Shelby County Board of Education
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Issued Date: 08/26/10
Revised: 06/30/11


Shelby County Board of Education policy in accordance with the Tennessee Uniform Grading System establishes the grading system for grades 6-12.

Report cards are sent to parents at the end of each nine-week period, unless the parents/guardians have exercised their option for paperless reports. Parents must be notified within a report card period when a student is not doing acceptable work. Parent-teacher conferences should be held for gaining parental support in an effort to improve student performance.

In all schools, students' conduct is graded as excellent, satisfactory, needs improvement or unsatisfactory, and the initial letter "E", "S", "N", or "U" is used to report the conduct grade. It is to be reported at each grading period on the report card with each subject grade.

NOTE: If an erroneous grade has been entered, correction must be made and a new card issued to the student.

  1. Grades will be reported on report cards and transcript records using numerical values as indicated below:

    A ........................................................ 93-100
    B ........................................................ 85-92
    C ........................................................ 75-84
    D ........................................................ 70-74
    F ........................................................ Below 70

  2. Grades given at the end of each nine-week period will be determined by the average of daily work, oral and written assignments, and tests. A minimum of twelve grades for the nine-week period should be recorded for each subject. Fifty percent of the twelve grades should be earned and recorded by the interim of the nine-week term. This gives the teachers the basis for the grades at the end of the grading period. The teacher will assess all student assignments and weigh the value of grades given for various assignments within the nine-week term in computing the term grade. This procedure will enable the teacher to allow for individual student differences in the grading process. Grades for homework assignments should be given with care, since the student himself may not always complete homework. Homework assignments are of value in affording students needed practice, and such assignments should be made within practicable limits.

    NOTE: Grading systems other than the above must be approved in writing by the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Accountability and the Superintendent.

  3. A student's academic grade is solely intended to reflect the student's acquired knowledge, ability, and/or skills in the designated subject. Therefore, academic credit/points may not be awarded or deducted for any purpose that is not directly related to the student's academic performance. For example, academic credit/points may not be awarded as an incentive to participate or achieve a certain goal in a school fundraising event. Academic credit/points may not be deducted for failure to purchase certain brands or types of school supplies. A reasonable number of academic points may be deducted from a student's academic grade for failure to submit homework or other assigned academic work on the date specified by the teacher.

  4. Regular attendance should be necessary for passing grades. In the event of an excused absence, students are expected to make up work missed within a reasonable time.

  5. Semester exams are not given in grades 6-8 with the exception of high school level courses. Students who successfully complete a high school course will earn high school credit. Semester grades earned in high school courses mentioned above will be recorded on the high school transcript. The grades earned will be included in the high school GPA.

  6. Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, for students in grades 6-8, scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) shall comprise 15% of the student’s final grade for the spring (second) semester in mathematics, reading/language arts, science and social studies. * The Writing Assessment will be factored into the student’s 4th nine-weeks grade.

  7. Students who meet only the minimum requirements should be given minimum passing grades. No student should fail for the semester or year if the only failing grade is that of the semester examination, provided the student has made an honest effort on the examination.

  8. Credits will be awarded in .5 increments upon successful completion of a semester.

  9. For courses, which have no Tennessee State mandated EOC exam required during a given semester, semester grades are determined by counting the two quarter grades as 80% and the semester examination, or a comparable evaluation, as 20%

  10. For courses, which have, a Tennessee State mandated EOC exam required during second semester the semester grades are determined as follows:
  11. In all Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses at the secondary level five (5) points shall be added to each quarter numerical grade and each semester exam grade. The two 9 week grades and the semester exam grade, with the points included, will be used to calculate the semester average.

  12. In all grades for Honors courses at the secondary level three (3) points shall be added to each quarter numerical grade, and each semester exam grade. The two 9 week grades, the semester exam grade, with the added Honors course points included, will be used to calculate the semester average.

  13. A student having a 90 or higher average for the two terms in a specific course, and having three (3) or fewer excused absences in that same course will be exempted from the semester exam if the student desires. When a student is exempted from the examination, the semester average will be the average of the two term grades and any state-mandated exam as outlined in Number 9. ANY UNEXCUSED ABSENCE IN THE COURSE WILL DISQUALIFY THE STUDENT FROM ALL EXEMPTIONS. EXEMPTIONS APPLY ONLY TO TEACHER-MADE SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS. 12th grade students are eligible for exam exemption during both semesters. All other students in high school courses who meet the above requirements may be exempted for only the second semester exam.

Tennessee State Board of Education Rule § 0520-1-3-.06
Tennessee State Board of Education Rule § 0520-1-3-.05