List of Titles for State Law

Report Results For: Number Of Copies is greater than or equal to "1"
4217 Result(s) Found.
 Line #  Title
 1  "More more more," said the baby : 3 love stories 
 2  "Mrs. Riley bought five itchy aardvarks" and other painless tricks for memorizing science facts 
 3  "Slowly, slowly, slowly," said the sloth 
 4  "Stand Back" said the elephant, "I'm going to sneeze!" 
 5  "Wanted dead or alive" : the true story of Harriet Tubman 
 6  'Twas the night before christmas 
 7  3-D ABC : a sculptural alphabet 
 8  3-D printers 
 9  3-D printers 
 10  4 Spanish books for kids 
 11  4x4 trucks 
 12  5-minute Avengers stories. 
 13  10 fascinating facts about chewing gum! 
 14  10 fascinating facts about sneakers 
 15  11 birthdays 
 16  12 reasons to love track and field 
 17  12 reasons to love volleyball 
 18  The 12 screams of Christmas 
 19  14 cows for America 
 20  17 things I'm not allowed to do anymore 
 21  The 18th emergency 
 22  20 fun facts about baseball 
 23  20 fun facts about basketball 
 24  20 fun facts about Native American women 
 25  20 fun facts about the respiratory system 
 26  25 fun things to do outside 
 27  28 days : moments in black history that changed the world 
 28  100 things you should know about archeology 
 29  101 great science experiments 
 30  101 questions and answers about dangerous animals 
 31  101 questions and answers about the universe 
 32  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 33  1000 successful blacks. 
 34  The 2001 World Trade Center attack 
 35  A-B-A-B-A-- a book of pattern play 
 36  The ABC's of Fishing 
 37  The ABCs of continents 
 38  Abigail Adams, "Dear partner." 
 39  The abominable snowman 
 40  About wise men and simpletons; : twelve tales from Grimm. 
 41  The absent author 
 42  The absolutely true story ... how I visited Yellowstone Park with the terrible Rupes 
 43  Abuela 
 44  The accidental hero 
 45  Accidental Lily 
 46  Achoo! 
 47  Across the stream 
 48  Across the stream 
 49  Acting 
 50  Actual size 
 51  Ada Twist and the perilous pants 
 52  Ada Twist, scientist 
 53  Addie across the prairie 
 54  Addie's forever friend 
 55  Adding and subtracting at the lake 
 56  Addition 
 57  Addition Annie 
 58  Addy learns a lesson : a school story 
 59  ADHD 
 60  The adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein 
 61  The adventures of Hermes, god of thieves : 100 journeys through Greek mythology 
 62  The adventures of Johnny May 
 63  Adventures of spider : West African folk tales. 
 64  Adventures of Tom Thumb 
 65  Aesop's fables 
 66  Aesop's fables. 
 67  Africa brothers and sisters 
 68  Africa for kids : exploring a vibrant continent, 19 activities 
 69  African acrostics : a word in edgeways 
 70  African American artists 
 71  African dance trends 
 72  African mythology 
 73  African-American crafts kids can do! 
 74  After the fall : how Humpty Dumpty got back up again 
 75  Afternoon of the elves 
 76  Ah ha! 
 77  Aikido 
 78  Air is all around you 
 79  Air traffic controller 
 80  Airplanes 
 81  The airport book 
 82  Alabama 
 83  Aladdin 
 84  Alaska 
 85  Albert II : the 1st monkey in space 
 86  Albert's toothache. 
 87  Aldo Applesauce 
 88  Alejandro's gift 
 89  Alex Rodriguez 
 90  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad 
 91  Alexander and the wind-up mouse. 
 92  Alexander Graham Bell 
 93  Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 
 94  Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 
 95  Alexander, who's not (do you hear me? I mean it!) going to move 
 96  Alice Nizzy Nazzy, the Witch of Santa Fe 
 97  Alien abductions 
 98  Alien in the classroom 
 99  Aliens 
 100  Aliens don't wear braces 
 101  Aliens for breakfast 
 102  Alison of Arabia 
 103  Alison rides the rapids 
 104  All about baseball 
 105  All about football 
 106  All about prehistoric cave men 
 107  All about Sam 
 108  All about sound 
 109  All about space shuttles 
 110  All about temperature 
 111  All by myself 
 112  All night, all day : a child's first book of African-American spirituals 
 113  All the colors of race. 
 114  All the lovely bad ones : a ghost story 
 115  All the small poems and fourteen more 
 116  All the world 
 117  All-American girl style : fun fashions you can sketch 
 118  The all-I'll-ever-want Christmas doll 
 119  Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad 
 120  Alligator arrived with apples : a potluck alphabet feast 
 121  Alligators 
 122  Almost home 
 123  Almost starring Skinnybones 
 124  Almost zero 
 125  Almost zero : a Dyamonde Daniel book 
 126  The alphabet and most commonly used words in Spanish. 
 127  Alvin Ho : allergic to camping, hiking, and other natural disasters 
 128  Alvin Ho : allergic to girls, school, and other scary things 
 129  Always room for one more, 
 130  Amanda Bean's amazing dream : a mathematical story 
 131  Amanda Pig and her big brother Oliver. 
 132  Amanda Pig, school girl 
 133  Amazing Americans : Abraham Lincoln 
 134  The amazing bone 
 135  Amazing Grace 
 136  Amazing makerspace DIY slippery slime 
 137  Amazing makerspace slippery slime 
 138  Amber Brown goes fourth 
 139  Amber Brown wants extra credit 
 140  Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower. 
 141  Amelia Bedelia cleans up 
 142  Amelia Bedelia dances off 
 143  Amelia Bedelia digs in 
 144  Amelia Bedelia goes wild! 
 145  Amelia Bedelia makes a splash 
 146  Amelia Bedelia means business 
 147  Amelia Bedelia on the job 
 148  Amelia Bedelia road trip! 
 149  Amelia Bedelia sets sail 
 150  Amelia Bedelia shapes up 
 151  Amelia Bedelia ties the knot 
 152  Amelia Bedelia unleashed 
 153  Amelia Bedelia, bookworm 
 154  Amelia Earhart 
 155  Amelia Earhart : pioneer in the sky 
 156  Amelia mixed the mustard and other poems 
 157  The American Heritage children's thesaurus 
 158  American longhairs 
 159  American Negro poetry. 
 160  American pit bull terriers 
 161  American shorthairs 
 162  American tall tales;  
 163  Amifika 
 164  Amigo 
 165  Amina's voice 
 166  Among the hidden 
 167  Amos & Boris 
 168  Amos Binder, secret agent 
 169  Amos Fortune : free man 
 170  Amy Elizabeth explores Bloomingdale's 
 171  Anancy and Mr. Dry-Bone 
 172  Anansi and the moss covered rock 
 173  Anansi the spider; : a tale from the Ashanti. 
 174  Anastasia At Your Service 
 175  Anastasia has the answers 
 176  Anastasia Morningstar and the crystal butterfly 
 177  Anastasia, ask your analyst 
 178  Ancient China 
 179  Ancient Egypt 
 180  Ancient Greece 
 181  Ancient Rome 
 182  The ancient world 
 183  The ancient world : from the earliest civilizations to the Roman Empire 
 184  And God bless me : prayers, lullabies, and dream-poems 
 185  And I mean it, Stanley 
 186  And the dish ran away with the spoon 
 187  And then what happened, Paul Revere? 
 188  Andy Oxygen; : [a story about respiration] 
 189  Angel child, dragon child 
 190  Angel's mother's wedding 
 191  Angels 
 192  The Animal (sic) 
 193  Animal adventures 
 194  Animal architects. 
 195  Animal fact/animal fable 
 196  The animal, the vegetable, and John D Jones 
 197  Animals in action. 
 198  Animals in Minecraft 
 199  Animals in winter, 
 200  Anime and manga mega handbook. 
 201  Anna Banana : 101 jump-rope rhymes 
 202  Annie and Helen 
 203  Annie and the Old One 
 204  Annie finds a home 
 205  Annie Henry and the Birth of Liberty 
 206  Annie Henry and the mysterious stranger 
 207  Annie Henry and the Redcoats 
 208  Annie Henry and the secret mission 
 209  Annie Oakley 
 210  Anno's mysterious multiplying jar 
 211  Another 
 212  Ant and Grasshopper 
 213  Anthony Davis : basketball star 
 214  Ants rule : the long and short of it 
 215  Anyhow, I'm glad I tried 
 216  Apple fractions 
 217  Applebet : an ABC 
 218  Apples and pumpkins 
 219  Apples on a stick : the folklore of Black children 
 220  April fools 
 221  Apt. 3. 
 222  Aquarium 
 223  The Arabian nights 
 224  The Arapaho 
 225  Arctic & Antarctic 
 226  Arctic adventure : Inuit life in the 1800s 
 227  Arctic attack 
 228  Are the dinosaurs dead, Dad? 
 229  Are video games too violent? 
 230  Are you my mother? 
 231  Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. 
 232  Argus 
 233  Arizona 
 234  Arkansas 
 235  The armadillo from Amarillo 
 236  Armadillo rodeo 
 237  Armored vehicles in action 
 238  Arrow to the sun; : a Pueblo Indian tale. 
 239  Art and culture : desserts around the world : comparing fractions 
 240  Art from her heart : folk artist Clementine Hunter 
 241  The art of ancient Greece. 
 242  The art of Miss Chew 
 243  The art show attacks! 
 244  Arthur accused! 
 245  Arthur and the Crunch cereal contest 
 246  Arthur and the lost diary 
 247  Arthur and the Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club 
 248  Arthur and the true Francine 
 249  Arthur Ashe and his match with history 
 250  Arthur babysits 
 251  Arthur rocks with Binky 
 252  Arthur turns green 
 253  Arthur's chicken pox 
 254  Arthur's family vacation 
 255  Arthur's first sleepover 
 256  Arthur's Halloween costume : story and pictures 
 257  Arthur's honey bear 
 258  Arthur's loose tooth 
 259  Arthur's new puppy 
 260  Arthur's prize reader 
 261  Arthur's teacher moves in 
 262  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 263  Arthur's TV trouble 
 264  Arthur's valentine 
 265  Arthur, for the very first time 
 266  As good as anybody : Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Joshua Heschel's amazing march toward freedom 
 267  As right as right can be 
 268  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 269  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 270  Ashley Bryan's ABC of African-American poetry. 
 271  Ask another question : the story & meaning of Passover 
 272  Ask Mr. Bear 
 273  The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
 274  Asthma 
 275  Astronauts 
 276  Astronauts 
 277  At the crossroads 
 278  At this very minute 
 279  Athletic trainer 
 280  Atlanta Braves 
 281  Atlanta Falcons 
 282  Atlanta Hawks 
 283  Atlantis 
 284  Atlantis : the lost city? 
 285  Atlantis : the missing continent 
 286  Atlas Of Exploration 
 287  Atlas of the world 
 288  Attack of the stink bugs 
 289  Attila the Angry 
 290  ATVs 
 291  Audrey the amazing inventor 
 292  Aunt Eater Loves a Mystery 
 293  Aunt Isabel makes trouble 
 294  Autism 
 295  Auto technician 
 296  Automobiles : from Henry Ford to Elon Musk 
 297  Autumn 
 298  Avengers K : The advent of Ultron, #1 
 299  Avengers. 
 300  Awake and dreaming. 
 301  Awesome heroes 
 302  Awesome, disgusting, unusual facts about sports 
 303  The awful aardvarks go to school 
 304  The Aztecs 
 305  Babushka's doll / : written and illustrated by Patricia Polacco. 
 306  The baby bunny 
 307  Baby elephant's trunk. 
 308  A baby sister for Frances. 
 309  The baby uggs are hatching 
 310  Babymouse : dragonslayer 
 311  Babymouse goes for the gold 
 312  Back of the bus 
 313  The backyard animal show 
 314  Backyard biology experiments 
 315  Backyard botany experiments 
 316  Backyard chemistry experiments 
 317  Backyard insects 
 318  Backyard meteorology experiments 
 319  Backyard physics experiments 
 320  Backyard rescue 
 321  Backyard safari 
 322  Bad Kitty does not like candy 
 323  Bad Kitty does not like dogs 
 324  Bad Kitty does not like video games 
 325  Bad Kitty for president 
 326  Bad Kitty goes to the vet 
 327  Bad kitty meets the baby 
 329  Bad Kitty takes the test 
 330  Bad news for outlaws : the remarkable life of Bass Reeves, deputy U.S. marshal 
 331  Bad, bad bunnies 
 332  Badger, the mischief maker. 
 333  Bailey's window 
 334  Bake like a pro! 
 335  The bald bandit 
 336  The ball book 
 337  A ball for Daisy 
 338  Ballerina dreams : a true story 
 339  Ballet 
 340  Ballet 
 341  Ballet 
 342  Ballet spectacular 
 343  Banjo 
 344  The banza : a Haitian story 
 345  Barack Obama 
 346  Barack Obama 
 347  Barack Obama : groundbreaking president 
 348  Barack Obama : son of promise, child of hope 
 349  Barack Obama : working to make a difference 
 350  Barack Obama. 
 351  Barnaby, Black Dan and the mighty Wedgwood. 
 352  Barry Bonds 
 353  Bartholomew and the oobleck 
 354  Baseball 
 355  Baseball 
 356  Baseball 
 357  Baseball's G.O.A.T. : Babe Ruth, Mike Trout, and more 
 358  Basket 
 359  Basketball 
 360  Basketball 
 361  Basketball 
 362  Basketball 
 363  Basketball 
 364  Basketball 
 365  Basketball 
 366  Basketball : stats, facts, and figures 
 367  Basketball : who does what? 
 368  Basketball's G.O.A.T. : Michael Jordan, LeBron James, and more 
 369  The bat boy & his violin 
 370  The bathtub ocean 
 371  Batman versus the riddler 
 372  Bats at the ballgame 
 373  Bats at the beach 
 374  Bats at the library 
 375  Bats in the band 
 376  Be a king : Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream and you 
 377  Be quiet! 
 378  Be your own weather forecaster 
 379  Bea and Mr. Jones : story and pictures 
 380  The bear & the fly : a story 
 381  A bear called Paddington 
 382  The bear's bicycle 
 383  Bearhead : a Russian folktale 
 384  The bears find thanksgiving 
 385  The bears' Christmas surprise 
 386  Bearymore : story and pictures 
 387  Beast feast 
 388  The Beast from the East 
 389  Beastly tales : Yeti, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness monsters 
 390  Beat the story-drum, pum-pum 
 391  The Beatitudes : from slavery to civil rights 
 392  Beatrix Potter 
 393  Beats me, Claude 
 394  The beautiful friend, and other stories, 
 395  Beautiful land : a story of the Oklahoma Land Rush 
 396  The beautiful stories of life : six Greek myths, retold 
 397  Beaver of Weeping Water. 
 398  Beavers 
 399  Because of Mr. Terupt 
 400  Because of Winn-Dixie 
 401  Becoming a citizen 
 402  Becoming Billie Holiday 
 403  A bed for winter 
 404  Bedtime for Frances. 
 405  Bedtime mouse 
 406  Beef stew 
 407  Bees 
 408  Bees and beelines. 
 409  Beethoven lives upstairs 
 410  Beetles 
 411  Beetles, lightly toasted 
 412  Beezus and Ramona 
 413  Before John was a jazz giant : a song of John Coltrane 
 414  Before there was Mozart : the story of Joseph Boulogne, Chevalier de Saint-George 
 415  Behind rebel lines : the incredible story of Emma Edmonds, Civil War spy 
 416  Behind the couch 
 417  Behind the scenes at a movie set 
 418  Behind the scenes at a music video 
 419  Behind the scenes at a play 
 420  Behind the scenes at an animated TV show 
 421  Behind the scenes gymnastics 
 422  Being safe with weather 
 423  Being youngest 
 424  Belle's story collection. 
 425  Ben Franklin : his wit and wisdom from A-Z 
 426  Ben's dream : story and pictures 
 427  Ben's trumpet 
 428  Benjamin Banneker, astronomer and scientist. 
 429  Benjamin Franklin 
 430  Benjamin's 365 birthdays. 
 431  Benjy in business 
 432  Benny and Penny in The big no-no! : a Toon Book 
 433  Bentley Continental GT 
 434  The Berenstain Bear scouts and the sci-fi pizza 
 435  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the sinister smoke ring 
