List of Titles for State Law

Report Results For: Number Of Copies is greater than or equal to "1"
18179 Result(s) Found.
 Line #  Title
 1  "B" is for Betsy 
 2  "Bee my valentine!" 
 3  "Charlie needs a cloak." 
 4  "I did it because--" : how a poem happens 
 5  "Mine will, " said John 
 6  "Mrs. Riley Bought Five Itchy Aardvarks" and other painless tricks for memorizing science facts 
 7  "No!" said Joe. 
 8  "Nothing is impossible," said Nellie Bly 
 9  "R" is for research 
 10  "Super-hungry mice eat onions" and other painless tricks for memorizing geography facts 
 11  "Unsinkable" Molly Brown 
 12  "When did you see her last?" 
 13  "You look ridiculous, " said the rhinoceros to. 
 14  'Night, America 
 15  'Night, Circus 
 16  'Night, farm 
 17  'Night, Mother Goose 
 18  'Night, storyland 
 19  'Night, zoo 
 20  'Twas the day before Christmas : the story of Clement Clarke Moore's beloved poem 
 21  'Twas the day before zoo day 
 22  'Twas the night before Christmas; or, Account of A visit from St. Nicholas 
 23  'Twas the night before Thanksgiving 
 24  --if you lived 100 years ago 
 25  1 is one. 
 26  1, 2, 3 to the zoo 
 27  1, 2, buckle my shoe 
 28  1, 2, tie up my shoe : a new look at an old nursery rhyme 
 29  1,2,3 Thanksgiving!. 
 30  1,2,3, scream! 
 31  1,2,3, scream! 
 32  1-2-3 I can build! 
 33  1-2-3 I can collage! 
 34  1-2-3 I can draw! 
 35  1-2-3 I can make prints! 
 36  2 is for dancing : a 1 2 3 of actions 
 37  2, 4, skip count some more 
 38  The 3-2-3 Detective Agency in The disappearance of Dave Warthog 
 39  3-D shapes 
 40  3D modeling 
 41  3D modeling 
 42  3D printing 
 43  3D printing 
 44  5 little ducks 
 45  The 5 senses 
 46  8th grade super zero 
 47  The 9/11 terror attacks 
 48  10 easy writing lessons that get kids ready for writing assessments : proven ways to raise your students's scores on the state performance assessments in writing 
 49  10 inventors who changed the world 
 50  10 minutes till bedtime 
 51  10 things I can do to help my world 
 52  10 things I know about penguins 
 53  11 birthdays 
 54  12 ways to get to 11 
 55  13 ways to eat a fly 
 56  The 13th clue 
 57  14 cows for America 
 58  14,287 pieces of fabric and other poems 
 59  The 18 penny goose 
 60  The 18th emergency 
 61  20,000 Leagues Under the Sea : Retold from the Jules Verne 
 62  21st century French-English, English-French dictionary 
 63  21st century German-English, English-German dictionary 
 64  21st century Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary 
 65  23 ways to mess up Valentine's Day 
 66  24 hours in a game reserve 
 67  The 24-hour genie 
 68  26 Fairmount Avenue 
 69  27 magic words 
 70  28 days : moments in Black history that changed the world 
 71  31 ways to change the world : we are what we do 
 72  The 39 clues : the black book of buried secrets 
 73  The 46 Little Men. 
 74  The 52-story treehouse 
 75  100 animals on parade! 
 76  100 cupboards 
 77  100 days of cool 
 78  100 days of school 
 79  100 school days 
 80  100 things you should know about Inventions 
 81  100 things you should know about Planet Earth 
 82  100 things you should know about Science 
 83  100 things you should know about Weather 
 84  100 ways to celebrate 100 days 
 85  100 words about transportation 
 86  The 100th day of school 
 87  100th day worries 
 88  101 preguntas y curiosidades sobre dinosaurios 
 89  101 science tricks : fun experiments with everyday materials 
 90  213 valentines 
 91  The 329th friend 
 92  500 cats 
 93  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 94  1000 bilingual words science : English, Spanish = 1000 palabras bilingues ciencias : ingles, espanol 
 95  1001 hints & tips for your garden. 
 96  The 1910s decade in photos : a decade that shook the world 
 97  The 1930s decade in photos : Depression and hope 
 98  The 1940s decade in photos : a world at war 
 99  The 1950s decade in photos : "the American decade" 
 100  The 1960s decade in photos : love, freedom, and flower power 
 101  The 1963 March on Washington : speeches and songs for civil rights 
 102  The 1970s decade in photos : protest and change 
 103  The 1970s from Watergate to Disco 
 104  1987, the year you were born 
 105  The 2001 World Trade Center attack 
 106  2011 Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial - Disc 1 & 2 
 107  2012 Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial Disc 1&2 
 108  2030 : a day in the life of tomorrow's kids 
 109  2095 
 110  A, B, C, D, tummy, toes, hands, knees 
 111  A-- B-- sea 
 112  A-B-A-B-A : a book of pattern play (E) 
 113  A. A. Milne, author of Winnie-the-Pooh 
 114  A. Nonny Mouse writes again! : poems 
 115  Aardvarks, disembark! 
 116  Aaron Copland 
 117  Aaron Donald vs. Reggie White : who would win? 
 118  Aaron Slater, illustrator 
 119  Abby 
 120  Abby takes a stand 
 121  Abby's asthma and the big race 
 122  The ABC book of American homes 
 123  ABC dentist 
 124  The ABC dinosaur book. 
 125  An ABC of fashionable animals 
 126  ABC, I like me! 
 127  The ABCs of Black history 
 128  The ABCs of continents 
 129  The ABCs of habitats 
 130  The ABCs of oceans 
 131  The ABCs of the environment 
 132  Abe Lincoln and the muddy pig 
 133  Abe Lincoln at last! 
 134  Abe Lincoln goes to Washington, 1837-1865 
 135  Abe's honest words : the life of Abraham Lincoln 
 136  Abejas 
 137  Abel's island 
 138  Abel's island : The story of the dancing frog 
 139  Abigail Adams 
 140  Abigail Adams : eyewitness to America's birth 
 141  Abigail Breslin 
 142  Abiyoyo : based on a South African lullaby and folk story 
 143  Abiyoyo : based on a South African lullaby and folk story 
 144  Abiyoyo returns 
 145  Ablaze with color : a story of painter Alma Thomas 
 146  The abominables 
 147  About birds : a guide for children 
 148  About crustaceans : a guide for children 
 149  About death. 
 150  About dogs 
 151  Above and below 
 152  The abracadabra kid : a writer's life 
 153  Abraham and Isaac 
 154  Abraham Lincoln 
 155  Abraham Lincoln 
 156  Abraham Lincoln 
 157  Abraham Lincoln 
 158  Abraham Lincoln 
 159  Abraham Lincoln : 16th U.S. president 
 160  Abraham Lincoln : a life of honesty 
 161  Abraham Lincoln : a man for all the people : a ballad 
 162  Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass : the story behind an American friendship 
 163  Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War 
 164  Abraham Lincoln and the end of slavery 
 165  Abraham Lincoln comes home 
 166  The Abraham Lincoln you never knew 
 167  Abrams tanks 
 168  Absolutely Alfie and the furry purry secret 
 169  Absolutely Alfie and the worst best sleepover 
 170  Absolutely not 
 171  Absolutely one thing : featuring Charlie and Lola 
 172  Abuela 
 173  Abuelita and me 
 174  Abuelita y yo 
 175  Abyssinian cats 
 176  Acampada 
 177  The accident 
 178  Accidental trouble magnet 
 179  Accidents may happen 
 180  Accordion to zeppelin : inventions from A to Z 
 181  The accursed vampire 
 182  Ace Lacewing, Bug Detective : bad bugs are my business 
 183  Ace your Internet research 
 184  Ace your oral or multimedia presentation 
 185  Ace your research paper 
 186  Ace your writing assignment 
 187  Achilles 
 188  Achoo! 
 189  Acids and bases 
 190  Ack! there's a bug in my ear! : (and other sayings that just aren't true) 
 191  Ack's new pet 
 192  Across five Aprils 
 193  Across the alley 
 194  Act 
 195  Acting animals 
 196  Acting responsibly 
 197  Action Jackson 
 198  The action of subtraction 
 199  An actor's life for me 
 200  Actual size 
 201  Ada Twist and the perilous pants 
 202  Ada Twist, scientist 
 203  Adam and Eve 
 204  Adam Canfield of the Slash 
 205  Adam Canfield watch your back! 
 206  Adam of the road 
 207  Addie across the prairie 
 208  Addie's bad day 
 209  Adding and subtracting at the lake 
 210  Adding around the city 
 211  Adding with ants 
 212  Addition 
 213  Addition + subtraction 
 214  Addition Annie 
 215  Addy learns a lesson : a school story 
 216  Addy saves the day : a summer story 
 217  Addy's surprise : A Christmas story 
 218  Adelita : a Mexican Cinderella story 
 219  Adios, Oscar! : a butterfly fable 
 220  Adiós, tricycle 
 221  Adjectives 
 222  Adjectives 
 223  Adjectives 
 224  Adoptive families 
 225  Adrian Peterson 
 226  The adventure of Paz in the Land of Numbers 
 227  The adventures of a plastic bottle : a story about recycling 
 228  The Adventures of Abbey O'Hagan 
 229  The adventures of Amelia Bedelia 
 230  The adventures of an aluminum can : a story about recycling 
 231  The adventures of Brer Rabbit and friends : from the stories collected by Joel Chandler Harris 
 232  The adventures of Captain Underpants 
 233  Adventures of Danny and the Dinosaur : Three huge adventures!. 
 234  Adventures of Frog and Toad 
 235  The adventures of Goat 
 236  Adventures of Harold and His Friends 
 237  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
 238  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
 239  The adventures of Isabel 
 240  The adventures of Polo 
 241  The adventures of Qai Qai 
 242  Adventures of Rainbow Fish. 
 243  The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes : Retold from the Arthur Conan Doyle 
 244  The adventures of Shrinkman 
 245  The adventures of Simple Simon 
 246  The adventures of Sir Givret the Short 
 247  The adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great 
 248  The adventures of sparrowboy 
 249  Adventures of The Berenstain Bears. 
 250  The adventures of Thor the Thunder God 
 251  The adventures of Wise Old Owl 
 252  Adventurous to zealous : all about me from A to Z 
 253  Adverbs 
 254  Adverbs 
 255  Adverbs 
 256  Aekyung's dream 
 257  Aesop's fables 
 258  AFC East : the Buffalo Bills, the Miami Dolphins, the New England Patriots, the New York Jets 
 259  AFC South : the Houston Texans, the Indianapolis Colts, the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Tennessee Titans 
 260  AFC West : the Denver Broncos, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Oakland Raiders, the San Diego Chargers 
 261  Afghan dreams : young voices of Afghanistan 
 262  Africa 
 263  Africa 
 264  Africa 
 265  Africa 
 266  Africa brothers and sisters 
 267  Africa counts : number and pattern in African culture 
 268  Africa dream 
 269  African acrostics : a word in edgeways : poems 
 270  African American heritage 
 271  African American life 
 272  The African American story : the events that shaped our nation-- and the people who changed our lives 
 273  The African Americans : many rivers to cross 
 274  African Americans and American Indians fighting in the Revolutionary War 
 275  African animals 
 276  African elephants 
 277  African elephants and baboons 
 278  African lions 
 279  African mythology : Anansi 
 280  An African princess 
 281  African rhinos 
 282  African rhinos 
 283  African-American ABC 
 284  African-American astronauts : Guion S. Bluford Jr., Charles F. Bolden Jr., Frederick D. Gregory, Bernard A. Harris Jr., Mae C. Jemison 
 285  African-American aviators : Bessie Coleman, William J. Powell, James Herman Banning, Benjamin O. Davis Jr., General Daniel James Jr. 
 286  African-American crafts kids can do! 
 287  African-American inventors II : Bill Becoat, George Carruthers, Meredith Gourdine, Jesse Hoagland, Wanda Sigur 
 288  African-American inventors III : Patricia Bath, Philip Emeagwali, Henry Sampson, Valerie Thomas, Peter Tolliver 
 289  Afro-bets 123 book 
 290  Afro-bets book of black heroes from A to Z : an introduction to important black achievers for young readers 
 291  After Earth : living on a different planet 
 292  After the dinosaurs : mammoths and fossil mammals 
 293  After the fall : how Humpty Dumpty got back up again 
 294  After the goat man 
 295  After Tupac and D Foster 
 296  Afternoon on the Amazon 
 297  An age of extremes 
 298  The age of steam 
 299  Ah, music! 
 300  AH-CHOO. 
 301  Ahi to ziti : food from A to Z 
 302  Ahmed Aziz's epic year 
 303  Ahoy there, little polar bear 
 304  Ahoy! ghost ship ahead 
 305  Air 
 306  Air 
 307  Air & flight 
 308  Air and water pressure 
 309  The Air Force Space Command 
 310  Air is all around you 
 311  Air quality 
 312  The air we breathe 
 313  Air, air all around 
 314  Airball : my life in briefs 
 315  Aircraft 
 316  Aircraft 
 317  Airedale terriers 
 318  Airedale to Zuchon : dogs from A to Z 
 319  Airmen of the U.S. Air Force 
 320  The airplane 
 321  Airplanes inside and out 
 322  Airplanes of World War II 
 323  Airport 
 324  Al Capone does my homework 
 325  Al Capone does my shirts 
 326  Al Capone shines my shoes 
 327  Al Gore 
 328  Al Gore 
 329  Al otro lado de la bahia 
 330  Alabama 
 331  Alabama 
 332  Alabama 
 333  Alabama facts and symbols 
 334  Aladdin and the magic lamp. 
 335  Aladdin and the wonderful lamp and other tales of adventure 
 336  Aladdin and the wonderful lamp. 
 337  Aladdin II & III collection 
 338  The Alamo 
 339  Alamo across Texas 
 340  Alan Cole is not a coward 
 341  Alaska 
 342  Alaska 
 343  Alaska 
 344  Alaska 
 345  Alaska 
 346  Alaska facts and symbols 
 347  Albert Einstein 
 348  Albert Einstein 
 349  Albert Einstein : scientist and genius 
 350  Albert Einstein : universal genius 
 351  Albert Einstein : with profiles of Isaac Newton and J. Robert Oppenheimer 
 352  Albert goes Hollywood 
 353  Albert Pujols 
 354  Albert the albatross. 
 355  Albert the Fix-it Man 
 356  Albert's ballgame 
 357  Albert's special day 
 358  Albert's special day 
 359  Alberto Giacometti 
 360  Albino animals 
 361  An album of the great wave of immigration 
 362  Alcatraz to Zanzibar : famous places from A to Z 
 363  Alcatraz versus the Knights of Crystallia 
 364  The alchemyst 
 365  Alcohol 
 366  Alcott to Zaharias : famous women from A to Z 
 367  Aldo Ice Cream 
 368  Alef-bet : a Hebrew alphabet book 
 369  Alejandro's gift 
 370  Alergica 
 371  Alex and Lulu : two of a kind 
 372  Alex and Sarah 
 373  Alex and the game of the century 
 374  Alex and the team jersey 
 375  Alex and Toolie 
 376  Alex Fitzgerald, TV star 
 377  Alex Haley 
 378  Alex is my friend. 
 379  Alex Morgan 
 380  Alex Rodriguez 
 381  Alex the parrot : no ordinary bird 
 382  Alex's challenge 
 383  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
 384  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
 385  Alexander and the wind-up mouse 
 386  Alexander and the wonderful, marvelous, excellent, terrific ninety days : an almost completely honest account of what happened to our family when our youngest son, his wife, their baby, their toddler, and their five-year-old came to live with us for three months 
