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Available General Choice Spaces

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a General Choice Transfer?

    All students have an assigned school based on the address of the parent or legal guardian. The General Choice Transfer process allows parents to choose a school that best fits their child’s
    educational needs, if space is available in the chosen school and the school does not have
    admission criteria.

  • Do all schools accept General Choice Transfers?

    Every school that will be part of Shelby County Schools in 2017-18, has space and does not have certain
    eligibility criteria is available for General Choice Transfer requests. A list of schools with available space will be made available prior to the start of the application period.

  • When will transfer requests be accepted?

    The priority application period begins on February 14, 2017 and ends on March 24, 2017. We will reopen the application once all initial applications have been processed, continuing to offer transfer spots only for schools that still have space available.

  • How do I apply for a General Choice Transfer?

    The General Choice Transfer process will be completely online to afford the most opportunities for students and families in Shelby County. No paper applications will be printed or accepted. Rather than lining up at the Board of Education, parents can easily complete and submit an application from any personal computer with Internet access or smartphone that supports online forms. The
    online application portal will be accessible from the Shelby County Schools website, www.scsk12.org, beginning at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, February 14. Parents will simply complete the application online. The parent must submit a valid email address when applying as that is how notification of submission and whether the transfer has or has not been granted will be communicated. We will
    not mail letters this year.

  • How do I participate in the process if I do not have a computer with Internet access?

    For parents without personal Internet access, computers and on-site assistance will be available at the District sites on the first day of the application period, February 14.
    • SCS Grays Creek Admin. Office (2800 Grays Creek, Arlington)
    • SCS Northeast Regional Office (920 N. Highland St.)
    • SCS Welcome Center (2687 Avery Ave.)

  • What if I need access to a computer or help using the online application after February 14?

    Parents who need access to a computer or hands-on assistance after February 14 can visit the Grays Creek Administrative Office (2800 Grays Creek, Arlington) or the Parent Welcome Center (2687 Avery Ave.) any day during the application period between the hours of 7:30 a.m and 4:45 p.m. Parents may also schedule a time during the application period to use a computer at their child’s current or neighborhood school, or consider public libraries, community centers, churches and other sites with free public Internet access. For all other matters, please call (901) 416-6007.

  • If my child is already attending a school on a transfer, do I have to apply again?

    In most cases, no. Your child’s transfer may be automatically renewed, allowing him or her to
    continue at the same school as long as it has his or her next grade within its grade structure.
    However, if your child has experienced behavior and/or attendance problems, the principal of the school may want to meet with you to discuss denying the renewal of your transfer for the upcoming school year. When applying to a different school, you will need to submit a new application. In order for an IB or Optional transfer to be renewed, the student must continue to meet the requirements of his or her optional program.

  • What is the order in which applications are processed?

    General Choice Transfer requests are considered based on the order that they are received,
    within priority categories. Applications will be electronically stamped with a date and time as they are submitted online. The School Admissions policy (#6002) outlines priority considerations for all new General Choice Transfer requests. The policy can be viewed at http://www.scsk12.org/uf/

    Can someone get the space I applied for even if I turn in my application before he or she does?
    Yes. This can happen if another child meets the criteria for one of the priority categories listed in the policy above, and your child does not.