 436  The Berenstain bear scouts ghost versus ghost 
 437  The Berenstain Bear Scouts save that backscratcher 
 438  The Berenstain Bears and the haunted hayride 
 439  The Berenstain bears and too much tv 
 440  The Berenstain Bears at the Teen Rock Cafe 
 441  The Berenstain Bears in maniac mansion 
 442  The Bermuda Triangle 
 443  The Bermuda Triangle 
 444  Bermuda Triangle 
 445  The best bug to be 
 446  The best Christmas pageant ever 
 447  Best friends : story and pictures 
 448  Best friends for Frances 
 449  The best-laid plans of Jonah Twist 
 450  Betsy and the boys 
 451  Betsy-Tacy and Tib 
 452  Beware, the snowman 
 453  Beyonce 
 454  Beyonce. 
 455  The bicycle man 
 456  The big bike race 
 457  Big Bird's copycat day : featuring Jim Henson's Sesame Street Muppets 
 458  Big hair, don't care 
 459  Big moon tortilla 
 460  Big Nate blasts off 
 461  Big Nate flips out 
 462  Big Nate in the zone 
 463  Big Nate lives it up 
 464  Big shot 
 465  Big sister tells me that I'm Black 
 466  The big snow, 
 467  Big star fallin' mama; : five women in Black music. 
 468  Bigfoot doesn't square dance 
 469  Bigger, better, best! 
 470  The biggest bear 
 471  Biggest, baddest book of flight 
 472  Biggest, strongest, fastest 
 473  Bill Clinton : 42nd U.S. president 
 474  The Bill of Rights 
 475  Bill Pickett, rodeo-ridin' cowboy 
 476  Billy and Blaze 
 477  Bingo Brown and the language of love 
 478  The Bionic Bunny Show. 
 479  Bird 
 480  Bird in a box 
 481  A bird in the family. 
 482  Birds 
 483  Birds 
 484  Birds we know 
 485  Birmingham Sunday 
 486  The birthday car 
 487  The birthday storm 
 488  Biscuit and the lost teddy bear 
 489  Biscuit visits the big city 
 490  Black and white 
 491  The Black B C's /  
 492  Black cat bone : the life of blues legend Robert Johnson 
 493  Black Civil War soldiers : the 54th Massachusetts Regiment 
 494  The black experience : in the Caribbean and the USA 
 495  The Black is beautiful beauty book. 
 496  Black Jack : the ballad of Jack Johnson 
 497  Black out loud; : an anthology of modern poems by Black Americans. 
 498  Black Panther: uprising 
 499  Black pilgrimage. 
 500  The Black regiment of the American Revolution 
 501  The black snowman 
 502  The Black Stallion and the lost city 
 503  Black-eyed Susan 
 504  Blackberries in the dark 
 505  The blacker the berry : poems 
 506  Blacks in American films and television : an encyclopedia 
 507  Blair's nightmare 
 508  Bless this mouse 
 509  Blind flight 
 510  Blind outlaw 
 511  Blitzed by a blizzard! 
 512  Blizzard! : the 1888 whiteout 
 513  Blizzards 
 514  The blob that ate everyone 
 515  A Blossom promise 
 516  The Blossoms and the Green Phantom 
 517  The Blossoms meet the vulture lady 
 518  Blow me a kiss, Miss Lilly 
 519  Blue moose 
 520  Blue skies, french fries 
 521  Blue skies, french fries 
 522  Blue Skin of the Sea 
 523  Blueberries for Sal 
 524  Blues 
 525  Blues journey 
 526  BMW 
 527  Boards, skis & skates 
 528  Boats that float 
 529  Bob the Alien discovers the Dewey decimal system 
 530  Bobo, the troublemaker 
 531  Bogeymen don't play football 
 532  Bone dog 
 533  Bone-chilling myths 
 534  Bones on display 
 535  The Boneshaker 
 536  The Booford summer 
 537  Book 
 538  A book about God; 
 539  The Book of American Negro poetry 
 540  The book of pigericks : pig limericks 
 541  The book that ate my brother 
 542  Booked 
 543  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 544  Born to rock 
 545  The Borrowers afloat 
 546  Boston Celtics 
 547  Bottle of the planets 
 548  Boundless Grace 
 549  The boxes 
 550  Boxes 
 551  A boy and a jaguar 
 552  The boy and the ghost 
 553  The boy and the goats 
 554  A boy called Slow : the true story of Sitting Bull 
 555  Boy in the drawer 
 556  The boy of the three-year nap 
 557  The boy on Fairfield Street : how Ted Geisel grew up to become Dr. Seuss 
 558  The boy who didn't believe in spring. 
 559  The boy who harnessed the wind 
 560  The boy who loved words 
 561  The boy who wanted a family 
 562  Boy, were we wrong about the solar system! 
 563  Boy-crazy Stacey 
 564  Boys against girls 
 565  The brain on Quartz Mountain 
 566  Branches of government 
 567  Brand-new school, brave new Ruby 
 568  The bravest dog ever : the true story of Balto 
 569  Bravo! : poems about amazing Hispanics 
 570  Bread, bread, bread 
 571  A break with charity : a story about the Salem witch trials 
 572  Breaking boxes 
 573  The Bremen town musicians 
 574  The Bremen-town musicians 
 575  Brian Wildsmith's Mother Goose : a collection of nursery rhymes. 
 576  Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain ; : a Nandi tale 
 577  Britannica ImageQuest 
 578  Britannica School 
 579  The Broccoli tapes 
 580  The broken bike boy and the Queen of 33rd Street 
 581  Bronx masquerade 
 582  Bronzeville boys and girls 
 583  Brooklyn doesn't rhyme 
 584  Brown girl dreaming 
 585  Brownie & Pearl step out 
 586  Brush 
 587  Buddhism 
 588  The Buffalo Soldiers 
 589  Buffalo soldiers 
 590  Bug builders 
 591  The bug in teacher's coffee and other school poems 
 592  Bug out! : the world's creepiest, crawliest critters 
 593  Bug watching with Charles Henry Turner 
 594  Buglette the messy sleeper 
 595  Bugs 
 596  Bugs! 
 597  Build your own car, rocket, and other things that go 
 598  Building an igloo 
 599  Building shared responsibility for student learning 
 600  Building the Golden Gate Bridge 
 601  Bull riding 
 602  The bully from the Black Lagoon 
 603  Bunnicula : a rabbit-tale of mystery 
 604  The bunny hop 
 605  The buried bones mystery 
 606  The buried bones mystery 
 607  The burning questions of Bingo Brown 
 608  Busing Brewster 
 609  Busybody Nora 
 610  But and for, yet and nor : what is a conjunction? 
 611  But I read it on the internet! 
 612  Butterflies 
 613  Butterflies 
 614  Button up! : wrinkled rhymes 
 615  Buzz Beaker and the super fast car 
 616  Buzzing bees : discovering odd numbers 
 617  The cabin faced west 
 618  A cache of jewels : and other collective nouns 
 619  The cake that Mack ate 
 620  Cakes and miracles : a Purim tale 
 621  Caleb & Kate 
 622  Calico bush 
 623  California 
 624  The Callender papers 
 625  Calling the shots 
 626  Cam Jansen and the chocolate fudge mystery 
 627  Cam Jansen and the mystery at the haunted house 
 628  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the Babe Ruth baseball 
 629  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the carnival prize 
 630  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the circus clown 
 631  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the dinosaur bones 
 632  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the gold coins 
 633  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the monster movie 
 634  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the stolen corn popper 
 635  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the stolen diamonds 
 636  Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops mystery 
 637  Cam Newton : football star 
 638  Camaro 
 639  The camel who took a walk. 
 640  Camiones 
 641  Camp daze 
 642  Camp sink or swim 
 643  Campy : the story of Roy Campanella 
 644  Can do, Jenny Archer 
 645  Can I keep him? 
 646  Can we be friends? : buddy-building strategies 
 647  Can you keep a secret? 
 648  Can you tell a bee from a wasp? 
 649  Can you tell an alligator from a crocodile? 
 650  Can't you make them behave, King George? 
 651  Can't you sleep, Little Bear? 
 652  Candles, cakes, and donkey tails : birthday symbols and celebrations 
 653  Capoeira : game! dance! martial art! 
 654  Caps for sale 
 655  Caps For Sale 
 656  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys and their monkey business 
 657  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business 
 658  Captain Awesome and the trapdoor 
 659  Car : s|, se puede! 
 660  Card and coin magic to shock and amaze 
 661  The cardturner 
 662  Care Bears book of favorite bedtime stories 
 663  Careers in robot technology 
 664  Careers in self-driving car technology 
 665  Careers in wearable electronics 
 666  The Caribbean cruise caper 
 667  Carmen Sandiego. 
 668  Carmen Sandiego. : a graphic novel. 
 669  Carmen Sandiego. : a graphic novel. 
 670  Carmen Sandiego. : a graphic novel. 
 671  Carpenter 
 672  Carros 
 673  Carrot & pea : an unlikely friendship 
 674  Cars 
 675  Cars on Mars : roving the red planet 
 676  A case for Jenny Archer 
 677  The case from outer space 
 678  The case of the captured queen 
 679  The case of the double cross 
 680  The case of the elevator duck 
 681  The case of the scaredy cats, 
 682  The case of the spooky sleepover 
 683  The case of the vanishing fishhook 
 684  Casey Jones 
 685  Cash, credit cards, or checks : a book about payment methods 
 686  Cassie Binegar 
 687  Cassie's journey : going West in the 1860s 
 688  The castle in the attic 
 689  The cat in the hat 
 690  The Cat in the Hat beginner book dictionary in Spanish 
 691  Cat walk 
 692  The cat who lost his purr 
 693  The Cat's elbow and other secret languages 
 694  The cat's quizzer 
 695  Catch Me Catch Me 
 696  Catch that cat! 
 697  Catching fire 
 698  The caterpillar and the polliwog 
 699  Cathy Williams, Buffalo Soldier 
 700  Cats 
 701  Cats' letters to Santa 
 702  Cave boy 
 703  Cave-in, St. Claire, Pennsylvania, 1859 
 704  The cay. 
 705  Cecile's gift 
 706  Celebrate Halloween and the Day of the Dead with Cristina and her blue bunny 
 707  Celebrate! : connections among cultures 
 708  Celebrations 
 709  The celery stalks at midnight 
 710  Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa 
 711  Cesar Chavez : champion for civil rights 
 712  Cetiosaurus and other dinosaurs and reptiles from the middle Jurassic 
 713  The Challenger explosion 
 714  The Challenger space shuttle explosion 
 715  The champ : the story of Muhammad Ali 
 716  Champion Rose 
 717  Changes for Kirsten : a winter story 
 718  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 719  Changing Woman and her sisters : stories of goddesses from around the world  
 720  Chanticleer and the fox. 
 721  Charles Drew : pioneer in medicine 
 722  Charles Lindbergh 
 723  Charlie Anderson 
 724  Charlie Muffin's miracle mouse 
 725  Charlotte and the white horse. 
 726  Charlotte's Web 
 727  Chato's kitchen 
 728  Cheer careers 
 729  Cheer gear 
 730  Cheer skills and drills 
 731  Chef 
 732  Chef 
 733  Chester 
 734  Chester Raccoon and the big bad bully 
 735  Chester the wordly pig. 
 736  Chevrolet corvette 
 737  The Cheyenne 
 738  Cheyenne Rose 
 739  Chicago Bulls 
 740  The chick and the duckling 
 741  Chicken soup with rice; : a book of months. 
 742  The Chicken Squad : the first misadventure 
 743  Chicken Sunday 
 744  Child of the civil rights movement 
 745  A child's book of prayers 
 746  A child's introduction to the night sky : the story of the stars, planets, and constellations, and how you can find them in the sky 
 747  A child's introduction to the world : geography, cultures, and people : from the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall of China 
 748  Children of God storybook Bible 
 749  The children's Homer : the adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy 
 750  Children's world atlas 
 751  A Chinese cookbook for kids 
 752  The Chinese mirror 
 753  Chinese mythology 
 754  Chinese New Year 
 755  Chita's Christmas tree 
 756  The chocolate touch 
 757  The Choctaw 
 758  Choosing your pet 
 759  Choppers 
 760  Chris Rock 
 761  Christmas 
 762  Christmas 
 763  A Christmas carol 
 764  A Christmas carol 
 765  Christmas decorations for you to make. 
 766  Christmas in Noisy Village 
 767  Christmas in the barn. 
 768  Christmas in the big house, Christmas in the quarters 
 769  The Christmas miracle of Jonathan Toomey 
 770  Christmas mouse. 
 771  The Christmas quiet book 
 772  The Christmas spurs 
 773  The Christmas strangers 
 774  The Christmas witch 
 775  Christopher Davis's best year yet 
 776  Christopher Paul Curtis : an author kids love 
 777  Chrysanthemum 
 778  Cinderella 
 779  Cinderella at the ball 
 780  Cinderella bigfoot 
 781  Cinderella's rat 
 782  Cinderella; : or, The little glass slipper. 
 783  Circle of gold 
 784  Circles, triangles, and squares. 
 785  Circus 
 786  The circus baby, 
 787  City 1 2 3 
 788  City beats : a hip-hoppy pigeon poem 
 789  The Civil Rights Movement : the history of Black people in America, 1930-1980 
 790  The Civil Rights Movement in America : from 1865 to the present 
 791  The Civil Rights Movement in America from 1865 to the present 
 792  The Civil War 
 793  The Civil War and Reconstruction : a history of Black people in America, 1830-1880 
 794  Civil-rights activists 
 795  Clara and the bookwagon 
 796  Clara Lee and the apple pie dream 
 797  Class act 
 798  Class clown 
 799  Class pets 
 800  Classes are canceled! 
 801  Classic myths to read aloud : the great stories of Greek & Roman mythology 
 802  Classroom management that works : research-based strategies for every teacher 
 803  Claudette Colvin : twice toward justice 
 804  Claudia and mean Janine 
 805  Claudia and the bad joke 
 806  Claudia and the genius of Elm Street 
 807  Claudia and the new girl 
 808  Claudia and the phantom phone calls 
 809  Claudia and the sad good-bye 
 810  Clementine, Friend of the Week 
 811  Clifford's Big Dictionary 
 812  Clifford's Christmas 
 813  Clifford's first Valentine's Day 
 814  Clifford's good deeds 
 815  Clifford's Halloween 
 816  Clifford's happy Easter 
 817  Climates 
 818  Climbing Kansas mountains 
 819  Climbing Lincoln's steps : the African American journey 
 820  The clock struck one : a time-telling tale 
 821  Clouds 
 822  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 823  Clown fish and sea anemones work together 
 824  Clowns and dragons! 
 825  Coding with ScratchJr 
 826  The cold & hot winter 
 827  Cold case file : murder in the mountains 
 828  Cold river : a novel 
 829  Colin Powell 
 830  Collecting 
 831  Colonial America : an interactive history adventure 
 832  Colonial life in America. 
 833  A color of his own 
 834  Colorado 
 835  Colored pencils 
 836  Colors 
 837  Columbus Day 
 838  Columbus Day 
 839  The Comanche 
 840  Combat sports 
 841  Come along! 
 842  Come away from the water, Shirley 
 843  Come back, Amelia Bedelia 
 844  Come next spring 
 845  Come on, rain! 
 846  Come play with me 
 847  Come sing, Jimmy Jo 
 848  Come to school, dear dragon 
 849  The comeback dog 
 850  Comets, asteroids, and meteoroids 
 851  Coming on home soon 
 852  Commander Toad in space 
 853  Commercial Appeal 
 854  Communication 
 855  Community needs : meeting needs and wants in communities 
 856  Community plans : making choices about money in communities 
 857  Community resources : the land and the people in communities 
 858  Community rules : making and changing rules and laws in communities 
 859  Community space : how land and weather shape communities 
 860  Community spirit : symbols of citizenship in communities 
 861  The computer 
 862  The computer nut 
 863  Computer programming : from Ada Lovelace to Mark Zuckerberg 
 864  Concrete Mixers 
 865  Congratulations, Miss Malarkey! 
 866  Conjure tales, 
 867  Connecticut 
 868  The Constitution 
 869  The contemporary age 
 870  The continents 
 871  Cook-a-doodle-doo! 
 872  Cookies : bite-size life lessons 
 873  Cooking with STEAM 
 874  Cool cake mix cupcakes : fun & easy baking recipes for kids! 
 875  Cool chicken recipes : main dishes for beginning chefs 
 876  Cool cookies & bars : easy recipes for kids to bake 
 877  Cool cooking up chili : beyond the basics for kids who cook 
 878  Cool crafts with flowers, leaves, and twigs : green projects for resourceful kids 
 879  Cool creepy food art : easy recipes that make food fun to eat! 
 880  Cool engine & motor projects : fun & creative workshop activities 
 881  Cool healthy muffins : fun & easy baking recipes for kids! 
 882  Cool holiday parties : perfect party planning for kids 
 883  Cool outdoor activities : great things to do in the great outdoors 
 884  Cool sports parties : perfect party planning for kids 
 885  Cool theme parties : perfect party planning for kids 
 886  Cool! whoa! ah and oh! : what is an interjection? 
 887  Coraline 
 888  Corduroy 
 889  Coretta Scott 
 890  Coretta Scott King 
 891  Coretta Scott King : dare to dream : Coretta Scott King and the civil rights movement 
 892  Coretta Scott King : first lady of civil rights 
 893  Coretta Scott King Award books : using great literature with children and young adults 
 894  Cornrows 
 895  Cory Coleman, grade 2 
 896  The Cosmobiography of Sun Ra : the sound of joy is enlightening 
 897  Cottontail rabbit, 
 898  Could be worse! 
 899  Count your chickens 
 900  Count your chickens 
 901  Countdown to Christmas, 
 902  Counting crocodiles 
 903  The counting race 
 904  The country bunny and the little gold shoes, as told to Jenifer 
 905  The cow that got her wish 
 906  Coyote and the fire stick : a Pacific Northwest Indian tale 
 907  Cranberry birthday 
 908  Cranberry Christmas 
 909  Cranberry Easter 
 910  Cranberry Halloween 
 911  Cranberry summer 
 912  Cranberry Thanksgiving 
 913  Cranes 
 914  Creating effective schools : an in-service program for enhancing school learning climate and achievement 
 915  Creative podcast producers 
 916  Creatures in a dark cave 
 917  The Cree 
 918  Creepy urban legends 
 919  Cricket and the crackerbox kid 
 920  Crictor 
 921  Crinkleroot's 25 birds every child should know 
 922  Crinkleroot's guide to knowing animal habitats 
 923  Crinkleroot's guide to knowing butterflies and moths 
 924  Crinkleroot's guide to knowing the birds 
 925  Crispus Attucks and the Boston Massacre 
 926  A crooked kind of perfect 
 927  Cross your fingers, spit in your hat; : superstitions and other beliefs. 
 928  The crossover 
 929  Crow call 
 930  Crown : an ode to the fresh cut 
 931  Cuckoo feathers 
 932  Cuckoo, cuckoo : a folktale from Mexico 
 933  Curious George 
 934  Curious George discovers germs 
 935  Curious George discovers plants 
 936  Curious George discovers recycling 
 937  Curious George discovers space 
 938  Curious George discovers the ocean 
 939  Curious George discovers the seasons 
 940  Curious George discovers the senses 
 941  Curious George gets a medal 
 942  Curious George visits the zoo 
 943  Custard the dragon. 
 944  Cyclops doesn't roller-skate 
 945  D is for drinking gourd : an African American alphabet 
 946  D-Day : the Allies strike back during World War II 
 947  Dad goes to school 
 948  Daddy calls me man 
 949  Daily Memphian 
 950  Daisy's perfect word 
 951  The Dallas Cowboys story 
 952  The Dallas Titans get ready for bed 
 953  Dance 
 954  Dancing 
 955  Dancing diva 
 956  Dancing in the wings 
 957  Dancing Larry 
 958  Dancing on the table 
 959  Dancing queen 
 960  Dandelions 
 961  Danger in the desert 
 962  Daniel plays ball 
 963  Danny and the dinosaur 
 964  Danny's drawing book 
 965  Danny, the champion of the world 
 966  Daphne's book 
 967  Dar and the spear-thrower 
 968  The daring book for girls 
 969  Daring dogs 
 970  Darius & Twig 
 971  The dark is rising. 
 972  Dark life 
 973  Dark shadows : yes, another misadventure 
 974  The dark-thirty : Southern tales of the supernatural 
 975  Darkness and the butterfly 
 976  Data analysis for continuous school improvement 
 977  Date with disaster : an original graphic novel 
 978  Dave the potter : artist, poet, slave 
 979  David and the giant 
 980  David gets in trouble 
 981  David goes to school 
 982  Dawn and the big sleepover 
 983  Dawn and the impossible three 
 984  Dawn and the older boy 
 985  Dawn on the coast 
 986  Dawn's big date 
 987  Dawn's wicked stepsister 
 988  Day by day with Taylor Swift 
 989  The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash 
 990  A day no pigs would die 
 991  The day the crayons quit 
 992  The day the goose got loose 
 993  The day Tiger Rose said good-bye 
 994  The day you begin 
 995  Daydreamers 
 996  Days of slavery 
 997  Days on the farm 
 998  Days to celebrate : a full year of poetry, people, holidays, history, fascinating facts, and more 
 999  Days with Frog and Toad 
 1000  The dazzling book report 
 1001  A dazzling display of dogs : concrete poems 
 1002  De pesca en el lago encantado 
 1003  The dead man in Indian Creek 
 1004  Deadly! : the truth about the most dangerous creatures on Earth 
 1005  A deal's a deal! 
 1006  Dear Benjamin Banneker 
 1007  Dear Mr. Henshaw/ 
 1008  The dear old briar-patch /  
 1009  Dear Peter Rabbit 
 1010  Dearly, nearly, insincerely : what is an adverb? 
 1011  A deck of monsters 
 1012  The Declaration of Independence 
 1013  Deep and dark and dangerous : a ghost story 
 1014  Deep dive! 
 1015  The deep end 
 1016  Deep in the forest 
 1017  Deepwater disaster 
 1018  Delaware 
 1019  Delivering justice : W.W. Law and the fight for civil rights 
 1020  Deltas 
 1021  Dental hygienist 
 1022  Dentists 
 1023  Denzel Washington 
 1024  Derek Jeter 
 1025  Desert biomes around the world 
 1026  The desert is theirs 
 1027  Deserts 
 1028  Design teams for school change : a cyberprojects approach 
 1029  Devastated by a volcano! 
 1030  Devil's donkey 
 1031  The devil's tail : based on an old French legend 
 1032  Dewey There's a Cat in the Library 
 1033  Diana Ross 
 1034  Diana: / : the people's princess 
 1035  Diary of a wimpy kid : Greg Heffley's journal 
 1036  Diary of a wimpy kid : Rodrick rules 
 1037  Dicey's song 
 1038  Dick Whittington and his cat; 
 1039  Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? 