 387  Alexander Calder 
 388  Alexander Graham Bell 
 389  Alexander Graham Bell : a photo-illustrated biography 
 390  Alexander Graham Bell : setting the tone for communication 
 391  The Alexander Hamilton you never knew 
 392  Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 
 393  Alexander, who's not (do you hear me? I mean it!) going to move 
 394  Alexis's cupcake cupid 
 395  Alfred digs 
 396  Alfred Nobel : inventive thinker 
 397  Alfred Nobel : the man behind the Peace Prize 
 398  Alfred's nose 
 399  Algo esta pasando en la ciudad 
 400  Algo le paso a mi papa : una historia sobre inmigracion y la separacion familiar 
 401  Alice Ann gets ready for school 
 402  Alice in Blunderland 
 403  Alice in Wonderland ; : & Through the looking glass 
 404  Alice Nizzy Nazzy, the Witch of Santa Fe 
 405  Alice the fairy 
 406  Alice's adventures in Wonderland. 
 407  Alicia Keys 
 408  Alien eraser to the rescue 
 409  The alien from outer space : a graphic novel adventure 
 410  Aliens and UFOs 
 411  Aliens for dinner 
 412  Aliens for lunch 
 413  Alison walks the wire 
 414  Alistair in outer space 
 415  Alive and not alive 
 416  Alkyoneus and the warrior queen 
 417  All aboard! : a traveling alphabet 
 418  All about 3D printing 
 419  All about a day 
 420  All about Alice 
 421  All about amphibians 
 422  All about angles 
 423  All about animal adaptations 
 424  All about animal behavior & communication 
 425  All about animal life cycles 
 426  All about animal needs 
 427  All about apps 
 428  All about astronauts 
 429  All about big red fire engines : All about construction 
 430  All about birds 
 431  All about blood & the heart 
 432  All about bones & muscles 
 433  All about bugs 
 434  All about caring for plants 
 435  All about cells & body systems 
 436  All about climate & seasons 
 437  All about coding 
 438  All About Corduroy. 
 439  All about deserts & grasslands 
 440  All about dinosaurs 
 441  All about dinosaurs 
 442  All about drones 
 443  All about earth's history 
 444  All about earthquakes 
 445  All about electricity 
 446  All about endangered & extinct animals 
 447  All about fish 
 448  All about flight 
 449  All about food chains 
 450  All about forces & gravity 
 451  All about forest ecosystems 
 452  All about fossils 
 453  All about fun on wheels : All about the post office 
 454  All about garbage and recycling 
 455  All about health & hygiene 
 456  All about heat 
 457  All about land formations 
 458  All about light 
 459  All about magnets 
 460  All about mammals 
 461  All about meteorology 
 462  All about motion & balance 
 463  All about natural resources 
 464  All about nutrition & exercise 
 465  All about Old McDonald's farm : All about horses 
 466  All about online gaming 
 467  All about plant & animal interdependency 
 468  All about plant adaptation 
 469  All about plant pollination : fruit, flowers & seeds 
 470  All about plant structure & growth 
 471  All about plants! 
 472  All about ponds 
 473  All about properties of matter 
 474  All About Rain, Snow, Sleet & Hail 
 475  All about rattlesnakes 
 476  All about reptiles 
 477  All about robots 
 478  All about rockets 
 479  All about satellites 
 480  All about simple machines 
 481  All about smart technology 
 482  All about social networking 
 483  All about soil 
 484  All about solids, liquids & gases 
 485  All about sound 
 486  All about space missions 
 487  All about space shuttles 
 488  All about space stations 
 489  All about Stacy 
 490  All about stars 
 491  All about teeth 
 492  All about the brain 
 493  All about the conservation of energy 
 494  All about the earth 
 495  All about the human life cycle 
 496  All about the moon 
 497  All about the planets 
 498  All about the seasons 
 499  All about the senses 
 500  All about the sun 
 501  All about the transfer of energy 
 502  All about the uses of energy 
 503  All about the water cycle 
 504  All about trucks 
 505  All about volcanoes 
 506  All about water ecosystems 
 507  All about waves 
 508  All about weathering & erosion 
 509  All about where 
 510  All about wind & clouds 
 511  All alone after school 
 512  All are welcome 
 513  All because you matter 
 514  All creatures great and small 
 515  All eyes on the pond 
 516  All for a dime! : a Bear and Mole story 
 517  All God's critters got a place in the choir 
 518  All I see 
 519  All in one : articulation and language materials for clinicians and teachers 
 520  All in the family : a look-it-up guide to the in-laws, outlaws, and offspring of mythology 
 521  All Joseph wanted 
 522  All my friends are fast asleep 
 523  All of me! : a book of thanks 
 524  All of our noses are here, and other noodle tales 
 525  All of the above : a novel 
 526  All paws on deck 
 527  All pigs are beautiful 
 528  All shook up! : the life and death of Elvis Presley 
 529  All stations! distress! : April 15, 1912 : the day the Titanic sank 
 530  All the colors of the earth 
 531  All the colors of the race : poems. 
 532  All the fun winter things 
 533  All the magic in the world 
 534  All the people : since 1945 
 535  All the places to love 
 536  All the places we call home 
 537  All the way home 
 538  All the way to wits' end 
 539  All the world 
 540  All those secrets of the world 
 541  All we need 
 542  All you can be : dream it, draw it, become it! 
 543  The all-I'll-ever-want Christmas doll 
 544  All-of-a-kind family 
 545  All-star! : Honus Wagner and the most famous baseball card ever 
 546  Allergic 
 547  Allergies 
 548  Alley to Zippy : cats from A to Z 
 549  Allie's bike 
 550  Allie, first at last 
 551  Alligators 
 552  Alligators 
 553  Alligators & crocodiles 
 554  Alligators and crocodiles! : strange and wonderful 
 555  Alliteration 
 556  Allosaurus vs. Brachiosaurus : might against height 
 557  Alma and how she got her name 
 558  Alma Flor Ada : an author kids love 
 559  Almost good-bye. 
 560  Almost invisible Irene 
 561  Almost starring Skinnybones 
 562  Almost to freedom 
 563  Alolan Academy 
 564  Alone like me 
 565  Along a rocky shore. 
 566  Along came Spider 
 567  Alpha beta chowder 
 568  Alphabatics 
 569  Alphabeasts : a hide & seek alphabet book 
 570  Alphabet adventure 
 571  Alphabet beats. 
 572  Alphabet beats. 
 573  Alphabet city 
 574  A The alphabet from Z to : with much confusion on the way) 
 575  An alphabet in five acts 
 576  The Alphabet Keeper 
 577  The alphabet tree. 
 578  Alphabet under construction 
 579  Alpine tundra : life on the tallest mountain 
 580  Alternative assessment techniques for reading & writing / by Wilma H. Miller. 
 581  Alternative fuels. 
 582  Alvin Ho : allergic to dead bodies, funerals, and other fatal circumstances 
 583  Alvin Ho. 
 584  Alvin Ho. 
 586  Always got my feet : poems about transportation 
 587  Always in trouble 
 588  Always lots of heinies at the zoo 
 589  Always my brother 
 590  Always room for one more 
 591  Always with you 
 592  Always, always 
 593  Aly and AJ 
 594  Am I beautiful? 
 595  Amahl and the night visitors. 
 596  Amanda and the Lost Time (English Spanish Bilingual Book for Kids) 
 597  Amanda Bean's amazing dream : a mathematical story 
 598  Amanda Bean's amazing dream : a mathematical story 
 599  Amanda Bynes 
 600  Amanda Pig and her best friend Lollipop 
 601  Amanda Pig and the awful, scary monster 
 602  Amanda Pig and the really hot day 
 603  Amanda Pig and the wiggly tooth 
 604  Amanda Pig on her own 
 605  Amanda Pig, first grader 
 606  Amari and the great game 
 607  Amari and the night brothers 
 608  The amazing adventures of Bumblebee Boy 
 609  Amazing animal babies 
 610  Amazing animal journeys 
 611  Amazing animal skin 
 612  Amazing animal tails 
 613  Amazing animal teeth 
 614  Amazing animal tongues 
 615  Amazing arctic explorer Matthew Henson 
 616  Amazing armadillos 
 617  Amazing bats 
 618  Amazing beaks 
 619  Amazing birds 
 621  The amazing bone 
 622  Amazing butterflies & moths. 
 623  Amazing champion of the earth Rachel Carson 
 624  Amazing Cherokee writer Sequoyah 
 625  The amazing Christmas extravaganza 
 626  The amazing circulatory system : how does my heart work? 
 627  Amazing civil war nurse Clara Barton 
 628  The amazing dirt book 
 629  Amazing DNA 
 630  Amazing frogs & toads 
 631  Amazing Grace 
 632  Amazing Grace 
 633  The amazing hairstyles book 
 634  Amazing Hubble Telescope 
 635  The amazing life of Azaleah Lane 
 636  Amazing light 
 637  The amazing love story of Mr. Morf 
 638  Amazing magnetism 
 639  The amazing Mark. 
 640  Amazing materials 
 641  Amazing migrations 
 642  Amazing Monkeys 
 643  The amazing mystery show 
 644  Amazing peace : a Christmas poem 
 645  Amazing plants 
 646  Amazing sound 
 647  The amazing Spider-Man. 
 648  The amazing story of space travel : Max Axiom STEM adventures 
 649  Amazing whales! 
 650  Amazing world of ants 
 651  Amazing world of butterflies and moths 
 652  Amazing world of dinosaurs 
 653  Amazing world of night creatures 
 654  The Amazon : river in a rain forest 
 655  Amazon boy 
 656  The Amazon princess and the pea 
 657  The amazon rainforest 
 658  Amber Brown is green with envy 
 659  Amber Brown is not a crayon 
 660  Amber Brown wants extra credit 
 661  Amber on the mountain 
 662  Amber was brave, Essie was smart : the story of Amber and Essie told here in poems and pictures 
 663  Ambulances 
 664  Amelia and Eleanor go for a ride 
 665  Amelia Bedelia 
 666  Amelia Bedelia 
 667  Amelia Bedelia 4 mayor 
 668  Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower 
 669  Amelia Bedelia cleans up 
 670  Amelia Bedelia goes camping 
 671  Amelia Bedelia on the job 
 672  The Amelia Bedelia treasury : three books 
 673  Amelia Bedelia's first apple pie 
 674  Amelia Bedelia's first day of school 
 675  Amelia Bedelia's first Valentine 
 676  Amelia Bedelia, bookworm 
 677  Amelia Bloomer : a photo-illustrated biography 
 678  Amelia Earhart 
 679  Amelia Earhart 
 680  Amelia Earhart 
 681  Amelia Earhart : a photo-illustrated biography 
 682  Amelia Earhart : female pioneer in flight 
 683  Amelia's fantastic flight. 
 684  America : a patriotic primer 
 685  America A to Z : people, places, customs and culture. 
 686  America at war 
 687  America the beautiful 
 688  America the beautiful 
 689  America's champion swimmer : Gertrude Ederle 
 690  America's explorers and pioneers 
 691  America's first elephant 
 692  America's first traitor : Benedict Arnold betrays the colonies 
 693  America's flags 
 694  America's national holidays 
 695  America's promise 
 696  America's railroads 
 697  America's songs of liberty 
 698  America's symbols 
 699  America's white table 
 700  American alligators : freshwater survivors 
 701  An American army of two 
 702  American birds 
 703  The American bison 
 704  American bison : a scary prediction 
 705  American cars of the 1980s 
 706  American citizenship 
 707  American coins and bills 
 708  American colonies, American revolution 
 709  American curl cats 
 710  American currency 
 711  American desi 
 712  The American flag 
 713  The American flag 
 714  The American flag 
 715  The American Heritage children's thesaurus 
 716  The American heritage picture dictionary 
 717  American independence 
 718  American Indian cooking before 1500 
 719  American Indian families 
 720  American Indian festivals 
 721  American Indian foods 
 722  American Indian games 
 723  American Indian myths and legends 
 724  American manners 
 725  American paint horses 
 726  The American presidency 
 727  The American Presidents. 
 728  The American Presidents. 
 729  The American Presidents. 
 730  The American Presidents. 
 731  American quarter horses 
 732  The American Revolution 
 733  The American Revolution 
 734  The American Revolution 
 735  The American Revolution, 1776 
 736  The American saddlebred horse 
 737  American shorthair cats 
 738  An American tail, family double feature 
 739  American tall tales 
 740  The American West 
 741  Americana 
 742  Amigo 
 743  Among the Barons 
 744  Among the betrayed 
 745  Among the brave 
 746  Among the enemy 
 747  Among the free 
 748  Among the hidden 
 749  Among the impostors 
 750  Amos camps out : a couch adventure in the woods 
 751  Amphibians 
 752  Amphibians 
 753  Amphibians 
 754  Amphibians 
 755  Amphibians 
 756  Amphibians & reptiles of North America 
 757  Amphibians : water-to-land animals 
 758  Amphibious ships 
 759  Amphibious vehicles 
 760  Amundsen and Scott's race to the South Pole 
 761  Amusement park 
 762  Amusement park rides 
 763  Amy the dancing bear. 
 764  Amy Wo and the patchwork dragon 
 765  Amy's light 
 766  Anansi and the box of stories : a West African folktale 
 767  Anansi and the magic stick 
 768  Anansi and the moss-covered rock 
 769  Anansi and the talking melon 
 770  Anansi does the impossible! : an Ashanti tale 
 771  Anansi finds a fool : an Ashanti tale 
 772  Anansi goes fishing 
 773  Anansi the spider : a tale from the Ashanti. 
 774  Anansi's party time 
 775  Ancient China 
 776  The ancient Chinese 
 777  Ancient Egypt 
 778  Ancient Egypt : a first look at people of the Nile 
 779  Ancient Egypt : an interactive history adventure 
 780  The ancient Egyptians 
 781  Ancient Greece 
 782  Ancient Greece 
 783  Ancient Greece : by Robert Nicholson. 
 784  Ancient Greeks. 
 785  The ancient Maya 
 786  The ancient Romans 
 787  Ancient West African kingdoms 
 788  And God created squash : how the world began 
 789  And here's to you! 
 790  And if the moon could talk 
 791  And nobody got hurt 2! : the world's weirdest, wackiest, and most amazing true sports stories 
 792  And one more makes ten 
 793  And one more makes ten 
 794  And the dish ran away with the spoon 
 795  And then comes Halloween 
 796  And then there were eight : poems about space 
 797  And then there were two : children and second language learning 
 798  And then what happened, Paul Revere? 
 799  And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street. 
 800  Andrew Carnegie : builder of libraries 
 801  Andrew Jackson 
 802  Andrew Jackson : our seventh president 
 803  Andrew Jessup 
 804  Andrew Johnson 
 805  Andromeda 
 806  Andy and the lion 
 807  Andy Shane and the pumpkin trick 
 808  Andy Shane and the Queen of Egypt 
 809  Andy Shane and the very bossy Dolores Starbuckle 
 810  Andy Shane is NOT in love 
 811  Andy Warhol 
 812  Andy Warhol 
 813  Anfernee Hardaway 
 814  Angel and me and the Bayside bombers 
 815  The angel and the soldier boy 
 816  Angel child, dragon child 
 817  An angel for Solomon Singer. 
 818  Angel Island 
 819  An angel just like me 
 820  Angel's mother's wedding 
 821  Angelfish 
 822  Angelina and the princess. 
 823  Angelina ballerina 
 824  Angelina Jolie 
 825  Angelina's baby sister 
 826  Angelina's dance of friendship. 
 827  Angelina's island 
 828  Angelina, star of the show 
 829  Angels Inc. 
 830  Angling to zorbing : sports from A to Z 
 831  Animal alphabet 
 832  Animal Antics A to Z. 
 833  Animal architecture 
 834  Animal babies 
 835  Animal babies 
 836  Animal behavior 
 837  Animal cafe : story and pictures 
 838  Animal camouflage in the desert 
 839  Animal camouflage in the forest 
 840  Animal camouflage in the snow 
 841  Animal camouflage. 
 842  Animal cells and life processes 
 843  Animal champions 
 844  Animal champions. 
 845  An animal community 
 846  Animal crackers : a delectable collection of pictures, poems, songs, and lullabies for the very young 
 847  Animal crackers fly the coop 
 848  Animal dads 
 849  Animal eating habits 
 850  Animal eyes : how creatures see and how their eyes have adapted to their world 
 851  Animal fair 
 852  Animal families 
 853  Animal families. 
 854  Animal feathers & fur 
 855  Animal food 
 856  Animal friends all year long. 
 857  Animal habitats 
 858  Animal helpers 
 859  Animal heroes : true rescue stories 
 860  Animal homes 
 861  Animal homes 
 862  Animal homes : Arctic. 
 863  Animal homes : Deserts. 
 864  Animal mimics 
 865  Animal mouths 
 866  Animal movement 
 867  Animal music 
 868  Animal numbers 
 869  Animal partnerships 
 870  Animal patterns 
 871  Animal poems 
 872  Animal records 
 873  Animal rescues 
 874  Animal rights 
 875  Animal rights : how you can make a difference 
 876  Animal rights activist 
 877  Animal stories for bedtime 
 878  Animal tails 
 879  Animal talk 
 880  Animal tracks and traces 
 881  Animal variation and classification 
 882  The animal, the vegetable, and John D Jones 
 883  Animals 
 884  Animals 
 885  Animals 
 886  Animals 
 887  Animals 
 888  Animals 
 889  Animals 
 890  Animals 
 891  Animals 
 892  Animals 
 893  Animals 
 894  Animals : multicelled life 
 895  The animals : selected poems 
 896  Animals are sleeping 
 897  Animals at home. 
 898  Animals at night. 
 899  Animals at rest. 
 900  Animals at work. 
 901  Animals born alive and well 
 902  Animals born alive and well. 
 903  Animals Christopher Columbus saw : an adventure in the new world 
 904  Animals communicating 
 905  Animals don't wear pajamas. 
 906  Animals grow and change 
 907  Animals homes : towns. 
 908  Animals in disguise 
 909  Animals in fall 
 911  Animals in the zoo 
 912  Animals observed : a look at animals in art 
 913  Animals of the African savanna 
 914  Animals of the Bible, a picture book. 
 915  Animals of the desert : adapting to survive 
 916  Animals of the Great Barrier Reef 
 918  Animals of the rain forest 
 919  Animals of the rainforest 
 920  Animals of the sea and shore 
 921  Animals should definitely not act like people 
 922  Animals staying safe 
 923  Animals that build homes 
 924  Animals that fight 
 925  Animals that survive 
 926  Animals that talk 
 927  Animals that travel 
 928  Animals with armor 
 929  Animals with pockets 
 930  The animals' lullaby 
 931  Animals. 
 932  Animusic 2 
 933  Ankylosaurus 
 934  Anna Sewell's Black Beauty 
 935  Anna's garden songs. 
 936  Anna, Banana, and the big-mouth bet 
 937  Annabel 
 938  Anne Frank 
 939  Anne Frank 
 940  The Anne Frank case : Simon Wiesenthal's search for the truth 
 941  Anne Hutchinson 
 942  Anne of Green Gables. 
 943  Anne of Greene Gables. 
 944  Anne of the island 
 945  Anne of West Philly : a modern graphic retelling of Anne of Green Gables 
 946  Anne, journey to Green Gables 
 947  Annie & Co. 
 948  Annie and Snowball and the Book Bugs Club : the ninth book of their adventures 
 949  Annie and Snowball and the cozy nest : the fifth book of their adventure 
 950  Annie and Snowball and the grandmother night : the twelfth book of their adventures 
 951  Annie and Snowball and the magical house : the seventh book of their adventures 
 952  Annie and Snowball and the pink surprise 
 953  Annie and Snowball and the shining star : the sixth book of their adventures 
 954  Annie and Snowball and the surprise day : the eleventh book of their adventures 
 955  Annie and Snowball and the Teacup Club : the third book of their adventures 
 956  Annie and Snowball and the thankful friends : the tenth book of their adventures 
 957  Annie and Snowball and the wintry freeze 
 958  Annie and the Old One 
 959  Annie and the wild animals 
 960  Annie Bananie 
 961  Annie Easley 
 962  Annie flies the birthday bike 
 963  Annie Glover is not a tree lover 
 964  Annie Oakley 
 965  Annie Oakley 
 966  Annie Oakley saves the day 
 967  Annie Pitts, artichoke 
 968  Annie Pitts, burger kid 
 969  Annie's pet 
 970  Annie, Bea, and Chi Chi Dolores : a school day alphabet 
 971  Anno's Counting book 
 972  Anno's hat tricks 
 973  Anno's journey 
 974  Anno's math games 
 975  Anno's mysterious multiplying jar 
 976  Anoles 
 977  Another Christmas 
 978  The ant and the grasshopper 
 979  Ant Cities 
 980  Ant farm to zebra fish : pets from A to Z 
 981  Ant king 
 982  The Ant on the Ground 
 983  The ant's nest : a huge underground city 
 984  Antarctic antics : a book of penguin poems 
 985  Antarctica 
 986  Antarctica 
 987  Antarctica 
 988  Antarctica 
 989  Antarctica 
 990  Antarctica 
 991  An anteater named Arthur. 
 992  Antelope 
 993  Antonio Brown : football star 
 994  Ants 
 995  Ants 
 996  Ants 
 997  Ants 
 998  Ants are fun. 
 999  Any day but today! 
 1000  Any which wall 
 1001  Anytime Mapleson and the hungry bears 
 1002  The Apache 
 1003  Apache helicopters 
 1004  The Apaches 
 1005  The apartment house 
 1006  Apatosaurus 
 1007  Apatosaurus 
 1008  Ape in a cape : an alphabet of odd animals 
 1009  Apes 
 1010  Apes and monkeys 
 1011  Aphids. 
 1012  Aphrodite the beauty 
 1013  Apollo 11 
 1014  The Apollo 13 mission 
 1015  The Apollo 13 mission : surviving an explosion in space 
 1016  Apollo and the battle of the birds 
 1017  Apologies to Zs : manners from A to Z 
 1018  Apostrophe 
 1019  Appalachia : the voices of sleeping birds 
 1020  The Appaloosa horse 
 1021  Appaloosa horses 
 1023  Appelemando's dreams 
 1024  Apple 
 1025  The apple bird 
 1026  An apple for Harriet Tubman 
 1027  Apple harvest 
 1028  The apple orchard 
 1029  An apple pie for dinner 
 1030  Apple tree Christmas 
 1031  Applebaum's garage 
 1032  Apples 
 1033  Apples for little Fox 
 1034  Apples of your eye 
 1035  Apples to Oregon : being the (slightly) true narrative of how a brave pioneer father brought apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, and cherries (and children) across the plains 
