List of Titles for State Law

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7137 Result(s) Found.
 Line #  Title
 1  "B" is for Betsy 
 2  "Fire! Fire!" said Mrs. McGuire 
 3  "Not now!" said the cow 
 4  --if you lived 100 years ago 
 5  --if you sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 
 6  ... and now Miguel 
 7  2-3 reads. 
 8  2nd leveled readers. 
 9  The 3 habits of highly successful reading teachers : a quick and easy approach to helping all students succeed 
 10  3 pigs and a baby 
 11  3-Minute Reading Assessments; Word Recognition, Fluency & Comprehension. 
 12  3-Minute Reading Assessments; Word Recognition, Fluency & Comprehension. 
 13  3rd gr nf kit. 
 14  3rd leveled graders. 
 15  4 powerful strategies for struggling readers, grades 3-8 : small group instruction that improves comprehension 
 16  4B goes wild 
 17  4th gr nf kit. 
 18  5-Step Way to Raise Test Scores : using the data to drive your instruction. 
 19  5th grade non-fiction. 
 20  5th grade stories--The secret garden 
 21  6 + 1 traits of writing 
 22  6 + 1 traits of writing : the complete guide grades 3 and up 
 23  7 keys to comprehension : how to help your kids read it and get it! 
 24  10 Assorted Fiction Titles. 
 25  10 Assorted Fiction Titles. 
 26  12 brown boys 
 27  12 days of Christmas 
 28  12 Powerful Words. 
 29  12 Powerful Words. 
 30  12 Powerful Words. 
 31  13 Treasures. 
 32  14 cows for America 
 33  The 17 gerbils of class 4A 
 34  The 18th emergency 
 35  20 Assorted Fiction Titles. 
 36  20,000 baseball cards under the sea 
 37  20,000 leagues under the sea 
 38  20,000 leagues under the sea 
 39  20th. Century Year by Year. 
 40  28 days : moments in Black history that changed the world 
 41  50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet 
 42  100 Facts Dinosaurs. 
 43  100 Facts Mammals. 
 44  100 facts Penguins. 
 45  100 Facts Sharks. 
 46  100 things you should know about inventions. 
 47  100 things you should know about mummies. 
 48  100 things you should know about planet earth 
 49  100 things you should know about science 
 50  100 things you should know about the human body 
 51  100 things you should know about weather 
 52  The 100th day of school 
 53  100th day of school 
 54  100th day worries 
 55  101 "answers" for new teachers & their mentors : effective teaching tips for daily classroom use. 
 56  101 facts about polar bears 
 57  123 versus ABC 
 58  176 ways to involve parents : practical strategies for partnering with families 
 59  213 valentines 
 60  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 61  1001 great ideas for teaching and raising children with autism spectrum disorders 
 62  The 1963 March on Washington : speeches and songs for civil rights 
 63  1996 U.S. women's Olympic gymnastics team 
 64  The 2001 World Trade Center attack 
 65  30145000209533 
 66  30145000209715 
 67  30145000209814 
 68  30145000209830 
 69  30145000209970 
 70  30145000209467 
 71  30145000209749 
 72  30145000209954 
 73  30145000209947 
 74  30145000209582 
 75  30145000209624 
 76  30145000210093 
 77  30145000210200 
 78  30145000210168 
 79  30145000210119 
 80  30145000300092 
 81  30145000300290 
 82  30145000300274 
 83  30145000300266 
 84  30145000300241 
 85  30145000300050 
 86  An A from Miss Keller 
 87  A-B-A-B-A : a book of pattern play 
 88  A-Z Mysteries 
 89  A. Lincoln and me 
 90  A. Nonny Mouse writes again! : poems 
 91  ABC books. 
 92  ABC school's for me! 
 93  Abe Lincoln and the river robbers 
 94  Abe Lincoln's hat 
 95  Abe Lincoln's Hat. 
 96  Abe's honest words : the life of Abraham Lincoln 
 97  Abel's island 
 98  Abel's island 
 99  About mammals : a guide for children 
 100  About the thermometer 
 101  Abraham Lincoln 
 102  Abraham Lincoln 
 103  Abraham Lincoln 
 104  Absolute victory : America's greatest generation and their World War II triumph 
 105  Absolute zero 
 106  Abstract art. 
 107  Across five Aprils 
 108  Across the stream 
 109  The action of subtraction 
 110  The active earth 
 111  Active parenting now : for parents of children age 5 to 12 
 112  Activists assemble : we are all equal! 
 113  Activities for English Language Learners across the curriculum. 
 114  Ada Twist, scientist 
 115  Addie across the prairie 
 116  Addie meets Max 
 118  Addy saves the day : a summer story 
 119  Addy's surprise : a Christmas story 
 120  The ADHD book of lists : a practical guide for helping children and teens with attention deficit disorders 
 121  Adoptive families 
 122  Adventures in graphica : using comics and graphic novels to teach comprehension, 2-6 
 123  Adventures in sound with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 124  Adventures of Berenstain Bears. 
 125  Adventures of Danny and the dinosaur. 
 126  Adventures of Harold and his friends. 
 127  The adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
 128  The adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
 129  The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 
 130  The adventures of Robinson Crusoe 
 131  The adventures of sparrowboy 
 132  Adventures of Stuart Little. 
 133  The adventures of the dish and the spoon 
 134  The adventures of Tom Sawyer 
 135  The adventures of Tom Sawyer. 
 136  The adventures of Victor. 
 137  Aesop's fables 
 138  Aesop's fables 
 139  Aesop's fables 
 140  Aesop's fables 
 141  Africa 
 142  Africa 
 143  Africa dream 
 144  African Am. biogs. assorted titles. 
 145  African American heritage 
 146  African dancing 
 147  Afro-Bets, first book about Africa : an introduction for young readers 
 148  Afromation : 366 days of American history. 
 149  Afromation, 366 Days of American History. 
 150  After the fall : how Humpty Dumpty got back up again 
 151  After the goat man 
 152  Agriculture 
 153  Ah, music! 
 154  Ahoy! ghost ship ahead 
 155  Air 
 156  Air Force One 
 157  Air, light & water 
 158  Airplanes. 
 159  The airport 
 160  Ajeemah and his son 
 161  Al Capone does my shirts 
 162  Al Capone does my shirts 
 163  Alabama 
 164  Alabama : the heart of Dixie 
 165  Alabama Moon 
 166  Alaska 
 167  Albert's Thanksgiving 
 168  An album of Reconstruction 
 169  An album of the American Revolution 
 170  An album of the Civil War 
 171  An album of women in American history 
 172  An album of World War II home fronts 
 173  Aldo Applesauce 
 174  Aldo Peanut Butter 
 175  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
 176  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
 177  Alexander who is not (do you hear me? I mean it) going to move 
 178  Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 
 179  Ali Baba Bernstein, lost and found 
 180  Alice in April 
 181  Alice in wonderland 
 182  Alice in Wonderland : and Through the looking glass 
 183  Alice's adventures in Wonderland 
 184  Aliens and energy 
 185  Aliens for breakfast 
 186  Aliens for lunch 
 187  Aliens on vacation 
 188  Aligning IEPs to academic standards : for students with moderate and severe disabilities 
 189  Alive and not alive 
 190  All aboard the train 
 191  All about amphibians 
 192  All about animal adaptations 
 193  All about birds 
 194  All about bugs 
 195  All about Corduroy. 
 196  All about deserts & grasslands 
 197  All about earth's history 
 198  All about earthquakes 
 199  All about endangered & extinct animals 
 200  All about food chains 
 201  All about forces & gravity 
 202  All about forest ecosystems 
 203  All about fossils 
 204  All about land formations 
 205  All about light 
 206  All about light 
 207  All about magnets 
 208  All about mammals 
 209  All about meteorology 
 210  All about natural resources 
 211  All about plant adaptation 
 212  All about plant structure & growth 
 213  All about properties of matter 
 214  All about rain, snow, sleet & hail 
 215  All about reptiles 
 216  All about rocks & minerals 
 217  All about Sam 
 218  All about seeds 
 219  All about simple machines 
 220  All about soil 
 221  All about solids, liquids & gases 
 222  All about sound 
 223  All about sound 
 224  All about Stacy 
 225  All about stars 
 226  All about the conservation of energy 
 227  All about the earth 
 228  All about the moon 
 229  All about the water cycle 
 230  All about volcanoes 
 231  All about water ecosystems 
 232  All about weathering & erosion 
 233  All about wind & clouds 
 234  All abroad readers Level 1. 
 236  All by myself 
 237  All day long with Dr. Jean. 
 238  All God's critters got a place in the choir 
 239  All Joseph wanted 
 240  All night, all day : a child's first book of African-American spirituals 
 241  All pigs are beautiful. 
 242  All the money in the world 
 243  The all-I'll-ever-want Christmas doll 
 244  All-of-a-kind family 
 245  The all-season backyard birdwatcher 
 246  Alligator boy 
 247  Alligators all around : an alphabet 
 248  Alligators and crocodiles 
 249  Alligators and crocodiles. 
 250  Alma and how she got her name 
 251  Almost starring Skinnybones 
 252  Almost to freedom 
 253  Along came a dog 
 254  A The Alphabet from Z to : with much confusion on the way) 
 255  Althea Gibson : the story of tennis' fleet-of-foot girl 
 256  Always Neverland 
 257  Always October 
 258  Always room for one more 
 259  Amanda Pig on her own 
 260  The amazing bone 
 261  The amazing circulatory system : how does my heart work? 
 262  Amazing dolphins! 
 263  Amazing gorillas! 
 264  Amazing Grace 
 265  Amazing Grace 
 266  Amazing kitchen chemistry projects you can build yourself 
 267  Amazing magic tricks 
 268  Amazing rain forest 
 269  Amazing rescues 
 270  Amazing snakes! 
 271  The amazing story of cell phone technology : Max Axiom STEM adventures 
 272  Amazing tricks with everyday stuff 
 273  Amazing world of ants 
 274  Amazing world of butterflies and moths 
 275  Amazing world of plants 
 276  The Amazon : river in a rain forest 
 277  Amelia Bedelia 
 278  Amelia Bedelia 
 279  Amelia Bedelia and the baby 
 280  Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower 
 281  Amelia Bedelia goes camping 
 282  Amelia Bedelia helps out 
 283  Amelia Bedelia's family album 
 284  Amelia Bedelia, bookworm 
 285  Amelia Bedelia, Merry Christmas. 
 286  Amelia Earhart : legendary aviator 
 287  America is under attack : September 11, 2001 : the day the towers fell 
 288  America rock 
 289  America's black founders : revolutionary heroes and early leaders : with 21 activities 
 290  America's colonization and settlement : 1585 to 1763 
 291  America's presidents : facts, photos, and memorabilia from the nation's chief executives 
 292  America, three worlds meet : beginnings to 1620 
 293  American citizenship 
 294  American communities : we live in a suburb 
 295  American Heritage Picture Dictionary. 
 296  American independence 
 297  American Indian games and crafts 
 298  American mastodon 
 299  American Revolution 5 DVDs. 
 300  American Revolution : a nonfiction companion to Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 301  The American saddlebred horse 
 302  The American story : 100 true tales from American history 
 303  Amigo 
 304  An Amish Christmas 
 305  Amos & Boris 
 306  Amos Fortune, free man 
 307  Amulet. 
 308  Amulet. 
 309  The amusement park mystery 
 310  Anacondas 
 311  Analyzing & appreciating poetry 
 312  Anansi the spider : a tale from the Ashanti. 
 313  Anansi the spider. 
 314  Anastasia again! 
 315  Anastasia at your service 
 316  Anastasia has the answers 
 317  Ancient China : beyond the Great Wall 
 318  Ancient Egypt 
 319  Ancient Egypt : beyond the pyramids 
 320  Ancient Greece : birthplace of democracy 
 321  Ancient Greece and the Olympics : a nonfiction companion to Hour of the Olympics 
 322  Ancient Rome : a mighty empire 
 323  Ancient Rome and Pompeii : a nonfiction companion to Vacation under the volcano 
 324  And everyone shouted, "Pull!" : a first look at forces and motion 
 325  And I mean it, Stanley 
 326  And I mean it, Stanley 
 327  And may the best animal win. 
 328  And then what happened, Paul Revere? 
 329  And then what happened, Paul Revere?. 
 330  Andrew Carnegie / : giant of industry. 
 331  Andrew Jackson 
 332  Andrew Jackson 
 333  Andrew Johnson 
 334  Andrew Luck 
 335  Andy (that's my name) 
 336  Anfernee Hardaway 
 337  The angel and the donkey 
 338  Angel child, dragon child 
 339  Angel in charge 
 340  An angel just like me 
 341  The angel of Beale Street : a biography of Julia Ann Hooks 
 342  Angel's mother's boyfriend 
 343  Angel's mother's wedding 
 344  Angela's airplane 
 345  Anglerfish 
 346  Angus lost 
 347  Animal cafe : story and pictures 
 348  Animal jokes! 
 349  Animal lifecycles. 
 350  The animal shelter mystery 
 351  Animals : a children's encyclopedia. 
 352  Animals at the pond 
 353  Animals communicating 
 354  Animals do the strangest things 
 355  Animals Helping People. 
 356  Animals in polar regions 
 357  Animals in the field 
 358  Animals in the jungle 
 359  Animals in winter 
 360  Animals observed 
 361  Animals of sea and shore 
 362  Animals of the mountains 
 363  Animals of the night 
 364  Animals of the ocean 
 365  Animals of the rain forest 
 366  Animals with pouches : the marsupials 
 367  Animator 
 368  Animorphs: The Stranger. 
 369  Anne Frank 
 370  Anne Frank : her life in words and pictures : from the archives of the Anne Frank House 
 371  Anne of Green Gables 
 372  Annie and the Old One 
 373  Annie and the wild animals 
 374  Anno's counting book 
 375  Anno's Magic seeds. 
 376  Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar. 
