determined by an average of grades for each of the two nine-week terms. Standardized tests should not be used as the sole measure for passing or failing. The 5th grade Writing Assessment will be factored into the student’s 4th 9weeks grade.

NOTE: Semester examinations are not given in grades 1-5.

6. Final Grade - This grade is determined by averaging the two semester grades.

7. A student's academic grade is solely intended to reflect the student's acquired knowledge, ability, and/or skills in the designated subject. Therefore, academic credit / points may not be awarded or deducted for any purpose that is not directly related to the student's academic performance. For example, academic credit / points may not be awarded as an incentive to participate or achieve a certain goal in a school fundraising event. Academic credit / points may not be deducted for failure to purchase certain brands or types of school supplies. A reasonable number of academic points may be deducted from a student's academic grade for failure to submit homework or other assigned academic work on the date specified by the teacher.

8. Parents are to be notified within a report card period when a student is not doing acceptable work. Parent-teacher conferences should be held for gaining parental support in an effort to improve student performance.

9. Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, for students in grades 3 - 5, scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) shall comprise 15% of the students’ final grade for the spring (second) semester in mathematics, reading/language arts, science and social studies.

Tennessee State Board of Education Rule § 0520-01-03-.05