 1036  Applesauce 
 1037  Applesauce season 
 1038  Appleseed to Zamboni : famous men from A to Z 
 1039  April & Mae and the book club cake : the Monday book 
 1040  April & Mae and the tea party : the Sunday book 
 1041  April Fool! watch out at school! 
 1042  April Fool's Day 
 1043  April foolishness 
 1044  April Fools' Day to Z Day : holidays from A to Z 
 1045  The Apsaalooke (Crow) nation 
 1046  Apt. 3 
 1047  The aquanaut 
 1048  Arab American heritage 
 1049  Arabella Miller's tiny caterpillar 
 1050  The Arabian horse 
 1051  Arabian horses 
 1052  The Araboolies of Liberty Street 
 1053  Arachne 
 1054  Araminta's paint box 
 1055  Aranas 
 1056  Arapaho 
 1057  Arcade dictionary of word origins 
 1058  Archaeologists dig for clues 
 1059  Archaeopteryx 
 1060  Archery 
 1061  Archie and the pirates 
 1062  Arctic explorer : the story of Matthew Henson 
 1063  Arctic hunter 
 1064  The Arctic Ocean 
 1065  Arctic Ocean to Zimbabwe : geography from A to Z 
 1066  The arctic patrol mystery 
 1067  Arctic tundra 
 1068  Are there any questions? 
 1069  Are we there yet? : using map scales 
 1070  Are you a cheeseburger? 
 1071  Are you a horse? 
 1072  Are you asleep, Rabbit? 
 1073  Are you eating candy without me? 
 1074  Are you like me? 
 1075  Are you living? : a song about living and nonliving things 
 1076  Are you my bird? 
 1077  Are you my cat? 
 1078  Are you my dog? 
 1079  Are you my fish? 
 1080  Are you my mother? 
 1081  Are you my rabbit? 
 1082  Are you quite polite? : silly dilly manners songs 
 1083  Are you ready to play outside? 
 1084  Area 
 1085  Area 
 1086  Area 51 
 1087  The Area 51 files 
 1088  Aren't you forgetting something, Fiona? 
 1089  Ares and the spear of fear 
 1090  Argentina 
 1091  Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius : all about the fire signs 
 1092  Arizona 
 1093  Arizona 
 1094  Arizona 
 1095  Arizona 
 1096  Arizona 
 1097  Arizona facts and symbols 
 1098  The ark in the attic : an alphabet adventure 
 1099  Arkansas 
 1100  Arkansas 
 1101  Arkansas / Ellen Macaulay. 
 1102  Arkansas facts and symbols 
 1103  The armadillo from Amarillo 
 1104  The armadillo from Amarillo 
 1105  Armadillo rodeo 
 1106  Armadillo tattletale 
 1107  Armadilly chili 
 1108  Armien's fishing trip 
 1109  Armored vehicles in action 
 1110  Armpits to zits : the body from A to Z 
 1111  Arms and legs, fingers and toes 
 1112  Army brats 
 1113  Army Delta Force 
 1114  Arnie and the new kid 
 1115  Arnie and the stolen markers 
 1116  Arnie the doughnut 
 1117  Arnold of the Ducks 
 1118  Around and through 
 1119  Around me 
 1120  Around the world with money 
 1121  Around the world with the word friends. 
 1122  Arrasa con todo 
 1123  Arrow to the sun : a Pueblo Indian tale 
 1124  Art around the world : Loo-Loo, Boo, and more art you can do 
 1125  Art dog 
 1126  Art from her heart : folk artist Clementine Hunter 
 1127  Art installations 
 1128  The art lesson 
 1129  The art of freedom : how artists see America 
 1130  Art's supplies 
 1131  Artemis & the awesome animals 
 1132  Artemis : wild goddess of the hunt 
 1133  Artemis Fowl : the eternity code 
 1134  Artemis Fowl. 
 1135  Artemis the brave 
 1136  Arthur accused! 
 1137  Arthur and the best coach ever 
 1138  Arthur and the double dare 
 1139  Arthur and the goalie ghost 
 1140  Arthur and the no-brainer 
 1141  Arthur and the poetry contest 
 1142  Arthur and the school pet 
 1143  Arthur and the world record 
 1144  Arthur Ashe : young tennis champion 
 1145  Arthur babysits 
 1146  Arthur breaks the bank 
 1147  Arthur goes to camp 
 1148  Arthur helps out 
 1149  Arthur lost in the museum 
 1150  Arthur meets the President 
 1151  Arthur turns green 
 1152  Arthur writes a story 
 1153  Arthur's April fool 
 1154  Arthur's birthday 
 1155  Arthur's birthday surprise 
 1156  Arthur's Christmas cookies 
 1157  Arthur's eyes 
 1158  Arthur's family vacation 
 1159  Arthur's funny money 
 1160  Arthur's great big valentine 
 1161  Arthur's Halloween 
 1162  Arthur's Halloween costume. 
 1163  Arthur's homework 
 1164  Arthur's honey bear. 
 1165  Arthur's honey bear. 
 1166  Arthur's honey bear. 
 1167  Arthur's jelly beans 
 1169  Arthur's new puppy 
 1170  Arthur's pen pal. 
 1171  Arthur's prize reader 
 1172  Arthur's reading trick 
 1173  Arthur's scary stories 
 1174  Arthur's teacher moves in 
 1175  Arthur's teacher trouble 
 1176  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 1177  Arthur's tooth 
 1178  Arthur, for the very first time. 
 1179  Artificial intelligence 
 1180  Artistic trickery : the tradition of trompe l'oeil art 
 1181  Artists 
 1182  Artists who created great works 
 1183  Artists' helpers enjoy the evenings 
 1184  As far as I can see 
 1185  As good as anybody : Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Joshua Heschel's amazing march towards freedom 
 1186  As luck would have it : from the Brothers Grimm 
 1187  As the crow flies : a first book of maps 
 1188  Ash to the rescue 
 1189  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 1190  Asher and the capmakers : a Hanukkah story 