 377  Another important book 
 378  The ant and the elephant 
 379  The ant and the grasshopper 
 380  Ant cities 
 381  Ant king 
 382  Antarctica 
 383  Antarctica 
 384  An anteater named Arthur 
 385  Antics! : an alphabetical anthology 
 386  Ants and their nests 
 387  Anything but typical 
 388  The Apache Indians 
 389  The apes 
 390  Apes a-go-go! 
 391  The Apollo 13 mission 
 392  The Appaloosa horse 
 393  The apple orchard 
 394  An apple's life 
 395  Apples 
 396  Apples for everyone 
 397  Apples, cherries, red raspberries : what is in the fruits group? 
 398  April and Esme, tooth fairies 
 399  Apt. 3 
 400  The Arabian horse 
 401  Arabian nights : retold from the original 
 402  The Arapaho Indians 
 403  Arbor Day 
 404  Architect. 
 405  Arctic appetizers : studying food webs in the arctic 
 406  Are we there yet? 
 407  Are you a butterfly 
 408  Are you my mother? 
 409  Are you ready to play outside 
 410  Are you ready to play outside? 
 411  Argentina. 
 412  Arilla Sun Down 
 413  Arithmetic in verse and rhyme 
 414  Arizona 
 415  ARK ANGEL. 
 416  Arkansas 
 417  Arkansas : the Natural State 
 418  The armadillo 
 419  Army Green Berets 
 420  Around the world in 80 days 
 421  Around the world in 80 days 
 422  Around the world with the percussion family! 
 423  Arrow to the sun : a Pueblo Indian tale. 
 424  Art & Max 
 425  Art and mathematics. 
 426  Art and Music. 
 427  Art and science (natural environments). 
 428  Art and social studies. 
 429  Art is-- 
 430  The art of sport. 
 431  Artemis fowl : the Arctic incident 
 432  Arthur accused! 
 433  Arthur and the big blow-up 
 434  Arthur and the cootie-catcher 
 435  Arthur and the crunch cereal contest 
 436  Arthur and the perfect brother 
 437  Arthur and the scare-your-pants-off club 
 438  Arthur and the seventh-inning stretcher 
 439  Arthur and the true francine 
 440  Arthur Ashe and his match with history 
 441  Arthur babysits 
 442  Arthur goes to camp 
 443  Arthur lost and found 
 444  Arthur makes the team 
 445  Arthur meets the President 
 446  Arthur tells a story 
 447  Arthur's birthday 
 448  Arthur's camp-out 
 449  Arthur's camp-out 
 450  Arthur's Christmas cookies 
 451  Arthur's fire drill 
 452  Arthur's Halloween costume 
 453  Arthur's Halloween costume : story and pictures 
 454  Arthur's Honey Bear. 
 455  Arthur's loose tooth 
 456  Arthur's mystery envelope. 
 457  Arthur's Mystery Envelope. 
 458  Arthur's prize reader 
 459  Arthur's teacher trouble 
 460  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 461  Arthur's tooth 
 462  Arthur's tooth 
 463  The artist as storyteller. 
 464  As brave as you 
 465  The Asante of West Africa 
 466  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 467  Asia 
 468  Asia 
 469  Assertive discipline. 
 470  Assorted Albert. 
 471  Assorted chapter books. 
 472  Assorted Easy Readers : Sight Words. 
 473  Assorted Fairy Tales. 
 474  Assorted fiction. 
 475  Assorted Fiction. 
 476  Assorted Goosebumps Books. 
 477  Assorted Goosebumps. 
 478  Assorted Junie B. Jones. 
 479  Assorted Junie B. Jones. 
 480  Assorted Language titles. 
 481  Assorted Magic Tree House. 
 482  Assorted Magic Tree House. 
 483  Assorted Math titles. 
 484  Assorted science titles. 
 485  The astounding nervous system : how does my brain work? 
 486  Astro the Alien visits desert animals 
 487  Astro the Alien visits farm animals 
 488  Astro the Alien visits forest animals 
 489  Astro the Alien visits ocean animals 
 490  Astro the Alien visits polar animals 
 491  Astro the Alien visits pond animals 
 492  Astronomers 
 493  Astronomy 
 494  Astronomy 
 495  At the crossroads 
 496  At the crossroads. 
 497  At the zoo. 
 498  Attack of the 50-foot Fly Guy 
 499  Attack on the high seas! 
 500  Attention Deficit Disorders Intervention Manual. 
 501  Aunt Clara Brown : official pioneer 
 502  Aunt Eater loves a mystery 
 503  Aunt Flossie's hats (and crab cakes later) 
 504  Aunt Lulu 
 505  The austere academy 
 506  Australia 
 507  Australia and Oceania 
 508  Authentic assessment for English language learners : practical approaches for teachers 
 509  Autos deportivos : sports cars 
 510  Autumn Signs of the Season Around North America. 
 511  Awakening the sleeping giant : helping teachers develop as leaders 
 512  Awesome air 
 513  The Aztec Indians 
 514  The B Bears and Mama's new job 
 515  The B bears and the bad habit 
 516  The B bears and the drug free zone 
 517  The B Bears and the female fullback 
 518  The B Bears and the galloping ghost 
 519  The B Bears and the giddy grandma 
 520  The B bears and the truth 
 521  The B Bears and the wheelchair commando 
 522  The B bears and too much vacation 
 523  The B Bears at Camp Crush 
 524  The B bears get in a fight 
 525  The B bears get the gimmies 
 526  The B bears' new baby 
 527  The B bears' science fair. 
 528  The B Bears' trouble with pets 
 529  B is for Badger. 
 530  B is for Badger. 
 531  B is for beaver. 
 532  B is for beaver. 
 533  B is for Big Ben : an England alphabet 
 534  B is for Big Sky Country. 
 535  B is for Big Sky Country. 
 536  B is for Blue Crab. 
 537  B is for Blue Crab. 
 538  B is for bluegrass. 
 539  B is for bluegrass. 
 540  B is for buckeye. 
 541  B is for buckeye. 
 542  B-e-s-t friends 
 543  Baa-choo! 
 544  Babar and his children 
 545  Babar learns to cook 
 546  Babar's little circus star 
 547  Babe Ruth 
 548  Babe, the sheep pig : going quackers 
 549  Baboushka and the three kings 
 550  Baby 
 551  Baby animals 
 552  Baby animals 
 553  Baby animals in northern forests 
 554  Baby animals in rivers 
 555  Baby animals in savanna habitats 
 556  Baby bear, baby bear, what do you see 
 557  Baby Birds and How They Grow. 
 558  Baby Moses 
 559  Baby sea otters 
 560  A baby sister for Frances 
 561  The baby's lap book 
 562  Babymouse : bad babysitter 
 563  Babymouse. 
 564  Bach 
 565  Back to school with Betsy 
 566  Back yard angel 
 567  Back yard Angel 
 568  Backhoes 
 569  Backstage Pass. 
 570  The backyard animal show 
 571  Backyard dragon 
 572  Backyard Wildlife: photo-fact collection. 
 573  Bacteria and viruses 
 574  Bad boys 
 575  Bad dog 
 576  Bad dog, Marley! 
 577  The bad guys 
 578  The Bad Guys 
 579  The bad guys in Mission unpluckable 
 580  Bad news for outlaws : the remarkable life of Bass Reeves, deputy U.S. Marshall 
 581  The bad seed 
 582  The bag I'm taking to Grandma's 
 583  Bailey School Kids Mysteries 
 584  Baking and crushing : a look at metamorphic rock 
 585  Balancing a checkbook 
 586  Bald eagles 
 587  Balloons over Broadway : the true story of the puppeteer of Macy's Parade 
 588  Bambi : a life in the woods 
 589  Bananas for Everyone. 
 590  Bananas for Everyone. 
 591  Barack 
 592  Barack Obama 
 593  Barack Obama 
 594  Barack Obama : son of promise, child of hope 
 595  Barack Obama : the story of our 44th president 
 596  Barbados. 
 597  A bargain for Frances 
 598  Barnaby's Burrow- Auditory Processing game. 
 599  Barney's horse 
 600  Barry Bonds 
 601  Barry Sanders 
 602  Barry, the bravest Saint Bernard 
 603  Bartholomew and the oobleck 
 604  Bartholomew the bossy 
 605  Baseball : play like a pro 
 606  Baseball ballerina 
 607  Baseball ballerina strikes out! 
 608  Baseball megastars 1995 
 609  Baseball pals 
 610  The baseball star 
 611  Baseball's greatest pitchers 
 612  The basics of cell life with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 613  Basketball : rules, tips, strategy, and safety 