 1040  Did you carry the flag today, Charley?  
 1041  Different dragons 
 1042  Differentiated assessment strategies : one tool doesn't fit all 
 1043  Differentiation in practice : a resource guide for differentiating curriculum, grades 5-9 
 1044  Differentiation in Practice : A Resource Guide for Differentiating Curriculum, Grades K-5. 
 1045  Digging up dinosaurs 
 1046  Din dan don, it's Christmas 
 1047  Dinah forever 
 1048  Dinosaur babies 
 1049  Dinosaur round-up 
 1050  The dinosaur who lived in my backyard 
 1051  Dinosaur Woods : can seven clever critters save their forest home? 
 1052  Dinosaurs 
 1053  Dinosaurs, dinosaurs 
 1054  Dinothesaurus : prehistoric poems and paintings 
 1055  Dirt bikes 
 1056  Dirty Gert 
 1057  Disaster search dogs 
 1058  Discover Chesapeake Bay 
 1059  Discovering African American art for children 
 1060  Discovering coral reefs 
 1061  Discovering mountains 
 1062  Discovering rain forests 
 1063  Discovering the Arctic tundra 
 1064  Discovering the tropical savanna 
 1065  Discovering wetlands 
 1066  Disney Kingdoms : seekers of the weird #1 
 1067  The Diverting adventures of Tom Thumb : a picture book. 
 1068  Divide and ride 
 1069  Dizzy 
 1070  Dizzy dinosaurs : silly dino poems 
 1071  Django 
 1072  The DK nature encyclopedia. 
 1073  Do pigs sit in trees? 
 1074  Do the math : secrets, lies, and algebra 
 1075  Do unto otters : a book about manners 
 1076  Doctor 
 1077  Doctor De Soto 
 1078  Does a kangaroo have a mother, too? 
 1079  Dog days 
 1080  Dog diaries : a Middle school story 
 1081  Dog finds lost dolphins! : and more true stories of amazing animal heroes 
 1082  Dog Friday 
 1083  A dog on Barkham Street 
 1084  The doggonest Christmas 
 1085  The doggonest puppy love 
 1086  The doggonest vacation 
 1087  Dogs : all the canine facts, photos, and fun that you can get your paws on! 
 1088  Dogs and cats 
 1089  Dogs don't wear sneakers 
 1090  Dogs' letters to Santa 
 1091  The doll in the garden : a ghost story 
 1092  A Dolphin named Bob 
 1093  Dolphins at daybreak 
 1094  Don't be a bully 
 1095  Don't call me Toad! 
 1096  Don't forget the bacon! 
 1097  Donavan's double trouble 
 1098  Doodling, drawing & creating 
 1099  Doorway to darkness 
 1100  Doppler radar, satellites, and computer models : the science of weather forecasting 
 1101  Double dog dare 
 1102  Double Dutch 
 1103  Double Play : Monkeying Around With Addition. 
 1104  Double play at short 
 1105  Double trouble 
 1106  The Doubleday book of famous Americans 
 1107  Down the mountain; : a book about the ever-changing soil. 
 1108  Down Tumbledown Mountain. 
 1109  A dozen dogs : a read-and-count story 
 1110  Dr. Dredd's wagon of wonders 
 1111  Dr. Snow has got to go! 
 1112  Dracula doesn't drink lemonade 
 1113  Dragon overnight 
 1114  Dragon Parade : a Chinese New Year story 
 1115  Dragonflies 
 1116  Dragons 
 1117  Dragons don't cook pizza 
 1118  Dragons love tacos 
 1119  The drained brains caper 
 1120  Drake 
 1121  Drama at Dungeon Rock 
 1122  Draw 50 princesses : the step-by-step way to draw Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and many more--- 
 1123  Draw and share 
 1124  Drawing Tennessee's sights and symbols 
 1125  Drawing words & writing pictures : making comics : manga graphic novels, and beyond 
 1126  Drawing your pets 
 1127  Dream big dreams : photographs from Barack Obama's inspiring and historic presidency 
 1128  The dream-tastic story collection. 
 1129  Dreams. 
 1130  Drive-by 
 1131  Drones 
 1132  Drones 
 1133  Drones 
 1134  Droughts 
 1135  The drug-alert dictionary and resource guide 
 1136  Drummer Hoff. 
 1137  Duck for Turkey Day 
 1138  Duke Ellington 
 1139  Duke Ellington 
 1140  Duke Ellington : jazz composer 
 1141  Duke Ellington: king of jazz. 
 1142  Duncan & Dolores 
 1143  Dungeon crawl! 
 1144  Dunkel takes a walk 
 1145  Dust bowl! : the 1930s black blizzards 
 1146  Dwight Howard 
 1147  Dwight Howard : superman of basketball 
 1148  Dwyane Wade 
 1149  Dying to meet you 
 1150  E-I-E-I-O! : how Old MacDonald got his farm (with a little help from a hen) 
 1151  Each Kindness 
 1152  Each orange had 8 slices : a counting book 
 1153  Eagles 
 1154  Earth 
 1155  Earth Day-hooray! 
 1156  Earthquake in Haiti 
 1157  Earthquake in the third grade 
 1158  Earthquake! 
 1159  Earthquake! : the 1906 San Francisco nightmare 
 1160  Earthworms; 
 1161  The Easter bear 
 1162  The Easter cat 
 1163  Eating the alphabet : fruits and vegetables from A to Z 
 1164  Ecosystems and food chains 
 1165  Ed Emberley's drawing book : make a world. 
 1166  Eddie, incorporated 
 1167  The edge of next year 
 1168  An Edible Alphabet : 26 Reasons to Love the Farm. 
 1169  Edie changes her mind;  
 1170  Edith herself 
 1171  Educating everybody's children : diverse teaching strategies for diverse learners : what research and practice say about improving achievement 