 1191  Ashley Bryan : words to my life's song 
 1192  Ashley Bryan's ABC of African American poetry. 
 1193  Ashley Tisdale 
 1194  Ashton Kutcher 
 1195  Asia 
 1196  Asia 
 1197  Asia 
 1198  Asian crafts 
 1199  Ask about volcanoes. 
 1200  Ask Mr. Bear 
 1201  Asleep, asleep 
 1202  The assassination of Abraham Lincoln 
 1203  Assateague : island of the wild ponies 
 1204  Asteroids 
 1205  Asteroids, comets, and meteorites 
 1206  Asthma 
 1207  The astounding nervous system : how does my brain work? 
 1208  Astronaut 
 1209  Astronaut 
 1210  Astronaut : living in space 
 1211  Astronaut handbook 
 1212  Astronauts 
 1213  Astronauts 
 1214  Astronauts : women on the final frontier 
 1215  Astronauts at work 
 1216  Astronauts in action 
 1217  Astronomers 
 1218  At a fair 
 1219  At a picnic 
 1220  At daddy's on Saturdays 
 1221  At Ellis Island. 
 1222  At last, Jedi : a Christina Starspeeder story 
 1223  At school : telling time by the half hour 
 1224  At Taylor's place 
 1225  At the airport 
 1226  At the beach 
 1227  At the beach : the parts of a day 
 1228  At the bottom of the world 
 1229  At the controls : questioning video and computer games 
 1230  At the crossroads 
 1231  At the dentist 
 1232  At the factory 
 1233  At the park 
 1234  At the park : telling time by the hour 
 1235  At the pond 
 1236  At the zoo. 
 1237  Athena the Brain 
 1238  Athena the brain 
 1239  Atlanta Braves 
 1240  Atlantic 
 1241  The Atlantic Ocean 
 1242  The Atlantic salmon. 
 1243  Atlantis 
 1244  Atlas of Africa 
 1245  Atlas of animals 
 1246  Atlas of Australia 
 1247  Atlas of Europe 
 1248  Atlas of islands 
 1249  Atlas of North America 
 1250  Atlas of people 
 1251  Atlas of plants 
 1252  Atlas of South America 
 1253  Atlas of Southwest and Central Asia 
 1254  Atlas of the earth 
 1255  Atlas of the poles and oceans 
 1256  Atrapa 22 
 1257  Attaboy, Sam! 
 1258  Attack of the 50-ft. Cupid 
 1259  The attack of the aqua apes ; : and, Nightmare in 3-D : twice terrifying tales. 
 1260  The attack of the grizzlies, 1967 
 1261  Attack of the mutant lunch lady 
 1262  Attack on Pearl Harbor 
 1263  Attack on the high seas! 
 1264  The attacks of September 11, 2001 
 1265  ATV racing 
 1266  The auction 
 1267  Aunt Chip and the great Triple Creek dam affair 
 1268  Aunt Eater's mystery vacation 
 1269  Aunt Flossie's hats (and crab cakes later) 
 1270  Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the sky 
 1271  Aunt Ippy's museum of junk. 
 1272  Aunt Isabel makes trouble 
 1273  Aunt Isabel tells a good one. 
 1274  Aunt Matilda's almost-boring party 
 1275  Aunt Nancy and Old Man Trouble 
 1276  Auntie Claus and the key to Christmas 
 1277  Auntie Claus, home for the holidays 
 1278  Auntie Tiger 
 1279  The austere academy 
 1280  Australia 
 1281  Australia 
 1282  Australia 
 1283  Australia 
 1284  Australia 
 1285  Australia and Oceania 
 1286  Australia in colors 
 1287  Austria 
 1288  Author : a true story 
 1289  Author and the 1,001 Dads 
 1290  Author's day 
 1291  An author's odyssey 
 1292  Autism 
 1293  Autos De Serie 
 1294  Autumn 
 1295  Autumn 
 1296  Autumn 
 1297  Autumn days 
 1298  Autumn journey 
 1299  Autumn leaves 
 1300  Autumn Winifred Oliver does things different 
 1301  Autumnblings : poems & paintings 
 1302  AV-8B Harrier jump jets 
 1303  Ava Tree and the wishes three 
 1304  Avalanche! : a story told in two languages = une histoire racontée en deux langues 
 1305  Avalanches 
 1306  Avalanches 
 1307  Avalanches 
 1308  Avalanches and landslides 
 1309  Avengers K : The advent of Ultron, #5 
 1310  Avi 
 1311  Avi 
 1312  Avoiding harmful substances 
 1313  Avoiding injuries 
 1314  The away game 
 1315  The away game 
 1316  Away go the boats 
 1317  Away we go. 
 1318  Away we go. 
 1319  Away west 
 1320  Awesome air 
 1321  The awful aardvarks go to school 
 1322  Awful Ogre running wild 
 1323  Awful Ogre's awful day : poems 
 1324  The Aztec / by Andrew Santella. 
 1325  The Aztec empire 
 1326  The Aztecs 
 1327  Aztecs and Incas 
 1328  Aïda 
 1329  B-1B Lancers 
 1330  B-2 stealth bombers 
 1331  B-52 Stratofortresses 
 1332  B-e-s-t friends 
 1333  B-e-s-t friends. 
 1334  The B.B. King reader : 6 decades of commentary 
 1335  Baa, baa, black sheep 
 1336  Baabwaa & Wooliam 
 1337  Baba Yaga : a Russian folktale 
 1338  Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave 
 1339  Babar and Father Christmas 
 1340  Babar's book of color 
 1341  Babar's family album : 5 favorite stories. 
 1342  Babe : the gallant pig 
 1343  Babe Ruth 
 1344  Babe Ruth and the baseball curse 
 1345  Babies don't eat pizza : a big kids' book about baby brothers and baby sisters 
 1346  Babies on the go 
 1347  Baboons 
 1348  Baboons : life in the troop 
 1349  Baboushka 
 1350  Baboushka and the three kings 
 1351  Babushka Baba Yaga 
 1352  Babushka's doll 
 1353  Babushka's Mother Goose 
 1354  Baby animal names 
 1355  Baby animals 
 1356  Baby Animals 
 1357  Baby animals : five stories of endangered spe. 
 1358  Baby animals of the desert 
 1359  Baby animals of the frozen tundra 
 1360  Baby animals of the grasslands 
 1361  Baby animals of the ocean 
 1362  Baby animals of the tropical rain forest 
 1363  Baby animals of the woodland forest 
 1364  Baby animals. 
 1365  Baby apes 
 1366  Baby baby blah blah blah! 
 1367  Baby bears 
 1368  The baby beebee bird 
 1369  BABY BELUGA. 
 1370  Baby bug dishes 
 1371  Baby bunnies 
 1373  Baby elephants 
 1374  Baby foxes 
 1375  A baby panda is born 
 1376  Baby raccoons 
 1377  Baby rattlesnake 
 1378  Baby shower 
 1379  A baby sister for Frances 
 1380  Baby tamer 
 1381  Baby whales drink milk 
 1382  Baby's boat 
 1383  Baby-O 
 1384  The Baby-sitters club. 
 1385  Baby-sitters on board! 
 1386  Babydoll sheep 
 1387  The Babylonians : life in ancient Babylon  
 1388  Babymouse : heartbreaker 
 1389  Babymouse : monster mash 
 1390  Babymouse : puppy love 
 1391  Babymouse goes for the gold 
 1392  Babymouse. 
 1393  Babymouse. 
 1394  Babysitting skills : traits and training for success 
 1395  Bach. 
 1396  Back and forth 
 1397  Back home 
 1398  Back in the saddle 
 1399  Back of the bus 
 1400  Back to school with Betsy 
 1401  Back yard Angel 
 1402  Backfield package 
 1403  Backhoes 
 1404  Backpack stories 
 1405  Backstage with Clawdio 
 1406  The backwards watch 
 1407  Backyard 
 1408  The backyard animal show 
 1409  The backyard bird feeder's bible : the A-to-Z guide to feeders, seed mixes, projects, and treats 
 1410  Backyard explorer leaf & free guide 
 1411  A backyard flower garden for kids 
 1412  Backyard laboratory. 
 1413  Backyard rescue 
 1414  Backyard science 
 1415  Backyard science experiments 
 1416  Backyard sunflower 
 1417  A backyard vegetable garden for kids 
 1418  Bacteria 
 1419  Bad Bears in the big city : an Irving & Muktuk story 
 1420  The bad beginning 
 1421  Bad boys 
 1422  Bad boys get henpecked! 
 1423  Bad day at Riverbend 
 1424  Bad dog 
 1425  Bad dog, Marley! 
 1426  Bad frogs 
 1427  The Bad Guys in attack of the zittens 
 1428  The Bad Guys in Do-you-think-he-saurus?! 
 1429  The Bad Guys in intergalactic gas 
 1430  The bad guys in Look who's talking 
 1431  The bad guys in open wide and say arrrgh! 
 1432  The bad guys in they're bee-hind you! 
 1433  A bad king is a sad thing 
 1434  Bad kitty 
 1435  A Bad Kitty Christmas 
 1436  Bad Kitty does not like candy 
 1437  Bad kitty gets a bath 
 1438  Bad kitty gets a phone 
 1439  Bad Kitty vs. the babysitter 
 1440  Bad Kitty. 
 1441  Bad news for outlaws : the remarkable life of Bass Reeves, deputy U.S. Marshall 
 1442  The bad seed 
 1443  Bad to the bone 
 1444  Bad to the bones 
 1445  Bad, bad bunnies 
 1446  The badger and the magic fan : a Japanese folktale 
 1447  Badgers 
 1448  Badgers : active at night 
 1449  Badminton for fun! 
 1450  The bag I'm taking to Grandma's 
 1451  Bag in the wind 
 1452  Bagels from Benny 
 1453  Bags and purses 
 1454  Baker 
 1455  Balance 
 1456  Balance beam boss 
 1457  Balances 
 1458  Balancing a checkbook 
 1459  Bald eagle 
 1460  The bald eagle 
 1461  The bald eagle 
 1462  A bald eagle's world 
 1463  Bald eagles 
 1464  Baleen whales 
 1465  The ball book 
 1466  A ballad of the Civil War 
 1467  The ballad of Valentine 
 1468  Ballet bunnies : Joan Elizabeth Goodman. 
 1469  Ballet dance 
 1470  Ballet dancing 
 1471  Ballroom dancing 
 1472  Ballroom dancing for fun! 
 1473  Baloney, Henry P. 
 1474  Baltimore Orioles 
 1475  Bambi 
 1476  Bambiraptor and other feathered dinosaurs 
 1477  Bamboo at jungle school 
 1478  Bamboo hats and a rice cake : a tale adapted from Japanese folklore 
 1479  Bamboozled 
 1480  Ban this book 
 1481  Ban this book 
 1482  Banana split pizza and other snack recipes 
 1483  Banana-berry smoothies and other breakfast recipes 
 1484  Bandit 
 1485  Bandit's surprise 
 1486  The bank 
 1487  Bank tellers 
 1488  Banking 
 1489  Banks 
 1490  The banza : a Haitian story 
 1491  Bar graphs 
 1492  Bar graphs 
 1493  Barack 
 1494  Barack Obama 
 1495  Barack Obama 
 1496  Barack Obama : our forty-fourth president 
 1497  Barack Obama : out of many, one 
 1498  Barbara Bush : first lady of literacy 
 1499  Barbarians! 
 1500  Barbed wire baseball 
 1501  Bard of Avon : the story of William Shakespeare 
 1502  Barefoot : escape on the underground railroad 
 1503  Barefoot : poems for naked feet 
 1504  Barefoot book of classic poems 
 1505  Barefoot dreams of Petra Luna 
 1506  Barfburger baby, I was here first! 
 1507  A bargain for Frances 
 1508  Barges 
 1509  The barn burner 
 1510  Barn dance! 
 1511  Barnaby and the big gorilla. 
 1512  Barnaby's bunny 
 1513  Barney's horse : story and pictures 
 1514  Barnum Brown : dinosaur hunter 
 1515  Barnyard banter 
 1516  Barnyard slam 
 1517  Barnyard song 
 1518  Barry Bonds 
 1519  Barry Bonds : baseball's complete player 
 1520  Barry, the bravest Saint Bernard 
 1521  Bartholomew and the oobleck 
 1522  Bartleby speaks! 
 1523  Baseball 
 1524  Baseball 
 1525  Baseball 
 1526  Baseball : how it works 
 1527  Baseball : play like a pro 
 1528  Baseball flyhawk 
 1529  Baseball flyhawk 
 1530  Baseball great 
 1531  Baseball hour 
 1532  Baseball jokes 
 1533  Baseball saved us 
 1534  Baseball science 
 1535  Baseball skills 
 1536  The basement baseball club 
 1537  The Basic Five Food Groups 
 1538  Basil of Baker Street 
 1540  Basil's birds 
 1541  The basket counts 
 1542  Basketball 
 1543  Basketball 
 1544  Basketball 
 1545  Basketball angles : understanding angles 
 1546  Basketball Bats 
 1547  Basketball buddies 
 1548  Basketball legends 
 1549  Basketball records 
 1550  Basquetbol en acción 
 1551  Basset Hounds 
 1552  The bat boy & his violin 
 1553  A bat hangs from the bat 
 1554  Bat loves the night 
 1555  Bat's big game 
 1556  Batgirl and the Queen of Green 
 1557  The bath 
 1558  Bathe the cat 
 1559  Bathtubs, slides, roller coaster rails : simp. 
 1560  The bathwater gang 
 1561  Batman and the beanstalk 
 1562  Batman and the missing punch line 
 1563  Batman and the morphing movie star 
 1564  Batman and the ultimate riddle 
 1565  Bats 
 1566  Bats 
 1567  Bats 
 1568  Bats at the Beach 
 1569  Bats at the library 
 1570  Bats in the dark 
 1571  Bats, bugs, and biodiversity : adventures in the Amazonian rain forest 
 1572  The battle for Imperia 
 1573  The battle for Perodia 
 1574  The battle for Skandia 
 1575  The battle of Bayport 
 1576  The battle of Gettysburg : bloodiest battle of the Civil War 
 1577  The Battle of Gettysburg : would you lead the fight? 
 1578  The Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 
 1579  The battle of Midway : turning the tide of World War II 
 1580  The Battle of the Alamo 
 1581  Battle of the bad-breath bats 
 1582  Battle of the bands : using data and graphs 
 1583  Battle of the bodkins 
 1584  The battle of the Labyrinth 
 1585  The battle of the Labyrinth 
 1586  The battle of the red hot pepper weenies : and other warped and creepy tales 
 1587  The Battle of Yorktown 
 1588  The Battle of Yorktown 
 1589  Battlefields 
 1590  Battles and quests 
 1591  The battles of Lexington and Concord 
 1592  The battles of Lexington and Concord : the start of the American Revolution 
 1593  Batty riddles 
 1594  Be a better babysitter 
 1595  Be a crime scene investigator 
 1596  Be a demolition engineer 
 1597  Be a friend to trees 
 1598  Be a volcanologist 
 1599  Be careful what you wish for 
 1600  Be glad your nose is on your face and other poems : some of the best of Jack Prelutsky 
 1601  Be my valentine, Charlie Brown 
 1602  Be positive 
 1603  Be strong 
 1604  Be the best you can be 
 1605  Be you! 
 1606  Bea and Mr. Jones : story and pictures 
 1607  Bea on Broadway : a story about New York 
 1608  Beach ball 
 1609  Beach ride 
 1610  The beach trip 
 1611  Beacons of light : lighthouses 
 1612  Bead crafts 
 1613  Beading : bracelets, barrettes, and beyond 
 1614  Beagle : a howling good time 
 1615  Beagles 
 1616  Beagles 
 1617  Beagles 
 1618  The beak book 
 1619  Bean thirteen 
 1620  Bear 
 1621  Bear 
 1622  Bear and Bunny grow tomatoes 
 1623  The bear ate your sandwich 
 1624  A bear called Paddington. 
 1625  The bear came over to my house 
 1626  Bear can dance! 
 1627  Bear Child's book of hours 
 1628  Bear claws 
 1629  Bear country : bearly a misadventure 
 1630  Bear feels scared 
 1631  A bear for Miguel 
 1632  Bear in a square 
 1633  Bear in mind : a book of bear poems 
 1634  Bear needs help! 
 1635  The bear Santa Claus forgot 
 1636  Bear snores on 
 1637  Bear snores on : and more stories to celebrate the seasons 
 1638  The bear that heard crying 
 1639  Bear wants more 
 1640  The bear who wasn't there 
 1641  THE BEAR'S CAVE. 
 1642  Bearhead : a Russian folktale 
 1643  Bearobics : a hip-hop counting story 
 1644  Bears 
 1645  Bears 
 1646  Bears 
 1647  Bears 
 1648  Bears : paws, claws, and jaws 
 1649  The bears on Hemlock Mountain 
 1650  Bears on the brain 
 1651  The bears we know 
 1652  Bearsie Bear and the surprise sleepover party 
 1653  The Bearskinner : a tale of the Brothers Grimm 
 1654  Bearymore : story and pictures 
 1655  Beast feast 
 1656  Beast keeper 
 1657  The Beast of Blackslope 
 1658  Beastly bionics : rad robots, brilliant biomimicry, and incredible inventions inspired by nature 
 1659  The beastly feast 
 1660  Beasts and monsters 
 1661  Beat the story-drum, pum-pum 
 1662  Beating the drum 
 1663  The Beatitudes : from slavery to civil rights 
 1664  The Beatles 
 1665  Beatrice Zinker, upside down thinker 
 1666  Beatrice's goat 
 1667  Beatrix Potter 
 1668  Beau Beaver goes to town 
 1669  Beautiful ballerinas 
 1670  Beautiful blackbird 
 1671  Beautiful land : a story of the Oklahoma Land Rush 
 1672  A beautiful seashell 
 1673  Beauty and the beak : how science, technology, and a 3D-printed beak rescued a bald eagle 
 1674  Beauty and the Beast 
 1675  Beauty and the beast 
 1676  Beauty and the beast and other tales of enchantment 
 1677  Beauty, her basket 
 1678  The beaver 
 1679  The beaver 
 1680  The Beaver boys 
 1681  Beavers and their lodges 
 1682  Because Claudette 
 1683  Because of an acorn 
 1684  Because of Winn-Dixie 
 1685  Beck's bunny secret 
 1686  The beckoning cat : based on a Japanese folktale 
 1687  Becoming a butterfly 
 1688  Becoming a pop star 
 1689  Becoming Brianna 
 1690  Becoming Brianna 
 1691  Becoming Shazam 
 1692  The bed book 
 1693  The bed who ran away from home 
 1694  Bedtime for Button 
 1695  Bedtime for Frances 
 1696  Bedtime for Mommy 
 1697  Bedtime mouse 
 1698  Bedtime prayers 
 1699  Bedtime without Arthur 
 1700  Bedtime! 
 1701  The bee book 
 1702  The bee tree 
 1703  A bee's life cycle 
 1704  The beeman 
 1705  Bees 
 1706  Bees 
 1707  Bees to trees : reading, writing, and reciting poems about nature 
 1708  Bees, snails, & peacock tails : patterns & shapes-- naturally 
 1709  Bees, wasps, and ants 
 1710  Beethoven 
 1711  Beethoven lives upstairs 
 1712  Beetle Bot 
 1713  Beetle mania 
 1714  Beetles 
 1715  Beezus and Ramona 
 1716  Beezus and Ramona 
 1717  Before after 
 1718  Before Columbus 
 1719  Before John was a jazz giant : a song of John Coltrane 
 1720  Before she was Harriet 
 1721  Before You Leap : A Frog's Eye View of Life's Greatest Lessons 
 1722  The beggar's magic : a Chinese tale 
 1723  Begin at the beginning 
 1724  Beginning fractions & decimals 
 1725  Beginning to learn about shapes 
 1726  Beginning to learn about summer 
 1727  Beginnings of life 
 1728  Behavior 
 1729  Behind the mask : a book about prepositions 
 1730  Behind the wheel 
 1731  Behold the bold umbrellaphant : and other poems 
 1732  Being a good citizen 
 1733  Being a governor 
 1734  Being angry 
 1735  Being brave 
 1736  Being considerate 
 1737  Being cooperative 
 1738  Being courageous 
 1739  Being fair 
 1740  Being famous 
 1741  Being helpful 
 1742  Being honest 
 1743  Being responsible 
 1744  Being safe 
 1745  Being tolerant 
 1746  Bell's breakthrough 
 1747  Bell's Star 
 1748  Bella's tree 
 1749  Ben and me 
 1750  Ben and me : a new and astonishing life of Benjamin Franklin as written by his good mouse Amos 
 1751  Ben and the Emancipation Proclamation 
 1752  Ben at the beach 
 1753  Ben Franklin : printer, author, inventor, politician 
 1754  Ben Franklin's fame 
 1755  Ben Roethlisberger 
 1756  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie of doom 
 1757  Ben Yokoyama and the cookies of chaos 
 1758  Ben Yokoyama and the cookies of chaos 
 1759  Beneath 
 1760  Beneath a blue umbrella 
 1761  Beneath the bed and other scary stories 
 1762  Beneath the ghost moon 
 1763  Benjamin Banneker 
 1764  Benjamin Banneker 
 1765  Benjamin Banneker 
 1766  Benjamin Franklin 
 1767  Benjamin Franklin 
 1768  Benjamin Franklin 
 1769  Benjamin Franklin : the man who could do just about anything 
 1770  Benjamin Harrison 
 1771  Benjamin Harrison : our twenty-third president 
 1772  Benjamin Rabbit. 
 1773  Benjamin's bugs 
 1774  Benny bakes a cake 
 1775  Benny bakes a cake 
 1776  Bently & egg 
 1777  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the coughing catfish 
 1778  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the humongous pumpkin 
 1779  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the sci-fi pizza 
 1780  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the terrible talking termite 