 614  Basketball's greatest players 
 615  Basketballs 
 616  Bat loves the night 
 617  The bat-poet 
 618  The bathwater gang 
 619  Batman : an origin story 
 620  Bats 
 621  Bats 
 622  Bats : creatures of the night 
 623  Bats at the library 
 624  Batter Up! You can play softball. 
 625  Battle for Wakanda : starring Black Panther 
 626  The Battle of Bull Run : Confederate forces overwhelm Union troops 
 627  The battle of Gettysburg, 1863 
 628  The Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 
 629  Battle of the Atlantic. 
 630  Battle of the Dum Diddys 
 631  The battle of the Labyrinth 
 632  The Battle of Waterloo : one hundred days of destiny. 
 633  Battling for victory : the coolest robot competitions 
 634  Be a perfect person in just three days! 
 635  Be A Perfect Person In Just Three Days! w/ tchr guide. 
 636  Be nice to spiders 
 637  Beach day 
 638  Beading : bracelets, barrettes, and beyond 
 639  Beagle 
 640  Bear 
 641  The bear ate your sandwich 
 642  A bear called Paddington 
 643  Bear feels scared 
 644  Bear sees colors 
 645  Bear sees colors 
 646  Bear wants more 
 647  Bear's first Christmas 
 648  The bear's toothache 
 649  A bear's year 
 650  Bears 
 651  Bears Don't Bounce!. 
 652  The bears on Hemlock Mountain 
 653  Bears on wheels 
 654  The bears' Christmas 
 655  The beast in Ms. Rooney's room 
 656  The beast within : a tale of beauty's prince 
 657  Beatrice's goat 
 658  Beatrix Potter 
 659  Beautiful bags for the crafty fashionista 
 660  Beautiful ballerinas 
 661  Beautiful blackbird 
 662  Beauty and the beast 
 663  Beauty and the beast 
 664  Beauty and the beast. 
 665  Beauty and the beast. 
 666  Beauty and the Beast. 
 667  Beauty and the pea 
 668  Beauty, her basket 
 669  The beaver 
 670  Because 
 671  Because of Mr. Terupt 
 672  Because of Winn-Dixie 
 673  Because of Winn-Dixie 
 674  Because your grandparents love you 
 675  Becoming a great teacher of reading : achieving high rapid reading gains with powerful, differentiated strategies 
 676  Bedtime for Frances 
 677  Bedtime mouse 
 678  Bee my valentine!. 
 679  Beef stew 
 680  Beep beep, vroom vroom! 
 681  Bees and their hives 
 682  Beezus and Ramona 
 683  Before they were authors : famous authors as kids 
 684  The beginning of our earth 
 685  Behind the masks : the diary of Angeline Reddy 
 686  Behind the racks : exploring the secrets of a shopping mall 
 687  Behold! a baby 
 688  Belgium 
 689  Believe me, Goldilocks rocks : the story of the three bears as told by Baby Bear 
 690  Believe me, I never felt a pea! : the story of the princess and the pea as told by the princess 
 691  The bell bandit 
 692  Bell buzzers : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 693  Bella, up, up and away 
 694  Belle Prater's boy 
 695  Belle Prater's Boy. 
 696  Belle, the last mule at Gee's Bend : a civil rights story 
 697  The Bellmaker 
 698  Ben and me : a new and astonishing life of Benjamin Franklin as written by his good mouse Amos 
 699  Beneath a blue umbrella 
 700  Benedict Arnold : American hero and traitor 
 701  Bengal cats 
 702  The Benin Kingdom of West Africa 
 703  Benjamin and the silver goblet 
 704  Benjamin Banneker 
 705  Benjamin Franklin 
 706  Benjamin Franklin : an American genius 
 707  Benjamin S. Bloom : portraits of an educator w/ CD 
 708  Benny uncovers a mystery 
 709  The Berenstain Bears and the excuse note 
 710  The Berenstain Bears and the homework hassle 
 711  The Berenstain Bears and the New Girl in Town. 
 712  The Berenstain Bears and The Spooky Old Tree. 
 713  The Berenstain Bears ride the Thunderbolt 
 714  Bernard 
 715  Bessie Coleman : daring to fly 
 716  The best book of the moon 
 717  The best bug to be 
 718  The best Christmas pageant ever 
 719  Best Enemies. 
 720  Best friends : story and pictures 
 721  Best friends for Frances 
 722  Best Friends. 
 723  The best mistake ever! and other stories 
 724  The best of fractured fairy tales. 
 725  The best of times : math strategies that multiply 
 726  Best practices in writing instruction 
 727  The best valentine in the world 
 728  The best-laid plans of Jonah Twist. 
 729  Betsy and the boys 
 730  Betsy Red Hoodie 
 731  Betsy Ross 
 732  Betsy-Tacy 
 733  Better answers : written performance that looks good and sounds smart 
 734  Better learning through structured teaching : a framework for the gradual release of responsibility 
 735  Beware the dragons! 
 736  Beware! : R.L. Stine picks his favorite scary stories. 
 737  Beware, the snowman 
 738  Beyond the bars : exploring the secrets of a police station 
 739  Beyond the grave 
 740  Beyond the ridge 
 741  Beyond the Valley of Thorns 
 742  The BFG 
 743  The BFG 
 744  Bible stories for boys 
 745  Bible stories for girls 
 746  Bicycle mystery 
 747  The big bad rumor 
 748  Big Bad Wolf 
 749  The big balloon race 
 750  Big Bear Ball. 
 751  Big birds 
 752  The big book of girl power 
 753  The big book of real trains 
 754  A big day for baseball #29 
 755  Big dog-- little dog : a bedtime story 
 756  Big egg 
 757  A big fat enormous lie 
 758  Big new school 
 759  Big Red 
 760  Big red barn 
 761  Big shot 
 762  The big snow 
 763  The big wave 
 764  Big Words for Big Kids : systematic Sequential Phonics and Spelling. 
 765  The big, big wall 
 766  Bigfoot 
 767  The Biggest loser workout: Boot Camp. 
 768  The biggest, best snowman 
 769  Bigmama's 
 770  Bike, skate, and skateboard games 
 771  Bill Clinton 
 772  Bill Gates 
 773  The Bill Martin Jr. big book of poetry 
 774  Bill Nye the science guy / : Life cycles. 
 775  Bill Nye the science guy / : Motion. 
 776  Bill Nye the science guy / : Phases of matter. 
 777  Bill Nye the Science Guy / : Planets. 
 778  Bill Nye the science guy / : The Moon. 
 779  Bill Nye the Science Guy Animal Locomotion 
 780  Bill Nye the Science Guy Atmosphere 
 781  Bill Nye the Science Guy Chemical Reactions 
 782  Bill Nye the science guy Climates 
 783  Bill Nye the science guy Deserts 
 784  Bill Nye the science guy Do it yourself science 
 785  Bill Nye the Science Guy Earth's Crust. 
 786  Bill Nye the science guy Earthquakes 
 787  Bill Nye the Science Guy Flowers 
 788  Bill Nye the Science Guy Food Web 
 789  Bill Nye the science guy Genes 
 790  Bill Nye the Science Guy Gravity 
 791  Bill Nye the science guy Lakes and Ponds 
 792  Bill Nye the Science Guy Light Optics. 
 793  Bill Nye the Science Guy Magnetism. 
 794  Bill Nye the science guy Mammals 
 795  Bill Nye the science guy Ocean Life. 
 796  Bill Nye the Science Guy Pollution Solutions 
 797  Bill Nye the Science Guy Populations 
 798  Bill Nye the science guy Probability 
 799  Bill Nye the Science Guy Respiration. 
 800  Bill Nye the Science Guy Storms 
 801  The Bill of Rights 
 802  The Bill of Rights : what it means to you 
 803  Billy the Kid 
 804  Bimwili & the Zimwi : a tale from Zanzibar 
 805  Bingo Brown and the language of love 
 806  Binky takes charge 
 807  Binky the space cat 
 808  Biodiversity : Wild About Life!. 
 809  The Bionic Bunny Show. 
 810  Bippity bop barbershop 
 811  The birchbark house 
 812  Bird 
 813  Bird builds a nest 
 814  Bird Lake moon 
 815  Birds 
 816  Birds we know 
 817  The birds' gift : a Ukrainian Easter story 
 818  Birth and growing up celebrations. 
 819  The birth of the United States : 1754 to the 1820s 
 820  The birthday car 
 821  Birthday customs around the world 
 822  A birthday for Bear 
 823  A birthday present for Mama 
 824  The birthday presents 
 825  Birthday rules 
 826  Biscuit 
 827  Biscuit : storybook collection 
 828  Biscuit and the baby 
 829  Biscuit and the little pup 
 830  Biscuit finds a friend 
 831  Biscuit goes to school 
 832  Biscuit meets the class pet 
 833  Biscuit plays ball 
 834  Biscuit wins a prize 
 835  Biscuit's pet & play Christmas 
 836  Black and white 
 837  The Black BC's 
 838  Black beans and lamb, poached eggs and ham : what is in the meat and beans group? 
 839  Black Beauty 
 840  Black Beauty : retold from the Anna Sewell original 
 841  The black cauldron 
 842  Black Children, White Children. 
 843  Black frontiers : a history of African American heroes in the Old Southwest 
 844  Black Gold 
 845  Black holes 
 846  Black Lagoon Titles 
 847  Black Panther. 
 848  The black snowman 
 849  Black Snowman. 
 850  The black stallion 
 851  The black stallion legend 
 852  The black stallion's blood bay colt 
 853  Black storm comin 
 854  Black women of valor 
 855  Blackberries in the dark 
 856  The blacker the berry : poems 
 857  Blades, boards & scooters 
 858  Blast off to Earth! : a look at geography 
 859  Blended 
 860  Blended families 
 861  Block Buddy Atlas. 
 862  The blood of Olympus 
 863  The blood of Olympus 
 864  The bloodhound 
 865  A Blossom promise 
 866  The Blossoms meet the vulture lady 
 867  Blow! : Jesus calms the storm : Matthew 8:23-27 
 868  Blue 
 869  Blue heron 
 870  Blue moose 
 871  Blue planet 
 872  Blue ribbon blues : a tooter tale 
 873  Blue skies, french fries 
 874  Blue willow 
 875  Blueberries for Sal 
 876  Blueberries for Sal. 
 877  BMX design and equipment 
 878  BMX events 
 879  BMX greats 
 880  BMX history 
 881  Boats 
 882  Bob and Flo 
 883  Body talk 
 884  Bomb : the race to build and steal the world's most dangerous weapon 
 885  Bomb squads in action 
 886  Bones 
 887  The boo-boos that changed the world : a true story about an accidental invention (really!) 
 888  Book 4: I Dare You. 
 889  Book Club Groups; a multilevel four-blocks reading strategy. 
 890  A book is just like you! : all about the parts of a book 
 891  Book of fossils, rocks, and minerals. 
 892  The book of three 
 893  The book that ate my brother 
 894  The book that dripped blood 
 895  Booker 
 896  Booker T. Washington : African-American leader 
 897  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 898  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 899  Boots for Beth 
 900  Bored Bella learns about fiction and nonfiction 
 901  Born and bred in the Great Depression 
 902  The Borrowers 
 903  The Borrowers afield 
 904  The Borrowers afloat 
 905  Boston Celtics 
 906  The Boston Tea Party 
 907  Boston Tea Party 
 908  Boston Tea Party : rebellion in the colonies 
 909  Boundless Grace 
 910  A box can be many things 
 911  The box jellyfish 
 912  The boxcar children 
 913  The boxcar children. 
 914  The boxer 
 915  a boy a dog and a frog. 
 916  The boy and the goats 
 917  The boy in the drawer 
 918  The boy of the three-year nap 
 919  Boy soup or when giant caught cold 
 920  The boy who ate dog biscuits 
 921  The boy who cried wolf 
 922  The boy who harnessed the wind 
 923  The boy who looked like Lincoln 
 924  Boy Who was Followed Home. 
 925  The boy who was raised by librarians 
 926  Boy writers : reclaiming their voices 
 927  A boy, a dog, a frog, and a friend 
 928  A boy, a dog, and a frog. 
 929  Boy, were we wrong about dinosaurs! 
 930  Brachiosaurus 
 931  Brahms 
 932  Brainstorms and Lightning Bolts : thinking skills for the 21st. Century. 
 933  The Brambleberrys animal book of colors 
 934  The brass family on parade! 
 935  Brave as a Mountain Lion. 
 936  The brave cowboy. 
 937  The bravest dog ever : the true story of Balto 
 938  Bravo, Grace! 
 939  Brawl of the wild 
 940  Brazil : Memphis in May. 
 941  Bread is for eating 
 942  Breakthrough school improvement : an action guide to greater and faster results. 
 943  The Bremen Town ghosts 
 944  The Bremen-town musicians 
 945  Brett Favre 
 946  Brian Wildsmith's 1,2,3,'s. 
 947  Brian's return 
 948  Brian's winter 
 949  Bridge to Terabithia 
 950  Bridge to Terabithia. 
 951  Bridges out of poverty : strategies for professionals and communities 
 952  Bright April 
 953  Brighty of the Grand Canyon 
 954  Bringing Genius Hour to your library : implementing a schoolwide passion project program 
 955  Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale 
 956  Bringing Words to Life. 
 957  Brisingr, or, The seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular 
 958  Britannica ImageQuest 
 959  Britannica School 
 960  Brock Lesnar 
 961  Broken bridge. 
 962  The bronze bow 
 963  Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 
 964  Brown honey in broomwheat tea : poems 
 965  Brown recluse spiders 
 966  Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka : challenging school segregation in the Supreme Court 
 967  Buck-Buck the chicken 
 968  Bud, not Buddy 
 969  Bud, not Buddy 
 970  Bud, not Buddy w/ tchr guide 
 971  Buffalo before breakfast 
 972  Buffalo Soldiers : heroes of the American West 
 973  Buffalo woman 
 974  The bug in the jug wants a hug : a short vowel sounds book 
 975  Bugs! 
 976  Building a house 
 977  Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement. 
 978  Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement. 
 979  Building literacy in social studies : strategies for improving comprehension and critical thinking 
 980  Building vocabulary from word roots (PD DVDs) 
 981  Building with Dad 
 982  Building Your Vocabulary. 
 983  Buildings, bridges & tunnels 
 984  Built on trust : gaining competitive advantage in any organization 
 985  Bulldogs, Poodles, Dalmatians, and other non-sporting dogs 
 986  Bulldozers 
 987  Bulldozers 
 988  Bullies 
 989  Bully 
 990  The bully from the Black Lagoon 
 991  Bully trouble 
 992  Bumblebee bats 
 993  Bump! set! spike! You can play volleyball. 
 994  The bungalow mystery. 
 995  Bunnicula : a rabbit-tale of mystery 
 996  Bunny cakes : [a Max and Ruby picture book] 
 997  The bunny hop 
 998  The bunny who found Easter 
 999  The buried bones mystery 
 1000  A bus of our own 
 1001  The bus ride 
 1002  Bus station mystery 
 1003  Buster and the great swamp 
 1004  Buster Baxter, cat saver 
 1005  Buster makes the grade 
 1006  Buster the very shy dog and the great bone game 
 1007  Buster's Dino dilemma 
 1008  The butter battle book 
 1009  Butter Cream Gang 
 1010  Butterfly. 
 1011  Buzz 
 1012  Buzz Boy and Fly Guy 
 1013  Buzz Buzz once there was. 
 1014  By the dawn's early light 
 1015  C is for Centennial. 
 1016  C is for Centennial. 
 1017  C is for Cornhusker. 
 1018  C is for Cornhusker. 
 1019  C is for Cowboy. 
 1020  C is for Cowboy. 
 1021  The cabin faced west 
 1022  Caboose mystery 
 1023  Caddie Woodlawn 
 1024  The cafeteria lady from the Black Lagoon 
 1025  Cakes and miracles : a Purim tale 
 1026  Cal Ripken, Jr : Oriole ironman 
 1027  Calculator riddles 
 1028  Calico cats 
 1029  California 
 1030  The California gold rush 
 1031  Call it courage 
 1032  Call it courage 
 1033  The call of the wild 
 1034  The call of the wild and White Fang 
 1035  Callie 
 1036  Calling all birdbrains 
 1037  Calvin Coolidge 
 1038  Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones/w tchr guide. 
 1039  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the monkey house 
 1040  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the stolen diamonds 
 1041  Cam Newton 
 1042  Cambodia 
 1043  Camels 
 1044  Camels 
 1045  Camels / : ships of the desert. 
 1046  Camiones con trailer : semitrucks 
 1047  Camionetas monster trucks : monster trucks 
 1048  Camp Buccaneer 
 1049  Camp Ghost-Away 
 1050  Camp Rotten Time. 
 1051  Camping 
 1052  Can I tell you about ADHD? : a guide for friends, family and professionals 
 1053  Can you find me?. 
 1054  Can you find these seashells? 
 1055  Can't you make them behave, King George?. 
 1056  Can't you sleep, Little Bear? 
 1057  The Canada geese quilt 
 1058  The canary caper 
 1059  The candy corn contest 
 1060  The canoe trip mystery 
 1061  Canyons 
 1062  The Capitol Building 
 1063  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys and their monkey business 
 1064  Captain Kidd's cat 
 1065  Captains courageous 
 1066  The capture 
 1067  Car wash kid 
 1068  Careers with a fire department 
 1069  Caring 
 1070  Caring 
 1071  Caring for your dog 
 1072  Carlos, light the farolito 
 1073  The carnivorous carnival 
 1074  The carousel ride 
 1075  The carrot seed 
 1076  Carry on, Mr. Bowditch 
 1077  Cars 
 1078  Cars galore 
 1079  Carter G. Woodson : Black history pioneer 
 1080  Carter G. Woodson : the father of Black history 
 1081  Carter G. Woodson : the father of black history 
 1082  Cartooning, beginners 
 1083  Carver : a life in poems 
 1084  A case for Jenny Archer 
 1085  The case of the cool-itch kid 
 1086  The case of the double cross 
 1087  The case of the elevator duck 
 1088  Case of the Elevator Duck. 
 1089  The case of the Halloween ghost 
 1090  The case of the hungry stranger 
 1091  The case of the hungry stranger. 
 1092  The case of the maker mischief 
 1093  The case of the muttering mummy : a McGurk mystery 
 1094  The case of the scaredy cats 
 1095  The case of the weeping witch : a McGurk fantasy 
 1096  Casey at the bat : a ballad of the Republic, sung in the year 1888 
 1097  Cash and ATMs 
 1098  Cassie's word quilt 
 1099  The castle in the attic 
 1100  The castle mystery 
 1101  Castles 
 1102  Cat 
 1103  Cat goes fiddle-i-fee 
 1104  Cat in the bag 
 1105  The Cat in the Hat comes back! 
 1106  The cat in the hat knows a lot about that Tricks and Treats. 
 1107  Cat traps 
 1108  The cat who barked 
 1109  The cat who went to heaven 
 1110  Catch me, catch me! : a Thomas the Tank Engine story 
 1111  Catching fire 
 1112  Cats 
 1113  Cats 
 1114  Cats and how to draw them. 
 1115  CatStronauts. 
 1116  CATWAD. IT'S ME. 
 1117  Catwings 
 1118  Catwings return 
 1119  Catwoman's purrfect plot 
 1120  Caught 
 1121  Causes of the Civil War 
 1122  Caves : Las cuevas 
 1123  Caving 
 1124  The cay 
 1125  The cay 
 1126  Cecily G. and the 9 monkeys 
 1127  Celebrations 
 1128  Celebrations of light : a year of holidays around the world 
 1129  The celery stalks at midnight 
 1130  Centerburg tales 
 1131  A century of the Mississippi. 
 1132  CHADD educator's manual on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). 
 1133  Chain of life : a story of a forest food cycle. 
 1134  Chains : seeds of America 
 1135  A chair for my mother 
 1136  Chairs, chairs, chairs! 
 1137  Chalk 
 1138  The chalk box kid 
 1139  The Challenger explosion 
 1140  The champion of Merrimack County 
 1141  Championship Habits: Soft skills in Hard Times for Leaders and Managers. 
 1142  Champlain : explorer of New France (1567-1635) 
 1143  Changes for Addy : a winter story 
 1144  Changes for Felicity : a winter story 
 1145  Changes for Kirsten : a winter story 
 1146  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 1147  Changes for Samantha : a winter story 
 1148  Changing matter : understanding physical and chemical changes 
 1149  Chanticleer and the fox 
 1150  Character Education (K-2). 
 1151  Character Education. 
 1152  Characteristics of animals 
 1153  Characteristics of plants 
 1154  Charie Brown's Fourth Super Book of Questions and Answers about all kinds of people and how they live. 
 1155  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 1156  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 1157  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory w/ tchr guide. 