 1172  Edwin speaks up 
 1173  Egg to chick, 
 1174  Eggs, legs, wings : a butterfly life cycle 
 1175  The Egypt Game 
 1176  Egyptian mythology 
 1177  El gato ensombrerado 
 1178  Elbert's bad word 
 1179  Eleanor Roosevelt 
 1180  Electric vehicles 
 1181  Electrician 
 1182  Electricity 
 1183  Electricity in your life. 
 1184  Elephants 
 1185  Elephants 
 1186  Elephants 
 1187  Elijah of Buxton 
 1188  Elisabeth and the marsh mystery 
 1189  Ellen Craft's escape from slavery 
 1190  Ellen Tebbits 
 1191  Ellen's broom 
 1192  Ellie McDoodle : have pen, will travel 
 1193  EllRay Jakes is a rock star! 
 1194  EllRay Jakes is not a chicken! 
 1195  Ellray Jakes walks the plank! 
 1196  Elmer 
 1197  Elmer and the big bird 
 1198  Eloise; : a book for precocious grown ups. 
 1199  The Elves and the shoemaker 
 1200  Emergency at Three Mile Island 
 1201  Emma 
 1202  Emma Dilemma and the new nanny 
 1203  Emma Dilemma and the new nanny 
 1204  Emmett's pig. 
 1205  The Emperor and the drummer boy. 
 1206  An enchanted hair tale 
 1207  Encyclopedia Brown carries on 
 1208  Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace 
 1209  Encyclopedia Brown's book of wacky spies 
 1210  Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective 
 1211  Encyclopedia of Black America 
 1212  The end of Orson Eerie? 
 1213  Endangered and extinct birds 
 1214  Endangered animals 
 1215  Endangered rhinos 
 1216  Enemies of slavery 
 1217  Enemy pie 
 1218  The entrance place of wonders : poems of the Harlem Renaissance 
 1219  Environmental engineering in the real world 
 1220  Environmentalist 
 1221  Environments 
 1222  Erased by a tornado! 
 1223  The Erie Canal. 
 1224  Ernestine & Amanda 
 1225  Ernestine & Amanda, members of the C.L.U.B. 
 1226  Escape from fire mountain 
 1227  Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's library 
 1228  Esquivel! : space-age sound artist 
 1229  The everlasting now 
 1230  Everyday conservation 
 1231  Everyday people. 
 1232  Everyone knows what a dragon looks like. 
 1233  Excuses! 
 1234  Exploration & empire : empire-builders, European expansion & the development of science 
 1235  Explore Africa 
 1236  Explore Antarctica 
 1237  Explore Australia and Oceania 
 1238  Explore Europe 
 1239  Explore North America 
 1240  Explore South America 
 1241  The explorer of Barkham Street 
 1242  Extra credit 
 1243  Extra credit 
 1244  Extraordinary Black Americans from colonial to contemporary times 
 1245  Extraordinary bridges : the science of how and why they were built 
 1246  Extraordinary buildings : the science of how and why they were built 
 1247  The Exxon Valdez's deadly oil spill 
 1248  Fables 
 1249  Fables of Aesop; 
 1250  Fabulous frisbee 
 1251  Facing west : a story of the Oregon Trail 
 1252  Facts and Fiction of Minna Pratt, The 
 1253  The facts and fictions of Minna Pratt 
 1254  The fairy tale book 
 1255  Fairy tales from Vietnam. 
 1256  Faith, hope, and chicken feathers 
 1257  Faith, hope, and Ivy June 
 1258  The faithful friend 
 1259  The falcon's feathers 
 1260  Fall 
 1261  Fall is here 
 1262  Familiar quotations. 
 1263  Families 
 1264  The family under the bridge. 
 1265  Famous paintings; : an introduction to art. 
 1266  Fancy Nancy and the too-loose tooth 
 1267  Fancy Nancy at the museum 
 1268  Fancy Nancy Ohh La La! Its Beauty Day 
 1269  Fancy party gowns : the story of fashion designer Ann Cole Lowe 
 1270  The Fantastic 5 & 10 cent store : a rebus adventure 
 1271  Fantastic Mr. Fox 
 1272  The fantastic undersea life of Jacques Cousteau 
 1273  Far-out guide to asteroids and comets 
 1274  Far-out guide to Earth 
 1275  Far-out guide to Jupiter 
 1276  Far-out guide to Mars 
 1277  Far-out guide to Mercury 
 1278  Far-out guide to Saturn 
 1279  Far-out guide to the icy dwarf planets 
 1280  Far-out guide to the moon 
 1281  Far-out guide to the sun 
 1282  Farm animals 
 1283  Farmer Palmer's wagon ride. 
 1284  Farmyard beat 
 1285  Fashion designer 
 1286  Fast forwards 
 1287  Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff 
 1288  Fat free : common sense for young weight worriers 
 1289  Father Bear comes home 
 1290  Fatty legs : a true story 
 1291  Favorite Greek myths 
 1292  Fear the amoeba 
 1293  Feast for 10 
 1294  Feasts in ancient times 
 1295  Feet and puppies, thieves and guppies : what are irregular plurals? 
 1296  Felix's hat 
 1297  Fibble : the fourth circle of Heck 
 1298  The field day from the Black Lagoon 
 1299  Field trip fiasco 
 1300  Fiesta! : Cinco de mayo 
 1301  Figgs & phantoms. 
 1302  The fighting ground 
 1303  The final four 
 1304  Find the right site 
 1305  Find your way with atlases 
 1306  Finders keepers, 
 1307  Finders keepers? : a true story 
 1308  Finding Lincoln 
 1309  Finding out about shapes 
 1310  Finding shapes with Sebastian Pig and friends at the museum 
 1311  Finding the artist within : creating and reading visual texts in the English language arts classroom 
 1312  A fine white dust 
 1313  Finn 
 1314  Fire investigator 
 1315  Fire! : the beginnings of the labor movement 
 1316  Firebird : ballerina Misty Copeland shows a young girl how to dance like the firebird 
 1317  Firefighters at work 
 1318  The firehouse mystery 
 1319  The first book of ancient Greece. 
 1320  The first Christmas. 
 1321  First facts about the American frontier 
 1322  The first flight : the story of the Wright brothers 
 1323  The first four years. 
 1324  First ladies 
 1325  The first moon landing 
 1326  First night : an unofficial Minecraft adventure 
 1327  First shapes in buildings 
 1328  Fish for supper 
 1329  Fish had a wish 
 1330  Fish is fish. 
 1331  The fisherman and his wife, 
 1332  Fishes 
 1333  Fishing day 
 1334  Fishing with dad. 
 1335  Five little monkeys trick-or-treat 
 1336  Five silly fishermen 
 1337  Fix-it 
 1338  Flag Day 
 1339  A flag for our country 
 1340  Flat broke 
 1341  Flecha al sol : un cuento de los indios Pueblo 
 1342  Flesh-eating machines : maggots in the food chain 
 1343  Flies 
 1344  Flip : story and pictures 
 1345  The flood disaster 
 1346  Flood! 
 1347  Flood! : the 1993 midwest downpours 
 1348  Floods! 
 1349  Florence Griffith Joyner : dazzling Olympian 
 1350  Florida 
 1351  Flossie & the fox 
 1352  Flossie and the Fox 
 1353  Flotsam 
 1354  Flower, moon, snow : a book of haiku 
 1355  Flowers and trees. 
 1356  Flowers, leaves, and other plant parts 
 1357  The flunking of Joshua T. Bates 
 1358  Fly away home 
 1359  Fly Guy presents bats 
 1360  Fly Guy presents dinosaurs 
 1361  Fly Guy presents insects 
 1362  Fly Guy presents sharks 
 1363  Fly Guy presents snakes 
 1364  Fly Guy presents weather 
 1365  Fly Guy's ninja Christmas 
 1366  Fly high, Fly Guy! 
 1367  Flygirl 
 1368  Flying ace : the story of Amelia Earhart 
 1369  A flying birthday cake? 
 1370  A flying saucer full of spaghetti. 
 1371  Focus on alcohol 
 1372  Focus on cocaine and crack : a drug-alert book 
 1373  Focus on drugs and the brain 
 1374  Focus on hallucinogens 
 1375  Focus on marijuana 
 1376  Focus on medicines 
 1377  Focus on nicotine and caffeine 
 1378  Follow the drinking gourd 
 1379  Follow the line to school 
 1380  Follow the money! 
 1381  Follow the monsters! 
 1382  Food & natural resources : exploring career pathways 
 1383  Food fight! 
 1384  Food for thought : the complete book of concepts for growing minds 
 1385  The fool of the world and the flying ship; : a Russian tale, 
 1386  Foolish rabbit's big mistake 
 1387  Football 
 1388  Football 
 1389  Football 
 1390  Football 
 1391  Football safety 
 1392  For good measure : the ways we say how much, how far, how heavy, how big, how old 
 1393  Forensic scientist 
 1394  Forest biomes around the world 
 1395  Forever Amber Brown 
 1396  Forge 
 1397  Fortnite 
 1398  Fortunately 
 1399  The fortune-tellers 
 1400  Forty acres and maybe a mule 
 1401  Four good friends 
 1402  The fourteenth goldfish 
 1403  The fourth grade wizards 
 1404  Fourth-Grade Celebrity 
 1405  Fox on the job 
 1406  The Fox went out on a chilly night : an old song 
 1407  Foxes 
 1408  The Foxwood kidnap 
 1409  Fractions 
 1410  Fractions = trouble! 
 1411  Fractions, decimals, and percents 
 1412  France : the culture and recipes of France 
 1413  Francis Scott Key, poet and patriot. 
 1414  Frankencrayon 
 1415  Frankie is staying back 
 1416  Franklin in the dark 
 1417  Freak the mighty 
 1418  Fred and Ted's road trip 
 1419  Frederick Douglass 
 1420  Frederick Douglass : leader against slavery 
 1421  Frederick Douglass : the lion who wrote history 
 1422  Frederick Douglass and the abolitionist movement 
 1423  Frederick. 
 1424  Freedom in Congo Square 
 1425  Freedom over me : eleven slaves, their lives and dreams brought to life 
 1426  Freedom song : the story of Henry "Box" Brown 
 1427  Freedom songs : a tale of the Underground Railroad 
 1428  Freight train 
 1429  French 
 1430  A French cookbook for kids 
 1431  A friend for dear dragon 
 1432  A friend like that 
 1433  Friend or frog 
 1434  Friends 
 1435  The friendship 
 1436  The friendship doll 
 1437  Fritz and the beautiful horses 
 1438  Frizzy the Fearful 
 1439  Frog and Toad all year 
 1440  Frog and Toad are friends 
 1441  Frog and Toad together 
 1442  The frog prince 
 1443  The frog prince 
 1444  From footpaths to freeways; : the story of roads. 
 1445  From grain to bread 
 1446  From hero to zero 
 1447  From Miss Ida's porch 
 1448  From pictures to words : a book about making a book 
 1449  From seed to plant 
 1450  From seed to pumpkin 
 1451  From slave ship to freedom road 
 1452  Front desk 
 1453  Frozen fire 
 1454  Fruit flies, fish & fortune cookies 
 1455  Fuegos arrasadores = : Wildfires 
 1456  Full STEAM baseball : science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics of the game 
 1457  Full STEAM basketball : science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics of the game 
 1458  Full STEAM football : science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics of the game 
 1459  Fun days 
 1460  Fun facts about snakes! 
 1461  Fun house of evil 
 1462  Fun with physics 
 1463  Funding the nation 
 1464  Fungi : mushrooms, toadstools, molds, yeasts, and other fungi 
 1465  The funny baby 
 1466  The funny little woman 
 1467  A furl of fairy wind : four stories 
 1468  The furry news : how to make a newspaper 
 1469  Gabby Douglas 
 1470  The gadget war 
 1471  Galaxies 
 1472  Galimoto 
 1473  Games around the world 
 1474  Garth Pig and the icecream lady 
 1475  Garvey's choice 
 1476  The Gates of the Wind 
 1477  George and Martha 
 1478  George Washington ( People of Character) 
 1479  George Washington Carver : planting ideas 
 1480  George Washington Carver : the peanut scientist 
 1481  George Washington's breakfast. 
 1482  George Washington's socks 
 1483  Georgia 
 1484  Georgia music 
 1485  Geraldine's blanket 
 1486  Germs make me sick! 
 1487  Get to bed, Ren! 
 1488  Get to the right site 
 1489  Ghast in the machine! 
 1490  The ghost at Dawn's house 
 1491  The ghost belonged to me : a novel 
 1492  Ghost brother 
 1493  Ghost camp 
 1494  The ghost in Room 11 
 1495  Ghost Island 
 1496  A ghost named Fred 
 1497  A ghost tale for Christmas time 
 1498  Ghost town at sundown 
 1499  Ghost writer 
 1500  The ghost-eye tree 
 1501  Ghoulish ghost stories 
 1502  The giant germ 
 1503  Giant squid 
 1504  The gift of the pirate queen 
 1505  Gila monster! 
 1506  Gila monsters meet you at the airport 
 1507  Gimme shelter : misadventures and misinformation 
 1508  Giraffes 
 1509  A girl like me. 
 1510  A girl named Hillary : the true story of Hillary D. R. Clinton 
 1511  The girl who circumnavigated Fairyland in a ship of her own making 
 1512  The girl who drank the moon 
 1513  The girl who loved wild horses 
 1514  The girl who never made mistakes 
 1515  The girl with a mind for math : the story of Raye Montague 
 1516  The girl's guide to wizards : everything magical about these spellbinders. 
 1517  Girls play basketball 
 1518  Give me half! 
 1519  The giving tree 
 1520  The glass bottle tree 
 1521  A glass slipper for Rosie 
 1522  Go away, stay away! 
 1523  Go to sleep, dear dragon 
 1524  The goat in the rug 
 1525  The gobble-uns'll git you ef you don't watch out. 
 1526  God made the world. 
 1527  Goin' someplace special 
 1528  Goin' someplace special 
 1529  The gold Cadillac 
 1530  The golden egg book. 
 1531  The golden glove 
 1532  The golden goose 
 1533  Golden State Warriors 
 1534  The golden touch. 
 1535  Golem 
 1536  The Golem: a Jewish legend. 
 1537  The gollywhopper egg 
 1538  Gone crazy in Alabama 
 1539  Good books, good times! 
 1540  A good day 
 1541  Good Grief... Third Grade 
 1542  A good kind of trouble 
 1543  Good masters! Sweet ladies : voices from a medieval village 
 1544  Good morning, chick 
 1545  The good-bye book 
 1546  Good-bye Stacey, good-bye 
 1547  Goodnight moon 
 1548  Goose on the loose 
 1549  Gooseberry Park 
 1550  Gordon Parks: Black photographer and film maker. 
 1551  Gorillas 
 1552  The gospel Cinderella 
 1553  Government for kids : citizenship to governance : state and federal public administration. 
 1554  Grace at Christmas 
 1555  Grace the pirate 
 1556  Grandfather Tang's story 
 1557  Grandma's scrapbook 
 1558  Grandmama's pride 
 1559  Grandpappy 
 1560  Granny Torrelli makes soup 
 1561  The grapes of math : mind stretching math riddles 
 1562  The grapes of math : mind-stretching math riddles 
 1563  Graphing with pets 
 1564  Grasshoppers 
 1565  Grassland biomes around the world 
 1566  Grasslands 
 1567  The graveyard book 
 1568  The great bamboozlement 
 1569  The great big enormous turnip 
 1570  Great Brain at the Academy, The 
 1571  Great careers in education 
 1572  Great careers in engineering 
 1573  Great careers in health care 
 1574  Great careers in music 
 1575  Great careers in nature 
 1576  Great careers in science 
 1577  Great careers in sports 
 1578  Great careers in technology 
 1579  Great careers in writing 
 1580  Great careers working with animals 
 1581  The great Chicago fire 
 1582  The great Gilly Hopkins 
 1583  The Great Migration : journey to the North 
 1584  The great wall of Lucy Wu 
 1585  The greedy triangle 
 1586  The Greek and Roman eras 
 1587  Greek cities 
 1588  The Green book 
 1589  Green pants 
 1590  Green thirteen 
 1591  Greetings, Asia! 
 1592  Gregory, the terrible eater 
 1593  The grey lady and the strawberry snatcher 
 1594  Gritty, stinky ancient Egypt : the disgusting details about life in ancient Egypt 
 1595  Grizzwold 
 1596  The grouchy ladybug 
 1597  Growing a garden 
 1598  Growing a garden indoors or out 
 1599  Growing flowers 
 1600  Growing vegetables 
 1601  The growing-up feet 
 1602  The grumpus under the rug 
 1603  Grumpy monkey. 
 1604  The grumpy pets 
 1605  Grumpy pumpkins 
 1606  Gráficas de barras = : Bar graphs 
 1607  Guided comprehension : a teaching model for grades 3-8 
 1608  Guided comprehension in the primary grades 
 1609  The guided reading kidstation model : making instruction meaningful for the whole class 
 1610  Guinness world records 2012 
 1611  Guitars & bass 
 1612  Gung hay fat choy = : Happy new year 
 1613  Guyku : a year of haiku for boys 
 1614  Gymnastics 
 1615  Habitat clashes 
 1616  Habitats 
 1617  Habitats 
 1618  Habitats 
 1619  The Haida 
 1620  Hair dance! 
 1621  Hair-care millionaire : Madam C.J. Walker and her amazing business 
 1622  Haiti 
 1623  The Half-a-Moon Inn 
 1624  The hall monitors are fired! 
 1625  Halloween 
 1626  Halloween howls : holiday poetry 
 1627  Hallowilloween : nefarious silliness 
 1628  Hamlet and cheese 
 1629  Hamlet and cheese 
 1630  Hammered by a heat wave! 
 1631  A handbook for classroom instruction that works 
 1632  Handicrafts for holidays, 
 1633  The handkerchief quilt 
 1634  Handmade Christmas crafts 
 1635  Hannah 
 1636  Hansel and Gretel 
 1637  Hansel and Gretel 
 1638  Hanukkah 
 1639  Hanukkah : festivals and holidays 
 1640  Happy birthday to you! 
 1641  Happy birthday, Cookie Monster! 
 1642  Happy birthday, dear duck 
 1643  Happy birthday, Kirsten! : a springtime story 
 1644  Happy birthday, Molly! : a springtime story 
 1645  Happy birthday, moon 
 1646  Happy birthday, Samantha! : a springtime story 
 1647  Happy birthday, Superman! 
 1648  Happy birthday, Thomas! 
 1649  The happy day; 
 1650  Happy go ducky 
 1651  Happy haunting! 
 1652  The happy Hocky family! 
 1653  Harbor me 
 1654  The hare and the tortoise. 
 1655  Harlem 
 1656  Harlequin and the gift of many colors, 
 1657  Harold and the purple crayon 
 1658  Harold and the purple crayon 
 1659  Harriet and the Promised Land 
 1660  Harriet Tubman 
 1661  Harriet Tubman : conductor on the Underground Railroad 
 1662  Harry and Shellburt 
 1663  Harry and the lady next door. 
 1664  Harry goes to day camp 
 1665  Harry Houdini 
 1666  Harry Houdini, master of magic 
 1667  Harry Potter and the goblet of fire 
 1668  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 
 1669  Hatch! 
 1670  Hatchet 
 1671  Hattie and the fox 
 1672  Hattie and the wild waves : a story from Brooklyn 
 1673  Hattie be quiet, Hattie be good 
 1674  Have space suit--will travel 
 1675  Have you ever wished you were something else? 
 1676  Have you seen Hyacinth Macaw? 
 1677  Having a hearing test 
 1678  Hawaii 
 1679  Hawk, I'm your brother 
 1680  Healthy eating 
 1681  Healthy snacks on MyPlate 
 1682  Hear my roar : a story of family violence 
 1683  Hearing 
 1684  The heart : our circulatory system 
 1685  Heather and the Pink Poodles 
 1686  Heather goes to Hollywood 
 1687  Heaven 
 1688  Heavy equipment operator 
 1689  Heckedy Peg 
 1690  Heidi Heckelbeck has a secret 
 1691  Heidi Heckelbeck is not a thief! 
 1692  Hello, Europe! 
 1693  The hello, goodbye window 
 1694  Hello, Mallory 
 1695  Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle 
 1696  Help! I'm a prisoner in the library 
 1697  Help! I'm trapped in my teacher's body 
 1698  Hen lake 
 1699  Henery and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers 
 1700  Henny Penny 
 1701  Henry Aaron's dream 
 1702  Henry and Mudge and the wild wind : the twelfth book of their adventures 
 1703  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 1704  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 1705  Henry and Mudge take the big test 