 1781  The Berenstain Bear Scouts ghost versus ghost 
 1782  The Berenstain Bear Scouts meet Bigpaw 
 1783  The Berenstain Bears : too much noise! 
 1784  The Berenstain Bears accept no substitutes 
 1785  The Berenstain Bears and mama's new job 
 1786  The Berenstain Bears and the bad habit 
 1787  The Berenstain Bears and the blame game 
 1788  The Berenstain Bears and the female fullback 
 1789  The Berenstain Bears and the galloping ghost 
 1790  The Berenstain Bears and the ghost of the forest 
 1791  The Berenstain Bears and the giddy grandma 
 1792  The Berenstain Bears and the golden rule 
 1793  The Berenstain Bears and the green-eyed Monster 
 1794  The Berenstain Bears and the homework hassle 
 1795  The Berenstain Bears and the in-crowd 
 1796  The Berenstain Bears and the missing honey 
 1797  The Berenstain Bears and the new girl in town 
 1798  The Berenstain Bears and the Papa's day surprise 
 1799  The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin 
 1800  The Berenstain bears and the showdown at Chainsaw Gap 
 1801  The Berenstain Bears and the wheelchair commando 
 1802  The Berenstain bears and too much junk food 
 1803  The Berenstain Bears and too much teasing 
 1804  The Berenstain bears and too much TV 
 1805  The Berenstain Bears at Camp Crush 
 1806  The Berenstain Bears count their blessings 
 1807  The Berenstain Bears dollar$ and $en$e 
 1808  Berenstain bears go to school 
 1809  The Berenstain Bears gotta dance! 
 1810  The Berenstain Bears in maniac mansion 
 1811  The Berenstain bears in the freaky funhouse 
 1812  The Berenstain Bears' class trip 
 1813  The Berenstain Bears' media madness 
 1814  The Berenstain Bears' moving day 
 1815  The Berenstain Bears' Thanksgiving 
 1816  The Berenstain Bears' trouble with money 
 1817  The Berenstain bears. 
 1818  The Berenstain bears. 
 1819  Berlioz the bear 
 1820  Berlitz Jr. French dictionary 
 1821  The Bermuda Triangle 
 1822  Bernard on his own 
 1823  Bernie Mac 
 1824  Beryl : a pig's tale 
 1825  Beside the bay 
 1826  Bessie Smith and the night riders 
 1827  Best baby ever 
 1828  Best babysitters ever 
 1829  The best bad luck I ever had 
 1830  The best book of ballet 
 1831  The best book of whales and dolphins 
 1832  The best bug parade 
 1833  The best bug to be 
 1834  The best cat suit of all 
 1835  The best chef in second grade 
 1836  The best club 
 1837  The best costume party ever 
 1838  The best detective 
 1839  Best enemies again 
 1840  Best friend on wheels 
 1841  Best friends 
 1842  Best friends 
 1843  The best friends club : a Lizzie and Harold story 
 1844  Best friends for Frances 
 1845  Best friends for never 
 1846  Best frints in the whole universe 
 1847  The best gift of all 
 1848  Best girl 
 1849  Best Halloween book 
 1850  The best Mother's Day ever 
 1851  The best of Beakman's world 
 1852  The best of Iggy 
 1853  The best of pro baseball 
 1854  The best of pro football 
 1855  Best season ever 
 1856  The best snowman 
 1857  The best story 
 1858  The best time of day 
 1859  The best toy of all 
 1860  The best vacation ever 
 1861  Best wishes 
 1862  The best worst day 
 1863  Betcha! 
 1864  Betcha! 
 1865  Betsy and Tacy go downtown 
 1866  Betsy and Tacy go over the big hill 
 1867  Betsy Ross's star 
 1868  Betsy who cried wolf 
 1869  Betsy-Tacy 
 1870  Better together 
 1871  Better with two 
 1872  Bettina Valentino and the Picasso Club 
 1873  Betty Doll 
 1874  Betty Ford 
 1875  Between shades of gray 
 1876  Between us and Abuela 
 1877  The Beverly Hillbillies How to talk Hillbill. 
 1878  Beware of low-flying corn muffins 
 1879  Beware of the frog 
 1880  Beware of the storybook wolves 
 1881  Beware the bookworm 
 1882  Beware the ninja weenies and other warped and creepy tales 
 1883  Beware the werewolf 
 1884  Beware! 
 1885  Beware! : R.L. Stine picks his favorite scary stories. 
 1886  Beyoncé : singer, songwriter, and actress 
 1887  Beyoncé 
 1888  Beyoncé : R & B superstar 
 1889  Beyond government 
 1890  Beyond Pluto : the final frontier in space 
 1891  Beyond the Deepwoods 
 1892  Beyond the dinosaurs : monsters of the air and sea 
 1893  Beyond the grave 
 1894  Beyond the kingdoms 
 1895  Beyond the ridge 
 1896  Beyond the Valley of Thorns. 
 1897  The BFG 
 1898  The Bicklebys' birdbath 
 1899  The bicycle 
 1900  Bicycle Bear 
 1901  A bicycle for Rosaura 
 1902  The bicycle man 
 1903  Bicycle mystery 
 1904  Bicycle rider 
 1905  Bicycles 
 1906  Big air skateboarding 
 1907  Big Al 
 1908  Big and little 
 1909  Big as a giant snail : discovering the world's most gigantic animals 
 1910  The big bad blackout 
 1911  Big bad Bruce 
 1912  Big Bad Wolf 
 1913  The big bad wolf and the robot pig 
 1914  The big balloon race 
 1915  The big balloon race 
 1916  The big Bazoohley 
 1917  Big bear ball 
 1918  Big bear hug 
 1919  Big Bear's treasury : a children's anthology. 
 1920  Big Bear's Treasury. 
 1921  The big bike 
 1922  The big bike 
 1923  Big Bird can share 
 1924  Big Bird's copycat day 
 1925  Big birds 
 1926  The big blueberry barf-off! 
 1927  The Big book for peace 
 1928  The big book of real trains 
 1929  Big brave brother Ben 
 1930  The big bug book of counting 
 1931  The big bug book of exercise 
 1932  The big bug book of opposites 
 1933  The big bug book of places to go 
 1934  The big bug book of the alphabet 
 1935  Big cat, little cat 
 1936  Big cat, small cat 
 1937  Big cats 
 1938  Big cats : hunters of the night 
 1939  A big chair for Little Bear. 
 1940  The Big Cheese 
 1941  Big chickens fly the coop 
 1942  Big chickens go to town 
 1943  Big city port 
 1944  The Big Concert. 
 1945  The big deal 
 1946  The Big Dipper 
 1947  Big dog-- little dog : a bedtime story 
 1948  The big elephant in the room 
 1949  Big fat lies : advertising tricks 
 1950  The big freeze 
 1951  A big guy took my ball! 
 1952  The big hello 
 1953  Big is big (and little, little) : a book of contrasts 
 1954  The Big Island burglary 
 1955  The big itch 
 1956  Big kicks 
 1957  The big lie 
 1958  Big Mama 
 1959  Big Max 
 1960  Big Max in the mystery of the missing moose 
 1961  Big Nate goes bananas! 
 1962  Big night for salamanders 
 1963  The big night out 
 1964  Big old bones : a dinosaur tale 
 1965  Big ones, little ones 
 1966  Big or little? 
 1967  The big orange splot 
 1968  Big Panda, Little Panda 
 1969  The big pets. 
 1970  Big problemas 
 1971  Big pumpkin 
 1972  Big Rabbit's bad mood 
 1973  The big race. 
 1974  The big rain 
 1975  Big red barn 
 1976  Big rig 
 1977  Big rigs 
 1978  Big shot 
 1979  Big shot 
 1980  The Big Show 
 1981  The Big Show 
 1982  The big shrink 
 1983  The big sneeze 
 1984  The big snow 
 1985  The big splash 
 1986  The big stew. 
 1987  The big stink 
 1988  The big storm : a very soggy counting book 
 1989  The Big surprise 
 1990  BIG TALK. 
 1991  Big top burning : the story of an arsonist, a missing girl, and the greatest show on earth 
 1992  Big top flop 
 1993  Big whopper 
 1994  Big words for little people 
 1995  Big, bad, and a little bit scary : poems that bite back! 
 1996  Big-top circus 
 1997  Bigfoot Cinderrrrrella 
 1998  Bigger than a baby 
 1999  The biggest bear 
 2000  The biggest bear. 
 2001  The biggest birthday cake in the world 
 2002  The biggest fish 
 2003  The biggest, best snowman 
 2004  Biggest, strongest, fastest 
 2005  The bighorn sheep 
 2006  Bigmama's 
 2007  Bijou, Bonbon, & Beau : the kittens who danced for Degas 
 2008  Bike rallies 
 2009  Bike safety with Bill Nye the science guy : and I'm no fool on wheels 
 2010  Bikes on the move 
 2011  Bikes. 
 2012  Bill Clinton 
 2013  Bill Clinton : forty-second president, 1993-2001 
 2014  The Bill Martin Jr. big book of poetry 
 2015  Bill Nye the science guy's big blue ocean 
 2016  The Bill of Rights 
 2017  The Bill of Rights 
 2018  The Bill of Rights in translation : what it really means 
 2019  Bill Pennant, Babe Ruth, and me 
 2020  Bill Pickett : rodeo ridin' cowboy 
 2021  Bill's baggy pants 
 2022  Billy & Milly, short & silly! 
 2023  Billy & Rose : just the way they are 
 2024  Billy and Blaze 
 2025  Billy and the magic string 
 2026  Billy Lazroe and the King of the Sea : a tale of the Northwest 
 2027  Billy Twitters and his blue whale problem 
 2028  Bingo 
 2029  Bingo, the best dog in the world. 
 2030  Binky brothers, detectives. 
 2031  Binky the space cat 
 2032  Bintou's braids 
 2033  Bio-fuels 
 2034  Biofuels 
 2035  Biography for Beginners 
 2036  Biography for Beginners 
 2037  Biography for beginners. 
 2038  Bionic animals 
 2039  Bipolar disorder 
 2040  Bippity bop barbershop 
 2041  Bird 
 2042  Bird & Squirrel on fire 
 2043  Bird & Squirrel on the edge! 
 2044  Bird & squirrel on the run 
 2045  Bird child 
 2046  Bird talk 
 2047  Bird watch : a book of poetry 
 2048  Bird, butterfly, eel 
 2049  Bird, egg, feather, nest 
 2050  Bird-eating spiders 
 2051  Birdbrain Amos 
 2052  Birdie's big-girl shoes 
 2053  Birdie's book 
 2054  Birdie's lighthouse 
 2055  Birding 
 2056  Birds 
 2057  Birds 
 2058  Birds 
 2059  Birds 
 2060  Birds 
 2061  Birds 
 2062  Birds 
 2063  Birds : poems 
 2064  Birds : winged and feathered animals 
 2065  Birds of a feather : a book of idioms and silly pictures 
 2066  Birds of prey 
 2067  Birds of prey : terrifying talons 
 2068  Birds, nests, and eggs 
 2069  Birmingham, 1963 
 2070  The birth and growth of a nation : hands-on projects about symbols of American liberty 
 2071  The birth of a state 
 2072  The birth of Jesus 
 2073  Birthday ball 
 2074  The birthday car 
 2075  Birthday customs around the world 
 2076  The birthday door. 
 2077  A birthday for Bear 
 2078  A birthday for Frances 
 2079  The birthday pet 
 2080  Birthday presents 
 2081  The birthday suit 
 2082  Birthdays in many cultures 
 2083  Biscuit goes to school 
 2084  Biscuit loves the library 
 2085  Biscuit takes a walk 
 2086  Biscuit's big word book in English and Spanish = : El gran libro de las palabras de Bizcocho en ingles y espanol 
 2087  Biscuit's birthday 
 2088  Biscuit's new trick 
 2089  Bison 
 2090  Bison 
 2091  Bit by bit 
 2092  Bites and stings 
 2093  Bitter bananas 
 2094  Bla bla bla 
 2095  The blabbermouths : adapted from a German folktale 
 2096  Black all around! 
 2097  Black and white and gray all over 
 2098  Black bears 
 2099  Black bears 
 2100  Black Beauty 
 2101  Black Belt Bunny 
 2102  The black book of colors 
 2103  Black box : a novel 
 2104  Black boy joy : 17 stories celebrating Black boyhood 
 2105  Black cat 
 2106  The black circle 
 2107  Black cowboy, wild horses : a true story 
 2108  Black cowboys 
 2109  Black Diamond & Blake 
 2110  Black dragon codex 
 2111  Black frontiers : a history of African American heroes in the Old Southwest 
 2112  Black heroes of the Wild West 
 2113  A black hole is not a hole 
 2114  Black is brown is tan 
 2115  Black Jack : the ballad of Jack Johnson 
 2116  Black out! : animals that live in the dark 
 2117  The black snowman 
 2118  The black snowman 
 2119  The black stallion 
 2120  Black widow spiders 
 2121  Black-eyed Susan 
 2122  Blackbeard and the pirates of the Caribbean 
 2123  Blackberry stew 
 2124  The blacker the berry : poems 
 2125  Blackout 
 2126  Blast off to Earth! : a look at geography 
 2127  Blastin' the blues 
 2128  Blasts of gas : the secrets of breathing, burping, and passing gas 
 2129  Blaze and the gray spotted pony 
 2130  Blended families 
 2131  Bless the beasts : children's prayers and poems about animals 
 2132  Blink and Block bug each other 
 2133  Blink and Block make a wish 
 2134  Blizzard of the blue moon 
 2135  Blizzard of the Blue Moon. 
 2136  Blizzards 
 2137  Blizzards 
 2138  Blizzards 
 2139  The blob that ate everyone 
 2140  Block book 
 2141  Blood and celebration 
 2142  Blood of the witch 
 2143  Bloom of the flower dragon 
 2144  Bloomability 
 2145  The Blossoms and the Green Phantom 
 2146  The Blossoms meet the vulture lady 
 2147  Blow me a kiss, Miss Lilly 
 2148  Blue : a history of the color as deep as the sea and as wide as the sky 
 2149  Blue Bay mystery 
 2150  Blue Ben 
 2151  Blue Bug goes to school 
 2152  Blue Bug goes to the library 
 2153  A blue butterfly : a story about Claude Monet 
 2154  Blue Goose 
 2155  Blue jays 
 2156  Blue moose 
 2157  Blue Mountain trouble 
 2158  Blue skies, french fries 
 2159  The blue stone : a journey through life 
 2160  Blue whales 
 2161  Blue willow 
 2162  Blueberries for Sal 
 2163  Blueberries for Sal. 
 2164  Bluefish 
 2165  Blues journey 
 2166  The blues of Flats Brown 
 2167  Blumpoe the Grumpoe meets Arnold the Cat 
 2168  The blushful hippopotamus 
 2169  BMX 
 2170  BMX 
 2171  BMX biking 
 2172  Bo and the basketball game 
 2173  Bo and the community garden 
 2174  Bo and the little lie 
 2175  Bo and the poetry lesson 
 2176  Bo and the school bully 
 2177  Bo and the spooky house 
 2178  The boardwalk princess 
 2179  Boas 
 2180  Boat ride with Lillian Two Blossom 
 2181  Boating 
 2182  Boats and ships 
 2183  Boats on the move 
 2184  The boats on the river. 
 2185  Bob and Otto 
 2186  Bob the Alien discovers the Dewey decimal system 
 2187  Bobbin Dustdobbin 
 2188  Bobby Bramble loses his brain 
 2189  Bobby's story 
 2190  Bobsledding and the luge 
 2191  The body 
 2192  Body and health 
 2193  Body talk 
 2194  The bog baby 
 2195  Bokuden and the bully : a Japanese folktale 
 2196  Bold boxers 
 2197  Bolt : the fastest man on earth 
 2198  Bomb squads in action 
 2199  The Bombay Boomerang. 
 2200  Bombers 
 2201  The bombing of Pearl Harbor 
 2202  The bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 
 2203  Bone poems 
 2204  Bone soup 
 2205  Bones and the big yellow mystery 
 2206  Bones and the big yellow mystery 
 2207  Bones and the birthday mystery 
 2208  Bones and the clown mix-up mystery 
 2209  Bones and the dinosaur mystery 
 2210  Bones and the dog gone mystery 
 2211  Bones and the dog gone mystery 
 2212  Bones and the football mystery 
 2213  Bones and the roller coaster mystery 
 2214  Bonjour, Mr. Satie 
 2215  Bonk! goes the ball 
 2216  Bono 
 2217  Bony 
 2218  Bony-legs 
 2219  Boo crew 
 2220  Boo hoo Bird 
 2221  Boo to you! 
 2222  Boo! It's Halloween 
 2223  Boo, bunny! 
 2224  Boo, Katie Woo! 
 2225  The Booford summer 
 2226  Boogie Bass, sign language star 
 2227  Boogie boogie, y'all 
 2228  A book 
 2229  A book about being mean 
 2230  A book about pandas. 
 2231  A book about showing off 
 2232  A book about teasing 
 2233  A book about throwing tantrums 
 2234  The book of mistakes 
 2235  The book of pigericks : pig limericks 
 2236  A book of seasons 
 2237  Book of storms 
 2238  The book of time outs : a mostly true history of the world's biggest troublemakers 
 2239  The book that ate my brother 
 2240  The book that eats people 
 2241  Book! book! book! 
 2242  Booker T. Washington 
 2243  Booker T. Washington 
 2244  Booker T. Washington : a photo-illustrated biography 
 2245  Booker T. Washington : educator and leader 
 2246  Booker T. Washington : great American educator 
 2247  Bookings & gigs 
 2248  The bookshop dog 
 2249  The bookstore ghost 
 2250  Boom boom go away 
 2251  Boom Boom Mushroom #2 
 2252  Boom town 
 2253  Boom! Bellow! Bleat! : animal poems for two or more voices 
 2254  Boots and his brothers : a Norwegian tale 
 2255  Border collies 
 2256  Boreal forests 
 2257  Boreal forests 
 2258  Boris and the wrong shadow 
 2259  Boris for the win 
 2260  Boris gets a lizard 
 2261  Boris sees the light 
 2262  Born yesterday : the diary of a young journalist 
 2263  Borreguita and the coyote. 
 2264  The Borrowers 
 2265  The Borrowers 
 2266  The Borrowers afield 
 2267  The Borrowers afloat 
 2268  The Borrowers aloft 
 2269  Boss of the world 
 2270  The bossy rooster 
 2271  The Boston Celtics 
 2272  The Boston coffee party 
 2273  The Boston Massacre 
 2274  The Boston Massacre 
 2275  The Boston Massacre : five colonists killed by British soldiers 
 2276  Boston Tea Party 
 2277  The Boston Tea Party : angry colonists dump British tea 
 2278  Botticelli 
 2279  Boundless Grace 
 2280  Bow-Wow bugs a bug 
 2281  Bowhunting for fun! 
 2282  Bowling alley adjectives 
 2283  Bowls and boxes 
 2284  Box : Henry Brown mails himself to freedom 
 2285  Box and Cox 
 2286  The box that Watch found 
 2287  Box Turtle at Long Pond 
 2288  Boxcar riders 
 2289  Boxers are the best! 
 2290  Boxes for Katje 
 2291  Boxitects 
 2292  Boy : tales of childhood 
 2293  Boy : tales of childhood ; and, Going solo 
 2294  The boy and the ghost 
 2295  The boy and the goats 
 2296  The boy in the drawer 
 2297  A boy named Beckoning : the true story of Dr. Carlos Montezuma, Native American hero 
 2298  Boy of the border 
 2299  The boy of the three-year nap 
 2300  Boy trouble 
 2301  The boy who didn't believe in spring 
 2302  The boy who invented TV : the story of Philo Farnsworth 
 2303  The boy who loved words 
 2304  The boy who was followed home 
 2305  The boy who wouldn't go to bed 
 2306  The boy who wouldn't share 
 2307  The boy who wouldn't sit still 
 2308  The boy's war : Confederate and Union soldiers talk about the Civil War 
 2309  A boy, a dog and a frog 
 2310  A boy, a dog, a frog, and a friend 
 2311  The boy, the bear, the baron, the bard 
 2312  Boy, were we wrong about dinosaurs! 
 2313  Boycott blues : how Rosa Parks inspired a nation 
 2314  The boyhood diary of Theodore Roosevelt, 1869-1870 : early travels of the 26th U.S. President 
 2315  Boys are Dogs 
 2316  Boys here--girls there 
 2317  The boys return 
 2318  The boys start the war 
 2319  The boys' book : how to be the best at everything 
 2320  Bozo the clone 
 2321  Brachiosaurus 
 2322  Bradley and the great swamp mystery 
 2323  Bradley and the great swamp mystery 
 2324  Brady vs. Brees vs. Rodgers vs. Montana 
 2325  Brain puzzles 
 2326  Brain twisters 
 2327  Brainy Brittanys 
 2328  Brakus, Krakus... Or the incredible adventure of Mr. Skola's Tourist Club : by Mirko Gabler. 
 2329  The Brambleberrys animal book of colors 
 2330  The brand new kid 
 2331  Brand new school, brave new Ruby 
 2332  A brand-new day with Mouse and Mole 
 2333  Brandi Chastain 
 2334  Brass dragon codex 
 2335  Brave 
 2336  Brave Irene 
 2337  Brave Irene 
 2338  Brave little tailor 
 2339  Brave Sir Laughalot. 
 2340  The brave women and children of the American Revolution 
 2341  The bravest dog ever : the true story of Balto 
 2342  The bravest of us all 
 2343  Bravo, Tanya 
 2344  Brawl of the wild 
 2345  Brazil ABCs : a book about the people and places of Brazil 
 2346  Brazil in colors 
 2347  Bread 
 2348  Bread and cereal 
 2349  Bread and jam for Frances 
 2350  Bread and jam for Frances. 
 2351  The bread winner 
 2352  Break a leg! (and other odd things we say) 
 2353  Breakdancing 
 2354  Breakfast by Molly 
 2355  Breakfast by the numbers 
 2356  Breathtaking noses. 
 2357  The Bremen town musicians 
 2358  The Bremen-town musicians 
 2359  The Brementown musicians 
 2360  Brenda Berman, wedding expert 
 2361  Brendan Buckley's universe and everything in it 
 2362  Brett Favre 
 2363  Brian Urlacher 
 2364  Brian's hunt 
 2365  Brian's winter 
 2366  Brick by brick 
 2367  Bricks 
 2368  Bridge 
 2369  Bridge of souls 
 2370  Bridge to Terabithia 
 2371  Bridges 
 2372  Bridges. 
 2373  Bridget Fidget and the most perfect pet! 
 2374  Bright eyes, brown skin 
 2375  Bright eyes, brown skin 
 2376  Bright path : young Jim Thorpe 
 2377  Brighty of the Grand Canyon 
 2378  Bring me some apples and I'll make you a pie : a story about Edna Lewis 
 2379  Bringing the boy home 
 2380  Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi t. 
 2381  Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale 
 2382  Bringing words to life : robust vocabulary instruction 
 2383  Brisingr, or, The seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular 
 2384  Britney Spears 
 2385  Broken bones 
 2386  Broken ground 
 2387  Bronte's book club 
 2388  Brontosaurus 
 2389  Bronx masquerade 
 2390  The bronze bow 
 2391  Bronze dragon codex 
 2392  The bronze pen 
 2393  Bronzeville boys and girls 
 2394  Brooklyn Bridge 
 2395  Brooklyn doesn't rhyme 
 2396  Brother eagle, sister sky : a message from Chief Seattle 
 2397  Brothers and sisters 
 2398  Brothers in hope : the story of the Lost Boys of Sudan 
 2399  The brothers Kennedy : John, Robert, Edward 
 2400  Brown angels : an album of pictures and verse 
 2401  Brown Bear gets in shape 
 2402  Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 
 2403  Brown bears 
 2404  Brown girl dreaming 
 2405  Brown honey in broomwheat tea : poems 
 2406  Brown is warm, black is bright 
 2407  The Brown paper school presents : the I hate mathematics! book 
 2408  Bruce Coville : an author kids love 
 2409  Bruce's big move 
 2410  Bruh Rabbit and the tar baby girl 
 2411  Brush 
 2412  Brush well : a look at dental care 
 2413  Brush, comb, scrub : inventions to keep you clean 
 2414  Brush, floss, and rinse : caring for your teeth and gums 
 2415  Brushing my teeth 
 2416  Brushing teeth 
 2417  Bubba the cowboy prince : a fractured Texas tale 
 2418  Bubble bubble 
 2419  The bubble gum blob 
 2420  Bubble trouble 
 2421  Bucket trucks 
 2422  Bud, not Buddy 
 2423  The Buddha's diamonds 
 2424  Budgeting tips for kids 
 2425  Budgie & Boo 
 2426  Buffalo 
 2427  Buffalo before breakfast 
 2428  Buffalo Before Breakfast 
 2429  Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express 
 2430  Buffalo music 
 2431  The Buffalo Soldiers 
 2432  Buffalo song 
 2433  Buffalo woman : story and illustrations 
 2434  Bug safari 
 2435  Bug-a-licious 
 2436  Bugged! 
 2437  Bugs 
 2438  Bugs 
 2439  Bugs 
 2440  Bugs : poems about creeping things 
 2441  Bugs A to Z 
 2442  Bugs and bugsicles : insects in the winter 
 2443  Bugs that build 
 2444  Bugs that destroy 
 2445  Bugs that help 
 2446  Bugs that live on us 
 2447  Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! 
 2448  Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! 
 2449  Bugs, bugs, bugs 
 2450  Build it with boxes 
 2451  Build it! Jump it! 
 2452  Build this city! 
 2453  Builders 
 2454  Building 
 2455  Building a bridge 
 2456  Building a house 
 2457  Building a road 
 2458  Building a skyscraper 
 2459  Building beavers 
 2460  The building boy 
 2461  Building fighter jets 
 2462  Building Machines and what they do. 
 2463  Building Manhattan 
 2464  Building race cars 
 2465  Building the transcontinental railroad 
 2466  Building with Dad 
 2467  Buildings 
 2468  Built for speed 
 2469  Bulldogs 
 2470  Bulldogs 
 2471  Bulldogs 
 2472  Bulldozers 
 2473  Bulldozers 
 2474  Bullet trains 
 2475  Bullies 
 2476  Bullies are a pain in the brain 
 2477  Bullies never win 
 2478  Bullying 
 2479  Bullying 
 2480  Bumble-Ardy 
 2481  A bumblebee sweater 
 2482  Bumblebees 
 2483  Bumblebees 
 2484  Bumps, bruises, and scrapes 
 2485  The bungalow mystery 
 2486  Bunion Burt 
 2487  Bunnicula 
 2488  Bunnies all day long 
 2489  Bunnies in my head 
 2490  Bunnies on the go : getting from place to place 
 2491  Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies : a treasury of stories, songs, and poems 
 2492  Bunny cakes 
 2493  A bunny is funny : and so is this book! 
 2494  Bunny money 
 2495  Bunny's Easter egg 
 2496  The Bunyans 
 2497  Burgoo stew 
 2498  The buried bones mystery 
 2499  The burning barn mystery 
 2500  Burnt toast on Davenport Street 
 2501  Burro's tortillas 
 2502  Burton and Speke's source of the Nile quest 
 2503  A bus of our own 
 2504  The bus ride that changed history : the story of Rosa Parks 
 2505  Bus stop bob. 
 2506  Buses to books : reading, writing, and reciting poems about school 
 2507  The busiest street in town 
 2508  Buster 
 2509  Buster gets braces. 
 2510  Buster goes to Cowboy Camp 
 2511  Buster loves buttons! 
 2512  Buster's dino dilemma 
 2513  Busy ants 
 2514  Busy busy moose 
 2515  Busy day, busy night : rain forest 
 2516  Busy people 
 2517  The busy tree 
 2518  Busy, busy squirrels. 
 2519  But and for, yet and nor : what is a conjunction? 
 2520  But who will bell the cats? 
 2521  Butler for hire! 
 2522  The butter man 
 2523  Buttercup's lovely day 
 2524  Butterflies 
 2525  Butterflies 
 2526  Butterflies 
 2527  Butterflies 
 2528  Butterflies 
 2529  Butterflies 
 2530  Butterflies : pollinators and nectar-sippers 
 2531  Butterflies and moths 
 2532  Butterflies and moths 
 2533  Butterflies and moths 
 2534  Butterflies for Kiri 
 2535  Butterflies in my stomach and other school hazards 
 2536  Butterfly 
 2537  The butterfly 
 2538  Butterfly & moth 
 2539  The butterfly alphabet 
 2540  Butterfly battle 
 2541  Butterfly eyes : and other secrets of the meadow 
 2542  A butterfly grows 
 2543  The butterfly house 
 2544  The butterfly in the garden 
 2545  The button box 
 2547  Buttons for General Washington 
 2548  Buying, training & caring for your dinosaur 
 2549  Buz 
 2550  Buzby 
 2551  Buzby to the rescue 
 2552  A buzz is part of a bee 
 2553  Buzzing bumblebees 
 2554  Buzzing rattlesnakes 
 2555  By the light of the Halloween moon 
 2556  C is for citizenship : children's lilterature and civic understanding 
 2557  C.S. Lewis 
 2558  Cabbage Rose 
 2559  Cabin fever 
 2560  Cable cars 
 2561  Caboose mystery 
 2562  A cache of jewels : (on collective nouns). 
 2563  A cache of jewels and other collective nouns 
 2564  Cacti 
 2565  Cactus Hotel. 
 2566  Caddie Woodlawn 
 2567  Caddie Woodlawn 
 2568  Caddo 
 2569  The cafeteria lady from the Black Lagoon 
 2570  Cahuilla 
 2571  Cajun night before Christmas 
 2572  Cake 
 2573  A cake for Herbie 
 2574  The cake that Mack ate 
 2575  Cakes and miracles : a Purim tale 
 2576  Cakes and miracles : a Purim tale 
 2577  Cal Ripken, Jr 
 2578  The calamitous adventures of Rodney and Wayne, cosmic repairboys. 
 2579  Caleb Beldragon's Chronicle of the Three Counties 
 2580  Calendarbears : a book of months 
 2581  Calico and tin horns. 
 2582  Calico cows 
 2583  California 
 2584  California 
 2585  California 
 2586  California : the Golden State 
 2587  California condors 
 2588  California condors 
 2589  California facts and symbols 
 2590  The California Gold Rush 
 2591  The California Gold Rush : would you go for the gold? 
 2592  California Gold Rush cooking 
 2593  California Indians 
 2594  California's redwood forest 
 2595  Call me Ahnighito 
 2596  Call me gorgeous! 
 2597  Callie Ann and Mistah Bear 
 2598  Calling all cars! 
 2599  Calvin Coconut : dog heaven 
 2600  Calvin Coconut : extra famous 
 2601  Calvin Coconut : hero of Hawaii 
 2602  Calvin Coconut : man trip 
 2603  Calvin Coconut : rocket ride 
 2604  Calvin Coconut : trouble magnet 
 2605  Calvin Coconut : zoo breath 
 2606  Calvin Coconut. 
 2607  Calvin Coolidge 
 2608  Calvin Coolidge 
 2609  Cam Jansen and the chocolate fudge mystery 
 2610  Cam Jansen and the ghostly mystery 
 2611  Cam Jansen and the green school mystery 
 2612  Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house 
 2613  Cam Jansen and the mystery of flight 54 
 2614  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the Babe Ruth b. 