 1158  Charlie Joe Jackson's guide to not reading 
 1159  Charlotte Shakespeare and Annie the Great 
 1160  Charlotte's web 
 1161  Charlotte's web 
 1162  Charlotte's web. 
 1163  Charlotte's web. 
 1164  Charlotte's web. 
 1165  Chasing Lincoln's killer 
 1166  Chasing Vermeer 
 1167  Checking for understanding : formative assessment techniques for your classroom 
 1168  Cheer basics : rules to cheer by 
 1169  Cheer essentials : uniforms and equipment 
 1170  Cheer skills : beginning tumbling and stunting 
 1171  Cheer spirit : revving up the crowd 
 1172  Cheer squad : building spirit and getting along 
 1173  Cheer tryouts : making the cut 
 1174  Cheerleading tryouts 
 1175  Cheers and celebrations. 
 1176  Chemistry 
 1177  The Cherokee 
 1178  The Cherokee Indians 
 1179  Chester 
 1180  Chester and Uncle Willoughby 
 1181  Chester Arthur 
 1182  Chester the worldly pig 
 1183  Chester's Presents. 
 1184  Chester's way 
 1185  Chevrolet Corvette 
 1186  The Cheyenne 
 1187  The Cheyenne Indians 
 1188  Chicago Bulls 
 1189  Chicka chicka boom boom 
 1190  Chicken and egg. 
 1191  Chicken said, "Cluck!" 
 1192  Chicken soup with rice : a book of months 
 1193  Chicken Sunday 
 1194  Chicken Sunday. 
 1195  The chicken-chasing queen of Lamar County 
 1196  Chickens 
 1197  Chickens aren't the only ones 
 1198  Chickens to the rescue 
 1199  Chicks! 
 1200  Chihuahuas 
 1201  Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and other toy dogs 
 1202  A child is born 
 1203  A child's book of prayers 
 1204  A child's garden of verses 
 1205  Children of the Great Depression 
 1206  Children of the North Pole 
 1207  A chilling story : how things cool down 
 1208  Chimpanzees 
 1209  Chimpanzees & bonobos 
 1210  Chimpanzees for tea! 
 1211  The Chincoteague pony 
 1212  The Chinese mirror 
 1213  Chinese New Year 
 1214  Chinese New Year 
 1215  Chipmunks and Beavers 
 1216  The Chippewa 
 1217  Chita's Christmas tree 
 1218  Chita's Christmas tree 
 1219  Chocolate fever 
 1220  The chocolate touch 
 1221  Chopin 
 1222  The chow chow 
 1223  Christianity : signs, symbols, and stories 
 1224  Christina's ghost 
 1225  Christmas 
 1226  A Christmas carol 
 1227  The Christmas cat 
 1228  Christmas in America 
 1229  Christmas in the stable 
 1230  The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. 
 1231  Christmas soup 
 1232  Christmas stories : adapted from the Little house books by Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 1233  Christmas trolls 
 1234  Christopher changes his name 
 1235  Christopher Columbus 
 1236  Christopher Columbus : new world explorer or fortune hunter? 
 1237  The chronicles of Harris Burdick : fourteen amazing authors tell the tales. 
 1238  The chronicles of Narnia, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe 
 1239  Chrysanthemum 
 1240  Chuck and Woodchuck 
 1241  Cinco de Mayo 
 1242  Cinco de Mayo : holiday celebrations 
 1243  Cinder Edna 
 1244  Cinderella : or, The little glass slipper. 
 1245  Cinderella and the beanstalk 
 1246  Cinderella at the ball 
 1247  Cinderella at the ball 
 1248  Cinderella at the ball 
 1249  Cinderella's stepsister and the big bad wolf 
 1250  Cinderella, or, The little glass slipper 
 1251  Circle of gold 
 1252  The circus 
 1253  Circus 
 1254  Circus 
 1255  Circus fun 
 1256  Citizenship in the community. 
 1257  The city council 
 1258  City dog, country frog 
 1259  City food chains 
 1260  The city of Ember 
 1261  City of Ember. 
 1262  City of ghosts 
 1263  City of orphans 
 1264  City on the bluff : history and heritage of Memphis 
 1265  City pig 
 1266  City shapes 
 1267  City, Suburb and rural communities. 
 1268  Cityscapes. 
 1269  The civil rights movement 
 1270  The Civil War 
 1271  The Civil War for kids : a history with 21 activities 
 1272  Civil War on Sunday 
 1273  The Civil War. 
 1274  Claims to fame: 14 short biographies. 
 1275  Clara and the bookwagon 
 1276  Clara Barton : angel of the battlefield 
 1277  Clara Barton. 
 1278  Clark the Shark tooth trouble 
 1279  Class clown 
 1280  The class election from the Black Lagoon 
 1281  Class is not dismissed 
 1282  Class president 
 1283  The class trip from the Black Lagoon 
 1284  Classic Golden Books. 
 1285  Classification of living and nonliving things 
 1286  The classroom : the epic documentary of a not-yet-epic kid 
 1287  Classroom Instruction From A to Z. 
 1288  Classroom management that works : research-based strategies for every teacher 
 1289  Claudette Colvin : twice toward justice 
 1290  Claudia and mean Janine. 
 1291  Claudia and the new girl 
 1292  Claudia and the phantom phone calls. 
 1293  Cleaning up litter 
 1294  Cleaver of the Good Luck Diner 
 1295  Clementina's cactus 
 1296  Click 
 1297  Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type. 
 1298  Click, clack, peep! 
 1299  Click, clack, quack to school! 
 1300  Click, clack, surprise! 
 1301  Clifford at the circus 
 1302  Clifford Phonics fun readers. 
 1303  Clifford Phonics fun readers. 
 1304  Clifford Phonics fun readers. 
 1305  Clifford's big book of things to know 
 1306  Clifford's family 
 1307  Clifford's manners 
 1308  Clifford's Manners 
 1309  Climate change 
 1310  The climate zones 
 1311  Climatologists and Meteorologists. 
 1312  Climbing Lincoln's steps : the African American journey 
 1313  Cliques, phonies & other baloney 
 1314  Clock - Time Timer - elasped time 
 1315  Clock - Time Timer - elasped time 
 1316  Clock - Time Timer - elasped time 
 1317  Clock - Time Timer - elasped time 
 1318  Clock - Time Timer - elasped time 
 1319  The clockwork three 
 1320  Closer 
 1321  Closing the achievement gap : a practical handbook for teachers. 
 1322  Closing the poverty & culture gap : strategies to reach every student 
 1323  Clothes in many cultures 
 1324  The cloudmakers 
 1325  Clouds 
 1326  Cloudy day, sunny day 
 1327  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 1328  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 1329  The clown in the gown drives the car with the star : a book about diphthongs and r-controlled vowel 