 1706  Henry and the paper route 
 1707  Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 
 1708  Henry's freedom box 
 1709  Her seven brothers 
 1710  Her stories : African American folktales, fairy tales, and true tales 
 1711  Herbie Jones 
 1712  Herbie Jones and the class gift 
 1713  Hercules : the Twelve Labors : a Greek myth 
 1714  Here comes Peter Cottontail 
 1715  Here comes Zelda Claus, and other holiday disasters 
 1716  Here lies the librarian 
 1717  Hermit the hermit. 
 1718  Hero cat 
 1719  Hero therapy dogs 
 1720  Heroes 
 1721  Heroes for civil rights 
 1722  Hey black child 
 1723  Hey! get off our train 
 1724  Hey-how for Halloween! 
 1725  Hi! Fly Guy 
 1726  Hi, cat! 
 1727  Hidden treasures of the sea. 
 1728  Hide-and-spook 
 1729  Higglety pigglety pop! : Or, There must be more to life. 
 1730  High-tech DIY projects with musical instruments 
 1731  High-tech house of the future 
 1732  Hildilid's night 
 1733  The Hindenburg disaster 
 1734  Hinny Winny Bunco 
 1735  Hip hop speaks to children : a celebration of poetry with a beat 
 1736  Hip-hop dance 
 1737  Hip-hop history 
 1738  Hippo goes bananas! 
 1739  Hippos are huge! 
 1740  Hippos can't swim : and other fun facts 
 1741  Hispanic-American crafts kids can do! 
 1742  The history of hip hop 
 1743  Hit the books 
 1744  Hits and myths ; : an original graphic novel 
 1745  Hobie Hanson, greatest hero of the mall 
 1746  Hockey 
 1747  Hogwash 
 1748  A hole is to dig 
 1749  The hole story of the doughnut 
 1750  Holes 
 1751  Home is over the mountains. 
 1752  Home is with our family 
 1753  Home place 
 1754  The honest-to-goodness truth 
 1755  Honey in a hive 
 1756  Honey, I love, and other love poems 
 1757  Hoop kings : poems 
 1758  Hooray for Grandparent's Day! 
 1759  Hooray for the Golly sisters! 
 1760  Hooray! A pinata! 
 1761  The Hopi 
 1762  Hopper's treetop adventure 
 1763  Horas de sol 
 1764  Horrible Harry and the dungeon 
 1765  Horrible Harry bugs the three bears 
 1766  Horrible Harry cracks the code 
 1767  Horrible Harry in room 2B 
 1768  A horse called Raven 
 1769  Horses 
 1770  Hot cars 
 1771  Hot iron : the adventures of a Civil War powder boy 
 1772  Hot-air Henry 
 1773  Hottest race cars 
 1774  Houdini : the life of the great escape artist 
 1775  A house for Hermit Crab 
 1776  A house for Little Red 
 1777  The house of Dies Drear. 
 1778  How a bill becomes a law 
 1779  How banks work 
 1780  How big? how heavy? how dense? : a look at matter 
 1781  How can we reduce transportation pollution? 
 1782  How do meat-eating plants catch their food? 
 1783  How do my braces work? 
 1784  How do tornadoes form? 
 1785  How do waves form? 
 1786  How do you measure liquids? 
 1787  How do you measure time? 
 1788  How do you say it today, Jesse Bear? 
 1789  How does a rocket work? 
 1790  How does an earthquake become a tsunami? 
 1791  How heavy? : wacky ways to compare weight 
 1792  How I learned to fly 
 1793  How I survived bullies, broccoli, and Snake Hill 
 1794  How is a law passed? 
 1795  How long is a day? 
 1796  How long is a month? 
 1797  How long is a year? 
 1798  How many days to America? : a Thanksgiving story 
 1799  How many fish in the sea? : a book about oceans 
 1800  How many teeth? 
 1801  How many ways-- can you catch a fly? 
 1802  How Martha saved her parents from green beans 
 1803  How MP3 players work 
 1804  How much is a million? 
 1805  How Murray saved Christmas 
 1806  How my parents learned to eat 
 1807  How people learned to fly 
 1808  How plants survive wildfires 
 1809  How streaming works 
 1810  How tall is a giraffe? 
 1811  How the Earth works 
 1812  How the internet works 
 1813  How the Moolah was taught a lesson & other tales from Russia 
 1814  How the rooster saved the day/ 
 1815  How things work encyclopedia 
 1816  How to be cool in the third grade 
 1817  How to be cool in the third grade 
 1818  How to check out a book 
 1819  How to deal with ADHD 
 1820  How to deal with allergies 
 1821  How to deal with autism 
 1822  How to deal with diabetes 
 1823  How to deal with obesity 
 1824  How to eat fried worms 
 1825  How to eat your ABC's! : A book about vitamins 
 1826  How to find a book 
 1827  How to find information online 
 1828  How to get a job-- by me, the boss 
 1829  How to improve at fishing 
 1830  How to write a narrative 
 1831  How Turtle's back was cracked : a traditional Cherokee tale 
 1832  How Tía Lola saved the summer 
 1833  How will we get to the beach? = : Cómo iremos a la playa? 
 1834  How? 
 1835  Howard Thurman's great hope 
 1836  Huddle up football 
 1837  Huff and Puff and the new train 
 1838  Huff and Puff have too much stuff! 
 1839  The human body 
 1840  Hunches in bunches 
 1841  The hundred penny box 
 1842  The Hunger Games 
 1843  The Hunky-Dory Dairy 
 1844  Hunter's Moon 
 1845  The Huron 
 1846  Hurricane 
 1847  The hurricane mystery 
 1848  Hurricanes 
 1849  Hurricanes and tornadoes 
 1850  Hush little baby; : a folk lullaby. 
 1851  Hush! 
 1852  Hyena 
 1853  Hygiene 
 1854  I ain't gonna paint no more! 
 1855  I am Abraham Lincoln 
 1856  I am Amelia Earhart 
 1857  I am enough 
 1858  I am George Washington 
 1859  I am Helen Keller 
 1860  I am Jackie Robinson 
 1861  I am Rosa Parks 
 1862  I am Sacagawea 
 1863  I am superman 
 1864  I am wonder woman 
 1865  I and you and don't forget who : what is a pronoun? 
 1866  I can be an author 
 1867  I can make slippery slime 
 1868  I dare you not to yawn 
 1869  I don't care 
 1870  I even funnier 
 1871  I funny 
 1872  I funny : School of Laughs 
 1873  I get so hungry 
 1874  I had a favorite dress 
 1875  I Hate My Best Friend 
 1876  I have a sister, my sister is deaf 
 1877  I just forgot 
 1878  I know a lot of things 
 1879  I know an old lady who swallowed a pie 
 1880  I know someone who is obese 
 1881  I know someone with cancer 
 1882  I know someone with HIV/AIDS 
 1883  I like to exercise 
 1884  I love ewe : an ode to animal moms 
 1885  I love our water 
 1886  I love Passover 
 1887  I love rocks 
 1888  I never had it made : an autobiography 
 1889  I read signs 
 1890  I see a kookaburra! : discovering animal habitats around the world 
 1891  I speak English for my mom 
 1892  I spy shapes in art 
 1893  I stood upon a mountain 
 1894  I sure am glad to see you, Blackboard Bear : story and pictures 
 1895  I thought my soul would rise and fly : the diary of Patsy, a freed girl 
 1896  I took my frog to the Library 
 1897  I took my frog to the library 
 1898  I want to stay here! : I want to go there! :A flea story 
 1899  I was a second grade werewolf 
 1900  I went walking 
 1901  I wonder why spiders spin webs and other questions about creepy-crawlies 
 1902  I'll meet you at the cucumbers 
 1903  I'm and won't, they're and don't : what's a contraction? 
 1904  I'm going to be famous 
 1905  I'm in charge of celebrations 
 1906  I'm terrific/ 
 1907  I've loved you since forever 
 1908  I, Houdini : the autobiography of a self-educated hamster 
 1909  I, too, am America 
 1910  Ice storm! : the 1998 freeze 
 1911  The iceberg hermit 
 1912  Ida B. Wells-Barnett : a voice against violence 
 1913  Ida Early comes over the mountain 
 1914  Idaho 
 1915  If I ran for president 
 1916  If I ran for president 
 1917  If I ran the circus 
 1918  If I were a cricket ... 
 1919  If I were a toad 
 1920  If I were in charge of the world and other worries : poems for children and their parents 
 1921  If I were in charge of the world and other worries : poems for children and their parents 
 1922  If rocks could sing 
 1923  If you decide to go to the moon 
 1924  If you didn't have me 
 1925  If you were a ballet dancer 
 1926  If you were a quart or a liter 
 1927  If you were an inch or a centimeter 
 1928  If you're not here, please raise your hand : poems about school 
 1929  Iggie's house 
 1930  Igloos 
 1931  Igloos and Inuit life 
 1932  Illinois 
 1933  Imogene's antlers 
 1934  In a pickle, and other funny idioms 
 1935  In a pumpkin shell, a Mother Goose ABC 
 1936  In daddy's arms I am tall : African Americans celebrating fathers 
 1937  In daddy's arms I am tall : African Americans celebrating fathers 
 1938  In plain sight 
 1939  In ponds and streams; 
 1940  In the money : a book about banking 
 1941  In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson 
 1942  In your hands 
 1943  Inch by inch 
 1944  Inch by inch. 
 1945  Independence Day 
 1946  Independence Day 
 1947  Indian homes 
 1948  Indian mythology 
 1949  Indian Two Feet and his eagle feather. 
 1950  Indian Two Feet and his horse 
 1951  Indian Two Feet and the ABC moose hunt 
 1952  Indian Two Feet and the grizzly bear. 
 1953  Indian Two Feet and the wolf cubs. 
 1954  Indian Two Feet rides alone 
 1955  Indiana 
 1956  Indians 
 1957  Indy cars 
 1958  The Inn Keeper's daughter 
 1959  Insect or spider? : how do you know? 
 1960  Insect world. 
 1961  Insects 
 1962  Insects 
 1963  International library of Afro-American life and history. 
 1964  Interpreter 
 1965  Into the game! 
 1966  Into the painted bear lair 
 1967  Into the wild : yet another misadventure 
 1968  Into the wind : sailboats then and now 
 1969  Inventions 
 1970  Inventions and inventors 
 1971  Investigating the scientific method with Max Axiom super scientist 
 1972  The invisible boy 
 1973  The invisible Harry 
 1974  Invisible Lissa 
 1975  Iowa 
 1976  Ira sleeps over 
 1977  Irish Red, : son of Big Red. 
 1978  Iron John 
 1979  The iron way 
 1980  Is it larger? Is it smaller? 
 1981  Is this a house for Hermit Crab? 
 1982  Is your mama a llama? 
 1983  Islamic stories 
 1984  Island boy : story and pictures 
 1985  An island in the sun 
 1986  The Island of Skog. 
 1987  Island Rose 
 1988  It could always be worse : a Yiddish folk tale 
 1989  It's a zoo in here! 
 1990  It's about time, Jesse Bear, and other rhymes 
 1991  It's an armadillo! 
 1992  It's Christmas 
 1993  It's Halloween, dear dragon 
 1994  It's snowing! it's snowing! : winter poems 
 1995  It's Valentine's Day 
 1996  It's Valentine's Day! 
 1997  Italy : the culture and recipes of Italy 
 1998  J. T. 
 1999  Jabberwocky 
 2000  Jabberwocky and other frabjous nonsense 
 2001  Jack and the whoopee wind 
 2002  The jacket 
 2003  Jackie Robinson 
 2004  Jackie Robinson 
 2005  Jackie Robinson 
 2006  Jackie Robinson 
 2007  Jackie Robinson : baseball great & civil rights activist 
 2008  Jackie Robinson : he led the way 
 2009  Jacob and Owl : a story 
 2010  Jacob have I loved 
 2011  Jafta 
 2012  Jafta and the wedding 
 2013  Jafta's mother 
 2014  Jake Gyllenhaal 
 2015  Jake the fake keeps it real 
 2016  Jamaica and Brianna 
 2017  Jambo means hello 
 2018  James Harden 
 2019  James Weldon Johnson 
 2020  Jane Addams, pioneer of Hull House. 
 2021  Janet Reachfar and the kelpie 
 2022  Janie's private eyes 
 2023  The janitor's boy 
 2024  January's sparrow 
 2025  Japanese mythology 
 2026  Jason and the golden fleece 
 2027  Jasper and the hero business 
 2028  Jasper John Dooley : star of the week 
 2029  Jay-Z 
 2030  Jazmin's notebook 
 2031  Jazz 
 2032  The jazz man 
 2033  Jazz on a Saturday night 
 2034  Jazzy Miz Mozetta 
 2035  JD. 
 2036  Jeanne d'Arc, 
 2037  Jenius : the amazing guinea pig 
 2038  Jennie's hat. 
 2039  Jennifer Lopez : entertainer 
 2040  Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and me, Elizabeth 
 2041  Jeremy isn't hungry 
 2042  Jesse Bear, what will you wear? 
 2043  Jesse Owens : Olympic star 
 2044  Jesse Owens : track-and-field champion 
 2045  Jesse Owens, 
 2046  Jesse Ownes 
 2047  Jessi and the dance school phantom 
 2048  Jessi Ramsey, pet-sitter 
 2049  Jessi's baby-sitter 
 2050  Jessi's secret language 
 2051  Jessica 
 2052  The Jewel of the Sea cruise 
 2053  Jewish stories 
 2054  Jimi : sounds like a rainbow, a story of the young Jimi Hendrix 
 2055  Jimmy Carter 
 2056  A job for Jenny Archer 
 2057  A job for Jenny Archer/ 
 2058  Jody's beans 
 2059  Joe Louis : America's fighter 
 2060  John Brown 
 2061  John F. Kennedy 
 2062  John J. Plenty and Fiddler Dan; : a new fable of the grasshopper and the ant. Illus. by M. Gekiere. 
 2063  John Philip Duck 
 2064  Johnny Appleseed 
 2065  Johnny Long Legs 
 2066  Johnny May 
 2067  Jolly old Santa Claus 
 2068  Joseph and his brothers, from the story told in the book of Genesis 
 2069  Josephine : the dazzling life of Josephine Baker 
 2070  Josephine's imagination; : a tale of Haiti. 
 2071  Joshua T. Bates in trouble again 
 2072  The Josie gambit 
 2073  Josie's Beau 
 2074  The journal of James Edmond Pease, a Civil War Union soldier 
 2075  The journal of William Thomas Emerson, a Revolutionary War patriot 
 2076  Journey to freedom : a story of the underground railroad 
 2077  Joy to the world. 
 2078  Joyful noise : poems for two voices 
 2079  Juan Bobo : four folktales from Puerto Rico 
 2080  Judy Moody gets famous! 
 2081  Judy Moody predicts the future 
 2082  Judy Moody, M.D. : the doctor is in 
 2083  Judy Moody, M.D. : the doctor is in 
 2084  Julian's glorious summer 
 2085  Julian, dream doctor 
 2086  Juliet : rescue at Marlehead Manor, England, 1340 
 2087  Julius 
 2088  Julius, the baby of the world 
 2089  Julius; 
 2090  Jumanji 
 2091  Jump, kangaroo, jump! 
 2092  Juneteenth 
 2093  Juneteenth 
 2094  Junie B. Jones and her big fat mouth 
 2095  Junie B. Jones and some sneaky peeky spying 
 2096  Junie B. Jones and that meanie Jim's birthday 
 2097  Junie B. Jones has a peep in her pocket 
 2098  Junie B. Jones is a graduation girl 
 2099  Junie B. Jones loves handsome Warren 
 2100  Junie B. Jones smells something fishy 
 2101  Junie B., first grader (at last!) 
 2102  Junie B., first grader : cheater pants 
 2103  Junie B., first grader : dumb bunny 
 2104  Junie B., first grader : turkeys we have loved and eaten (and other thankful stuff) 
 2105  Junior science book of pond life, 
 2106  Junius over far 
 2107  Just for elephants 
 2108  Just for you 
 2109  Just going to the dentist 
 2110  Just grandpa and me 
 2111  Just me and my dad 
 2112  Just me and my little brother 
 2113  Just me and my puppy 
 2114  Just my luck 
 2115  Just my luck 
 2116  Just shopping with Mom 
 2117  Just the two of us 
 2118  Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World 
 2119  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2120  Justin Case : school, drool, and other daily disasters 
 2121  Justin Fisher declares war 
 2122  Kai : a big decision, Africa, 1440 
 2123  Kansas 
 2124  Karl and Carolina uncover the parts of a book 
 2125  Kate Shelley : bound for legend 
 2126  Keena Ford and the field trip mix-up 
 2127  Keena Ford and the second-grade mix-up 
 2128  Keena Ford and the second-grade mix-up 
 2129  Keena Ford and the secret journal mix-up 
 2130  Keep climbing, girls 
 2131  Keep it simple, Rapunzel! : the fairy-tale physics of simple machines 
 2132  Keep the lights burning, Abbie 
 2133  Keeping Barney 
 2134  The keeping quilt 
 2135  Keeping well 
 2136  Keisha discovers Harlem 
 2137  Keisha's maze mystery 
 2138  Kentucky 
 2139  Kick it soccer 
 2140  The kid coach 
 2141  The kid from Tomkinsville 
 2142  The kid in the red jacket 
 2143  A kid's guide to African American history : more than 70 activities 
 2144  Kidnapping file : the Graeme Thorne case 
 2145  Kids love animal crafts 
 2146  Kids love art crafts 
 2147  Kids love math crafts 
 2148  Kids love space crafts 
 2149  Kids' easy-to-create wildlife habitats for small spaces in the city, suburbs & countryside 
 2150  Killer Croc hunter 
 2151  King Bidgood's in the bathtub 
 2152  The king of dragons 
 2153  Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story 
 2154  Kirsten's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2155  A kiss for Little Bear 
 2156  A kiss is round 
 2157  The Kissing Hand 
 2158  The kite song 
 2159  Kites sail high : a book about verbs 
 2160  Kites, 
 2161  Kitten trouble 
 2162  Kittens are like that 
 2163  Kitty from the start 
 2164  Klippity klop. 
 2165  The knee-high man, and other tales. 
 2166  Knee-knock rise 
 2167  Knitting 
 2168  Knock knock : my dad's dream for me 
 2169  Knockin' on wood 
 2170  Knots on a counting rope 
 2171  Koko's kitten 
 2172  Korea 
 2173  Kristy and the baby parade 
 2174  Kristy and the Mother's Day surprise 
 2175  Kristy and the secret of Susan 
 2176  Kristy and the snobs 
 2177  Kristy's big day 
 2178  Kristy's mystery admirer 
 2179  Kwanzaa 
 2180  Kwanzaa 
 2181  Kwanzaa 
 2182  Kwanzaa 
 2183  Kwanzaa 
 2184  La primera luna llena de gatita 
 2185  Labor Day 
 2186  The lady with the ship on her head 
 2187  Ladybug Girl and the best ever playdate 
 2188  Ladybugs 
 2189  The Lakota 
 2190  The land I lost : adventures of a boy in Vietnam 
 2191  Land masses : fun, facts, and activities 
 2192  The land of Gray Wolf 
 2193  The Landry News 
 2194  Langston Hughes 
 2195  Langston Hughes : great American poet 
 2196  Langston Hughes : great American writer 
 2197  Langston Hughes, poet of his people, 
 2198  Last block standing! 
 2199  The last days of Gorlock the dragon 
 2200  The last free bird, 
 2201  The last holiday concert 
 2202  The last little cat; 
 2203  The last of the centaurs 
 2204  The last rider : the final days of the Pony Express 
 2205  Laundry day 
 2206  Lazily, crazily, just a bit nasally : more about adverbs 
 2207  Lazy Jack : an English folk tale 
 2208  Lazy lions, lucky lambs 
 2209  Leading a successful reading program : administrators and reading specialists working together to make it happen 
 2210  Leaf Man 
 2211  Leah's pony 
 2212  Learn Spanish words 
 2213  Learning to sew 
 2214  Leave me alone : [a tale of what happens when you stand up to a bully] 
 2215  Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! 
 2216  LeBron James 
 2217  LeBron James : basketball legend 
 2218  The legend of sleepy hollow 
 2219  The legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas 
 2220  The legend of the Indian paintbrush 
 2221  LEGO Ninjago : brick adventures, #2 
 2222  Lemonade for sale 
 2223  The lemonade raid 
 2224  Leo the late bloomer 
 2225  Leo, Zack, and Emmie together again 
 2226  Lesothosaurus and other dinosaurs and reptiles from the lower Jurassic 
 2227  Less than zero 
 2228  Let the children march 
 2229  Let the circle be unbroken 
 2230  Let's bake Halloween treats! 
 2231  Let's bake Thanksgiving treats! 
 2232  Let's bake Valentine's Day treats! 
 2233  Let's talk about living with a grandparent 
 2234  Let's talk about race 
 2235  A letter to Amy. 
 2236  Letting Swift River go 
 2237  Leveled by an earthquake! 
 2238  Levers and pulleys 
 2239  Lewis and Clark 
 2240  Lexie. 
 2241  Liar! 
 2242  Libby Bloom 
 2243  Libby on Wednesday 
 2244  Librarians 
 2245  Librarians at work 
 2246  Librarians in our community 
 2247  A library book for Bear 
 2248  The library dragon 
 2249  Library lion 
 2250  Library mouse 
 2251  Lies and other tall tales 
 2252  Life doesn't frighten me 
 2253  Life on Mars 
 2254  Life on the Mayflower 
 2255  Light 
 2256  Lightbox subscription 3-5. 
 2257  Lightbox subscription K-2. 
 2258  The lighthouse of terror 
 2259  Like Jake and me 
 2260  A likely place 
 2261  Lilly's purple plastic purse 
 2262  Lily Brown's paintings 
 2263  Lily learns about wants and needs 
 2264  A lime, a mime, a pool of slime : more about nouns 
 2265  Line, bar, and circle graphs 
 2266  Lines, segments, rays, and angles 
 2267  A lion to guard us 
 2268  Lion vs. tiger 
 2269  Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. 
 2270  Lionel in the fall 
 2271  Lions 
 2272  Lions & liars 
 2273  Listening for Leroy 
 2274  The listening walk 
 2275  A little at a time 
 2276  Little Bear's Christmas 
 2277  Little Bear's friend 
 2278  Little Bear's Thanksgiving. 
 2279  Little Bear's visit 
 2280  The little blind goat 
 2281  The little boy who loved dirt and almost became a Superslob. 
 2282  Little brown baby 
 2283  Little Cloud and Lady Wind 
 2284  The little cookie 
 2285  The little cowboy and the big cowboy 
 2286  The little drummer boy 
 2287  The little drummer boy 
 2288  The little engine that could  
 2289  The little engine that could : the complete, original edition 
 2290  Little gorilla 
 2291  The little island, 
 2292  Little leaders : bold women in black history 
 2293  Little Luv Angel 
 2294  Little Melba and her big trombone 
 2295  Little Miss Neat 
 2296  Little Miss Scatterbrain 
 2297  Little Miss Stoneybrook...and Dawn 
 2298  Little Miss Sunshine 
 2299  The little old lady who was not afraid of anything 
 2300  The little old man who could not read. 
 2301  A little peace 
 2302  The little plant doctor : a story about George Washington Carver 
 2303  The little rabbit 
 2304  The little red hen 
 2305  The little red lighthouse and the great gray bridge 
 2306  The little red pen 
 2307  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2308  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2309  The little riders 
 2310  The Little Rock Nine stand up for their rights 
 2311  The Little Runaway 
 2312  Little Runner of the longhouse 
 2313  The little shell hunter. 
 2314  Little Stevie Wonder 
 2315  Little Tim and the brave sea captain 
 2316  Little town on the prairie 
 2317  Littlejim's gift : an Appalachian Christmas story/ 
 2318  The Littles give a party 
 2319  Living color 
 2320  Living sunlight : how plants bring the earth to life 
 2321  Liza Lou and the Yeller Belly Swamp 
 2322  Llama Llama and the bully goat 
 2323  Llama Llama holiday drama 
 2324  Llama Llama mad at mama 
 2325  Llama Llama misses Mama 
 2326  Llama Llama time to share 
 2327  Llama, llama red pajama 
 2328  LMNO peas 
 2329  The Loch Ness monster 
 2330  The locker ate Lucy! 
 2331  Logan likes Mary Anne! 
 2332  Lola at the library 
 2333  Lola reads to Leo 
 2334  Lon Po PO 
 2335  Lon Po Po 
 2336  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 2337  London Bridge is falling down! 
 2338  Long journey home; : stories from Black history. 
 2339  A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories 
 2340  Longhouses 
 2341  Lonnie Johnson : NASA scientist and inventor of the Super Soaker 
 2342  Look! I can read! 
 2343  Looking at Caribbean countries 
 2344  Looking at Mexico 
 2345  Looking for jaguar and other rainforest poems 
 2346  Loose tooth 
 2347  The Lorax, 
 2348  Los alimentos de la granja 
 2349  Lost 
 2350  Lost and found 
 2351  Lost in the tunnel of time 
 2352  Lost in the tunnel of time 
 2353  Lost in the war 
 2354  The lost key : a mystery with whole numbers 
 2355  The lost legend of Finn. 
 2356  Lots of limericks 
 2357  Lottie Paris and the best place 
 2358  Louie 
 2359  Louie's search 
 2360  Louis Armstrong : an American success story 
 2361  Louisiana 
 2362  Loula is leaving for Africa 
 2363  Lovable dogs 
 2364  Lovable Lyle. 
 2365  Love that dog 
 2366  Love, from the fifth grade celebrity 
 2367  Lu 
 2368  Lucky beans 
 2369  Lucky bear 
 2370  Lucky dog days 
 2371  The lucky horseshoes 
 2372  The lucky sew-it-yourself book. 
 2373  The lucky stone 
 2374  Lyle and the birthday party. 
 2375  Lyle finds his mother. 
 2376  Lyle, Lyle, crocodile. 
 2377  M & M and the bad news babies 
 2378  M & M and the Santa secrets 
 2379  M.C. Higgins, the great 
 2380  Mac and Cheese 
 2381  Mad Hatter's movie madness 
 2382  Madam C. J. Walker : pioneer businesswoman 
 2383  Madeline 
 2384  Madeline's Christmas 
 2385  Madeline's Christmas 
 2386  Madeline's rescue 
 2387  Mae among the stars 
 2388  Mae Jemison : doctor, scientist, and astronaut 
 2389  Mae Jemison : space pioneer 
 2390  Maebelle's suitcase 
 2391  Maggie and the pirate 
 2392  The magic fan 
 2393  The Magic Fish 
 2394  The magic school bus at the waterworks 
 2395  The Magic School Bus has a heart 
 2396  The magic school bus in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2397  The magic school bus inside the Earth 
 2398  The magic school bus inside the human body 
 2399  The magic thief 
 2400  The magician's elephant 
 2401  Magician. 
 2402  Magnets. 
 2403  Mail carriers at work 
 2404  Maine 
 2405  Maisy's wonderful weather book 
 2406  Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! : The life of Mahalia Jackson, queen of gospel singers. 
 2407  Make a wish, Molly 
 2408  Make way for ducklings 
 2409  Make way for ducklings 
 2410  Make way for Dyamonde Daniel 
 2411  Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel 
 2412  Make way for Sam Houston 
 2413  Make your own dancing slime 
 2414  Make your own water balloon launcher 
 2415  Make-believe ball player 
 2416  Malcolm Little : the boy who grew up to become Malcolm X 
 2417  Malcolm X 
 2418  Malcolm X : a revolutionary voice 
 2419  The Maldonado miracle. 
 2420  Mallory and the mystery diary 
 2421  Mallory and the trouble with twins 
 2422  Mama don't allow : starring Miles and the Swamp Band 
 2423  Mama, do you love me? 
 2424  Mammals 
 2425  The man who made everyone late. 
 2426  The man, the boy, and the donkey, 
 2427  Mangled by a hurricane! 
 2428  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 2429  Manners! 
 2430  Many moons 
 2431  Maple 
 2432  Maple & Willow apart 
 2433  Maps and mapping 
 2434  March, book one 
 2435  Marco's Cinco de Mayo 
 2436  Margo and Marky's adventures in reading 
 2437  Marian Anderson 
 2438  Marian Anderson : a great singer 
 2439  Marian Wright Edelman : the making of a crusader 
 2440  Marie : mystery at the Paris ballet, Paris, 1775 
 2441  Marine biologist 
 2442  Marlene, Marlene, Queen of Mean 
 2443  Marley and the runaway pumpkin 
 2444  Marley goes to school 
 2445  Marrying Malcolm Murgatroyd 
 2446  Mars 
 2447  The marshmallow incident 
 2448  Martha Berry, little woman with a big dream; : a biography. 
 2449  Martin Luther King 
 2450  Martin Luther King Day 
 2451  Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2452  Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
 2453  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 2454  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 2455  Martin's big words : the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2456  Marvelous Mattie : how Margaret E. Knight became an inventor 
 2457  Marvelous mice 
 2458  Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! 
 2459  Marvin Redpost : class president 
 2460  Mary Anne and the great romance 
 2461  Mary Anne and the search for Tigger 
 2462  Mary Anne saves the day 
 2463  Mary Anne vs. Logan 
 2464  Mary Anne's bad-luck mystery 
 2465  Mary Church Terrell : leader for equality 
 2466  Maryland 
 2467  Masai and I 
 2468  Massachusetts 
 2469  Master of disaster 
 2470  Math curse 
 2471  Math dictionary. 
 2472  The math wiz 
 2473  Mathematics, the language of science. 
 2474  Matthew Henson 
 2475  Matthew's dream 
 2476  Max 
 2477  Max goes to the recycling center 
 2478  May I bring a friend? 
 2479  Maya Angelou : poet, performer, activist 
 2480  Maybe something beautiful : how art transformed a neighborhood 
 2481  The maze 
 2482  McBroom tells the truth 
 2483  McBroom the rainmaker 
 2484  McBroom's Ear, 
 2485  McBroom's zoo 
 2486  Me and my Robot 
 2487  Me and Neesie 
 2488  Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid 
 2489  Me, my goat & my sister's wedding 
 2490  Meanwhile back at the ranch 
 2491  Measuring on a treasure hunt 
 2492  Measuring Penny 
 2493  Meat-eating plants 
 2494  Medgar Evers and the NAACP 
 2495  Meet Addy : an American girl 
 2496  Meet Alex Rodriguez : baseball's lightning rod 
 2497  Meet Ant-Man and the Wasp 
 2498  Meet Arian Foster : football's ultimate rusher 
 2499  Meet Calvin Johnson : football's megatron 
 2500  Meet Cecile : an American girl 
 2501  Meet Chris Paul : basketball's CP3 
 2502  Meet Danitra Brown 
 2503  Meet David Ortiz : baseball's top slugger 
 2504  Meet M & M 
 2505  Meet my neighbor, the librarian 
 2506  Meet NASA inventor Bruce Wiegmann and his team's solar-wind-riding electric sail 
 2507  Meet NASA inventor Geoffrey Landis and his team's land-sailing Venus rover 
 2508  Meet NASA inventor Kendra Short and her printable probes and cosmic confetti 
 2509  Meet NASA inventor Masahiro Ono and his team's asteroid-harpooning hitcher 
 2510  Meet NASA inventor Mason Peck and his team's Squishy, fishy robot explorers 
 2511  Meet NASA inventor Philip Lubin and his team's laser-sailing starships 
 2512  Meet NASA inventor Robert Hoyt and his team's web-spinning space spiders 
 2513  Meet NASA inventor William "Red" Whittaker and his team's alien cave explorers 
 2514  Meet the Denver Broncos 
 2515  Meet the Pittsburgh Steelers 
 2516  Megan and the Borealis Butterfly 
 2517  Megan in ancient Greece 
 2518  Megan's balancing act 
 2519  Megan's island 
 2520  Mei-Mei loves the morning 
 2521  Memorial Day 
 2522  Memphians 
 2523  The Memphis Grizzlies 
 2524  Memphis Grizzlies 
 2525  Memphis Grizzlies 
 2526  Memphis, Martin, and the mountaintop : the sanitation strike of 1968 
 2527  Mercury 
 2528  Meriwether Lewis, boy explorer 
 2529  Merlin 
 2530  Mermaids don't run track 
 2531  Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. 