 2615  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the carnival prize 
 2616  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the circus clown 
 2617  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the dinosaur bones 
 2618  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the dinosaur bones 
 2619  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the gold coins 
 2620  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the gold coins 
 2621  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the monster movie 
 2622  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the stolen corn popper 
 2623  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the stolen diamonds 
 2624  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the television dog 
 2625  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U.F.O 
 2626  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U.F.O. 
 2627  Cam Jansen and the secret service mystery 
 2628  Cam Jansen. 
 2629  Cam Jansen. 
 2630  Cam Jansen. 
 2631  Cam Jansen. 
 2632  Cam Jansen. 
 2633  Cam Jansen. 
 2634  Cam Jansen. 
 2635  Cam Newton : MVP quarterback 
 2636  Cambio Chameleon 
 2637  Cambodia 
 2638  Camel 
 2639  Camels 
 2640  Cameras 
 2641  Cameras on the battlefield : photos of war 
 2642  Cameron Diaz 
 2643  Camille and the sunflowers : a story about Vincent van Gogh 
 2644  Camille Pissarro 
 2645  Camouflage 
 2646  Camouflaged creatures 
 2647  Camp 
 2648  Camp Buccaneer 
 2649  Camp Ghost-Away 
 2650  Camp Hero double trouble 
 2651  Camper of the week : story and pictures 
 2652  Camping 
 2653  Camping 
 2654  Camping catastrophe! 
 2655  Camping for fun! 
 2656  Camping trip 
 2657  The camping trip 
 2658  Can an ant carry me? 
 2659  Can an old dog learn new tricks? : and other questions about animals 
 2660  Can buildings speak? 
 2661  Can do, Jenny Archer 
 2662  Can I have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please!? 
 2663  Can I play too? 
 2664  Can I Play Too?. 
 2665  Can I see my house from space? 
 2666  Can lightning strike the same place twice? : and other questions about Earth, weather, and the environment 
 2667  Can we get along? : dealing with differences 
 2668  Can you catch Josephine? 
 2669  Can you count to a googol? 
 2670  Can you find my robot's arm? 
 2671  Can you go fast or slow? 
 2672  Can you greet the whole wide world? : 12 common phrases in 12 different languages 
 2673  Can you guess what estimation is? 
 2674  Can you hear a penguin fart on Mars? : and other excellent questions 
 2675  Can you imagine-- ? : a counting book 
 2676  Can you imagine? 
 2677  Can you make a pattern? 
 2678  Can you see me? 
 2679  Can you see what I see?. 
 2680  Can't Catch Me. 
 2681  Can't sit still 
 2682  Canada Day 
 2683  Canals 
 2684  Candle making for fun! 
 2685  Candlelight for Rebecca 
 2686  The Candlewick book of animal tales. 
 2687  Candy counting : delicious ways to add and subtract 
 2688  Candy shop 
 2689  A cane in her hand 
 2690  Canoeing 
 2691  Canoes and kayaks 
 2692  Canta conmigo : la historia de Selena Quintanilla 
 2693  Capital! : Washington from A to Z 
 2694  Capitals 
 2695  The Capitol Building 
 2696  The Capitol Building 
 2697  Caps for sale 
 2698  Caps in the air! 
 2699  Caps, hats, socks, and mittens : a book about the four seasons 
 2700  Captain Abdul's pirate school 
 2701  Captain Cat : story and pictures 
 2702  Captain Cook's Pacific explorations 
 2703  Captain Kidd's crew experiments with sinking and floating 
 2704  Captain Small Pig 
 2705  Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets 
 2706  Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets : Second Epic Novel 
 2707  Captain Underpants and the big, bad battle of the Bionic Booger Boy. 
 2708  Captain Underpants and the big, bad battle of the Bionic Booger Boy. 
 2709  Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from outer space (and the subsequent assault of the equally evil lunchroom zombie nerds) 
 2710  Captain Underpants and the perilous plot of Professor Poopypants : the fourth epic novel 
 2711  Captain Underpants and the preposterous plight of the purple potty people 
 2712  Captain Underpants and the preposterous plight of the purple potty people : the eighth epic novel. 
 2713  Captain Underpants and the revolting revenge of the radioactive robo-boxers : the tenth epic novel 
 2714  Captain Underpants and the revolting revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers : the tenth epic novel 
 2715  Captain Underpants and the sensational saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot 
 2716  Captain Underpants and the terrifying return of Tippy Tinkletrousers 
 2717  Captain Underpants and the tyrannical retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000 
 2718  Captain Underpants and the wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman : the fifth epic novel 
 2719  Captain Underpants and the wrath of the wicked Wedgie Woman : the fifth epic novel 
 2720  The captive 
 2721  The car 
 2722  Cardboard tube mania 
 2723  Cardinals 
 2724  Cardinals, robins, and other birds 
 2725  Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation 
 2726  Care Bears. 
 2727  Care Bears. 
 2728  Care for a kitten 
 2729  Care for a pet bunny 
 2730  Care for a pet chameleon 
 2731  Care for a pet chimpanzee 
 2732  Care for a pet chinchilla 
 2733  Care for a pet ferret 
 2734  Care for a pet guinea pig 
 2735  Care for a pet hamster 
 2736  Care for a pet hedgehog 
 2737  Care for a pet horse 
 2738  Care for a pet mouse 
 2739  Care for a pet parrot 
 2740  Care for a pet snake 
 2741  Care for a pet tarantula 
 2742  Care for a potbellied pig 
 2743  Care for a puppy 
 2744  Care for a wild Chincoteague pony 
 2745  Cargo machines. 
 2746  Cargo ships 
 2747  Cargo ships 
 2748  Caribbean Carnival 
 2749  Caring 
 2750  Caring for our bodies 
 2751  Caring for the aged 
 2752  Caring for your bird 
 2753  Caring for your ferret 
 2754  Caring for your gerbil 
 2755  Caring for your guinea pig 
 2756  Caring for your hermit crab 
 2757  Caring for your horse 
 2758  Caring for your rabbit 
 2759  Caring for your snake 
 2760  Carl Edwards 
 2761  Carl's Christmas 
 2762  Carl's snowy afternoon 
 2763  Carl's summer vacation 
 2764  Carlos is gonna get it 
 2765  Carlos Montezuma 
 2766  Carmen Sandiego. : a graphic novel. 
 2767  Carmen Sandiego. : a graphic novel. 
 2768  Carnival at candlelight 
 2769  A carnival of animals 
 2770  The carnivorous carnival 
 2771  Carnivorous plants 
 2772  The carolers 
 2773  Carousel 
 2774  The carousel 
 2775  A carousel tale 
 2776  The carp in the bathtub. 
 2777  Carpenters 
 2778  Carrie esta a la altura 
 2779  Carrie Underwood 
 2780  Carrots to cupcakes : reading, writing, and reciting poems about food 
 2781  Carry, go, bring, come 
 2782  Cars 
 2783  Cars 
 2784  Cars 
 2785  Cars and how they go 
 2786  Cars on Mars : roving the red planet 
 2787  Cars on the move 
 2788  Cars, trucks and planes 
 2789  Cartoon-illustrated metaphors : idioms, proverbs, cliches, and slang 
 2790  The cartoonist 
 2791  Cartwheel Katie 
 2792  Carver, a life in poems 
 2793  A case for Jenny Archer 
 2794  Case of foul play on a school day 
 2795  The case of Hermie the missing hamster 
 2796  The case of the backyard treasure 
 2797  The case of the baffled bear 
 2798  The case of the baffled bear 
 2799  The case of the battling bots 
 2800  The case of the bicycle bandit 
 2801  The case of the black-hooded hangmans 
 2802  The case of the buried treasure 
 2803  The case of the car-barkaholic dog 
 2804  The case of the cat's meow 
 2805  Case of the Christmas concert catastrophe 
 2806  The case of the Christmas snowman 
 2807  The case of the class clown 
 2808  The case of the climbing cat 
 2809  The case of the cracked compass 
 2810  The case of the cursed crop 
 2811  The case of the desperate duck 
 2812  The case of the detective in disguise 
 2813  The case of the digital deception 
 2814  The case of the disappearing dinosaur 
 2815  The case of the double cross 
 2816  The case of the double cross 
 2817  The case of the funny money man 
 2818  The case of the game show mystery 
 2819  The case of the ghostwriter 
 2820  the case of the Halloween ghost 
 2821  The case of the haunted scarecrow 
 2822  The case of the haystack kitties 
 2823  The case of the hooking bull 
 2824  The case of the hungry stranger 
 2825  The case of the kidnapped collie 
 2826  The case of the lost boy 
 2827  The case of the Marshmallow Monster 
 2828  The case of the measled cowboy 
 2829  The case of the midnight rustler 
 2830  The case of the missing cat 
 2831  The case of the missing dinosaur egg 
 2832  The case of the missing monkey 
 2833  The case of the mummified pigs : and other mysteries in nature 
 2834  The case of the mummy mystery 
 2835  The case of the night-stalkng bone monster 
 2836  The case of the plagued play 
 2837  The case of the puzzling possum 
 2838  The case of the runaway dog 
 2839  The case of the scaredy cats 
 2840  The case of the singing Sea Dragons 
 2841  Case of the sneaky snowman 
 2842  The case of the spooky sleepover 
 2843  The case of the stinky science project 
 2844  The case of the stolen baseball cards 
 2845  The case of the swirling killer tornado 
 2846  The case of the time-capsule bandit 
 2847  The case of the troublesome turtle 
 2848  The case of the two masked robbers : story and pictures 
 2849  Case of the uncrackable code 
 2850  The case of the vampire cat 
 2851  The case of the vampire vacuum sweeper 
 2852  The case of the vanishing fishhook 
 2853  The case of the weird blue chicken : the next misadventure 
 2854  Casey at the bat 
 2855  Casey at the bat 
 2856  Casey at the bat : a ballad of the Republic, sung in the year 1888 
 2857  Casey Jones 
 2858  Cash and ATMs 
 2859  Cashiers 
 2860  Cass the monkey 
 2861  Cassie's journey : going West in the 1860s 
 2862  The castle is cold, ancient and old! 
 2863  Castle life 
 2864  The castle mystery 
 2865  Castles 
 2866  Castles through time 
 2867  Cat 
 2868  The Cat & the Fiddle & More. 
 2869  Cat and mouse 
 2870  Cat crew 
 2871  Cat dreams 
 2872  Cat goes fiddle-i-fee 
 2873  Cat Heaven 
 2874  The cat in the hat 
 2875  The cat in the hat comes back! 
 2876  Cat Kid comic club 
 2877  Cat mummies 
 2878  Cat of death! 
 2879  Cat on the run. 
 2880  Cat poems 
 2881  Cat purrs 
 2882  Cat tails 
 2883  The cat that was left behind 
 2884  Cat the cat, who is that? 
 2885  The cat who went to heaven 
 2886  Cat's colors 
 2887  Cat, you better come home 
 2888  Cat-fish 
 2889  The cataract of Lodore 
 2890  Catch me & kiss me & say it again 
 2891  Catch that crook! 
 2892  Catch that pass! 
 2893  Catcher with a glass arm. 
 2894  The caterpillar and the polliwog 
 2895  Caterpillar, caterpillar 
 2896  Caterpillars 
 2897  Caterpillars to butterflies 
 2898  Caterpillars, bugs, and butterflies 
 2899  Catfish Kate and the sweet swamp band 
 2900  Cats ABC : an alphabet book 
 2901  Cats and kittens 
 2902  Cats! Cats! Cats! 
 2903  Cattle 
 2904  Catty Noir finds her voice 
 2905  Catwings return 
 2906  Cave boy 
 2907  The cave of stars 
 2908  Cavern of fear 
 2909  Caves 
 2910  Caves 
 2911  Caves 
 2912  Caving 
 2913  Cavities and toothaches 
 2914  Cece loves science. 
 2915  Celebrate Kwanzaa 
 2916  Celebrate Kwanzaa with Boots and her kittens 
 2917  Celebrate Passover 
 2918  Celebrate the founding of America with Elaine Landau. 
 2919  Celebrating Christmas! 
 2920  Celebrating Holi : a Hindu celebration of spring 
 2921  Celebrating Id-ul-Adha : a Muslim festival 
 2922  Celebrating President Barack Obama in pictures 
 2923  Celebrating the inauguration of Barack Obama in pictures 
 2924  Celebrating the Obama family in pictures 
 2925  Celebrating Yom Kippur 
 2926  A Celebration of Apalachia's young poets 1998 : an anthology compiled by Creative Communication, Inc. 
 2927  Celebrations 
 2928  Celebrations around the world : a multicultural handbook 
 2929  Celebrations of light : a year of holidays around the world 
 2930  Celebrations. 
 2931  Celebrations. 
 2932  Celebrity snapper! : taking the ultimate celebrity photo 
 2933  The celery stalks at midnight 
 2934  Celeste's Harlem Renaissance : a novel 
 2935  Celestine, drama queen 
 2936  Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa 
 2937  Cell phones 
 2938  Cell scientists : from Leeuwenhoek to Fuchs 
 2939  The cello of Mr. O 
 2940  Cells 
 2941  Cells 
 2942  Cells, tissues, and organs 
 2943  Celtic treasury : the art and history of the Celts 
 2944  Celts 
 2945  Cement mixers at work 
 2946  The cemetery keepers of Gettysburg 
 2947  Cendrillon : a Caribbean Cinderella 
 2948  Center court sting 
 2949  Centerburg tales 
 2950  Centerfield ballhawk 
 2951  Centerfield ballhawk 
 2952  Centipede's 100 shoes 
 2953  Centipedes 
 2954  Centipedes 
 2955  Centipedes 
 2956  Central American heritage 
 2957  Central coast missions in California 
 2958  Cereal 
 2959  Cereal Math 
 2960  Cereals 
 2961  Cerebral palsy 
 2962  A certain small shepherd 
 2963  Cesar Chavez 
 2964  Cesar Chavez 
 2965  Cesar Chavez 
 2966  Cesar Chavez : a photo-illustrated biography 
 2967  Cesar Chavez : friend to farm workers 
 2968  Cesar Chavez, with profiles of Terence V. Powderly and Dolores Huerta 
 2969  Ch 
 2970  Cha-cha chimps 
 2971  Chachaji's cup 
 2972  A chair for always 
 2973  A chair for my mother 
 2974  Chalk 
 2975  The chalk box kid 
 2976  The chalk doll 
 2977  The Challenger disaster : tragedy in the skies 
 2978  The Challenger explosion : core events of a space tragedy 
 2979  The Challenger Space Shuttle explosion 
 2980  Chameleons 
 2981  Chameleons 
 2983  A chance to grow 
 2984  Chancho el campeon 
 2985  Chancho el pug 
 2986  Chang's paper pony 
 2987  Change sings : a children's anthem 
 2988  Changes for Addy : a winter story 
 2989  Changes for Felicity : a winter story 
 2990  Changes for Kirsten : a winter story 
 2991  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 2992  Changes for Rebecca 
 2993  Changes, changes 
 2994  Changing shape 
 2995  Chanticleer and the fox. 
 2996  Chanukah 
 2997  Chaparrals 
 2998  Chaparrals 
 2999  Character : communication basics 
 3000  Character : friendship basics 
 3001  Character : self-esteem basics 
 3002  Charge of the lightning bugs 
 3003  The chariot of Queen Zara 
 3004  Charles de Gaulle 
 3005  Charles Dickens' A Christmas carol 
 3006  Charles Drew : doctor who got the world pumped up to donate blood 
 3007  Charles Drew : pioneer in medicine 
 3008  Charles Lindbergh : a photo-illustrated biography 
 3009  Charles Schulz 
 3010  Charles Schulz, great cartoonist 
 3011  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 3012  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 3013  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 3014  Charlie and the chocolate factory / Charlie an dhte Great Glass Elevator 
 3015  Charlie and the chocolate factory ; : and, Charlie and the glass elevator 
 3016  Charlie and the great glass elevator 
 3017  Charlie and the great glass elevator : the further adventures of Charlie Bucket and Willy Wonka, chocolate-maker extraordinary 
 3018  Charlie Anderson 
 3019  Charlie Bone and the beast 
 3020  Charlie Bone and the hidden king 
 3021  Charlie Bone and the invisible boy 
 3022  Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy. 
 3023  Charlie Bone and the Red Knight 
 3024  Charlie Bone and the shadow 
 3025  Charlie Bone and the time twister 
 3026  A Charlie Brown Christmas 
 3027  A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 
 3028  A Charlie Brown valentine 
 3029  Charlie Cook's Favorite Book. 
 3030  Charlie Parker played be bop 
 3031  Charlie's Book 
 3032  Charlotte and the white horse. 
 3033  Charlotte's web 
 3034  Charlotte's web 
 3035  Charlotte's web 
 3036  Charlotte's web 2 : Wilbur's great adventure 
 3037  Charts and graphs 
 3038  Chasing at the surface 
 3039  Chasing Augustus 
 3040  Chasing Degas 
 3041  Chasing George Washington 
 3042  Chasing Redbird 
 3043  Chattanooga sludge 
 3044  Chatter, sing, roar, buzz : poems about the rain forest 
 3045  Chatterbox Jamie 
 3046  Chattering chipmunks 
 3047  Chaucer's first winter 
 3048  Checks and balances : a look at the powers of government 
 3049  Cheer all-stars : best of the best 
 3050  Cheer professionals : cheer as a career 
 3051  The Cheerios counting book 
 3052  Cheerleading 
 3053  The chef 
 3054  The chef 
 3055  Chefs 
 3056  Chefs and cooks 
 3057  Chelsea Martin turns green 
 3058  Chemical and biological weapons : anthrax and sarin 
 3059  Chemical changes 
 3060  A chemical nightmare : bald eagle comeback 
 3061  The Cherokee : by Andrew Santella. 
 3062  Cherokee Rose 
 3063  The Cherokees 
 3064  Cherries and cherry pits 
 3065  The cherry pie baby 
 3066  Chesapeake Bay retriever 
 3067  Chess for children 
 3068  Chess! : I love it, I love it, I love it! 
 3069  Chess-dream in a garden 
 3070  Chester 
 3071  Chester A. Arthur : our twenty-first president 
 3072  Chester Arthur 
 3073  Chester van Chime who forgot how to rhyme 
 3074  Chester's back! 
 3075  Chester's barn 
 3076  Chester's masterpiece 
 3077  Chester's way 
 3078  Chester's way 
 3079  Chester, the out-of-work dog 
 3080  Chester, the worldly pig. 
 3081  The Cheyenne 
 3082  The Cheyenne : by Andrew Santella. 
 3083  Chez Bob 
 3084  Chibi : a true story from Japan 
 3085  Chicago and the cat 
 3086  Chicago Bears 
 3087  Chicago Cubs 
 3088  Chicago White Sox 
 3089  A chick hatches 
 3090  Chick-napped! 
 3091  Chicka chicka 1, 2, 3 
 3092  Chicka chicka boom boom : and lots more learning fun! 
 3093  Chickadee : criminal mastermind 
 3094  Chickadees 
 3095  Chickasaw 
 3096  Chicken 
 3097  Chicken 
 3098  Chicken and Cat clean up 
 3099  Chicken butt 
 3100  Chicken cheeks : (the beginning of the ends) 
 3101  Chicken dance 
 3102  Chicken feathers 
 3103  Chicken Little 
 3104  The chicken of the family 
 3105  Chicken on a broom 
 3106  The chicken on the farm 
 3107  Chicken salad soup. 
 3108  Chicken soup 
 3109  Chicken soup for the kid's soul 2 
 3110  Chicken soup with rice : a book of months 
 3111  The Chicken Squad : the first misadventure 
 3112  Chicken Sunday 
 3113  Chicken Sunday. 
 3114  Chicken Sunday. 
 3115  A chicken's life cycle 
 3116  Chicken, pig, cow 
 3117  Chickenpox 
 3118  Chickens 
 3119  Chickens 
 3120  Chickens aren't the only ones 
 3121  Chickens on a farm 
 3122  Chief Crazy Horse : following a vision 
 3123  Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce : a photo-illustrated biography 
 3124  Chief Rhino to the rescue 
 3125  Chihuahua : señor tiny 
 3126  The Chikorita challenge 
 3127  Child care workers 
 3128  Child of glass 
 3129  Child of the civil rights movement 
 3130  A child's book of things 
 3131  A child's garden : a story of hope 
 3132  A child's garden of verses 
 3133  A child's garden of verses 
 3134  A child's garden of verses 
 3135  A child's garden of verses 
 3136  A child's garden of verses 
 3137  A child's garden of verses : a collection of scriptures, prayers & poems featuring the works of Robert Louis Stevenson, with the artwork of Thomas Kinkade 
 3138  Children 
 3139  Children 
 3140  Children around the world 
 3141  Children around the world 
 3142  Children just like me 
 3143  The children of Lir 
 3144  Children of promise : African-American literature and art for young people 
 3145  Children of the Dust Bowl : the true story of the school at Weedpatch Camp 
 3146  Children of the fire 
 3147  Children of the fox 
 3148  Children of the sun 
 3149  A children's book about being bossy 
 3150  A children's book about being selfish 
 3151  The children's book of America 
 3152  The children's book of heroes 
 3154  The children's book of virtues 
 3155  A Children's chorus : celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Declaration of the rights of the child. 