 1330  The clue at the zoo 
 1331  The clue in the diary. 
 1332  Coast Guard rescue swimmer 
 1333  Cobweb weavers 
 1334  The coffee bean for kids : a simple lesson to create positive change 
 1335  Coin fun 
 1336  The cold & hot winter 
 1337  Cold as ice 
 1338  Colin Kaepernick 
 1339  Colin Kaepernick 
 1340  Colin Powell. 
 1341  Collage and Assemblage. 
 1342  The Collector 
 1343  Collies, Corgis, and other herding dogs 
 1344  Collision course 
 1345  Colombia 
 1346  Colorado 
 1347  The colors 
 1348  Columbus : discoverer of the New World 
 1349  Columbus Day 
 1350  Columbus Day. 
 1351  The Comanche 
 1352  Come look with me : Animals in Art. 
 1353  Come next spring 
 1354  Come play with me 
 1355  Come sing, Jimmy Jo 
 1356  Come summer, come winter : the picture story of nature's yearly cycle 
 1357  Come! sit! stay! 
 1358  The comeback dog 
 1359  Comets, meteors, and asteroids : voyagers of the solar system 
 1360  The comic adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her dog 
 1361  Coming Home from the life of Langston Huges. 
 1362  Coming on home soon 
 1363  Commercial Appeal 
 1364  Common Core Writing to Texts Gr 1. 
 1365  Common Core Writing to Texts Gr 2. 
 1366  Common Core Writing to Texts Gr 3. 
 1367  Common Core Writing to Texts Gr 4. 
 1368  Common Core Writing to Texts Gr 5. 
 1369  Common sense parenting 
 1370  Communication long ago and today 
 1371  Communities around the world. 
 1372  Company's coming 
 1373  The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain. 
 1374  The completed hickory dickory dock 
 1375  Comprehensive Classroom Management. 
 1376  Comprehensive Literacy Resource for Kindergarten Teachers. 
 1377  The computer nut 
 1378  Computers : everyday inventions 
 1379  Concrete mixers 
 1380  Conferring : the keystone of reader's workshop 
 1381  Conflict resolution for students: Peer pressure 
 1382  Connecticut 
 1383  A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court 
 1384  Conservation 
 1385  Consideration 
 1386  Constitution Day 
 1387  Construct it! : architecture you can build, break, and build again 
 1388  Consumers and producers 
 1389  Contemporary United States : 1968 to the present 
 1390  The contest between the Sun and the Wind : an Aesop's fable 
 1391  Continents 
 1392  A conversation book: English in everyday life. 
 1393  The cookie cookbook 
 1394  The cookie house 
 1395  The cookie house 
 1396  Cookies and crutches 
 1397  Cookies and crutches. 
 1398  Cool Beans : the further adventures of Beanboy 
 1399  Cool bikes 
 1400  Cool biology activities for girls 
 1401  Cool chemistry activities for girls 
 1402  Cool crocheting for kids : a fun and creative introduction to fiber art 
 1403  Cool cuisine for super sleepovers : easy recipes for kids to cook 
 1404  Cool embroidery for kids : a fun and creative introduction to fiber art 
 1405  Cool foods for fun fiestas : easy recipes for kids to cook 
 1406  Cool knitting for kids : a fun and creative introduction to fiber art 
 1407  Cool meals to start your wheels : easy recipes for kids to cook 
 1408  Cool pizza to make & bake : easy recipes for kids to cook 
 1409  Cool sewing for kids : a fun and creative introduction to fiber art 
 1410  Cool sweets & treats to eat : easy recipes for kids to cook 
 1411  Cooperation 
 1412  Copperheads 
 1413  Coral reefs 
 1414  Coraline 
 1415  Coraline 
 1416  Coraline 
 1417  Corduroy 
 1418  Corduroy's Christmas surprise 
 1419  The core six : essential strategies for achieving excellence with the common core 
 1420  Coretta Scott 
 1421  Coretta Scott King 
 1422  Cornelia and the audacious escapades of the Somerset sisters 
 1423  Cornelius P. Mud, are you ready for school? 
 1424  Coronado : explorer of the Southwest (1510-1554) 
 1425  Cortes & Pizarro 
 1426  Cory Coleman, grade 2 
 1427  Costa Rica; Memphis In May. 
 1428  Cottonmouths 
 1429  The couch potato 
 1430  The Count of Monte Cristo 
 1431  Counting by tens 
 1432  Counting our way to the 100th day! : 100 poems / by Betsy Franco ; with 100 pictures by Steven Salerno. 
 1433  Country fair 
 1434  Country money 
 1435  A couple of boys have the best week ever 
 1436  Courage 
 1437  Courage 
 1438  The courage of Sarah Noble 
 1439  The courage of Sarah Noble. 
 1440  Courage to Make a Difference : The Sundquist Years 1995 - 2003. 
 1441  Courageous conversations about race : a field guide for achieving equity in schools 
 1442  The cow-tail switch and other West African stories 
 1443  Cowboys 
 1444  Cowboys 
 1445  Cowboys and cowgirls Yippee-Yay!. 
 1446  Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa 
 1447  Cows on the farm 
 1448  Coyotes 
 1449  Cracking the wall : the struggles of the Little Rock Nine 
 1450  Cracking up : a story about erosion 
 1451  Cranes 
 1452  Crazy about clouds 
 1453  Create independent learners : teacher-tested strategies for all ability levels 
 1454  Creating a budget 
 1455  Creating lifelong readers through independent reading 
 1456  Creative, successful, dyslexic : 23 high achievers share their stories 
 1457  Creature teacher : the final exam 
 1458  Creatures of the Woods. 
 1459  Creatures small and furry 
 1460  The Creek Indians 
 1461  Creepy carrots! 
 1462  Creepy pair of underwear! 
 1463  The cricket in Times Square 
 1464  The cricket in Times Square 
 1465  Crisis Intervention Plan 2000 - 2001 Northaven Elementary. 
 1466  Crispin : the cross of lead 
 1467  Crocodile tears 
 1468  Crocodiles and alligators 
 1469  Crop circles 
 1470  Crow Boy 
 1471  The Crow Indians 
 1472  Crown : an ode to the fresh cut 
 1473  Crowning glory : poems 
 1474  Crunch, the crocodile 
 1475  The crunching munching caterpillar 
 1476  Cuba 
 1477  CUBES Discussion activities for literacy and skill development. 
 1478  CUBES Discussion activities for literacy and skill development. 
 1479  CUBES Discussion activities for literacy and skill development. 
 1480  CUBES Discussion activities for literacy and skill development. 
 1481  CUBES Discussion activities for literacy and skill development. 
 1482  The cuckoo child. 
 1483  Cully Cully and the bear. 
 1484  Cultural traditions in Ghana 
 1485  Cultural traditions in Iran 
 1486  Cultural traditions in Israel 
 1487  Cultural traditions in Jamaica 
 1488  Cultural traditions in Mexico 
 1489  Cultural traditions in Russia 
 1490  Cultural traditions in South Africa 
 1491  Cultural traditions in South Korea 
 1492  Cultural traditions in the United States 
 1493  Cumulative glossary and index. 
 1494  Curious George and the dinosaur. 
 1495  Curious George and the pizza 
 1496  Curious George at the ballet 
 1497  Curious George goes sledding 
 1498  Curious George goes to a costume party 
 1499  Curious George visits a police station 
 1500  Curious George visits the zoo 
 1501  The curse of Princess Ivy 
 1502  The curse of Snake Island 
 1503  The curse of the squirrel 
 1504  The custodian from the black lagoon 
 1505  Custodians 
 1507  Cutest Jungle Animals Ever! 
 1508  The Cybil war 
 1509  The Czech Republic 
 1510  D is for Democracy. 
 1511  D is for Democracy. 
 1512  D is for Democracy. 
 1513  D is for Democracy. 
 1514  D is for drinking gourd : an African American alphabet 
 1515  D.W. all wet 
 1516  D.W. flips! 
 1517  D.W. thinks big 
 1518  D.W.'s lost blankie 
 1519  D.W., go to your room! 
 1520  The dachshund 
 1521  Dachshund Top Dogs. 
 1522  Dad's dinosaur day 
 1523  Daddy Does. 
 1524  The daily 5 : fostering literacy independence in the elementary grades 
 1525  Daily Memphian 
 1526  Daily warm-ups : prefixes, suffixes, & roots 
 1527  Daisy-Head Mayzie. 
 1528  Dakota dugout 
 1529  Dale Earnhardt 
 1530  Dale Earnhardt Jr 
 1531  Dallas Cowboys 
 1532  Dams : water tamers of the world 
 1533  Dan Marino 
 1534  Dan Marino : record-setting quarterback 
 1535  Dance, Annie 
 1536  Dancing dinos 
 1537  Dancing dinos at the beach 
 1538  Dancing dinos go to school 
 1539  Dancing with the Indians 
 1540  Dandelion 
 1541  Danger in the darkest hour 
 1542  Danger in the darkest hour 
 1543  Daniel's duck 
 1544  Danny and the dinosaur 
 1545  The daring rescue of Marlon the swimming pig 
 1546  The dark 
 1547  The dark 
 1548  Dark fire 
 1549  The Dark Hills divide 
 1550  The dark is rising 
 1551  The dark, dark night. 
 1552  The dark-thirty : Southern tales of the supernatural 
 1553  Dave the potter : artist, poet, slave 
 1554  David and the giant 
 1555  David Copperfield : adapted for young readers 
 1556  David goes to school 
 1557  David Robinson : all-star center 
 1558  David's father 
 1559  Dawn 
 1560  Dawn and the impossible three : a graphic novel 
 1561  Dawn and the impossible three. 
 1562  The day I had to play with my sister 
 1563  The day I was rich 
 1564  A day in the life of a baby gibbon 
 1565  A day in the life of a carpenter 
 1566  A day in the life of a chef 
 1567  A day in the life of a child care worker 
 1568  A day in the life of a coach 
 1569  A day in the life of a construction worker 
 1570  A day in the life of a doctor 
 1571  A day in the life of a doctor 
 1572  A day in the life of a firefighter 
 1573  A day in the life of a librarian 
 1574  A day in the life of a mayor / : featuring New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. 
 1575  A day in the life of a nurse 
 1576  A day in the life of a park ranger 
 1577  A day in the life of a teacher 
 1578  A day in the life of a veterinarian 
 1579  A day in the life of an architect 
 1580  A day in the life of an emergency medical technician 
 1581  The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash 
 1582  The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash. 
 1583  Day of the Dragon King 
 1584  The day the crayons came home 
 1585  The day the crayons quit 
 1586  The day the goose got loose 
 1587  A day with a brick layer 
 1588  A day with air traffic controllers 
 1589  A day with an airplane pilot 
 1590  A day with May 
 1591  The day you begin 
 1592  A day's work. 
 1593  Days of Courage; the Little Rock Story. 
 1594  The days of the week 
 1595  Days with Frog and Toad 
 1596  DC super heroes world's greatest jokes 
 1597  De Soto : explorer of the Southeast (1500-1542) 
 1598  Dead boy 
 1599  Dead end in Norvelt 
 1600  The deadliest animals on earth 
 1601  The deadliest jobs on earth 
 1602  The deadliest places on earth 
 1603  The deadliest plants on earth 
 1604  The deadliest weather on Earth 
 1605  Dear Dragon goes to grandpa's farm 
 1606  Dear Dragon learns to read 
 1607  Dear Dragon learns to read 
 1608  Dear Mr. Henshaw 
 1609  Dear Mr. Henshaw 
 1610  Dear Mr. Hinshaw (teacher's guide). 
 1611  Dear Mr. Hinshaw w/ tchr guide. 
 1612  Dear Peter Rabbit 
 1613  Dear Willie Rudd 
 1614  Dearly, nearly, insincerely : what is an adverb? 
 1615  December secrets 
 1616  Deciduous forest food chains 
 1617  The Declaration of Independence : the story behind America's founding document and the men who created it 
 1618  Decoding genes with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 1619  Deep and dark and dangerous 
 1620  Deep blue 
 1621  The deep end 
 1622  Deep ocean food chains 
 1623  Deep trouble 
 1624  Deeper 
 1625  Deer 
 1626  Deer 
 1627  Deer and Rabbits 
 1628  Delaware 
 1629  The dentist's office 
 1630  Denver Nuggets 
 1631  Deputy Dan and the bank robbers 
 1632  Deputy Dan gets his man 
 1633  Derek Jeter 
 1634  Desert dinners : studying food webs in the desert 
 1635  Desert giant : the world of the saguaro cactus 
 1636  Desert giant : the world of the saguaro cactus 
 1637  Desert habitats. 
 1638  The desert is theirs. 
 1639  Desert Storm 
 1640  The deserted library mystery 
 1641  Deserts 
 1642  Detective Dinosaur. 
 1643  Detroit Pistons 
 1644  The development of U.S. industry : 1870 to 1900 
 1645  Devil's bridge 
 1646  Diana, Princess of the Amazons 
 1647  Diario de Greg : un renacuajo 
 1648  Diary of a Ballerina 
 1649  Diary of a Dog walker 
 1650  Diary of a Farmer 
 1651  Diary of a fly 
 1652  Diary of a Pilot 
 1653  Diary of a spider 
 1654  Diary of a wimpy kid 
 1655  Diary of a wimpy kid : dog days 
 1656  Diary of a wimpy kid : Rodrick rules 
 1657  Diary of a wimpy kid : the getaway 
 1658  Diary of a wimpy kid: The meltdown 
 1659  Diary of a worm 
 1660  Diary of an awesome friendly kid 
 1661  Diccionario de Tareas Para Los Padres. 
 1662  Dicey's song 
 1663  Dick King-Smith's Alphabeasts. 
 1664  Did I ever tell you how lucky you are?. 
 1665  Did you carry the flag today, Charley? 
 1666  Did you carry the flay today, Charley?. 
 1667  Different dragons 
 1668  Different tools for different learners : language arts activities to start using today 
 1669  Differentiated assignments : helping students show what they know (1-8) 
 1670  Differentiated instruction : different strategies for different learners. 
 1671  Differentiating instruction in a whole-group setting : taking the easy first steps into differentiation 
 1672  Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom. 
 1673  Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom. 
 1674  Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom. 
 1675  Differentiation strategies for language arts. 
 1676  Dig Wait Listen : a toad's tale. 
 1677  Digging on dirt 
 1678  Digging up dinosaurs 
 1679  Digging up dinosaurs. 
 1680  The digging-est dog. 
 1681  Digital Media Art. 
 1682  Dimity Dumpty : the story of Humpty's little sister 
 1683  Din dan don, it's Christmas 
 1684  Dingoes at dinnertime 
 1685  Dinosaur babies 
 1686  Dinosaur babies. 
 1687  Dinosaur babies. 
 1688  Dinosaur bones 
 1689  Dinosaur bones. 
 1690  Dinosaur cousins?. 
 1691  Dinosaur days 
 1692  The dinosaur egg mystery 
 1693  Dinosaur fright 
 1694  Dinosaur hunters 
 1695  Dinosaur hunters. 
 1696  The dinosaur question and answer book. 
 1697  The dinosaur who lived in my backyard. 
 1698  Dinosaur, Dinosaur A Flip-the-Flap Book of Prehistoric Animals. 
 1699  Dinosaur. 
 1700  Dinosaurs 
 1701  Dinosaurs : a nonfiction companion to Dinosaurs before dark 
 1702  Dinosaurs : poems. 
 1703  Dinosaurs before dark 
 1704  Dinosaurs divorce : a guide for changing families 
 1705  Dinosaurs to the rescue! : a guide to protecting our planet 
 1706  Dinosaurs travel : a guide for families on the go. 
 1707  Dinosaurs, beware! : a safety guide 
 1708  Dinosaurs, dinosaurs 
 1709  Dinosaurs. 
 1710  The disappearing friend mystery 
 1711  Disaster in the Indian Ocean, tsunami 2004 
 1712  Disaster search dogs 
 1713  Discipline with dignity 
 1714  Discover bugs 
 1715  Discover what you're best at : the national career aptitude system and career directory 
 1716  Discovering electricity 
 1717  Discovering Planets and Moons 
 1718  Discovering the stars 
 1719  Discovering trees 
 1720  Discovering trees 
 1721  Discovering what works for struggling readers : journeys of exploration with primary-grade students 
 1722  Disgusting animals 
 1723  Disgusting jobs 
 1724  Disgusting places 
 1725  Disgusting plants 
 1726  Dive to the coral reefs 
 1727  The divide 
 1728  Divide and conquer 
 1729  Divide it up! 
 1730  Divorce and separation 
 1731  The divorce express 
 1732  DK first atlas 
 1733  Do all ducks quack? 
 1734  Do Salamanders Spit?. 
 1735  Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners 
 1736  Do you know where your water has been : the disgusting story behind what you're drinking 
 1737  Do you really want to visit a coral reef? 
 1738  Do you really want to visit a desert? 
 1739  Do you really want to visit a prairie? 
 1740  Do you really want to visit a rainforest? 
 1741  Do you really want to visit a temperate forest? 
 1742  Do you really want to visit a wetland? 
 1743  Doc Holliday 
 1744  Doctor De Soto 
 1745  Doctor De Soto goes to Africa 
 1746  The doctor's office 
 1747  Dofferemtoated Assignments. 
 1748  Dog 
 1749  Dog 
 1750  Dog days 
 1751  Dog for a day 
 1752  A dog is a dog 
 1753  Dog Man : a tale of two kitties 
 1754  Dog man : fetch-22 
 1755  Dog Man and Cat Kid 
 1756  Dog Man unleashed 
 1757  A dog on Barkham Street 
 1758  Dog vs. Cat 
 1759  The dog who cried wolf 
 1760  Dog-gone school 
 1761  Dogku 
 1762  Dogs 
 1763  Dogs 
 1764  Dogs in the dead of night 
 1765  The doll in the garden : a ghost story. 
 1766  The doll people 
 1767  A dollar for Penny 
 1768  The dollhouse murders 
 1769  The dolls' house 
 1770  Dolphins and porpoises 
 1771  Dolphins and sharks : a nonfiction companion to Dolphins at daybreak 
 1772  Dolphins! 
 1773  Domino 
 1774  Don't give up 
 1775  Don't let the doll in 
 1776  Don't let the pigeon drive the bus! 
 1777  Don't make a sound 
 1778  Don't need friends 
 1779  Don't read this! 
 1780  Don't read this! 
 1781  Don't say ain't 
 1782  Don't throw it to Mo! 
 1783  Donavan's word jar 
 1784  Donkey prince. 
 1785  The door in the wall 
 1786  Dorrie and the museum case 
 1787  Dots and spots 
 1788  Double down 
 1789  Double down 
 1790  The double life of Pocahontas 
 1791  Double-header 
 1792  Douglas, you need glasses! 
 1793  Down on the farm 
 1794  Down on the funny farm 
 1795  Downhill Fun : a counting book about winter. 
 1796  Dr. Jean & friends. 
 1797  Dr. Jean sings silly songs 
 1798  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 
 1799  Dr. Maniac will see you now 
 1800  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 1801  Dr. Seuss 
 1802  Dr. Seuss 
 1803  Dr. Seuss : young author and artist 
 1804  Dr. Seuss's ABC 
 1805  Dr. Seuss's ABC 
 1806  Dr. Seuss's ABC. 
 1807  Dr. Seuss's sleep book. 
 1808  Dracula and other vampire stories 
 1809  Dracula is a pain in the neck 
 1810  The dragon in the driveway 
 1811  The dragon in the library 
 1812  The dragon in the sock drawer 
 1813  Dragon of the red dawn 
 1814  Dragon's egg 
 1815  Dragonflies 
 1816  Dragons 
 1817  The dragons are singing tonight 
 1818  The dragons of Blueland 
 1819  Dragonwings 
 1820  Draw rainforest animals 
 1821  Draw! 
 1822  Draw! 
 1823  Drawing. 
 1824  Drawn together 
 1825  Dream : a tale of wonder, wisdom & wishes 
 1826  Dream on 
 1827  Dream snow 
 1828  Dreams 
 1829  The drinking gourd : a story of the underground railroad 
 1830  Drip drop : water's journey 
 1831  Drones. 
 1832  A drop in the ocean; the story of water. 
 1833  A drop of blood 
 1834  Drummer Hoff 
 1835  Drumming to the beat of different marchers : finding the rhythm for differentiated learning 
 1836  Drums, Girls+Dangerous Pie. 
 1837  Duck at the door 
 1838  Duck for President 
 1839  Duck on a bike 
 1840  The duckling gets a cookie 
 1841  Ducks don't get wet 
 1842  Ducks, geese & swans 
 1843  Dulac's The snow queen, and other stories from Hans Andersen. 
 1844  Dumb clucks 
 1845  Dump trucks 
 1846  Dumpling soup 
 1847  The dumpster diver 
 1848  Dumpy to the rescue! 
 1849  Dwarf rabbits 
 1850  Dwight D. Eisenhower 
 1851  Dwight Gooden : strikeout king 
 1852  Dynamic decimals : Grades 3-5. 
 1853  The dynamic digestive system : how does my stomach work? 
 1854  The dynamic world of chemical reactions with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 1855  E B and the case of the midnight visitor. 