 2532  Merry Christmas, dear dragon 
 2533  Merry Christmas, Miss McConnell! 
 2534  Merry Christmas, Strega Nona 
 2535  Meteorologist 
 2536  Mexico 
 2537  Mexico : the culture and recipes of Mexico 
 2538  Miami Heat 
 2539  Michael Jordan 
 2540  Michael's golden rules 
 2541  Michelle 
 2542  Michelle Obama : an American story 
 2543  Michelle Obama : our First Lady 
 2544  Michigan 
 2545  The Middle Ages 
 2546  Middle Ages 
 2547  The midnight farm 
 2548  Midnight on the moon 
 2549  The mighty Miss Malone 
 2550  Mighty spiders! 
 2551  Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel 
 2552  Military helicopters in action 
 2553  Military planes in action 
 2554  Military tanks in action 
 2555  MILK , Yougurt, and Cheese 
 2556  The milk makers 
 2557  The milkman 
 2558  Millie Willenheimer and the Chestnut Corporation 
 2559  Million dollar mess 
 2560  Millions of cats, 
 2561  Mine, all mine : a book about pronouns 
 2562  Minecraft 
 2563  Minecraft : redstone handbook 
 2564  Minecraft : the survivors' book of secrets 
 2565  Ming Lo moves the mountain 
 2566  Minions : das original-horbuch zum film 
 2567  A mink, a fink, a skating rink : what is a noun? 
 2568  Minnesota 
 2569  Minty : a story of young Harriet Tubman 
 2570  Miracle's boys 
 2571  The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane 
 2572  Miranda's music, 
 2573  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 2574  Mirette on the high wire 
 2575  Mirror mirror : a book of reversible verse 
 2576  The misfortune cookie 
 2577  Mishmash and the robot 
 2578  Miss Bindergarten celebrates the 100th day of kindergarten 
 2579  Miss Bindergarten celebrates the last day of kindergarten 
 2580  Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten 
 2581  Miss Bindergarten plans a circus with kindergarten 
 2582  Miss Brooks loves books! (and I don't) 
 2583  Miss Dorothy and her bookmobile 
 2584  Miss Nelson has a field day 
 2585  Miss Nelson is missing! 
 2586  Miss Rumphius 
 2587  Miss Suzy's Easter surprise, 
 2588  Missing girls 
 2589  Missing May 
 2590  Mississippi 
 2591  Mississippi bridge 
 2592  Missouri 
 2593  Mistress of the Storm : a Verity Gallant tale 
 2594  Mitchell is moving 
 2595  The mitten : an old Ukrainian folktale 
 2596  Mixed me! 
 2597  The mixed-up chameleon 
 2598  Mockingjay 
 2599  Model rockets for beginners. 
 2600  Modern dance 
 2601  Mole and Shrew all year through 
 2602  Molly learns a lesson : a school story 
 2603  Molly the Great misses the bus : a book about being on time 
 2604  Molly the Great respects the flag : a book about being a good citizen 
 2605  Molly the Great tells the truth : a book about honesty 
 2606  Molly the Great's messy bed : a book about responsibility 
 2607  Molly's pilgrim 
 2608  Molly's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2609  Momma, will you? 
 2610  Mommy, buy me a china doll : adapted from an Ozark children's song 
 2611  Monkey : a trickster tale from India 
 2612  Monkey puzzle and other poems 
 2613  Monkeys 
 2614  Monkeys 
 2615  Monkeys and apes of the world 
 2616  Monster magic 
 2617  Monster math 
 2618  Monster trucks 
 2619  Monster trucks 
 2620  Monsters 
 2621  Monsters in cyberspace 
 2622  Montana 
 2623  The Montgomery Bus Boycott 
 2624  Moon 
 2625  Moon over Manifest 
 2626  Moons 
 2627  Moonshadow of Cherry Mountain 
 2628  Moose 
 2629  The mopwater files 
 2630  More adventures of Spider: West African folk tales/ 
 2631  More adventures of the Great Brain, 
 2632  More from Hound and Bear 
 2633  More stories Julian tells 
 2634  More tales of faraway folk. 
 2635  Morris goes to school 
 2636  Moses : when Harriet Tubman led her people to freedon 
 2637  Moses the kitten 
 2638  The most beautiful place in the world 
 2639  The mostly true adventures of Homer P. Figg 
 2640  Mother Bruce 
 2641  A mother for Choco 
 2642  Moths 
 2643  Motorcycles 
 2644  Motorcycles! 
 2645  Motown and Didi : a love story 
 2646  Mountain Valor 
 2647  The mouse and his child. 
 2648  The mouse and the motorcycle 
 2649  A mouse called Wolf 
 2650  Mouse soup 
 2651  Mouse tales 
 2652  Mouse Tales 
 2653  Mouse woman and the mischief-makers 
 2654  Mousekin's golden house. 
 2655  Move on up that beanstalk, Jack! : the fairy-tale physics of forces and motion 
 2656  Movement games for children of all ages 
 2657  Moving water in Minecraft 
 2658  Mr Gumpy's motor car 
 2659  Mr Gumpy's outing 
 2660  Mr. and Mrs. Pig's evening out 
 2661  Mr. George Baker 
 2662  Mr. Lemoncello and the titanium ticket 
 2663  Mr. Lemoncello's all-star breakout game 
 2664  Mr. Lemoncello's great library race 
 2665  Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics 
 2666  Mr. Lincoln's boys : being the mostly true adventures of Abraham Lincoln's trouble-making sons, Tad and Willie 
 2667  Mr. Nosey follows his nose. 
 2668  Mr. Popper's penguins 
 2669  Mr. Potter's pet 
 2670  Mr. Wuffles! 
 2671  Mrs. Brice's mice 
 2672  Mrs. Frisby and the rats of Nimh 
 2673  Mrs. Pig's bulk buy 
 2674  Mrs. Portree's pony 
 2675  Much ado about Aldo 
 2676  Mud Pie Annie 
 2677  The mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale 
 2678  Mufaro's beautiful daughters : An African tale 
 2679  Multimedia artist and animator 
 2680  Multiplication 
 2681  Mummies made in Egypt. 
 2682  Mummy scares best 
 2683  Mummy tombs 
 2684  The mummy, the will, and the crypt 
 2685  Murder file : a killer's manual 
 2686  Mushroom in the rain. 
 2687  Musicians 
 2688  My bar mitzvah 
 2689  My best friend 
 2690  My Black me: a beginning book of Black poetry. 
 2691  My brother Charlie 
 2692  My brother fine with me 
 2693  My brother Martin : a sister remembers growing up with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2694  My dad, John McCain 
 2695  My daddy rules the world : poems about dads 
 2696  My daddy was a soldier 
 2697  My family history 
 2698  My father's dragon 
 2699  My father, the coach 
 2700  My favorite time of day 
 2701  My first book of Korean words 
 2702  My great-aunt Arizona 
 2703  My life among the aliens 
 2704  My Literature Book 
 2705  My mama says there aren't any zombies : ghosts, vampires, creatures, demons, monsters, fiends, goblins, or things 
 2706  My mama says there aren't any zombies, ghosts, vampires, creatures, demons, monsters, fiends, goblins, or things. 
 2707  My military mom 
 2708  My name is Maria Isabel 
 2709  My neighbors 
 2710  My own private sky 
 2711  My people 
 2712  My pet book 
 2713  My robot buddy 
 2714  My steps 
 2715  My teacher is a monster! (No, I am not.) 
 2716  My teacher is an alien 
 2717  My visit to the dinosaurs 
 2718  Mysterious experiments 
 2719  The mystery at the Alamo 
 2720  The mystery in San Francisco 
 2721  Mystery in the cave 
 2722  Mystery math : a first book of algebra 
 2723  The mystery of the lost mine 
 2724  The mystery of the purple pool 
 2725  The mystery of the second treasure 
 2726  The mystery of the secret message 
 2727  Mystery of the Tooth Gremlin 
 2728  The mystery on the train 
 2729  myths and legends of africa 
 2730  The name of the game 
 2731  Nancy Clancy, secret of the silver key 
 2732  The napping house 
 2733  Nappy hair 
 2734  Narwhal : unicorn of the sea 
 2735  NASA 
 2736  Nasreen's secret school : a true story from Afghanistan 
 2737  Nat Turner 
 2738  Nat Turner's slave rebellion 
 2739  Nate the Great 
 2740  Nate the Great and the fishy prize 
 2741  Nate the Great and the Halloween hunt 
 2742  Nate the Great and the lost list 
 2743  Nate the Great and the musical note 
 2744  Nate the Great and the phony clue 
 2745  Nate the Great and the snowy trail 
 2746  Nate the Great and the sticky case 
 2747  Nate the Great and the wandering word 
 2748  Nate the Great goes undercover 
 2749  Nate the Great on the Owl Express 
 2750  Nate the Great stalks stupidweed 
 2751  Nathaniel talking 
 2752  A native American thought of it : amazing inventions and innovations 
 2753  Native Americans in early America 
 2754  Nattie Parsons' good-luck lamb 
 2755  Natural disasters 
 2756  Nature detective : how to solve outdoor mysteries 
 2757  Nature lover 
 2758  Nature's fury : eyewitness reports of natural disasters 
 2759  Navy ships in action 
 2760  Navy submarines in action 
 2761  The NBA playoffs : in pursuit of basketball glory 
 2762  A near thing for Captain Najork 
 2763  Nebraska 
 2764  Nelly Gnu and Daddy too 
 2765  Nelson Mandela 
 2766  Nelson Mandela : South African president and civil rights activist 
 2767  Neptune 
 2768  Nevada 
 2769  Never forgotten 
 2770  Never kick a ghost and other silly chillers 
 2771  Never trust a cat who wears earrings 
 2772  A new car for Charlie. 
 2773  The new color-picture dictionary for children 
 2774  The New England Patriots story 
 2775  New friends in a new land : a Thanksgiving story 
 2776  New ghoul in school 
 2777  New Hampshire 
 2778  New Jersey 
 2779  The new kid 
 2780  The new kid from the Black Lagoon 
 2781  New Mexico 
 2782  New shoes 
 2783  New York 
 2784  New York 
 2785  NFL rules! : bloopers, pranks, upsets, and touchdowns 
 2786  Nic Bishop frogs. 
 2787  Nifty thrifty animal crafts 
 2788  Nifty thrifty sports crafts 
 2789  The night before Christmas : the original story 
 2790  The night crossing 
 2791  Night in the country 
 2792  The night journey 
 2793  Night markets 
 2794  Night of fear 
 2795  Night of the twisters 
 2796  Nightmare mountain 
 2797  Nightmare on the Titanic 
 2798  Nighty-nightmare 
 2799  Nikki & Deja : election madness 
 2800  Nikki and Deja : birthday blues 
 2801  Nikki Grimes 
 2802  No fair! 
 2803  No fighting, no biting! 
 2804  No fixed address 
 2805  No roses for Harry. 
 2806  No T. Rex in the library 
 2807  No talking 
 2808  Noah Barleywater runs away 
 2809  Noah's and Naman's ark. 
 2810  Noah's ark 
 2811  Noah's ark : a story from the Bible 
 2812  Noah's garden : when someone you love is in the hospital 
 2813  Nobody owns the sky : the story of "brave Bessie" Coleman 
 2814  Nobody's orphan 
 2815  Nobody's perfect, I'm as close as it gets : by Jamie Kelly 
 2816  Noche de humo 
 2817  Noisy experiments 
 2818  Noisy gander 
 2819  Noodlehead nightmares 
 2820  Norman castles 
 2821  Norman Rockwell 
 2822  North Carolina 
 2823  North Dakota 
 2824  North star shining, : a pictorial history of the American Negro, 
 2825  Not I, not I 
 2826  Not in the house, Newton! 
 2827  Not so fast, Songololo 
 2828  Nothing but trouble : the story of Althea Gibson 
 2829  Nothing ever happens on my block. 
 2830  Nothing's fair in fifth grade 
 2831  Number the stars 
 2832  Numbers 
 2833  Nurse 
 2834  Nurses at work 
 2835  Obama : only in America 
 2836  Oceans 
 2837  October smiled back 
 2838  Octopuses Ocean Alive 
 2839  Octopuses one to ten 
 2840  Of heroes, hooks, and heirlooms 
 2841  Oh say can you say? 
 2842  Oh, a-hunting we will go 
 2843  Oh, brother 
 2844  Oh, the places you'll go! 
 2845  Oh, the thinks you can think! 
 2846  Oh, what a Christmas! 
 2847  Ohio 
 2848  The Ojibwe 
 2849  Oklahoma 
 2850  Oklahoma City Thunder 
 2851  Old Black Witch! 
 2852  Old Henry 
 2853  The old ladies who liked cats 
 2854  Old Macdonald had a truck 
 2855  Old people, frogs, and Albert 
 2856  Old Ramon. 
 2857  The old Willis place : a ghost story 
 2858  The old woman who named things 
 2859  Ole Blue 
 2860  Olive, the other reindeer 
 2861  Oliver 
 2862  Olivia 
 2863  Olivia 
 2864  Olivia and the kite party 
 2865  Olivia builds a house 
 2866  Olivia forms a band 
 2867  Olivia helps with Christmas 
 2868  Olivia saves the circus 
 2869  Olivia's birds : saving the Gulf 
 2870  Olympics! 
 2871  The omen and the ghost 
 2872  On beyond zebra 
 2873  On Market Street 
 2874  On my honor 
 2875  On the farm 
 2876  On the road with Rose and Bose 
 2877  On the way home : the diary of a trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri, in 1894 
 2878  Once a mouse-- : a fable cut in wood 
 2879  Once a mouse... : a fable cut in wood 
 2880  Once inside the library 
 2881  Once upon a mountain, 
 2882  One crazy summer 
 2883  One fine day 
 2884  One gaping wide-mouthed hopping frog 
 2885  One Halloween night 
 2886  One hundred days (plus one) 
 2887  The one hundredth thing about Caroline 
 2888  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 2889  One Monday morning. 
 2890  One more bug : an insect addition book 
 2891  One morning in Maine. 
 2892  One of three 
 2893  One wide river to cross. 
 2894  One-eyed cat : a novel 
 2895  Online etiquette and safety 
 2896  Only passing through : the story of Sojourner Truth 
 2897  Oops! it's plastic! 
 2898  Operation that happened to Rupert Piper ; 
 2899  Operation, dump the chump 
 2900  Opossum and the great firemaker : a Mexican legend 
 2901  Opossum and the great firemaker : a Mexican legend 
 2902  Oprah : the little speaker 
 2903  Oprah Winfrey 
 2904  Opt : an illusionary tale 
 2905  Oregon 
 2906  Organic farming 
 2907  Origami birds and butterflies 
 2908  Orlando Bloom 
 2909  Orphan trains : an interactive history adventure 
 2910  Osa's pride 
 2911  Oscar de la Hoya : the golden boy 
 2912  Oscar Otter 
 2913  Ostriches 
 2914  The other half of my heart 
 2915  The other half of my heart 
 2916  The other side 
 2917  Otherwise known as Sheila the Great 
 2918  Our earth 
 2919  Our pumpkin 
 2920  Our sixth-grade sugar babies 
 2921  Our U.S. Capitol 
 2922  Out and about at the bank 
 2923  Out of bounds : seven stories of conflict and hope 
 2924  Out of my mind 
 2925  Out of wonder : poems celebrating poets 
 2926  The outer space mystery 
 2927  Over in the meadow. 
 2928  Owen 
 2929  The owl and the pussycat 
 2930  Owl moon 
 2931  Owliver. 
 2932  Owls in the family 
 2933  Paddington and the Christmas surprise 
 2934  Pages of music 
 2935  The pain and the great one 
 2936  Paint all kinds of pictures. 
 2937  A pair of socks 
 2938  Pancakes for breakfast 
 2939  Pancakes, pancakes! 
 2940  Panda pants 
 2941  Papa Gatto : an Italian fairy tale 
 2942  Papa's mark 
 2943  The paper crane 
 2944  Parents in the pigpen, pigs in the tub 
 2945  Parents in the pigpen, pigs in the tub 
 2946  Pass the ball, Mo! 
 2947  Past times at Super Hero High ; : a graphic novel 
 2948  The patchwork path : a quilt map to freedom 
 2949  The patchwork quilt 
 2950  Paths & portals 
 2951  Patrick Doyle is full of blarney 
 2952  Patrick's dinosaurs 
 2953  Patterns and numbers in Minecraft 
 2954  Paul Bunyan and his great blue ox ; 
 2955  Paul Revere's ride. 
 2956  Paul the pitcher 
 2957  Payback time! 
 2958  Peanut butter and Jelly : a Narwhal and Jelly book 
 2959  Peanut-butter pilgrims 
 2960  Pecan pie baby 
 2961  Pedaling along : bikes then and now 
 2962  Pedro's journal : a voyage with Christopher Columbus, August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493 