 3156  The children's classic poetry collection 
 3157  Children's voices : talk in the classroom 
 3158  The chilling ice rink escapade 
 3159  Chimp and Zee and the big storm 
 3160  Chimpanzees 
 3161  Chimpanzees 
 3162  Chimpanzees : living in communities 
 3163  Chimpanzees are smart! 
 3164  China 
 3165  China in colors 
 3166  Chinese American heritage 
 3167  The Chinese mirror 
 3168  Chinese mythology : the four dragons 
 3169  Chinese New Year 
 3170  Chinese New Year : count and celebrate! 
 3171  Chipmunk song 
 3172  Chipmunk! 
 3173  Chita's Christmas tree 
 3174  Chitty Chitty Bang Bang : the magical car 
 3175  Chloe on the bright side 
 3176  Chocolate chill-out cake : and other yummy desserts 
 3177  Chocolate dreams : poems 
 3178  Chocolate Economics, A tasty curriculum unit for grades K-4 
 3179  Chocolate fever 
 3180  Chocolate horse 
 3181  The chocolate rabbit 
 3182  The chocolate touch 
 3183  The chocolate tree : a Mayan folktale 
 3184  The chocolate-covered-cookie tantrum 
 3185  The Choctaw nation 
 3186  The Choctaws 
 3187  Choices : a tale starring the stunning Spider-Girl! 
 3188  Chopin 
 3189  Choppers 
 3190  Choppers 
 3191  Chores around the house 
 3192  Chortles : new and selected wordplay poems. 
 3193  Chris Rock 
 3194  Christa McAuliffe : teacher in space. 
 3195  Christian prayer and worship 
 3196  Christianity : signs, symbols, and stories 
 3197  Christianity in Mexico 
 3198  Christina Aguilera 
 3199  Christina Katerina and the time she quit the family 
 3200  Christina Rossetti : poet 
 3201  Christmas 
 3202  Christmas 
 3203  Christmas 
 3204  Christmas 
 3205  Christmas : count and celebrate! 
 3206  Christmas : season of peace and joy 
 3207  Christmas and Hanukkah origami 
 3208  Christmas around the world 
 3209  Christmas at Long Pond 
 3210  A Christmas carol 
 3211  The Christmas cat 
 3212  Christmas cookies : bite-size holiday lessons 
 3213  Christmas farm 
 3214  A Christmas guest 
 3215  Christmas in America 
 3216  Christmas in Camelot 
 3217  Christmas in England 
 3218  Christmas in France 
 3219  Christmas in Germany 
 3220  Christmas in Italy 
 3221  Christmas in July. 
 3222  Christmas in many cultures 
 3223  Christmas in Mexico 
 3224  Christmas in Noisy Village. 
 3225  Christmas is coming 
 3226  The Christmas miracle of Jonathan Toomey. 
 3227  The Christmas miracle of Jonathan Toomey. 
 3228  The Christmas pageant 
 3229  The Christmas pig 
 3230  Christmas poems 
 3231  The Christmas rose 
 3232  Christmas secrets 
 3233  The Christmas sky 
 3234  The Christmas star 
 3235  The Christmas story 
 3236  Christmas tapestry 
 3237  The Christmas teddy bear. 
 3238  The Christmas tree ride 
 3239  Christmas trolls 
 3240  The Christmas Witch 
 3241  The Christmas Witch 
 3242  Christopher Columbus 
 3243  Christopher Columbus 
 3244  Christopher Columbus 
 3245  Christopher counting 
 3246  Christopher Paul Curtis : an author kids love 
 3247  Christopher Reeve : young actor 
 3248  Chrysanthemum 
 3249  Chrysanthemum 
 3250  Chrysanthemum : and more Kevin Henkes stories 
 3251  Chuck E Beaver and friends the new bike. 
 3252  Chuck E. beaver and friends bobby bear loses. 
 3253  Chuck E. beaver and friends the big concert. 
 3254  Chuck's band 
 3255  Chuck, the unlucky duck. 
 3256  The church mice and the ring 
 3257  Cicada summer 
 3258  Cicadas 
 3259  The Cincinnati Bengals 
 3260  Cinco de Mayo 
 3261  Cinco de Mayo 
 3262  Cinco de Mayo 
 3263  Cinco de Mayo : count and celebrate! 
 3264  Cinco de Mouse-O! 
 3265  Cinder Rabbit 
 3266  Cinderella 
 3267  Cinderella 
 3268  Cinderella 
 3269  Cinderella = : Cenicienta 
 3270  Cinderella Bigfoot 
 3271  Cinderella Penguin, or, The little glass flipper 
 3272  Cinderella Skeleton 
 3273  Cinderella's rat 
 3274  Cinderella, the dog and her little glass slipper 
 3275  Cindy Ellen : a wild western Cinderella 
 3276  Circle of gold 
 3277  A circle of seasons 
 3278  The circle of thanks : Native American poems and songs of thanksgiving 
 3279  Circulation 
 3280  The circulatory story 
 3281  The circulatory system 
 3282  The circulatory system 
 3283  The circulatory system 
 3284  The circulatory system : why does my heart beat? 
 3285  Circus 
 3286  Circus 
 3287  Circus 
 3288  Circus 
 3289  The circus 
 3290  The circus baby 
 3291  The circus baby : a picture book. 
 3292  The circus horse 
 3293  The circus scare 
 3294  Circus shapes 
 3295  The circus ship 
 3296  Circus! 
 3297  Citing sources : learning to use the copyright page 
 3298  Citizenship 
 3299  City and country homes 
 3300  City beats : a hip-hoppy pigeon poem 
 3301  City cat, country cat 
 3302  City dog, country dog : adapted from an Aesop fable 
 3303  City homes 
 3304  City I love : poems 
 3305  City in the clouds 
 3306  The city kid & the suburb kid 
 3307  City moon 
 3308  The city mouse and the country mouse 
 3309  City of ghosts 
 3310  City sounds 
 3311  City sounds 
 3312  City spies 
 3313  City street 
 3314  City witch, country switch 
 3315  Civics 
 3316  The civil rights movement 
 3317  The civil rights movement : an interactive history adventure 
 3318  The Civil War 
 3319  The Civil War 
 3320  Civil War cooking : the Confederacy 
 3321  Civil War cooking : the Union 
 3322  Civil War on Sunday 
 3323  Clang! Clang! Beep! Beep! : listen to the city 
 3324  Clara and the bookwagon 
 3325  Clara and the bookwagon 
 3326  Clara Barton 
 3327  Clara Barton : angel of the battlefield 
 3328  Clara Caterpillar 
 3329  Clarence Cochran, a human boy 
 3330  Clarice Bean, That's Me 
 3331  Clash 
 3332  Clash of the cackling cougars 
 3333  Class act 
 3334  Class act 
 3335  Class act 
 3336  The class artist 
 3337  Class clown 
 3338  Class dismissed 
 3339  The class from the Black Lagoon 
 3340  Class pet mess! 
 3341  A class play with Ms. Vanilla 
 3342  Class retreat 
 3343  Class trip to the haunted house 
 3344  Classic Corvettes 
 3345  Classic fairy tales 
 3346  Classic GTOs 
 3347  Classic Porsches 
 3348  Classic tunes & tales : ready-to-use music listening lessons & activities for grades K-8 
 3349  Classical 
 3350  Classical music 
 3351  Classifying maps 
 3352  Classroom activities for correcting specific reading problems 
 3353  Classroom Teacher's ESL Survival Kit #2 
 3354  Classroom zone : jokes, riddles, tongue twisters & "daffynitions" 
 3355  Claude Debussy 
 3356  Claude Monet 
 3357  Claude Monet : sunshine and waterlilies 
 3358  Claudia and the middle school mystery 
 3359  Claudia and the new girl : a graphic novel 
 3360  Clay 
 3361  Clay 
 3362  Clay modeling 
 3363  Claymates 
 3364  A clean city : the green construction story 
 3365  Clean house 
 3366  Clean your room, Harvey Moon! 
 3367  Clementine 
 3368  Clementine and the family meeting 
 3369  Clementine's letter 
 3370  Clementine, Friend of the Week 
 3371  Cleo and Leo 
 3372  Cleopatra 
 3373  Cleopatra's coin 
 3374  The Cleveland Browns 
 3375  The Cleveland Cavaliers 
 3376  Cleveland Lee's Beale Street Band 
 3377  Clever camouflage 
 3378  The clever stick 
 3379  Cleversticks 
 3380  Click, clack, ho ho ho! 
 3381  Click, clack, moo : cows that type 
 3382  Click, clack, peep 
 3383  Click, Clack, Quackity-Quack : An Alphabetical Adventure 
 3384  Clifford and the big storm 
 3385  Clifford and the grouchy neighbors 
 3386  Clifford and the grouchy neighbors. 
 3387  Clifford at the circus 
 3388  Clifford for president 
 3389  Clifford goes to Hollywood 
 3390  Clifford goes to Washington 
 3391  Clifford takes a trip 
 3392  Clifford the big red dog 
 3393  Clifford's ABC 
 3394  Clifford's birthday party 
 3395  Clifford's first school day 
 3396  Clifford's first sleepover 
 3397  Clifford's first valentine's day 
 3398  Clifford's spring clean-up 
 3399  Clifford's word book 
 3400  Clifford, the big red dog 
 3401  Clifford, we love you 
 3402  Climate change 
 3403  Climbing Kansas mountains 
 3404  Clinton Gregory's secret 
 3405  Cliques 
 3406  A cloak for the dreamer 
 3407  Clocks and calendars 
 3408  Clocks and more clocks 
 3409  Clocks! : how time flies 
 3410  Clockwise - counterclockwise 
 3411  The clone codes 
 3412  Close, closer, closest 
 3413  A closer look at butterflies and moths 
 3414  Clothes in many cultures 
 3415  Clothing 
 3416  Clothing in American history 
 3417  The cloud book 
 3418  The cloud book. 
 3419  The Cloud Kingdom 
 3420  Clouds 
 3421  Cloudy days 
 3422  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 3423  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 3424  The clover and the bee : a book of pollination 
 3425  The Clown-Arounds 
 3426  Clownfish 
 3427  Clownfish 
 3428  The clue at the zoo 
 3429  The Clue in the Diary. 
 3430  The clue in the embers 
 3431  The Clue of the Broken Blade. 
 3432  The clue of the Dancing Puppet. 
 3433  The Clue of the Tapping Heels. 
 3434  Clues in the shadows : a Molly mystery 
 3435  Clumsy clown Willie 
 3436  Clyde Monster 
 3437  Coach Hyatt is a riot! 
 3438  Coaches 
 3439  Coal 
 3440  Coasts 
 3441  Cobras 
 3442  A Cobtown Christmas : from the diaries of Lucy Hart 
 3443  The cock, the mouse and the little red hen. 
 3444  Cockapoos 
 3445  Cockroaches 
 3446  Cockroaches 
 3447  Coco all year round 
 3448  Coco makes music 
 3450  Code blue--calling all capitals! 
 3451  Code it! : programming and keyboards you can create yourself 
 3452  Code one 
 3453  Coding basics 
 3454  Coding basics 
 3455  The Coiled Viper 
 3456  Coins and other currency : a kid's guide to coin collecting 
 3457  Cold stars and fireflies. 
 3458  Colds, the flu, and other infections 
 3459  Colin Powell 
 3460  Colin Powell 
 3461  Colin Powell : straight to the top 
 3462  Collaborations 
 3463  Collage 
 3464  The collage book 
 3465  Collected poems for children 
 3466  Collected poems, 1909-1962 
 3467  Collecting 
 3468  Collecting data in animal investigations 
 3469  The collectors 
 3470  Colombia 
 3471  Colonial America 
 3472  Colonial American crafts. 
 3473  Colonial cooking 
 3474  Colonial life 
 3475  Colonial Virginia 
 3476  Colonial voices : hear them speak 
 3477  The colony of Georgia : a primary source history 
 3478  Color 
 3479  Color 
 3480  Color & light 
 3481  Color : a poem 
 3482  Color dance 
 3483  Color me science 
 3484  A color of his own 
 3485  Color zoo 
 3486  Colorado 
 3487  Colorado 
 3488  Colorado 
 3489  Colorado 
 3490  Colorado 
 3491  Colorado facts and symbols 
 3492  Colorful light 
 3493  Colorful peacocks 
 3494  Colors 
 3495  Colors 
 3496  Colors everywhere 
 3497  Colors, how do you say it? : English, French, Spanish, Italian 
 3498  Colors. 
 3499  Colors. 
 3500  Colossal constructions 
 3501  Colossal fossil 
 3502  Columbus Day 
 3503  Columbus Day 
 3504  Columbus Day 
 3505  Columbus's chart 
 3506  Combat-wounded dogs 
 3507  Come along, Daisy! 
 3508  Come and have fun. 
 3509  Come back, Amelia Bedelia 
 3510  Come back, Amelia Bedelia 
 3511  Come back, salmon : how a group of dedicated kids adopted Pigeon Creek and brought it back to life 
 3512  Come back, Snoopy 
 3513  Come fly with me 
 3514  Come home with me! 
 3515  Come look with me : animals in art 
 3516  Come look with me : enjoying art with children 
 3517  Come look with me : exploring landscape art with children 
 3518  Come out and play, little mouse 
 3519  Come Sunday 
 3520  Come this far to freedom : a history of African Americans 
 3521  Come to my party 
 3522  Come to the castle! : a visit to a castle in thirteenth-century England 
 3523  Come to town. 
 3524  The comeback challenge 
 3525  The comeback dog 
 3526  The comet and you 
 3527  Comets 
 3528  Comets 
 3529  Comets and meteor showers 
 3530  Comets and meteors : visitors from space. 
 3531  Comets, stars, the Moon, and Mars : space poems and paintings 
 3532  Comic Con artist 
 3533  Coming distractions : questioning movies 
 3534  Coming home : from the life of Langston Hughes 
 3535  Coming on home soon 
 3536  Comma 
 3537  The common cold 
 3538  Common core State Standards: English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 
 3539  Common core State Standards: English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects - Appendix A: 
 3540  Common sense 
 3541  Communication 
 3542  Communication! : news travels fast 
 3543  Communities 
 3544  Community workers 
 3545  Communitybuilding In The Classroom. 
 3546  Comparing bodies of water 
 3547  Comparing colors 
 3548  Comparing creatures 
 3549  Comparing materials 
 3550  Comparing properties 
 3551  Comparing shapes 
 3552  Compasses 
 3553  Complements : making 100 & 1000 
 3554  The complete adventures of Big Dog and Little Dog 
 3555  Complete book of illustrated K-3 alphabet gam. 
 3556  The complete diy cookbook for young chefs 
 3557  The complete garden flower book : annuals perennials bulbs shrubs climbers. 
 3558  The completed hickory dickory dock 
 3559  Complex text decoded : how to design lessons and use strategies that target authentic texts 
 3560  The composer is dead 
 3561  Compost critters 
 3562  Compost stew : an A to Z recipe for the earth 
 3563  Composting : nature's recyclers 
 3564  Compounds and mixtures 
 3565  Compsognathus 
 3566  Con mucho amor 
 3567  Concrete mixers 
 3568  Concrete poetry 
 3569  Condoleezza Rice 
 3570  Condoleezza Rice : National Security Advisor 
 3571  Condor comeback 
 3572  Condors 
 3573  Conductors and insulators 
 3574  Cones 
 3575  Cones 
 3576  A coney tale. 
 3577  Confessions from the principal's chair 
 3578  Confetti girl 
 3579  Congratulations, Miss Malarkey! 
 3580  The Congress of the United States 
 3581  Connect it! : circuits you can squish, bend, and twist 
 3582  Connecticut 
 3583  Connecticut 
 3584  Connecticut 
 3585  Connecticut 
 3586  Connecticut facts and symbols 
 3587  Connie, come home 
 3588  Connie, come home 
 3589  Conquest! : can you build a Roman city? 
 3590  Conservation : animals in danger 
 3591  Consideration 
 3592  The constellation Ursa Minor : the story of the little bear 
 3593  Constellations 
 3594  Constitution Day 
 3595  Constitution Day 
 3596  Constitution Day 
 3597  The constitution decoded : a guide to the document that shapes our nation 
 3598  Construct it! : architecture you can build, break, and build again 
 3599  Construction crews 
 3600  Construction tools 
 3601  Construction vehicles 
 3602  The construction worker 
 3603  The construction worker 
 3604  Construction workers 
 3605  Consumable goods. 
 3606  Container ships and oil tankers 
 3607  Content of the curriculum. 
 3608  The contest between the Sun and the Wind : an Aesop's fable 
 3609  The cook and the king 
 3610  Cook-a-doodle-doo! 
 3611  The cookcamp 
 3612  Cookie's week 
 3613  Cookies 
 3614  Cookies & milk 
 3615  Cookies and cakes 
 3616  Cooking by the numbers 
 3617  Cooking on nineteenth-century whaling ships 
 3618  Cooking on the Lewis and Clark Expedition 
 3619  Cool calligraphy : the art of creativity for kids! 
 3620  Cool camouflage 
 3621  Cool cat 
 3622  Cool cats 
 3623  Cool classical music : create & appreciate what makes music great! 
 3624  Cool coins : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 3625  Cool collage : the art of creativity for kids! 