 1856  E B solves them all. 
 1857  E is for empire. 
 1858  E is for empire. 
 1859  E is for Enchantment. 
 1860  E is for Enchantment. 
 1861  E is for Evergreen. 
 1862  E is for Evergreen. 
 1863  E-Z Spanish readers. 
 1864  Each kindness 
 1865  Eagle Strike 
 1866  Eagles 
 1867  Eagles 
 1868  The ear book 
 1869  Early settlers 
 1870  Earrings! 
 1871  Ears 
 1872  Earth 
 1873  Earth 
 1874  Earth 
 1875  Earth 
 1876  Earth : our home in the solar system 
 1877  Earth Day 
 1878  Earth stories. 
 1879  The earth-shaking facts about earthquakes with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 1880  Earthmovers 
 1881  Earthquake in Haiti 
 1882  Earthquake! 
 1883  Earthquake! : a story of old San Francisco 
 1884  Earthquakes 
 1885  Earthquakes : witness to disaster 
 1886  Earthquakes. 
 1887  Earthworms 
 1888  East of the sun & west of the moon 
 1889  Easter 
 1890  Easter bunnies 
 1891  The Easter bunny that overslept. 
 1892  The Easter bunny that overslept. 
 1893  The easy how-to book 
 1894  Easy pen and paper tricks 
 1895  Echoes of the white giraffe 
 1896  Eclipse : darkness to daytime 
 1897  Eclipses 
 1898  Eco-Wolf and the three pigs 
 1899  Ecology and pollution/air 
 1900  Ecosystems & habitats 
 1901  Eddie and the fire engine 
 1902  Edith herself 
 1903  Eels 
 1904  The Egyptian Cinderella 
 1905  El agua como un gas : water as a gas 
 1906  El ciclo del agua : the water cycle 
 1907  El Salvador 
 1908  Eleanor 
 1909  Eleanor everywhere : the life of Eleanor Roosevelt 
 1910  Eleanor Roosevelt 
 1911  Eleanor Roosevelt : First Lady of the world 
 1912  Electric Ben : the amazing life and times of Benjamin Franklin 
 1913  Electrical current 
 1914  Electricity is everywhere 
 1915  Electricity. 
 1916  Elementary school scheduling : enhancing instruction for student achievement 
 1917  Elements of fiction 
 1918  Elephant in a well 
 1919  Elephant trunks 
 1920  Elephants 
 1921  Elephants 
 1922  Elephants cannot dance 
 1923  Elephants of Africa 
 1924  Eli 
 1925  Elijah of Buxton 
 1926  Elijah's angel : a story for Chanukah and Christmas 
 1927  Elizabeth Blackwell : America's first woman doctor 
 1928  Elizabeth Blackwell, pioneer woman doctor 
 1929  Elizabeth leads the way : Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the right to vote 
 1930  Ella enchanted 
 1931  Ella Fitzgerald : first lady of jazz 
 1932  Ella Fitzgerald : the tale of a vocal virtuosa 
 1933  Ellington was not a street 
 1934  Elliot's shipwreck 
 1935  Ellis Island 
 1936  Elmer and the dragon 
 1937  Elmer Blunt's open house 
 1938  The elves and the shoemaker 
 1939  The elves and the shoemaker 
 1940  The elves and the shoemaker. 
 1941  Elvis : a Life in Pictures. 
 1942  Elvis Presley 
 1943  Elvis Presley : music legend, movie star, the king 
 1944  Elvis Presley : the king of rock and roll 
 1945  Elvis the turnip-- and me 
 1946  The Emancipation Proclamation 
 1947  Emily Arrow promises to do better this year 
 1948  Emily's runaway imagination 
 1949  Emma 
 1950  Emma Peror's new clothes 
 1951  Emmy 
 1952  The emperor and the nightingale 
 1953  The empty city 
 1954  Empuja y hala : pushes and pulls 
 1955  An enchanted hair tale 
 1956  Encore, Grace! 
 1957  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the dead eagles. 
 1958  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the disgusting sneakers. 
 1959  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the midnight visitor. 
 1960  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the mysterious handprints 
 1961  encyclopedia brown and the case of the mysterious handprints. 
 1962  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the secret pitch 
 1963  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the secret pitch. 
 1964  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the treasure hunt. 
 1965  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the two spies. 
 1966  Encyclopedia Brown finds the clues 
 1967  Encyclopedia Brown finds the clues 
 1968  Encyclopedia Brown gets his man 
 1969  Encyclopedia Brown keeps the peace 
 1970  Encyclopedia Brown lends a hand. 
 1971  Encyclopedia Brown saves the day 
 1972  Encyclopedia Brown saves the day. 
 1973  Encyclopedia Brown shows the way 
 1974  Encyclopedia Brown solves them all 
 1975  Encyclopedia Brown takes the case 
 1976  Encyclopedia Brown tracks them down 
 1977  Encyclopedia Brown tracks them down. 
 1978  Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective 
 1979  Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective. 