 2963  A Pee Wee Christmas 
 2964  The Pee Wee jubilee 
 2965  Pemba's song : a ghost story 
 2966  Penalty shot 
 2967  The Penderwicks at Point Mouette 
 2968  Penelope Popper, book doctor 
 2969  Pennsylvania 
 2970  A penny a look; : an old story 
 2971  Percy's neighborhood 
 2972  Perfectly prima 
 2973  Perimeter, area, and volume : a monster book of dimensions 
 2974  Pet show! 
 2975  The pet-sitting peril 
 2976  Pete the Cat and his four groovy buttons 
 2977  Pete the cat and the bad banana 
 2978  Pete the Cat and the new guy 
 2979  Pete the Cat saves Christmas 
 2980  Pete the cat's world tour 
 2981  Peter & the wolf 
 2982  Peter and Veronica 
 2983  Peter Penny's dance 
 2984  Peter Rabbit's ABC 
 2985  Peter's chair 
 2986  Pets 
 2987  Pets, vets, and Marty Howard 
 2988  Peyton Manning 
 2989  Peyton Manning 
 2990  Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts : Super Bowl XLI 
 2991  Philip Hall likes me. : I reckon maybe. 
 2992  Phillis Wheatley : colonial American poet 
 2993  Phoebe and the MacFairlie mystery. 
 2994  A photo for Greta 
 2995  Piano starts here : the young Art Tatum 
 2996  Pick and roll 
 2997  The Pickle King 
 2998  Pickles have pimples, and other silly statements 
 2999  Picnic 
 3000  A pictorial history of Black Americans 
 3001  A picture book of Thomas Jefferson 
 3002  A picture for Harold's room 
 3003  A picture for Harold's room; : a purple crayon adventure. 
 3004  The Pied Piper of Hamelin 
 3005  The Pied Piper of Hamelin 
 3006  Pierre, : a cautionary tale in five chapters and a prologue. 
 3007  Pies from nowhere : how Georgia Gilmore sustained the Montgomery bus boycott 
 3008  The piggy in the puddle. 
 3009  Pigs 
 3010  Pigs and pirates; : a Greek tale 
 3011  The pigs' picnic 
 3012  Pigsty 
 3013  The Pilgrims, brave settlers of Plymouth. 
 3014  Pinchpenny Mouse. 
 3015  Pinkalicious and the pink drink 
 3016  Pinky and Rex and the double-dad weekend 
 3017  Pinned 
 3018  Pioneer cat 
 3019  Pioneer sisters 
 3020  Pippi Longstocking's after-Christmas party 
 3021  Pirate 
 3022  Pirates 
 3023  Pitch and throw, grasp and know : what is a synonym? 
 3024  Pittsburgh Steelers 
 3025  Pizza party 
 3026  Planet Earth 
 3027  Planets 
 3028  Plank houses 
 3029  Plant life cycles 
 3030  Plants 
 3031  Plants are hunters! and other strange facts 
 3032  Play it safe online 
 3033  Playoff dreams 
 3034  Playtime 
 3035  Please bury me in the library 
 3036  Please, Louise 
 3037  Plum fantastic 
 3038  Plumber 
 3039  Poetry for chuckles and grins, 
 3040  Pokemon 
 3041  Polar bears matter 
 3042  The Polar Express 
 3043  The Polar Express 
 3044  Polar the Titanic bear 
 3045  Police officers at work 
 3046  Polka Dot Penguin Pottery 
 3047  Polygons 
 3048  Pond & river 
 3049  Poop-eaters : dung beetles in the food chain 
 3050  The pooped troop 
 3051  Poor Mallory! 
 3052  Pop's bridge 
 3053  Poppleton 
 3054  Porch lies : tales of slicksters, tricksters, and other wily characters 
 3055  The post office cat 
 3056  Potions & parameters 
 3057  The pout-pout fish 
 3058  Powwow 
 3059  Practice with purpose : literacy work stations for grades 3-6 
 3060  Prairie songs 
 3061  Prayer for a child, 
 3062  Precious and the Boo Hag 
 3063  Precipitation 
 3064  Prehistory to Egypt 
 3065  Pretend you're a cat 
 3066  Princess Baby 
 3067  Princess Cupcake Jones and the dance recital 
 3068  Princess Cupcake Jones and the missing tutu 
 3069  Princess Cupcake Jones saddles up! 
 3070  Princess Cupcake Jones won't go to school! 
 3071  Princess Furball 
 3072  Princess Grace 
 3073  Princess hair 
 3074  Princess Prunella and the purple peanut 
 3075  Princess Vinnea and the gulavores 
 3076  The principal's new clothes 
 3077  Prison puppies 
 3078  The private notebook of Katie Roberts, age 11 
 3079  Programming awesome apps 
 3080  The promise 
 3081  A promise is a promise 
 3082  Proudly Red and Black : stories of African and Native Americans 
 3083  Public school superhero 
 3084  Puerto Rico 
 3085  Pumpkin, pumpkin 
 3086  Punctuation takes a vacation 
 3087  Punia and the King of Sharks : a Hawaiian folktale 
 3088  Puppies are like that 
 3089  The puppy who wanted a boy 
 3090  Puppy's big day 
 3091  Purple climbing days 
 3092  Puss in boots 
 3093  Puss in Boots : the adventures of that most enterprising feline 
 3094  Put wedges to the test 
 3095  Puzzle patterns, 
 3096  Quackers 
 3097  Queen Latifah 
 3098  Queen of the Falls 
 3099  Quest for the eagle feather 
 3100  Quick as a cricket 
 3101  The quickest kid in Clarksville 
 3102  Quiet on account of dinosaur, 
 3103  Quiet! there's a canary in the library. 
 3104  The quilt story 
 3105  The Quinkins. 
 3106  Quinn and Penny investigate how to research 
 3107  Quirky, jerky, extra perky : more about adjectives 
 3108  The rabbit and the turtle 
 3109  Rabbit ears 
 3110  Rabble Starkey 
 3111  Raccoons 
 3112  Raccoons 
 3113  Raccoons and ripe corn 
 3114  Race cars : science, technology, engineering 
 3115  Race to Mars 
 3116  Racecars : start your engines! 
 3117  Rackety, that very special rabbit 
 3118  Racso and the rats of NIMH  
 3119  Radiant child : the story of young artist Jean-Michel Basquiat 
 3120  Radio Robert 
 3121  Ragtime Tumpie 
 3122  Rain rain rivers. 
 3123  The rainbow bridge : inspired by a Chumash tale 
 3124  Rainforest 
 3125  Rally for recycling 
 3126  Ralphi Rhino 
 3127  Ramadan and Id al-Fitr 
 3128  Ramona and her mother 
 3129  Ramona forever 
 3130  Ramona the pest 
 3131  Rand McNally mathematics encyclopedia 
 3132  Ranger in skirts. 
 3133  Rap 
 3134  Rapunzel 
 3135  Raspberries! 
 3136  Raven : a trickster tale from the Pacific Northwest 
 3137  Ray Charles 
 3138  Ray Charles : I was born with music inside me 
 3139  Reaching Dustin 
 3140  Read about helicopters. 
 3141  Reading, writing, chattering chimps : text and drawings 
 3142  Ready? Set. Raymond! 
 3143  Rebirth of a people 
 3144  Recess is a jungle! 
 3145  The Recess Queen 
 3146  Recipes from Mexico 
 3147  Red : the (fairly) true tale of Red Riding Hood 
 3148  Red Fox and his canoe 
 3149  Red leaf, yellow leaf 
 3150  Red means good fortune : a story of San Francisco's Chinatown 
 3151  Red Riding Hood 
 3152  Red sings from treetops : a year in colors 
 3153  Red-hot hightops 
 3154  Reflective practice to improve schools : an action guide for educators 
 3155  Reindeer trail; : a long journey from Lapland to Alaska, 
 3156  The relatives came 
 3157  The remarkable egg. 
 3158  Rembrandt : the man and the paintings. 
 3159  Remember : the journey to school integration 
 3160  Remember Me to Harold Square 
 3161  Remember not to forget : a memory of the Holocaust 
 3162  The Renaissance 
 3163  Renaissance 
 3164  Renoir 
 3165  The report card 
 3166  Rescue party 
 3167  Resist : 35 profiles of ordinary people who rose up against tyranny and injustice 
 3168  The retired kid 
 3169  The return of Santa Paws 
 3170  Return to Bitter Creek : a novel 
 3171  Rhode Island 
 3172  Rich : a Dyamonde Daniel book 
 3173  The riddle of Penncroft Farm 
 3174  Riddle-iculous math 
 3175  Riding freedom 
 3176  Riding the rails : trains then and now 
 3177  Riding to Washington 
 3178  Rip Tide. 
 3179  Rip-roaring Russell 
 3180  Ripley's believe it or not! 
 3181  Riptide 
 3182  A river ran wild : an environmental history 
 3183  River runners : a tale of hardship and bravery 
 3184  The road to Memphis 
 3185  The road to Memphis 
 3186  The road to Paris 
 3187  The robbery at the Diamond Dog Diner 
 3188  Robbery file : the museum heist 
 3189  Robert F. Kennedy; : man who dared to dream, 
 3190  Roberto Clemente : baseball legend 
 3191  Robins 
 3192  Robot 
 3193  Robot revolution 
 3194  Robot Zot! 
 3195  Robots & repeats 
 3196  Robots go wild! 
 3197  The rock and the river 
 3198  The rock quarry book 
 3199  Rock star 
 3200  Rockets 
 3201  Rockets and spaceships 
 3202  Rocks! rocks! rocks! 
 3203  Roget's international thesaurus. 
 3204  The Romeo and Juliet code 
 3205  Romeo and Juliet--together (and alive!) at last 
 3206  Ronald Morgan goes to bat 
 3207  Roofs over America. 
 3208  Room for Ripley 
 3209  Room one : a mystery or two 
 3210  The rooster crows : a book of American rhymes and jingles  
 3211  The rooster crows; : a book of American rhymes and jingles 
 3212  Rooster's off to see the world 
 3213  Roots and blues : a celebration 
 3214  Rosa 
 3215  Rosa Parks 
 3216  Rosa Parks : my story 
 3217  Rose faces the music 
 3218  Rose's magic touch 
 3219  Roses are pink, your feet really stink 
 3220  Rosie and the rustlers 
 3221  Rosy noses, freezing toes 
 3223  Roxaboxen 
 3224  Ruby Bridges goes to school : my true story 
 3225  Rugby and Rosie 
 3226  Rugs have naps (but never take them) 
 3227  Rumpelstiltskin 
 3228  Run the good race 
 3229  The runaway bunny 
 3230  Runaway Ralph 
 3231  Running back conversion, I was Barry Sanders 
 3232  Running for office 
 3233  Ruthie and the (not so) teeny tiny lie 
 3234  Ryan and Jimmy : and the well in Africa that brought them together 
 3235  S.O.R. losers 
 3236  Sable 
 3237  Sadako 
 3238  The saddest time 
 3239  Safari Park 
 3240  Saffy's angel 
 3241  Saint George and the dragon : a golden legend 
 3242  Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett : a tall tale 
 3243  Salmon. 
 3244  Salt in his shoes : Michael Jordan in pursuit of a dream 
 3245  Salt, 
 3246  Salt; : a Russian tale retold, 
 3247  Sam battles the machine 
 3248  Sam Johnson and the blue ribbon quilt 
 3249  Sam Sheep can't sleep 
 3250  Sam, Bangs & moonshine 
 3251  Samantha learns a lesson : a school story 
 3252  Samantha's surprise : a Christmas story 
 3253  Sammy Sosa : baseball superstar 
 3254  Sammy, the seal 
 3255  Santa's book of names 
 3256  Sarah with an H 
 3257  Sarah, plain and tall 
 3258  Sarah, plain and tall 
 3259  Satchel Paige : the best arm in baseball 
 3260  Saturn 
 3261  Save, spend, or donate? : a book about managing money 
 3262  Saving animal species 
 3263  Saving Audie : a pit bull puppy gets a second chance 
 3264  Say "cheese" 
 3265  Saying good-bye to Uncle Joe : what to expect when someone you love dies 
 3266  Scarecrow, doctor of fear 
 3267  Scared stiff 
 3268  The scariest night in Troll Forest 
 3269  Scary folktales 
 3270  The scary thing. 
 3271  Scholastic dictionary of idioms 
 3272  Scholastic encyclopedia of the presidents and their times 
 3273  Schomburg : the man who built a library 
 3274  School days 
 3275  School days around the world 
 3276  School freezes over! 
 3277  The school is alive! 
 3278  School Library Journal 
 3279  The school mouse 
 3280  The school story 
 3281  School's out---forever! 
 3282  The science behind Batman's ground vehicles 
 3283  The science behind Batman's tools 
 3284  Science experiments that explode and implode : fun projects for curious kids 
 3285  Science experiments that fizz and bubble : fun projects for curious kids 
 3286  Science experiments you can eat 
 3287  The science fair is freaky! 
 3288  The science of movies 
 3289  Scott Joplin 
 3290  Scott Joplin and the ragtime years 
 3291  Scruffy 
 3292  Sea horses 
 3293  The Sea View Hotel 
 3294  The search for delicious 
 3295  The search for Grissi 
 3296  The search for the missing bones 
 3297  Seashells of the world : a guide to the better-known species 
 3298  Season of light 
 3299  Season of secrets 
 3300  The season of Styx Malone 
 3301  Seasons 
 3302  Seasons 
 3303  Secret cities 
 3304  Secret coders 
 3305  The secret ghost : a mystery with distance and measurement 
 3306  Secret identity 
 3307  Secret letters from 0 to 10 
 3308  The secret of Cathedral Lake 
 3309  The secret of Gumbo Grove 
 3310  The secret of Shazam! 
 3311  The secret of the Indian 
 3312  The secret Olivia told me 
 3313  The secret science project that almost ate the school 
 3314  Secret seahorse 
 3315  Secrets from the past 
 3316  Secrets! 
 3317  See you around, Sam! 
 3318  Seeds of change : planting a path to peace 
 3319  The seeing stone 
 3320  Seizure-alert dogs 
 3321  Selena Gomez 
 3322  Selena Gomez 
 3323  Selling more snacks 
 3324  The Seminole 
 3325  Senses 
 3326  Sentries 
 3327  September 11 we will never forget 
 3328  Serial killer file : the doctor of death investigation 
 3329  Seven candles for Kwanzaa 
 3330  The seven continents 
 3331  Seven miles to freedom : the Robert Smalls story 
 3332  Seven spiders spinning 
 3333  Sewing 
 3334  Shades of black : a celebration of our black children 
 3335  Shadow 
 3336  The shadow children 
 3337  Shadow of the wolf 
 3338  Shadows of Caesar's Creek 
 3339  Shadows of Caesar's Creek 
 3340  Shadrach. 
 3341  Shannon, lost and found, San Francisco, 1880 
 3342  Shapes 
 3343  Shapes : a book 
 3344  Share your smile : Raina's guide to telling your own story 
 3345  Shark in the park 
 3346  Shark swimathon 
 3347  Sharks 
 3348  Sharks 
 3349  Sharks! 
 3350  Shaun White 
 3351  Shazam! : simple science magic 
 3352  She loved baseball : the Effa Manley story 
 3353  The sheriff of Rottenshot : poems 
 3354  Sherlock Holmes and the adventure of the blue gem 
 3355  Sherlock Holmes and the adventure of the dancing men 
 3356  Shh! We're Writing the Constitution 
 3357  Shiloh 
 3358  Shoeshine girl 
 3359  Shortcut 
 3360  Shuri 
 3361  A sick day for Amos McGee 
 3362  Sight 
 3363  Sight and sound in Minecraft 
 3364  Silent but deadly 
 3365  Silly Sally 
 3366  Silly tails 
 3367  The silver cow : a Welsh tale 
 3368  Simon Boom gives a wedding. 
 3369  Simple pictures are best 
 3370  Sir Cumference and all the king's tens : a math adventure 
 3371  Sir Cumference and the great knight of Angleland : a math adventure 
 3372  Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter : a math adventure 