 3626  Cool costumes : how to stage your very own show 
 3627  Cool country music : create & appreciate what makes music great! 
 3628  Cool crafts with old CDs : green projects for resourceful kids 
 3629  Cool crafts with old jeans : green projects for resourceful kids 
 3630  Cool crafts with old t-shirts : green projects for resourceful kids 
 3631  Cool cuisine for super sleepovers : easy recipes for kids to cook 
 3632  Cool cuts 
 3633  Cool Daddy Rat 
 3634  Cool distance assistants : fun science projects to propel things 
 3635  Cool dog, school dog 
 3636  Cool down and work through anger 
 3637  Cool drawing : the art of creativity for kids! 
 3638  Cool dry ice devices : fun science projects with dry ice 
 3639  Cool gravity activities : fun science projects about balance 
 3640  Cool hip-hop music : create & appreciate what makes music great! 
 3641  Cool Latin music : create & appreciate what makes music great! 
 3642  Cool lunches to make & take : easy recipes for kids to cook 
 3643  Cool odor decoders : fun science projects about smells 
 3644  Cool painting : the art of creativity for kids! 
 3645  Cool pet treats : easy recipes for kids to bake 
 3646  Cool pizza to make & bake : easy recipes for kids to cook 
 3647  Cool productions : how to stage your very own show 
 3648  Cool reggae music : create & appreciate what makes music great! 
 3649  Cool rock music : create & appreciate what makes music great! 
 3650  Cool scripts & acting : how to stage your very own show 
 3651  Cool sculpture : the art of creativity for kids! 
 3652  Cool sensory suspense : fun science projects about the senses 
 3653  Cool sets & props : how to stage your very own show 
 3654  Cool special effects : how to stage your very own show 
 3655  Cool spy supplies : fun top secret science projects 
 3656  Cooperation 
 3657  Copper sun 
 3658  Copper the cat and the adventure of the stranded panda 
 3659  Copperheads 
 3660  Coral 
 3661  Coral reefs 
 3662  Coral reefs : colorful underwater habitats 
 3663  Coral snakes 
 3664  Coral snakes 
 3666  Corduroy 
 3667  Corduroy : and more stories about caring 
 3668  Coretta Scott 
 3669  Coretta Scott King 
 3670  Coretta Scott King 
 3671  Coretta Scott King 
 3672  Coretta Scott King : first lady of civil rights 
 3673  Cork & Fuzz : finders keepers 
 3674  Cork & Fuzz. 
 3675  Corkscrew counts : a story about multiplication 
 3676  Corn 
 3677  Corn aplenty 
 3678  Corn flakes 
 3679  Corn is maize : the gift of the Indians 
 3680  Corn up close 
 3681  corn-On and off the cob. 
 3682  Cornbread & Poppy 
 3683  Cornbread & Poppy at the carnival 
 3684  Cornelia Funke 
 3685  Cornelius : a fable 
 3686  Cornelius P. Mud, are you ready for baby? 
 3687  Cornelius P. Mud, are you ready for school? 
 3688  Cornrows 
 3689  Cory Coleman, grade 2 
 3690  Cosmo zooms 
 3691  Costa Rica 
 3692  Costa Rica 
 3693  Costa Rica ABCs : a book about the people and places of Costa Rica 
 3694  Costume 
 3695  The costume contest 
 3696  Costumes 
 3697  Cotton 
 3698  Cotton mill town 
 3699  Cottonball Colin 
 3700  Cottonmouths 
 3701  Cougars 
 3702  Could be worse! 
 3703  Count and see. 
 3704  Count me a rhyme : animal poems by the numbers 
 3705  Count on us : a Tennessee number book 
 3706  count with teddy 1 2 3. 
 3707  Count your way through China 
 3708  Count your way through Russia 
 3709  Count! 
 3710  Count-A-Saurus 
 3711  Countdown to Christmas. 
 3712  Counterfeits 
 3713  Counting at the market 
 3714  Counting at the zoo 
 3715  Counting by fives 
 3716  Counting by tens 
 3717  Counting by threes 
 3718  Counting by twos 
 3719  Counting crocodiles 
 3720  Counting in the desert 
 3721  Counting in the grasslands 
 3722  Counting in the oceans 
 3723  Counting in the rain forest 
 3724  Counting in the tundra 
 3725  Counting on Frank 
 3726  Counting pets by twos 
 3727  Counting sheep to sleep 
 3728  Counting the continents 
 3729  Counting with Tiny Cat 
 3730  Country 
 3731  The country bunny and the little gold shoes 
 3732  Country dawn to dusk 
 3733  A country far away 
 3734  Country girl 
 3735  The country mouse and the city mouse adventures. 
 3736  The country mouse and the city mouse adventures. 
 3737  Country music 
 3738  A couple of boys have the best week ever 
 3739  Courage 
 3740  Courage 
 3741  Courage 
 3742  Courage has no color : the true story of the Triple Nickles, America's first black paratroopers 
 3743  The courage of Sarah Noble 
 3744  Couriers 
 3745  A covered wagon girl : the diary of Sallie Hester, 1849-1850 
 3746  Covered wagons : hands-on projects about America's westward expansion 
 3747  Covers 
 3748  Cow 
 3749  The cow is mooing anyhow : A scrambled alpha. 
 3750  Cow licks 
 3751  The cow that went oink 
 3752  The cow who wouldn't come down 
 3753  Cow's fart! 
 3754  Cow-eating fish and other amazing animals 
 3755  Cowboy 
 3756  Cowboy bunnies 
 3757  Cowboy bunnies 
 3758  Cowboy cooking 
 3759  Cowboy dreams 
 3760  Cowboys 
 3761  Cowboys 
 3762  Cowboys 
 3763  Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa. 
 3764  Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa. 
 3765  Cowgirl Katie 
 3766  Cows 
 3767  Cows 
 3768  Cows on a farm 
 3769  The coyote 
 3770  Coyote : a trickster tale from the American Southwest 
 3771  Coyote places the stars 
 3772  A Coyote solstice tale 
 3773  The cozy book 
 3774  Crab cakes 
 3775  Crabby Cratchitt 
 3776  Crabs 
 3777  Crabs 
 3778  Crabs 
 3779  Craft stick mania 
 3780  Crafting fun stuff with a crowd of kids 
 3781  Crafts for kids who are wild about dinosaurs 
 3782  Crafty Chameleon 
 3783  Crafty kids : patterns 
 3784  Cranberries 
 3785  Cranberry Christmas 
 3786  Cranberry Thanksgiving 
 3787  The crane wife 
 3788  Cranes 
 3789  Cranes 
 3790  Cranes 
 3791  Cranes at work 
 3792  Crash Bang Donkey! 
 3793  Crawl low under smoke 
 3794  The crayon counting book 
 3795  Crayons rock! 
 3796  Crazy alphabet 
 3797  Crazy cars 
 3798  Crazy clothes 
 3799  The crazy convention caper 
 3800  A crazy day at the Critter Café 
 3801  A crazy day with cobras 
 3802  Crazy hair 
 3803  Crazy Hair Day 
 3804  Creamed tuna fish and peas on toast 
 3805  Creating a budget 
 3806  Creating a tall tale 
 3807  Creating and sharing a slide show 
 3808  Creating and sharing a slide show 
 3809  Creating the Constitution 
 3810  Creating the Constitution 
 3811  Creating the Constitution 
 3812  Creation 
 3813  Creation 
 3814  The creation : a poem 
 3815  Creativity 
 3816  The creature collection 
 3817  Creature features : 25 animals explain why they look the way they do 
 3818  Creature teacher : the final exam 
 3819  Creatures from the deep 
 3821  Credit cards and checks 
 3822  The Creek 
 3823  Creele a tus ojos 
 3824  Creepy carrots! 
 3825  A creepy countdown 
 3826  Creepy crayon! 
 3827  Creepy pair of underwear! 
 3828  Creepy, crawly baby bugs 
 3829  Creepy, crawly caterpillars 
 3830  Crema de Cacahuete y Medu 
 3831  Creole. 
 3832  The cricket in Times Square 
 3833  The cricket in Times Square 
 3834  Crickets 
 3835  Crickets and grasshoppers 
 3836  Crickwing 
 3837  Crictor. 
 3838  Crime-fighting animals 
 3839  The Crimson Dynamo returns! 
 3840  Crimson Twill : witch in the city 
 3841  Crinkleroot's guide to knowing the birds 
 3842  Crinkleroot's guide to knowing the trees 
 3843  Crinkleroot's guide to knowing the trees. 
 3844  Crinkleroot's guide to walking in wild places 
 3845  The crippled lamb 
 3846  The crisscross shadow 
 3847  Critical thinking 
 3848  Crius and the night of fright 
 3849  Crocheting for fun! 
 3850  Croco'nile 
 3851  Crocodaddy 
 3852  The crocodile 
 3853  Crocodile beat 
 3854  Crocodile Gene and his friends : a story 
 3855  Crocodile tears 
 3856  Crocodiles and alligators 
 3857  Crocodiles are the best animals of all! 
 3858  Crocs! 
 3859  Cromwell Dixon's Sky-Cycle 
 3860  Cronicas de una vida muy poco glamorosa 
 3861  Cronus and the threads of dread 
 3862  Crooks, cowboys, and characters 
 3863  Crossing Jordan 
 3864  A crossing of zebras : animal packs in poetry 
 3865  Crossing the Delaware and Valley Forge : two wild winters with Washington 
 3866  Crow & fox : and other animal legends 
 3867  The crow and Mrs. Gaddy 
 3868  Crow chief : a Plains Indian story 
 3869  Crown of wizards 
 3870  The cruise of doom 
 3871  Cruise ships 
 3872  Crunch 
 3873  Crust & spray : gross stuff in your eyes, ears, nose, and throat 
 3874  The cry of the loon : a Samantha mystery 
 3875  The crystal caverns 
 3876  Crystals and gemstones 
 3877  Cubes 
 3878  Cubes 
 3879  The Cubs get the scoop 
 3880  The Cuckoo bird. 
 3881  The cuckoo's haiku : and other birding poems 
 3882  The cuddly seal 
 3883  Cuentos para criar con sentido comun 
 3884  Cuidadora de gusanos 
 3885  Cully Cully and the bear 
 3886  Cultivando a un artista : la historia de un jardinero paisajista y su hijo 
 3887  The culture and recipes of China 
 3888  The culture and recipes of India 
 3889  The culture and recipes of Italy 
 3890  The culture and recipes of Mexico 
 3891  CultureGrams. 
 3892  Cumbres maternales 
 3893  Cupid doesn't flip hamburgers 
 3894  Curious case of the ransom riddler 
 3895  The curious faun 
 3896  The curious garden 
 3897  Curious George and the pizza 
 3898  Curious George flies a kite 
 3899  Curious George goes to the circus 
 3900  Curious George learns the alphabet 
 3901  Curious George piñata party = : Jorge el Curioso y la piñata 
 3902  The curse of Katana 
 3903  The curse of the campfire weenies : and other warped and creepy tales 
 3904  The curse of the campfire weenies, and other warped and creepy tales 
 3905  The curse of the creepy crypt 
 3906  The curse of the incredible priceless corncob 
 3907  The curse of the mummy's tomb 
 3908  Cursed 
 3909  Curses are the worst 
 3910  Custer's last stand 
 3911  Custer's last stand 
 3912  The custodian from the black lagoon 
 3913  Custodians 
 3914  Custom bikes 
 3915  The cut-ups 
 3916  The cut-ups at Camp Custer 
 3917  The cut-ups crack up 
 3918  The cut-ups cut loose 
 3919  The Cutest Jungle animals ever! 
 3920  Cuts, breaks, bruises, and burns : how your body heals 
 3921  Cuts, bruises, and breaks 
 3922  Cycling 
 3923  Cylinders 
 3924  Cylinders 
 3925  Cyndy Szekeres' Mother Goose rhymes 
 3926  Cynthia and the runaway gazebo 
 3927  Cynthia Rylant 
 3928  Cyrus and the dragon disaster 
 3929  Cézanne and the apple boy 
 3930  D is for drinking gourd : an African American alphabet 
 3931  D.W. all wet 
 3932  D.W. flips! 
 3933  D.W. rides again! 
 3934  D.W.'s lost blankie 
 3935  D.W., the picky eater 
 3936  Da Vinci : the painter who spoke with birds 
 3937  Dachshund : the hot dogger 
 3938  Dachshunds 
 3939  Dachshunds are the best! 
 3940  Dad & me 
 3941  Dad, are you the tooth fairy 
 3943  Daddy can't dance 
 3944  Daddy has a pair of striped shorts 
 3945  Daddy hug 
 3946  The Daddy Longlegs blues 
 3947  Daddy makes the best spaghetti 
 3948  Daddy's an alien 
 3949  Daddy. 
 3950  Daily comphrehension : April 
 3951  Daily comphrehension : August 
 3952  Daily comphrehension : December 
 3953  Daily comphrehension : February 
 3954  Daily comphrehension : January 
 3955  Daily comphrehension : June 
 3956  Daily comphrehension : March 
 3957  Daily comphrehension : May 
 3958  Daily comphrehension : November 
 3959  Daily comphrehension : October 
 3960  Daily comphrehension : September 
 3961  Daily phonics Level 1. 
 3962  Daily phonics Level 2. 
 3963  The dairy group 
 3964  Daisy and the doll 
 3965  Daisy comes home 
 3966  Daisy Dawson is on her way! 
 3967  Daisy's taxi 
 3968  Daisy-head Mayzie 
 3969  Dakota dream 
 3970  Dakota dugout 
 3971  Dakota Fanning 
 3972  Dale Earnhardt, Jr. 
 3973  Dalmatians 
 3974  Dam 
 3975  Damon, Pythias, and the test of friendship 
 3976  Dams 
 3977  Dance 
 3978  Dance team 
 3979  Dance! : no matter what kind of dance you like to do, this book is for you 
 3980  Dancing 
 3981  Dancing class 
 3982  Dancing dinos at the beach 
 3983  The dancing granny 
 3984  Dancing teepees : poems of American Indian youth 
 3985  Dancing with the Indians 
 3986  Dancing with the indians. 
 3987  Dandelion 
 3988  Dandelion fire 
 3989  The dandelion seed 
 3990  Dandelions 
 3991  Danger on Vampire Trail. 
 3992  Dangerous dinosaurs 
 3993  Danica Patrick 
 3994  Daniel Boone 
 3995  Daniel Boone's great escape 
 3996  Daniel O'Rourke : an Irish tale 
 3997  Daniel Radcliffe 
 3998  Daniel Radcliffe 
 3999  Daniel's dinosaurs 
 4000  Daniel's dog 
 4001  Daniel's duck 
 4002  Daniel's duck 
 4003  Danilo the fruit man 
 4004  Danitra Brown, class clown 
 4005  Danny and the Dinosaur 
 4006  Danny is done with diapers : a potty ABC 
 4007  Danny's birthday 
 4008  Dar and the spear-thrower 
 4009  The dare 
 4010  Dare to be scared! 
 4011  Daring cell defenders 
 4012  The daring Miss Quimby 
 4013  The daring rescue of Marlon the swimming pig 
 4014  Daring women of the American Revolution 
 4015  Dark and full of secrets 
 4016  The dark at the top of the stairs 
 4017  The dark frigate : wherein is told the story of Philip Marsham who lived in the time of King Charles and was bred a sailor but came home to England after many hazards by sea and land and fought for the King at Newbury and lost a great inheritance and departed for Barbados in the same ship, by curious chance, in which he had long before adventured with the pirates 
 4018  Dark night 
 4019  The dark secret 
 4020  Dark shadows : yes, another misadventure 
 4021  Dark was the night : Blind Willie Johnson's journey to the stars 
 4022  Dark water magic 
 4023  The darkest dark 
 4024  Darkseid's inferno! 
 4025  Darth Maul's mission 
 4026  Darth Paper strikes back : an Origami Yoda book 
 4027  Data, graphing, and statistics smarts! 
 4028  Dave and Jane in outer space 
 4029  David and Goliath 
 4030  David and Goliath 
 4031  David and the giant 
 4032  David Atherton's baking book for kids 
 4033  David Eckstein and the St. Louis Cardinals : 2006 World Series 
 4034  David gets in trouble 
 4035  David McPhail's animals A to Z. 
 4036  David Ortiz 
 4037  David's songs : his Psalms and their story 
 4038  Davy Crockett 
 4039  Davy Crockett 
 4040  Davy Crockett 
 4041  Davy Crockett : a photo-illustrated biography 
 4042  Davy Crockett gets hitched 
 4043  Dawdle Duckling 
 4044  Dawn 
 4045  Dawn and the impossible three 
 4046  Dawn of the light dragon 
 4047  Dawn's wicked stepsister 
 4048  Dawn. 
 4049  Day and night 
 4050  Day and night 
 4051  Day by day with-- Willow Smith 
 4052  The day everything tasted like broccoli 
 4053  The day I had to play with my sister. 
 4054  A day in space. 
 4055  A day in the life of a garbage collector 
 4056  A day in the life of a knight 
 4057  A day in the life of a librarian 
 4058  A day in the life of a nurse 
 4059  A day in the life of a Pharaoh  
 4060  A day in the life of a poo, a gnu, and you 
 4061  A day in the life of a zookeeper 
 4062  The day it rained forever : a story of the Johnstown flood 
 4063  The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash 
 4064  The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash 
 4066  Day of infamy 
 4067  Day of infamy : the story of the attack on Pearl Harbor 
 4068  Day of the Bizarros! 
 4069  The day of the black blizzard 
 4070  Day of the Dead 
 4071  Day of the Dragon King 
 4072  Day of the field trip zombies 
 4073  The day of the twelve story wave : grinding glaciers, howling hurricanes, spewing volcanoes, and other awesome forces of nature 
 4074  A day on the boat with Captain Betty 
 4075  The day the crayons came home 
 4076  The day the crayons quit 
 4077  The day the crayons quit : a guide for the book by Drew Daywalt 
 4078  The day the goose got loose 
 4079  The day the Gypsies came to town 
 4080  The day we danced in underpants 
 4081  A day with a chef 
 4082  A day with a doctor 
 4083  A day with a pilot 
 4084  A day with a zoo veterinarian 
 4085  A day with Dad 
 4087  The day you begin 
 4088  A day's work 
 4089  The Day-Glo brothers : the true story of Bob and Joe Switzer's bright ideas and brand-new colors 
 4090  Daydreamers 
 4091  Days of the week 
 4092  Days with Frog and Toad 
 4093  Daytime, nighttime, all through the year 
 4094  The Dead Sea : the saltiest sea 
 4095  The deadliest animals on earth 
 4096  The deadliest places on earth 
 4097  The deadliest plants on earth 
 4098  The deadliest race 
 4099  The deadliest weather on Earth 
 4100  Dealing with addition 
 4101  Dear Benjamin Banneker 
 4102  Dear dragon's A is for Apple 
 4103  Dear Librarian 
 4104  Dear Mr. Blueberry 
 4105  Dear Mr. Henshaw 
 4106  Dear Mrs. Larue : letters from obedience school 
 4107  Dear pen pal 
 4108  Dear Peter Rabbit 
 4109  Dear Primo : a letter to my cousin 
 4110  Dear Vampa 
 4111  Dear world 
 4112  Dearly, nearly, insincerely : what is an adverb? 
 4113  Death 
 4114  Death and dying 
 4115  Death zone! : can humans survive at 26,000 feet? 
 4116  Debo compartir mi helado? 
 4117  December 
 4118  Deciduous forests 
 4119  Deciduous forests 
 4120 <