 1980  The end 
 1981  The end 
 1982  End-of-life rituals. 
 1983  The End. 
 1984  Endangered animals 
 1985  Endangered animals of the jungle 
 1986  Endangered monk seals 
 1987  Endangered rhinoceros 
 1988  Endangered sea turtles 
 1989  Endangered tigers 
 1990  Energy : making it work 
 1991  Energy everywhere 
 1992  Energy in motion 
 1993  Energy is everywhere 
 1994  Energy makes things happen 
 1995  Energy. 
 1996  Engage all students through differentiation. 
 1997  England, the land 
 1998  English for the Spanish Speaker : Book 1. 
 1999  Enjoying art with children 
 2000  Enter the mine 
 2001  Environmental health 
 2002  Epson Presentation System 3LCD. 
 2003  Epson Presentation System. 
 2004  Epson Projector 3LCD. 
 2005  Equal rights for all 
 2006  Eragon 
 2007  The eraserheads 
 2008  Escape from Baxter's barn 
 2009  Escape from Baxter's barn 
 2010  Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's library 
 2011  Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's library 
 2012  Escape from Pompeii : an Isabel Soto archaeology adventure 
 2013  Escape from slavery : five journeys to freedom 
 2014  Escape from the Twin Towers 
 2015  Escape king : the story of Harry Houdini. 
 2016  Esio Trot 
 2017  The Eskimo : the Inuit and Yupik people 
 2018  Especially heroes 
 2019  Essential Bicycle. 
 2020  Essential word sorts for the primary grades. 
 2021  Eugene 
 2022  Europe 
 2023  Europe 
 2024  Even monsters need haircuts 
 2025  Evening gray, morning red : a ready-to-read handbook of American weather wisdom 
 2026  Ever after high : once upon a pet 
 2027  Everett Anderson's goodbye 
 2028  Everglades National Park 
 2029  Everyday celebrations and rituals. 
 2030  Everyday things & how they work. 
 2031  Everything Ancient Egypt. 
 2032  Everything bug : what kids really want to know about insects and spiders 
 2033  Everything but the kitchen sink : weird stuff you didn't know about food 
 2034  Evil Queen Tut and the great ant pyramids 
 2035  Exactly the Opposite. 
 2036  Excited about energy 
 2037  The exciting endocrine system : how do my glands work? 
 2038  Exclamation mark 
 2039  Expanding a nation : causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase 
 2040  Experiments with electricity 
 2041  Experiments with everyday objects : science activities for children, parents, and teachers 
 2042  Experiments with heat 
 2043  Experiments with magnets 
 2044  Explorando el espacio con una astronauta : exploring space with an astronaut 
 2045  Explore simple machines! 
 2046  The explorer of Barkham Street 
 2047  Explorer. 
 2048  Explorers 
 2049  Explorers 
 2050  Exploring beyond our solar system 
 2051  Exploring comets 
 2052  Exploring earth 
 2053  Exploring heredity 
 2054  Exploring landscape art with children 
 2055  Exploring meteors 
 2056  Exploring the moon 
 2057  Exploring the planets in our solar system 
 2058  Exploring the sun 
 2059  Exploring Titanic : an Isabel Soto history adventure 
 2060  The explosive world of volcanoes with Max Axiom, Super scientist 
 2061  Extra credit 
 2062  The extraordinary education of Nicholas Benedict 
 2063  Extraordinary Egg. 
 2064  Extreme in-line skating moves 
 2065  Extremely weird endangered species. 
 2066  Extremely weird fishes. 
 2067  Extremely weird frogs. 
 2068  Extremely weird insects. 
 2069  Extremely weird mammals. 
 2070  Extremely weird reptiles. 
 2071  Extremely weird sea creatures. 
 2072  Extremely weird spiders. 
 2073  The Exxon Valdez's deadly oil spill 
 2074  Eye color : brown, blue, green, and other hues 
 2075  Eye of the storm : a book about hurricanes 
 2076  Eyes 
 2077  F is for First State. 
 2078  F is for First State. 
 2079  The fabled fourth graders of Aesop Elementary School 
 2080  Fablehaven 
 2081  Fablehaven 
 2082  Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague 
 2083  Face Off! You can play hockey. 
 2084  Failure is not an option : six principles that guide student achievement in high-performing schools 
 2085  A fair is fun 
 2086  Fair isn't always equal : assessing & grading in the differentiated classroom 
 2087  Fairies 
 2088  The fairies of Nutfolk Wood 
 2089  Fairy Tales and Fables. 
 2090  Fairy tales, fantasy and storytellin' fun 
 2091  The falcon's feathers 
 2092  Fall 
 2093  The fall festival 
 2094  Fall into math and science 
 2095  Familiar Quotations. 
 2096  Families in many cultures 
 2097  Family Life Curriculum 2001. 
 2098  Family pictures 
 2099  The family under the bridge 
 2100  The family under the bridge 
 2101  Famous Americans assorted bk titles. 
 2102  Famous rocks 
 2103  Fancy feet 
 2104  Fancy Nancy : oodles of kittens 
 2105  Fancy Nancy and the posh puppy 
 2106  Fancy Nancy and the wedding of the century 
 2107  Fancy Nancy at the museum 
 2108  Fancy Nancy. 
 2109  Fancy Nancy. 
 2110  Fancy Nancy. 
 2111  Fancy Nancy. 
 2112  Fancy Nancy. 
 2113  Fantastic frogs 
 2114  Fantastic Mr. Fox 
 2115  Fantastic Mr. Fox 
 2116  Fantastic Mr. Fox 
 2117  Fantastic Mr. Fox (teacher's guide). 
 2118  Fantastic stories 
 2119  The farm 
 2120  Farm 
 2121  Farm animals 
 2122  Farm animals 
 2123  Farm animals 
 2124  Farm animals 
 2125  Farmer boy 
 2126  The farmer in the soup 
 2127  Farmer Palmer's wagon ride 
 2128  The farthest-away mountain. 
 2129  Fascinating facts about sharks. 
 2130  Fascinating facts about the seashore. 
 2131  Fashion careers : finding the right fit 
 2132  Fashion modeling : being beautiful, selling clothes 
 2133  Fast as the Flash! 
 2134  Fast Math. 
 2135  Fast-draw Freddie 
 2136  Father Bear comes home 
 2137  Fearless 
 2138  Feathers : not just for flying 
 2139  Feel the fog 
 2140  Feel the wind 
 2141  Feet 
 2142  Felicity learns a lesson : a school story 
 2143  Felicity's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2144  Felita 
 2145  Felix and the 400 frogs 
 2146  The fellowship of the ring : being the first part of The lord of the rings 
 2147  The fences between us : the diary of Piper Davis 
 2148  Fenwick's suit 
 2149  FernGully, the last rainforest 
 2150  Ferrari F12 
 2151  Ferret 
 2152  Fetch-22 
 2153  Fever, 1793 
 2154  Fiddle-i-fee : a traditional American chant 
 2155  The field guide 
 2156  The field mouse and the dinosaur named Sue 
 2157  Fiesta! : Cinco de mayo 
 2158  Fiesta!. 
 2159  Fighter Pilot. 
 2160  Figuring figures 
 2161  Finding Winnie : the true story of the world's most famous bear 
 2162  Finger rhymes 
 2163  Fingernail art : dazzling fingers and terrific toes 
 2164  Finn Family Moomintroll 
 2165  Fire 
 2166  The fire cat 
 2167  Fire dogs 
 2168  The Fire Eternal 
 2169  Fire fighters 
 2170  Fire fighters 
 2171  The fire station 
 2172  The fire station 
 2173  The fire station 
 2174  Fire! Fire! 
 2175  Firebird 
 2176  Fireboy to the rescue : a fire safety book 
 2177  Firefighter 
 2178  Firefighter. 
 2179  Fireflies! : story and pictures 
 2180  First big book of rocks, minerals, and shells 
 2181  The first book of airplanes 
 2182  The first book of camping 
 2183  First day jitters 
 2184  The first day of school 
 2185  First dog 
 2186  The first four years 
 2187  First grade, here I come! 
 2188  First Graders from Mars episode 3 : Nergal and the Great Space Race. 
 2189  First lady : Rosalynn Carter 
 2190  A first look at leaves 
 2191  The first moon landing 
 2192  The first morning; an African myth 
 2193  First snow 
 2194  The first Thanksgiving 
 2195  First Thanksgiving. 
 2196  Fish 
 2197  Fish 
 2198  Fish 
 2199  Fish face 
 2200  Fish Faces. 
 2201  The fisherman and his wife 
 2202  The fisherman and his wife 
 2203  Fishing 
 2204  Fishing 
 2205  Fishing 
 2206  Fishing for Methuselah 
 2207  Fishing spiders 
 2208  Fit Bits Kdg. 
 2209  Fit Bits Posters 3-5. 
 2210  Fit Bits Posters 3-5. 
 2211  Fit Bits Posters 3-5. 
 2212  Fit Bits Posters K-2. 
 2213  Fit Bits Posters K-2. 
 2214  Fit Bits Posters K-2. 
 2215  Fit Bits- Grade Five. 
 2216  Fit Bits- Grade Four. 
 2217  Fit Bits- Grade One. 
 2218  Fit Bits- Grade Three. 
 2219  The five Chinese brothers 
 2220  The five Chinese brothers 
 2221  Five o'clock Charlie 
 2222  Five silly fishermen 
 2223  Flag Day 
 2224  Flag day- Holiday Celebrations. 
 2225  The flag of the United States 
 2226  The flag we love 
 2227  Flags 
 2228  Flat Stanley 
 2229  Flat Stanley and the firehouse 
 2230  Flat Stanley at bat 
 2232  The fledgling 
 2233  Fledgling 
 2234  The Flickering Torch Mystery. 
 2235  Flight attendant 
 2236  The flint heart : a fairy story 
 2237  Flip over phonics. 
 2238  Floating and sinking 
 2239  Floors 
 2240  Flora & Ulysses : the illuminated adventures 
 2241  Florence Griffith Joyner : dazzling Olympian 
 2242  Florence Kelley 
 2243  Florence Nightingale : lady with the lamp 
 2244  Florida 
 2245  Flotsam 
 2246  The flower faerie 
 2247  Flowers 
 2248  Flowers : 10 words 
 2249  Flowers and flowering plants 
 2250  Flowers, trees & other plants 
 2251  Fluency rubric 
 2252  The fluent reader : oral reading strategies for building word recognition, fluency, and comprehension 
 2253  The flunking of Joshua T. Bates 
 2254  Flush 
 2255  Fly away home 
 2256  Fly Guy and the alienzz 
 2257  Fly Guy and the alienzz 
 2258  Fly Guy and the Frankenfly 
 2259  Fly Guy presents : dinosaurs 
 2260  Fly Guy presents : firefighters 
 2261  Fly Guy presents : space 
 2262  Fly guy reader collection 
 2263  Fly Guy's ninja Christmas 
 2264  The fly on the ceiling : a math myth 
 2265  Fly, Homer, fly. 
 2266  Flying aces of World War I. 
 2267  Fog Magic 
 2268  Folktales 
 2269  Folktales/Fairy Tales titles. 
 2270  Follett beginning-to-read picture dictionary 
 2271  Follow the dream : the story of Christopher Columbus 
 2272  Follow the monsters! 
 2273  Follow the water from brook to ocean 
 2274  Follow your nose 
 2275  Food is for eating 
 2276  The fool of the world and the flying ship : a Russian tale 
 2277  The foolish giant. 
 2278  The foot book. 
 2279  Footprints in the snow : counting by twos 
 2280  For life and liberty : causes and effects of the Declaration of Independence 
 2281  For the love of basketball : from A to Z 
 2282  For the love of the game : Michael Jordan and me 
 2283  For whom the ball rolls 
 2284  Forced removal : causes and effects of the Trail of Tears 
 2285  Forest 
 2286  Forest fare : studying food webs in the forest 
 2287  Forest habitats. 
 2288  A forest is reborn 
 2289  Forge. 
 2290  The forgotten girl 
 2291  Fortunately, the milk 
 2292  The fortune-tellers 
 2293  Forty acres and maybe a mule 
 2294  FOSS Air and Weather. 
 2295  Foss Animals Two by Two. 
 2296  FOSS Balance and Motion. 
 2297  FOSS Earth Materials. 
 2298  FOSS Environments. 
 2299  FOSS Fabric. 
 2300  FOSS Food and Nutrition. 
 2301  FOSS Human Body. 
 2302  FOSS Ideas and Inventions. 
 2303  FOSS Insects. 
 2304  FOSS Insects. 
 2305  FOSS Landfroms. 
 2306  FOSS Levers and Pulleys. 
 2307  FOSS Magnetism and Electricity. 
 2308  FOSS Measurements. 
 2309  FOSS Mixtures and Solutions. 
 2310  FOSS Models and Designs. 
 2311  FOSS New Plants. 
 2312  FOSS Pebbles, Sand, and Silt. 
 2313  FOSS Physics of Sound. 
 2314  FOSS Solar Energy. 
 2315  FOSS Structures of Life. 
 2316  FOSS Trees. 
 2317  FOSS Variables. 
 2318  FOSS Water. 
 2319  FOSS Wood and Paper. 
 2320  Foster parents 
 2321  Found 
 2322  The founding fathers: creators of the United States 
 2323  The four gallant sisters 
 2324  Four good friends 
 2325  The four oceans 
 2326  Fox in a trap 
 2327  Fox in love 
 2328  Fox on the job 
 2329  Fox on the job 
 2330  Fox on wheels 
 2331  The Fox went out on a chilly night : an old song 
 2332  Fractions are parts of things 
 2333  Fractions, decimals, and percents 
 2334  The frail snail on the trail : long vowel sounds with consonant blends 
 2335  Framework for liberty : a guide for educators. 
 2336  Francisco Pizarro 
 2337  Frankencrayon 
 2338  Frankenstein 
 2339  Frankenstein 
 2340  Frankenstein and other stories of man-made monsters 
 2341  Frankenstein moved in on the fourth floor 
 2342  Frankenstein's dog 
 2343  Frankie Pickle and the closet of doom 
 2344  Frankie's foibles : a story about a boy who worries 
 2345  Franklin and Harriet 
 2346  Franklin D. Roosevelt, four times president 
 2347  Franklin fibs 
 2348  Franklin forgives 
 2349  Franklin goes to the hospital 
 2350  Franklin in the dark 
 2351  Franklin is messy 
 2352  Franklin rides a bike 
 2353  Franklin wants a badge 
 2354  Franklin y el dia de accion de Gracias 
 2355  Franklin's baby sister 
 2356  Franklin's neighborhood 
 2357  Franklin's new friend 
 2358  Franklin's school play 
 2359  Franklin's secret club 
 2360  Frankly, I'd rather spin myself a new name! : the story of Rumpelstiltskin as told by Rumpelstiltskin 
 2361  Freak the Mighty 
 2362  Freaky Friday 
 2363  Freckle juice 
 2364  Freckle juice w/ tchr guide 
 2365  Freddy Adu 
 2366  Frederick 
 2367  Frederick Douglass : fighter against slavery 
 2368  Frederick Douglass : leader against slavery 
 2369  Free baseball 
 2370  Freedom from slavery : causes and effects of the Emancipation Proclamation 
 2371  Freedom on the menu : the Greensboro sit-ins 
 2372  Freedom school, yes! 
 2373  Freedom Summer 
 2374  Freshwater feeders : studying food webs in freshwater 
 2375  Friendliness 
 2376  The Friendly beasts : a traditional Christmas carol 
 2377  Friends 
 2378  Friendshape 
 2379  Friendship 
 2380  The friendship and The gold Cadillac : two stories 
 2381  Fringe-lipped bats 
 2382  Frog and toad are friends 
 2383  Frog and Toad together 
 2384  Frog goes to dinner 
 2385  A Frog inside my hat : a first book of poems 
 2386  Frog Medicine. 
 2387  Frog on his own. 
 2388  Frog or toad? : how do you know? 
 2389  The Frog prince 
 2390  The frog prince 
 2391  The frog prince, continued 
 2392  Frog Prince. 
 2393  Frog went a-courtin' 
 2394  Frog went a-courting : a musical play in six acts 
 2395  Frog, where are you?. 
 2396  Froggy bakes a cake 
 2397  Froggy's best Christmas 
 2398  Frogs and toads, and tadpoles, too 
 2399  From Bulb to Daffodil. 
 2400  From chalkboards to computers : how schools have changed 
 2401  From chaos to calm : effective parenting for challenging children with ADHD and other behavioral problems 
 2402  From cotton to t-shirt 
 2403  From cow to shoe 
 2404  From far away 
 2405  From farm to store 
 2406  From graphite to pencil 
 2407  From marbles to video games : how toys have changed 
 2408  From seed to pumpkin 
 2409  From sheep to scarf 
 2410  From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler 
 2411  From the Model T to hybrid cars : how transportation has changed 
 2412  From tree to table 
 2413  From typewriters to text messages : how communication has changed 
 2414  From wax to crayon 
 2415  From wood to paper 
 2416  Frosty the Snowman. 
 2417  Frozen : junior novelization 
 2418  Frozen fire : a tale of courage 
 2419  Fruit 
 2420  Fudge 
 2421  Fudge-a-mania 
 2422  Fun & fitness : a step-by-step guide 
 2423  Fun days 
 2424  Fun fabrics 
 2425  Fun facts about turtles! 
 2426  Fun things to do with cardboard tubes 
 2427  Fun things to do with egg cartons 
 2428  Fun things to do with milk jugs 
 2429  Fun with Dick and Jane. 
 2430  Fun with Fractions. 
 2431  Fun with paper 
 2432  Fun with Roman numerals 
 2433  Funnel weavers 
 2434  The funny baby 
 2435  The funny baby 
 2436  The funny baby. 
 2437  Funny business 
 2438  The funny little woman 
 2439  Funny, funny Lyle 
 2440  The further adventures of Hank the Cowdog 
 2441  G is for Galazy. 
 2442  G is for Galazy. 
 2443  G is for Galazy. 
 2444  G is for Garden State. 
 2445  G is for Garden State. 
 2446  G is for golden. 
 2447  G is for golden. 
 2448  G is for Grand Canyon. 
 2449  G is for Grand Canyon. 
 2450  G is for granite. 
 2451  G is for granite. 
 2452  Gabby Douglas 
 2453  Gabby Douglas : going for gold 
 2454  Galimoto 
 2455  Games (& other stuff) for teachers : classroom activities that promote pro-social learning 
 2456  Games (and how to play them) 
 2457  Garbage juice for breakfast 
 2458  Garfield's Night Before Christmas. 
 2459  Garrett's gift 
 2460  Gathering blue 
 2461  Gay-Neck : the story of a pigeon 
 2462  Gears 
 2463  The geese of Rome 
 2464  Generosity. 
 2465  Genie in a bottle 
 2466  Genres of fiction 
 2467  Geoffrey Groundhog predicts the weather 
 2468  Geography from A to Z : a picture glossary 
 2469  Geology. 
 2470  Geometry : triangles & other polygons 
 2471  George and Martha 
 2472  George and Martha w/ tchr guide. 
 2473  George Bush 
 2474  George shrinks 
 2475  George Washington 
 2476  George Washington 
 2477  George Washington 
 2478  George Washington : dirigiendo una nueva naci n 
 2479  George Washington : leading a new nation 
 2480  George Washington Carver : ingenious inventor 
 2481  George Washington Carver : scientist and inventor 
 2482  George Washington Carver. 
 2483  George Washington's mother 
 2484  Georgia 
 2485  Gerald McBoing Boing 
 2486  Geraldine and Mrs. Duffy 
 2487  Geraldine's blanket. 
 2488  Gerbil pets and other small rodents 
 2489  German shepherds 
 2490  Germs make me sick! 
 2491  Geronimo 
 2492  Get it in gear! : the science of movement 
 2493  Get rich Mitch!. 
 2494  Get set and go 
 2495  The getaway 
 2496  Getting something on Maggie Marmelstein 
 2497  Getting something on Maggie Marmelstein. 
 2498  Getting started : reculturing schools to become professional learning communities 
 2499  Getting to know art media. 
 2500  Getting to know color in art 
 2501  Getting to know shape & form in art 
 2502  Getting to know your toilet : the disgusting story behind your home's strangest feature 
 2503  The Gettysburg Address 
 2504  The ghost in tent 19 
 2505  The ghost next door. 
 2506  Ghost of Crutchfield Hall. 
 2507  The ghost ship mystery 
 2508  Ghost town at sundown 
 2509  The ghost-eye tree 
 2510  Ghost-faced bats 
 2511  Ghosts 
 2512  The ghosts of Mercy Manor 
 2513  The giant germ 
 2514  The giant jam sandwich 
 2515  Giant pandas 
 2516  Giant pandas 
 2517  Giant squid 
 2518  The giant's toe 
 2519  A gift for mama 
 2520  The gift-giver 
 2521  Giggle's guide to caring for your gerbils 
 2522  Gila monsters meet you at the airport 
 2523  Gilberto and the wind 
 2524  Ginger Pye 
 2525  Gingerbread baby 
 2527  Gingerbread Fred 
 2528  The gingerbread man 
 2529  The gingerbread man 
 2530  The gingerbread man 
 2531  Gingerbread Man 
 2532  A giraffe and a half 
 2533  The giraffe and the pelly and me 
 2534  Giraffes 
 2535  A girl called Boy 
 2536  The girl from the tar paper school : Barbara Rose Johns and the advent of the civil rights movement 
 2537  A girl named Misty 
 2538  Girl talk : the ultimate body book for girls 
 2539  The girl who could fly 
 2540  The girl who drank the moon 
 2541  The girl who loved caterpillars : a twelfth-century tale from Japan 
 2542  The Girl Who Loved Wild Horse w/ tchr guide. 
 2543  The girl who loved wild horses 
 2544  The girl who spun gold 
 2545  A girl's guide to softball 
 2546  Girls' basketball : making your mark on the court 
 2547  Girls' figure skating : ruling the rink 
 2548  Girls' softball : winning on the diamond 
 2549  Girls' tennis : conquering the court 
 2550  Girls' volleyball : setting up success 
 2551  The giver 
 2552  The giver 
 2553  The giver. 
 2554  The giver. 
 2555  The giverbacker parade. 
 2556  The giving tree. 
 2557  Glaciers. 
 2558  Glide into winter with math and science 
 2559  Glory be 
 2560  Go away, Spot. 
 2561  Go eat worms! 
 2562  Go fish 
 2563  Go reader: It Creeps. 
 2564  Go to sleep, Groundhog! 
 2565  Go, go, go. 
 2566  Goats 
 2567  Goggles 
 2568  Goggles. 
 2569  Goin' someplace special 
 2570  Going bananas 
 2571  Going Green! with Dr. Jean. 
 2572  Going north 
 2573  Going to the sea park 
 2574  The gold Cadillac 
 2575  The gold coin 
 2576  Gold fever! 
 2577  The golden goose 
 2578  Golden retrievers 
 2579  Golden State Warriors 
 2580  Golden State Warriors 
 2581  Goldie Socks and the three Libearians 
 2582  Goldilocks and just one bear 
 2583  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 2584  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 2585  Goldilocks and the three dinosaurs 