 3373  Sir Small and the dragonfly 
 3374  Sir Small and the sea monster 
 3375  Sister 
 3376  Sister vs. brother 
 3377  Sisters & brothers : sibling relationships in the animal world 
 3378  Sit-in : how four friends stood up by sitting down 
 3379  Six foolish fishermen : based on a folktale in Ashton's Chap-books of the Eighteenth Century, 1882 
 3380  Sixth-Grade sleepover 
 3381  Skateboard party 
 3382  Skateboarding 
 3383  Skellig 
 3384  The Skin Im In 
 3385  Skin like milk, hair of silk : what are similes and metaphors? 
 3386  Skinnybones 
 3387  Skippyjon Jones 
 3388  Skippyjon Jones class action 
 3389  Skippyjon Jones in mummy trouble 
 3390  Skippyjon Jones in the dog house 
 3391  Sky color 
 3392  The sky was blue. 
 3393  Sky watcher 
 3394  Skyscrapers 
 3395  Slam dunk basketball 
 3396  Slam dunk Saturday 
 3397  Sleepover scientist 
 3398  Sleepy dog 
 3399  Slide and slurp, scratch and burp : more about verbs 
 3400  Slim Goodbody, what can go wrong and how to be strong 
 3401  Sluggers : twenty-seven of baseball's greatest 
 3402  Small pig 
 3403  Small plays for special days 
 3404  Small wonders : poems 
 3405  Small-group reading instruction : a differentiated teaching model for intermediate readers, grades 3-8 
 3406  Smasher 
 3407  Smell 
 3408  Smoke from the chimney 
 3409  Smoky night 
 3410  The snack attack mystery 
 3411  A snake is totally tail 
 3412  Snakes 
 3413  Snakes! 
 3414  The snare 
 3415  Snook alone 
 3416  The snopp on the sidewalk, and other poems 
 3417  Snow 
 3418  The snow baby 
 3419  Snow day! 
 3420  Snow is falling. 
 3421  Snow leopards 
 3422  Snow White and Rose Red 
 3423  Snowflake Bentley 
 3424  The snowy day 
 3425  So done 
 3426  So you want to be president 
 3427  Soccer 
 3428  Socks 
 3429  Sojourner Truth 
 3430  Sojourner Truth 
 3431  Sojourner Truth 
 3432  Sojourner Truth : a path to freedom 
 3433  The solar system 
 3434  Solomon : the rusty nail 
 3435  Some birthday! 
 3436  Some good news 
 3437  Some kind of love : a family reunion in poems 
 3438  Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch 
 3439  Something beautiful 
 3440  Something Queer at the Ball Park 
 3441  Song and dance man 
 3442  Song of the boat 
 3443  The song of the Christmas mouse 
 3444  Soon after September. 
 3445  Sophie's squash 
 3446  The sorcerer's apprentice 
 3447  Soul looks back in wonder 
 3448  Soul looks back in wonder 
 3449  Sounder 
 3450  Soup 
 3451  Soup 1776 
 3452  Soup for President 
 3453  Soup on ice 
 3454  Soup on wheels 
 3455  Soup's goat 
 3456  Soup's Hoop 
 3457  South America, surprise! 
 3458  South Carolina 
 3459  South Dakota 
 3460  Space exploration 
 3461  Space exploration 
 3462  Space exploration 
 3463  The space mission adventure 
 3464  The space mission adventure 
 3465  The Spanish kidnapping disaster 
 3466  Speak up, Edie! 
 3467  Spectacles. 
 3468  Spellbound 
 3469  Spider-tizers and other creepy treats 
 3470  Spiders 
 3471  Spiders 
 3472  Spiders : biggest! littlest! 
 3473  Spiders and webs 
 3474  Spinosaurus and other dinosaurs and reptiles from the Upper Cretaceous 
 3475  Splat the cat takes the cake 
 3476  Splendid speller 
 3477  Sport cars 
 3478  Sports medicine doctor 
 3479  Sports pages 
 3480  Spotlight on Cody 
 3481  The spotted dog : the strange tale of a witch's revenge 
 3482  Spotty, stripy, swirly : what are patterns? 
 3483  Spring 
 3484  Spring 
 3485  Spring 
 3486  Spring sprouts 
 3487  Spy in the sky 
 3488  Spy in the sky 
 3489  Spy school goes south : a Spy school novel 
 3490  Squeals & squiggles & ghostly giggles. 
 3491  The Squire's bride; : a Norwegian folk tale, 
 3492  St. Francis of Assisi 
 3493  St. Patrick's Day 
 3494  St. Patrick's day in the morning 
 3495  St. Patrick's Day. 
 3496  Stacey and the mystery of Stoneybrook 
 3497  Stacey's emergency 
 3498  Stacey's mistake 
 3499  Stand tall, Molly Lou Melon 
 3500  Stanley & Rhoda 
 3501  The Stanley Cup Finals 
 3502  The star maiden : an Ojibway tale 
 3503  Star of the sea : a day in the life of a starfish 
 3504  The star rocker 
 3505  Stars 
 3506  Stars and sparks on stage 
 3507  State capitals : explore the capital cities of our 50 states 
 3508  State trees, 
 3509  The Statue of Liberty 
 3510  Stay away from Simon! 
 3511  STEM jobs in fashion and beauty 
 3512  Stephen Curry 
 3513  Steve Nash 
 3514  Stevie : the inside story 
 3515  Stick and Stone 
 3516  Stink and the freaky frog freakout 
 3517  Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk 
 3518  Stink bomb mom 
 3519  Stink-o-pedia, volume two : more stink-y stuff from A to Z 
 3520  Stinky riddles 
 3521  Stitchin' and pullin' : a Gee's Bend quilt 
 3522  Stock cars 
 3523  Stone soup : an old tale 
 3524  The stonecutter : a Japanese folk tale 
 3525  Stop and go, yes and no : what is an antonym? 
 3526  The stories Huey tells 
 3527  The stories Julian tells 
 3528  The storm 
 3529  Storm chaser 
 3530  Storm chasers : tracking twisters 
 3531  Storm in the night 
 3532  Storms 
 3533  Stormy. 
 3534  The story about Ping 
 3535  Story County : here we come! 
 3536  The Story of a castle 
 3537  The story of a farm 
 3538  Story of caves ; 
 3539  The story of Easter for children 
 3540  The story of Ferdinand 
 3541  The story of Jumping Mouse : a native American legend 
 3542  The story of Mount Vernon. 
 3543  The story of Passover for children 
 3544  The Story of Prince Ivan, the firebird, and the gray wolf. 
 3545  The story of Queen Esther 
 3546  The story of snow : the science of winter's wonder 
 3547  The story of The barber of Seville, 
 3548  The story of the Memphis Grizzlies 
 3549  Straight and curvy, meek and nervy : more about antonyms 
 3550  Strategies for reading assessment and instruction : helping every child succeed 
 3551  Strega Nona : an old tale 
 3552  Striped ice cream 
 3553  Stroll and walk, babble and talk : more about synonyms 
 3554  Strong to the hoop 
 3555  Stuart Little 
 3556  The substitute teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 3557  Sugar Plums to the rescue! 
 3558  Sugaring time 
 3559  Sukey and the mermaid 
 3560  Summer 
 3561  The summer before 
 3562  Summer is here! 
 3563  Summer is-- 
 3564  The summer of the bonepile monster 
 3565  Summer of the monkeys 
 3566  Summer reading is killing me! 
 3567  Sun 
 3568  A sunburned prayer 
 3569  Sunken treasure 
 3570  Sunny Holiday 
 3571  Sunny-side up 
 3572  Sunset of the sabertooth 
 3573  Super Ben's broken cookie : a book about sharing 
 3574  Super Ben's dirty hands : a book about healthy habits 
 3575  Super Bowl switch, I was Dan Marino 
 3576  Super guards 
 3577  Super Hero High School yearbook 
 3578  Super sharks : a LEGO adventure in the real world 
 3579  The super-nice are super-annoying : by Jamie Kelly 
 3580  Supergirl vs. Brainiac 
 3581  Superstars of WWE 
 3582  Surgical technologist 
 3583  The surprise party. 
 3584  Swamps and marshes 
 3585  Sweet and Sunny 
 3586  Sweet Clara and the freedom quilt 
 3587  Sweet whispers, Brother Rush 
 3588  Switcharound 
 3589  Syd Hoff's jokes. 
 3590  Sylvester and the magic pebble 
 3591  Sylvia & Aki. 
 3592  T.J.'s secret pitch 
 3593  Tables and graphs of healthy things 
 3594  Tacky the penquin 
 3595  Tae's sonata 
 3596  Take a walk in their shoes 
 3597  Take a walk, Johnny 
 3598  Take off! : all about airplanes 
 3599  Tale of a tadpole 
 3600  The tale of Despereaux : being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread 
 3601  The talented Clementine 
 3602  Tales from a not-so-fabulous life 
 3603  Tales from a not-so-happily ever after 
 3604  Tales from a not-so-happy birthday 
 3605  Tales from a not-so-popular party girl 
 3606  Tales from a not-so-talented pop star 
 3607  Tales from the Arabian nights; : the most famous stories from the great classic A Thousand and one nights, 
 3608  Tales from the bamboo grove 
 3609  Tales from the homeplace : adventures of a Texas farm girl 
 3610  Tales of a fourth grade nothing 
 3611  Tales of a fourth grade nothing 
 3612  Tales of famous Americans 
 3613  Tales of waybeyond 
 3614  Tales our abuelitas told : a Hispanic folktale collection 
 3615  Talk about a family 
 3616  Talkin' about Bessie : the story of aviator Elizabeth Coleman 
 3617  Talking about illnesses 
 3618  The talking eggs : a folktale from the American South 
 3619  Tall man in the pivot. 
 3620  Tanks and military vehicles 
 3621  Tanya's reunion 
 3622  A taste of blackberries 
 3623  A taste of colored water 
 3624  Taylor Swift 
 3625  Taylor Swift 
 3626  Teach us, Amelia Bedelia 
 3627  Teacher 
 3628  The teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 3629  Teachers at work 
 3630  The teachers march! : how Selma's teachers changed history 
 3631  Teaching children to care : classroom management for ethical and academic growth, K-8 
 3632  Teammates 
 3633  Teammates 
 3634  Tears for Ashan 
 3635  Teddy Bear's scrapbook 
 3636  The teeny tiny woman 
 3637  The teeny-tiny woman : a ghost story 
 3638  TEL Tennessee Electronic Library 
 3639  Telling time : how to tell time on digital and analog clocks! 
 3640  Ten, nine, eight 
 3641  Tennessee 
 3642  Tennessee 
 3643  Tennessee : the Volunteer State. 
 3644  Tennessee : [the Volunteer State] 
 3645  The Tennessee encyclopedia of history & culture 
 3646  Tennessee Titans 
 3647  Tennessee Titans 
 3648  Tennessee Volunteers 
 3649  The tenth good thing about Barney. 
 3650  Termites 
 3651  Terrible Terrel 
 3652  The terrible two get worse 
 3653  Terrorist file : the Lockerbie investigation 
 3654  Testing the ice : a true story about Jackie Robinson 
 3655  Tet : Vietnamese New Year 
 3656  Texas 
 3657  The Texas City disaster 
 3658  Thank you day 
 3659  Thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! 
 3660  Thank you, Jackie Robinson. 
 3661  Thank you, Mr. Falker 
 3662  Thanksgiving 
 3663  Thanksgiving 
 3664  Thanksgiving story 
 3665  That Book Woman 
 3666  That costs two shells : the history of money 
 3667  That holiday feeling 
 3668  That horse Whiskey 
 3669  That Julia Redfern 
 3670  That mushy stuff 
 3671  That's good! that's bad! on Santa's journey 
 3672  That's right, Edie. 
 3673  Theodore all grown up 
 3674  Therapy dogs 
 3675  There is a carrot in my ear, and other noodle tales 
 3676  There was an old lady who swallowed a fly! 
 3677  There was an old lady who swallowed a frog! 
 3678  There was an old lady who swallowed a turkey! 
 3679  There's a big, beautiful world out there! 
 3680  There's a boy in the girls' bathroom 
 3681  There's a girl in my hammerlock 
 3682  There's a nightmare in my closet 
 3683  There's a wocket in my pocket! 
 3684  These hands 
 3685  These happy golden years 
 3686  They all saw a cat 
 3687  They ate what?! : the weird history of food 
 3688  They played what?! : The weird history of sports and recreation 
 3689  They were strong and good, 
 3690  Things around us. 
 3691  Things I like 
 3692  Things not seen 
 3693  Things that are 
 3694  Things with wings 
 3695  A Thingumajig Christmas 
 3696  Third grade is terrible 
 3697  Third grade is terrible 
 3698  The third planet from Altair 
 3699  The third wheel 
 3700  Thirteen ways to sink a sub 
 3701  This is Black Panther 
 3702  This is just to say : poems of apology and forgiveness 
 3703  This is my dollhouse 
 3704  This is silly! 
 3705  This is the dream 
 3706  This is the rope : a story from the Great Migration 
 3707  Thomas and the school trip 
 3708  The thorn witch 
 3709  The three Billy Goats Gruff 
 3710  Three bite rule 
 3711  The three branches of government : working as a team 
 3712  Three brave women 
 3713  Three by the sea 
 3714  Three cheers for Tacky 
 3715  Three ducks went wandering 
 3716  The three goats 
 3717  A three hat day 
 3718  Three jovial huntsmen 
 3719  Three little kittens 
 3720  The Three Little Pigs 
 3721  Three Names 
 3722  The three pigs 
 3723  Three ships for Columbus 
 3724  Through moon and stars and night skies 
 3725  Thumbtacks, earwax, lipstick, dipstick : what is a compound word? 
 3726  Thurgood Marshall : civil rights champion 
 3727  Tick tock clock : a phonics reader 
 3728  Tiger Woods 
 3729  Tight 
 3730  Tight end 
 3731  Tikki Tikki Tembo, 
 3732  Time 
 3733  The time machine 
 3734  Time of wonder 
 3735  Time train 
 3736  The tiny seed 
 3737  Titanic 
 3738  To Grandmother's house we go 
 3739  To root, to toot, to parachute : what is a verb? 
 3740  To the green mountains 
 3741  Toeshoe trouble 
 3742  Together 
 3743  Tom tit tot; an English folk tale. 
 3744  Toning the sweep 
 3745  Toning the sweep 
 3746  Tonk and Tonka. 
 3747  Tony Romo : star quarterback 
 3748  Too many tamales 
 3749  Too much glue 
 3750  Tooley! Tooley! 
 3751  Tooth-gnasher superflash 
 3752  The toothpaste millionaire, 
 3753  Top secret 
 3754  The top ten inventions that changed the world 
 3755  Top to bottom down under 
 3756  Tornado 
 3757  Tornado! : the 1974 super outbreak 
 3758  Torrek and the elfin girl 
 3759  The tortoise and the hare : an Aesop fable 
 3760  Totem pole 
 3761  Touch 
 3762  Touch the sky : Alice Coachman, Olympic high jumper 
 3763  Tough to tackle 
 3764  Tough-luck Karen 
 3765  The town mouse and the country mouse : an Aesop fable 
 3766  Town mouse, country mouse 
 3767  The train of states 
 3768  Train ride. 
 3769  Train wreck : Kansas, 1892 
 3770  Train your brain with activities of odds and chance 
 3771  Trains on the tracks 
 3772  Trapped between the lash and the gun : a boy's journey 
 3773  Trapped beyond the magic attic 
 3774  Trapped in space 
 3775  The treasure 
 3776  A treeful of pigs 
 3777  Trees 
 3778  The trek 
 3779  Trial of the Amazons 
 3780  Trickiest! : 19 sneaky animals 
 3781  Trickster Tales from Prairie Lodge fires 
 3782  Trig 
 3783  The trip 
 3784  Tristan Strong destroys the world 
 3785  Tristan Strong keeps punching 
 3786  Tristan Strong punches a hole in the sky 
 3787  Trombone Shorty 
 3788  Trouble for Lucy 
 3789  Trouble next door 
 3790  The trouble with Tuck 
 3791  Troublemaker 
 3792  Truck 
 3793  Trucks 
 3794  Trucks 
 3795  The true book of oceans. 
 3796  True friends 
 3797  The true story of Stellina 
 3798  The true story of the 3 little pigs 
 3799  The trumpet of the swan 
 3800  The truth about ogres 
 3801  The truth about Stacey 
 3802  The truth behind snack foods 
 3803  Tsunami! : the 1946 Hilo wave of terror 
 3804  Tuesday 
 3805  The Tuesday elephant. 
 3806  Tumblin' Creek tales and other poems 
 3807  Tundra biomes around the world 
 3808  A turkey for Thanksgiving 
 3809  Turning apples into applesauce 
 3810  Turning points 2000 : educating adolescents in the 21st century 
 3811  Turtle in paradise 
 3812  Turtle knows your name 
 3813  Turtles 
 3814  The Tuskegee Airmen 
 3815  Tutankhamen's gift 
 3816  The TV kid 
 3817  Twelve bells for Santa 
 3818  The twelve days of Christmas 
 3819  The twelve labors of Hercules 
 3820  The twentieth century and the Harlem Renaissance : a history of Black people in America, 1880-1930 
 3821  Twenty and ten 
 3822  Twilight in Grace Falls 
 3823  Twinkle, twinkle, little bug 
 3824  Two bad ants 
 3825  Two for one 
 3826  The two old bachelors. 
 3827  Two-Face's double take 
 3828  Ty's one-man band 
 3829  Tybee Trimble's hard times 
 3830  Tyrannosaurus rex vs. velociraptor 
 3831  The U.S. Capitol 
 3832  UFOs 
 3833  The uglified ducky 
 3834  The ugly book 
 3835  Ultimate sports 
 3836  Umbrella 
 3837  Un dia de nieve 
 3838  Un-brella 
 3839  Unclaimed treasures 
 3840  Uncle Jed's barbershop 
 3841  The undefeated 
 3842  Under a different sky 
 3843  Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition? 
 3844  Undercover BMX 
 3845  Underground 
 3846  Understanding coding like a programmer 
 3847  Understanding metaphors 
 3848  Understanding personification 
 3849  Understanding similes 
 3850  The unforgettable Logan Foster 
 3851  United States Air Force 
 3852  United States Coast Guard 
 3853  United States Navy 
 3854  The unnatural 
 3855  Unspoken : a story from the Underground Railroad 
 3856  Unstoppable Octobia May 
 3857  Up from Jericho Tel 
 3858  Uptown 
 3859  Uranus 
 3860  Usher 
 3861  Using digital technology 
 3862  Using myplate 
 3863  Using tools and building a city in Minecraft 
 3864  Utah 
 3865  Utahraptor and other dinosaurs and reptiles from the Lower Cretaceous 
 3866  V is for volunteer : a Tennessee alphabet 
 3867  The Valentine bears 
 3868  A valentine for Cousin Archie 
 3869  Valentine's Day 
 3870  The value of adventure : the story of Sacagawea 
 3871  The value of believing in yourself : the story of Louis Pasteur 
 3872  The value of caring : the story of Eleanor Roosevelt 
 3873  The value of creativity--the story of Thomas Edison 
 3874  The value of curiosity : the story of Christopher Columbus 
 3875  The value of dedication : the story of Albert Schweitzer 
 3876  The value of determination : the story of Helen Keller 
 3877  The value of fantasy : the story of Hans Christian Andersen 
 3878  The value of foresight : the story of Thomas Jefferson 
 3879  The value of friendship : the story of Jane Addams 
 3880  The value of honesty : the story of Confucius 
 3881  The value of humor : the story of Will Rogers 
 3882  The value of imagination : the story of Charles Dickens 
 3883  The value of kindness. The Story of Elizabeth Fry. 
 3884  The value of learning : the story of Marie Curie 
 3885  The value of love : the story of Johnny Appleseed 
 3886  The value of patience : the story of the Wright brothers 
 3887  The value of respect : the story of Abraham Lincoln 
 3888  The value of responsibility : the story of Ralph Bunche 
 3889  The value of saving : the story of Benjamin Franklin 
 3890  The value of self-discipline : the story of Alexander Graham Bell 
 3891  The value of sharing : the story of the Mayo brothers 
 3892  The value of truth and trust : the story of Cochise 
 3893  The value of understanding : the story of Margaret Mead 
 3894  Vampires don't wear polka dots 
 3895  Van Gogh 
 3896  Van Gogh 
 3897  The vanished 
 3898  Velma Gratch & the way cool butterfly 
 3899  The velveteen rabbit or how toys become real 
 3900  Venus 
 3901  Venus & Serena Williams 
 3902  Vermont 
 3903  Veronica 
 3904  The very best pumpkin 
 3905  The very busy spider 
 3906  The very inappropriate word 
 3907  Very last first time 
 3908  A very Marley Christmas 
 3909  A very noisy day 
 3910  Veterans Day 
 3911  Veterinarian 
 3912  Video game designer 
 3913  Video game developer 
 3914  Video games 
 3915  The Viking children's world atlas : an introductory atlas for young people 
 3916  The village basket weaver 
 3917  The village of round and square houses 
 3918  Vincent's colors : words and pictures by Vincent van Gogh 
 3919  VIP pass to a pro baseball game day : from the locker room to the press box (and everything in between) 
 3920  Virginia 
 3921  Virtual Cody 
 3922  Visiting day 
 3923  Viva Mexico! : the story of Benito Juarez and Cinco de mayo 
 3924  Voices after midnight : a novel 
 3925  Voices of World War I : stories from the trenches 
 3926  Voices of World War II : stories from the front lines 
 3927  Volcano! : the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption 
 3928  Volcanoes 
 3929  Volcanoes 
 3930  Volcanoes 
 3931  Volcanoes & earthquakes 
 3932  Volcanoes and earthquakes : making and moving rock 
 3933  Volcanoes! 
 3934  Voting in an election 
 3935  Voyage to the volcano 
 3936  W.E.B. Du Bois 
 3937  W.E.B. DuBois : a biography 
 3938  Wait for me, watch for me, Eula Bee 
 3939  Wait till Helen comes : a ghost story 
 3940  Wake up, sleepy bear! 
 3941  Wake up, Sun! 
 3942  Walk home tired, Billy Jenkins 
 3943  Walk two moons 
 3944  The walrus and the carpenter 
 3945  The Wampanoag 
 3946  Wanda's roses 
 3947  Wangari's trees of peace : a true story from Africa 
 3948  Wanted-- Mud Blossom 
 3949  The war with Grandpa 
 3950  Was the Harlem Renaissance a renaissance? 
 3951  Wash day 
 3952  Washington 
 3953  Washington, D.C. 
 3954  Watch out, Ronald Morgan! 
 3955  The water cycle 
 3956  Watercolors 
 3957  The Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 
 3958  The Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel 
 3959  The way to start a day 
 3960  Wayside School is falling down 
 3961  We adopted you, Benjamin Koo 
 3962  We are alike, we are different 
 3963  We are best friends 
 3964  We are growing! 
 3965  We beat the street : how a friendship pact helped us succeed 
 3966  We had a picnic this Sunday past 
 3967  We hate rain! 
 3968  We love trucks! 
 3969  We rise, we resist, we raise our voices 
 3970  We the kids : the preamble to the Constitution of the United States 
 3971  Weather 
 3972  The weather 
 3973  Weather : poems 
 3974  Weather forecasting 
 3975  Weather or not 
 3976  Webster and Arnold and the giant box : story and picture 
 3977  Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged 
 3978  Weeds and wild flowers 
 3979  A week in the woods 
 3980  Weekends with Dad : what to expect when your parents divorce 
 3981  Weird but true! 
 3982  Weird but true! 1 : 350 outrageous facts. 
 3983  Weird but true! food : 300 bite-size facts about incredible edibles. 
 3984  Weird food 
 3985  Weird meat-eating plants 
 3986  Welcome to dead house 
 3987  Welcome to North America! 
 3988  Were early computers really the size of a school bus? : and other questions about inventions 
 3989  Werewolves 
 3990  Werewolves don't run for president 
 3991  Werewolves. 
 3992  West Virginia 
 3993  What a morning! : the Christmas story in black spirituals 
 3994  What are caves? 
 3995  What are crystals? 
 3996  What are deserts? 
 3997  What are forests? 
 3998  What are fossils? 
 3999  What are igneous rocks? 
 4000  What are lakes? 
 4001  What are metamorphic rocks? 
 4002  What are minerals? 
 4003  What are mountains? 
 4004  What are oceans? 
 4005  What are rivers? 
 4006  What are sedimentary rocks? 
 4007  What are volcanoes? 
 4008  What can I do when I grow up? : a young person's guide to careers, money--and the future. 
 4009  What can we play today? : a book about community helpers 
 4010  What day is it? 
 4011  What do I see? 
 4012  What do you do with a kangaroo? 
 4013  What do you do, dear? : [Proper conduct for all occasions] 
 4014  What do you say, dear? 
 4015  What happened to Patrick's dinosaurs? 
 4016  What happens to a hamburger 
 4017  What is a carnivore? 
 4018  What is an omnivore? 
 4019  What is it about me you can't teach? : an instructional guide for the urban educator 
 4020  What is the Statue of Liberty? 
 4021  What Momma left me 
 4022  What should I read aloud? : a guide to 200 best-selling picture books 
 4023  What to do if you are bullied 
 4024  What to do with a string 
 4025  What was it before it was a chair? 
 4026  What was it before it was a sweater? 
 4027  What was it before it was orange juice? 
 4028  What was the underground railroad? 
 4029  What will Mommy do when I'm at school? 
 4030  What works in schools : translating research into action 
 4031  What would you do in a library? 
 4032  What your nose knows! 
 4033  What's a mammal? 
 4034  What's alive? 
 4035  What's an amphibian? 
 4036  What's an average kid like me doing way up here? 
 4037  What's faster than a speeding cheetah? 
 4038  What's smaller than a pygmy shrew? 
 4039  What's so funny, Ketu? : a Nuer tale 
 4040  What's the big idea, Ben Franklin? 
 4041  What's the hurry, Fox? : and other animal stories 
 4042  What's the matter with Herbie Jones? 
 4043  What's the matter with the three little pigs? : the fairy-tale physics of matter 
 4044  What's the time, Grandma Wolf? 
 4045  Whatever happened to Amelia Earhart? 
 4046  Whatever happened to the dinosaurs? 
 4047  Wheel on the chimney, 
 4048  When Grandmama sings 
 4049  When I am old with you 
 4050  When I am old with you 
 4051  When I was young in the mountains 
 4052  When life gives you O.J. 
 4053  When no one was looking 
 4054  When Sophie gets angry--really, really angry... 
 4055  When spring comes 
 4056  When the sad one comes to stay 
 4057  When the soldiers were gone 
 4058  When will I read? 
 4059  When you look up at the moon 
 4060  When you were a baby 
 4061  When? 
 4062  Where are you going Manyoni? 
 4063  Where are you going, little mouse? 
 4064  Where do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus 
 4065  Where the lilies bloom 
 4066  Where the mountain meets the moon 
 4067  Where the red fern grows : the story of two dogs and a boy 
 4068  Where the sidewalk ends : the poems & drawings of 
 4069  Where the wild things are 
 4070  Where's Buddy? 
 4071  Where's Peter Rabbit? : a lift-the-flap book : from The tale of Peter Rabbit : the original and authorized edition 
 4072  Where? 
 4073  Which witch is which? 
 4074  The whipping boy 
 4075  The whipping boy 
 4076  The White House 
 4077  The white marble 
 4078  White snow, bright snow 
 4079  White socks only 
 4080  White socks only 
 4081  The white stag; 
 4082  White water 
 4083  Who built the ark? : based on an African-American spiritual ; illustrated by Pam Paparone. 
 4084  Who is Carrie? 
 4085  Who is Muhammad Ali? 
 4086  Who reached the South Pole first? 
 4087  Who says women can't be doctors? : the story of Elizabeth Blackwell 
 4088  Who walks in space? : working in space 
 4089  Who was Aretha Franklin? 
 4090  Who was Nelson Mandela? 
 4091  Who were the Tuskegee Airmen? 
 4092  Who will be my friends? : story and pictures 
 4093  Who's a pest? 
 4094  Who's afraid of the dark? 
 4095  Who's in Rabbit's house? : a Masai tale 
 4096  Who? 
 4097  Whose baby? 
 4098  Whose footprints? 
 4099  Whose mouse are you?; 
 4100  Why Anansi has eight thin legs : a tale from West Africa 