 2586  Goldilocks and the three ghosts 
 2587  Goldilocks and the wolf 
 2588  Goldilocks, go home 
 2589  Gone crazy in Alabama 
 2590  Gone. 
 2591  A good day 
 2592  The good master 
 2593  Good morning, gorillas 
 2594  Good night, little rainbow fish 
 2595  Good night, Owl! 
 2596  Good questions : great ways to differentiate mathematics instruction 
 2597  Good work, Amelia Bedelia 
 2598  The good, the bad and the very slimy 
 2599  The good, the bad, and the goofy 
 2600  The good-bye book 
 2601  Good-bye round robin : 25 effective oral reading strategies 
 2602  Good-bye, Chicken Little 
 2603  Good-Night Owl! 
 2604  Goodnight goon : a petrifying parody 
 2605  Goodnight moon 
 2606  Goodnight, Owl!. 
 2607  Goods and services 
 2608  Gooey jellyfish 
 2609  Gooney Bird Greene 
 2610  Gooney, the fabulous 
 2611  The goose girl 
 2612  The goose's gold 
 2613  Goosebumps. 
 2614  Gordon's guide to caring for your guinea pigs 
 2615  Gorillas 
 2616  Gorillas 
 2617  Gorillas : gentle giants of the forest 
 2618  Gossip from the girls' room : a Blogtastic! novel 
 2619  Gracias 
 2620  Gracias a Winn-Dixie 
 2621  Gracias the Thanksgiving Turkey. 
 2622  Gram's Cracker : A grammar game. 
 2623  Grammar. 
 2624  Grand Canyon 
 2625  Grand Canyon National Park 
 2626  Grand Canyon National Park 
 2627  Grand Teton National Park 
 2628  Grandfather Tang's story 
 2629  Grandfather's journey. 
 2630  Grandfather's shape story 
 2631  The grandma mix-up : story and pictures 
 2632  Grandma's gift 
 2633  Grandmother's dreamcatcher 
 2634  Grandpa's teeth 
 2635  Grant Hill 
 2636  The grapes of math : mind-stretching math riddles 
 2637  Graph attack: grades 3-5. 
 2638  Grass and grasshoppers 
 2639  Grasshopper on the road 
 2640  Grassland buffet : studying food webs in the grasslands and savannahs 
 2641  The graveyard book 
 2642  Gravity 
 2643  Gravity 
 2644  The Great Airport Mystery. 
 2645  The great bamboozlement 
 2646  Great Bear Lake (Seeker series Bk #2) 
 2647  Great Big Book of Space. 
 2648  Great black heroes collections. 
 2649  Great black heroes collections. 
 2650  Great black heroes collections. 
 2651  Great black heroes collections. 
 2652  Great black heroes collections. 
 2653  Great black heroes collections. 
 2654  The great brain 
 2655  The Great Brain at the academy 
 2656  The great Chicago Fire of 1871 
 2657  The Great Depression and World War II : 1929 to 1945 
 2658  The great Egyptian grave robbery 
 2659  Great expectations 
 2660  The great flood mystery 
 2661  The great Gilly Hopkins 
 2662  The great Houdini 
 2663  The great Houdini 
 2664  Great Inventions. 
 2665  The Great Lakes 
 2666  Great Lakes 
 2667  The great pumpkin switch 
 2668  Great quotes for great educators 
 2669  The great San Francisco Earthquake and fire 
 2670  The great white man-eating shark : a cautionary tale 
 2671  Great white sharks 
 2672  Great women of the Civil War 
 2673  Great-Grandpa's in the litter box 
 2674  The greatest story never told : the Babe and Jackie 
 2675  The greedy monster 
 2676  The Greedy Triangle. 
 2677  Green 
 2678  Green beans, potatoes, and even tomatoes : what is in the vegetable group? 
 2679  The green book 
 2680  Green eggs and ham 
 2681  Green is like a meadow of grass : an anthology of children's pleasure in poetry. 
 2682  Green thumbs up! : the science of growing plants 
 2683  The greenhouse effect 
 2684  Greenish eggs and dinosaurs 
 2685  Greenling 
 2686  Greg's microscope 
 2687  Gregory, the terrible eater 
 2688  Gretchen Groundhog, it's your day! 
 2689  The grey king 
 2690  The greyhound 
 2691  The grim grotto 
 2692  Grime and punishment 
 2693  Grimm Legacy. 
 2694  Groovy gravity 
 2695  Groundhog Day 
 2696  Groundhog's day off 
 2697  Growing Strong Inside. 
 2698  The growing-up feet 
 2699  Guardian Cats and the lost books of Alexandria. 
 2700  Guardian of Earth 
 2701  Guess who baby animals. 
 2702  Guess who Playtime Pets. 
 2703  Guess who. 
 2704  A guide for using How to eat fried worms in the classroom : based on the novel written by Thomas Rockwell 
 2705  Guided Reading Management: structure and organization for the classroom. 
 2706  Guided Reading Management: structure and organization for the classroom. 
 2707  Gulliver's travels 
 2708  Gutman chapter books 
 2709  The gym teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 2710  Gymnastics in action 
 2711  H is for Hawkeye. 
 2712  H is for Hawkeye. 
 2713  H is for Hoosier. 
 2714  H is for Hoosier. 
 2715  H.O.R.S.E : a game of basketball and imagination 
 2716  Habitats and biomes- ecosystems of the world. 
 2717  Hair 
 2718  Hair dance! 
 2719  Hair traits : color, texture, and more 
 2720  Hairy, scary, ordinary : what is an adjective? 
 2721  Half magic 
 2722  The Half-a-Moon Inn 
 2723  Hallie's Comet : A comparing and Categorizing game. 
 2724  Hallowed Ground: preserving Tennessee's Battlefields. 
 2725  Halloween cats. 
 2726  Hamsters 
 2727  Hamsters 
 2728  Hand rhymes 
 2729  Hand, hand, fingers, thumb 
 2730  Hands 
 2731  Hands down : counting by fives 
 2732  Hang a left at Venus 
 2733  Hank the Cowdog {in} every dog has his day 
 2734  Hank the Cowdog {in} it's a dog's life 
 2735  Hannah 
 2736  Hans Brinker 
 2737  Hans in luck 
 2738  Hansel & Gretel 
 2739  Hansel & Gretel 
 2740  Hansel and Gretel 
 2741  Hansel and Gretel 
 2742  Hansel and Gretel 
 2743  Hansel, Gretel and the pudding plot 
 2744  Hansel, Gretel, and the ugly duckling 
 2745  Hanukkah 
 2746  Happy and Honey 
 2747  Happy birthday to you! 
 2748  Happy birthday! 
 2749  Happy birthday, baby Jesus 
 2750  Happy birthday, dear dragon 
 2751  Happy birthday, Felicity! : a springtime story 
 2752  Happy birthday, Kirsten! : a springtime story 
 2753  Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King 
 2754  Happy birthday, Samantha! : a springtime story 
 2755  Happy Christmas, Honey! 
 2756  The happy day 
 2757  Happy dreamer 
 2758  Happy Easter, little critter 
 2759  Happy Easter, Mouse! 
 2760  Happy everything 
 2761  Happy New Year, everywhere! 
 2762  Happy, sad, silly, mad : a beginning book about emotions 
 2763  Hard luck 
 2764  Hard times in Ireland : the Scotch-Irish come to America (1603-1775) 
 2765  The hare and the tortoise 
 2766  The Harlem Renaissance : an interactive history adventure 
 2767  Harold at the North Pole : a Christmas journey with the purple crayon 
 2768  Harriet the spy 
 2769  Harriet Tubman 
 2770  Harriet Tubman : the life of an African-American abolitionist 
 2771  Harriet Tubman. 
 2772  Harry and the lady next door 
 2773  Harry goes to day camp 
 2774  Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse 
 2775  Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse 
 2776  Harry Potter and the deathly hallows 
 2777  Harry Potter and the goblet of fire 
 2778  Harry Potter and the half-blood prince 
 2779  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 
 2780  Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban 
 2781  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 2782  Harry S. Truman 
 2783  Harry S. Truman 
 2784  Harry the dirty dog 
 2785  Harvest celebrations. 
 2786  Hatchet 
 2787  Hattie and the Fox. 
 2788  Hattie rabbit 
 2789  Haunt Fox. 
 2790  The haunted cabin mystery 
 2791  The haunted mask II 
 2792  The haunter 
 2793  The haunting of grade three 
 2794  Have fun, Molly Lou Melon 
 2795  Have you seen Hyacinth Macaw? 
 2796  Have you seen my dinosaur? 
 2797  Hawai'i 
 2798  Hawaii : the Aloha state 
 2799  Hawk, I'm your brother 
 2800  Hawk, I'm Your Brother. 
 2801  Head, shoulders, knees and toes 
 2802  The headless horseman 
 2803  Health & Safety : Curriculum-Based Hands-On Activities. 
 2804  Hear! Hear! : the science of sound 
 2805  Hearing 
 2806  Hearing sounds. 
 2807  Heat 
 2808  Heat and energy 
 2809  Heavy equipment operator 
 2810  Heavy-duty trucks 
 2811  Heckedy Peg 
 2812  Hector's hiccups 
 2813  Heidi 
 2814  Helen Keller : courage in the dark 
 2815  Helen Keller : courageous advocate 
 2816  Helen Keller; toward the light 
 2817  Helicopters 
 2818  Helicopters. 
 2819  Hello lighthouse 
 2820  Hello! hello! : a look inside the telephone 
 2821  The hello, goodbye window 
 2822  Hello, school bus! 
 2823  Hello, sweetie pie 
 2824  Help! I'm a prisoner in the library! 
 2825  Henry Aaron, home-run king 
 2826  Henry and Beezus 
 2827  Henry and Mudge : the first book of their adventures 
 2828  Henry and Mudge and a very merry Christmas : the twenty-fifth book of their adventures 
 2829  Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's house : the twenty-second book of their adventures 
 2830  Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's house : the twenty-second book of their adventures 
 2831  Henry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps : the ninth book of their adventures 
 2832  Henry and Mudge and the best day of all : the fourteenth book of their adventures 
 2833  Henry and Mudge and the big sleepover : the twenty-eighth book of their adventures 
 2834  Henry and Mudge and the careful cousin : the thirteenth book of their adventures 
 2835  Henry and Mudge and the careful cousin : the thirteenth book of their adventures 
 2836  Henry and Mudge and the forever sea : the sixth book of their adventures 
 2837  Henry and Mudge and the great grandpas : the twenty-sixth book of their adventures 
 2838  Henry and Mudge and the great grandpas : the twenty-sixth book of their adventures 
 2839  Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their adventures 
 2840  Henry and Mudge and the happy cat : the eighth book of their adventures 
 2841  Henry and Mudge and the long weekend : the eleventh book of their adventures 
 2842  Henry and Mudge and the long weekend : the eleventh book of their adventures 
 2843  Henry and Mudge and the snowman plan : the nineteenth book of their adventures 
 2844  Henry and Mudge and the starry night : the seventeenth book of their adventures 
 2845  Henry and Mudge and the tall tree house : the twenty-first book of their adventures 
 2846  Henry and Mudge and the tall tree house : the twenty-first book of their adventures 
 2847  Henry and Mudge and the tumbling trip : the twenty-seventh book of their adventures 
 2848  Henry and Mudge and the tumbling trip : the twenty-seventh book of their adventures 
 2849  Henry and Mudge and the wild goose chase : the twenty-third book of their adventures 
 2850  Henry and Mudge and the wild goose chase : the twenty-third book of their adventures 
 2851  Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind 
 2852  Henry and Mudge and the wild wind : the twelfth book of their adventures 
 2853  Henry and Mudge get the cold shivers : the seventh book of their adventures 
 2854  Henry and Mudge get the cold shivers : the seventh book of their adventures 
 2855  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 2856  Henry and Mudge in the family trees : the fifteenth book of their adventures 
 2857  Henry and Mudge in the family trees : the fifteenth book of their adventures 
 2858  Henry and Mudge in the green time : the third book of their adventures 
 2859  Henry and Mudge take the big test : the tenth book of their adventures 
 2860  Henry and Mudge under the yellow moon : the fourth book of their adventures 
 2861  Henry and Mudge. 
 2862  Henry and Ribsy 
 2863  Henry and Ribsy. 
 2864  Henry and the clubhouse 
 2865  Henry and the paper route 
 2866  Henry and the Valentine surprise 
 2867  Henry Ford : big wheel in the auto industry 
 2868  Henry hikes to Fitchburg 
 2869  Henry Huggins 
 2870  Henry Reed's baby-sitting service 
 2871  Henry's freedom box 
 2872  Her right foot 
 2873  Her seven brothers 
 2874  Herbie Jones 
 2875  Herbie Jones and the class gift 
 2876  Here come the Girl Scouts! : the amazing all-true story of Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low and her great adventure 
 2877  Here comes Santa Cat 
 2878  Here comes the strikeout 
 2879  Here comes Zelda Claus, and other holiday disasters 
 2880  Hermit crabs 
 2881  Hernan Cortes 
 2882  Hero 
 2883  The hero's guide to saving your kingdom 
 2884  A hero's guide to warriors 
 2885  Heroes of all times. 
 2887  Hey! get off our train 
 2888  Hey, wall : a story of art and community 
 2889  Hey, water! 
 2890  Hi! Fly Guy 
 2891  Hi, clouds 
 2892  Hibernar : hibernation 
 2893  Hiccup 
 2894  Hidden figures : the true story of four Black women and the space race 
 2895  The Hidden Staircase. 
 2896  Hide and sneak 
 2897  Hiding out : Camoflague in the wild. 
 2898  The high king. 
 2899  High Performing Teacher : Avoiding Burnout and Increasing Your motivation. 
 2900  The high rise glorious skittle skat roarious sky pie angel food cake 
 2901  The high rise glorious skittle skat roarious sky pie angel food cake 
 2902  Hill of fire 
 2903  Hillary 
 2904  Hillary Rodham Clinton 
 2905  Hillary Rodham Clinton : some girls are born to lead 
 2906  Himalayan cats 
 2907  The Hindenburg disaster 
 2908  Hinduism : signs, symbols, and stories 
 2909  Hip hair accessories for the crafty fashionista 
 2910  Hippos 
 2911  Hippos go berserk! 
 2912  A history for Today: Anne frank. 
 2913  A history of super science 
 2914  A history of the civil rights movement 
 2915  Hitty : her first hundred years 
 2916  Hitty, her first hundred years 
 2917  The hobbit, or, There and back again 
 2918  The hobbit, or, There and back again. 
 2919  A hole is to dig : a first book of first definitions 
 2920  The hole story of the doughnut 
 2921  Holes 
 2922  Holes 
 2923  Holes 
 2924  Holes. 
 2925  Holes. 
 2926  Holidays and Celebrations. 
 2927  Holidays. 
 2928  Holly Hobbie's nursery rhymes. 
 2929  Holy Bible : King James Version. 
 2930  Home at last : a song of migration 
 2931  A Home For Pearl : A Video About Wildlife Habitat. 
 2932  Home place 
 2933  The home run kings : Babe Ruth, Henry Aaron 
 2934  Home sweet burrow 
 2935  Home sweet cave 
 2936  Home sweet den 
 2937  Home sweet nest 
 2938  Home sweet tree 
 2939  Home sweet web 
 2940  Homer Price 
 2941  Homes in many cultures 
 2942  Homesick, my own story 
 2943  Honduran white bats 
 2944  Honestly, our music stole the show! : the story of the Bremen Town musicians as told by the donkey 
 2945  Honesty 
 2946  Honesty 
 2947  Honesty 
 2948  Honey helps 
 2949  Honey, I love, and other love poems 
 2950  Hoodwinked 
 2951  Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! 
 2952  Hooray for Grandparent's Day! 
 2953  Hooray for the Golly sisters! 
 2954  Hoot 
 2955  Hoot 
 2956  Hooway for Wodney Wat 
 2957  Hop on Pop 
 2958  The hope chest 
 2959  The Hopi 
 2960  The Hopi Indians 
 2961  A horn for Louis 
 2962  Horrible Harry and the Christmas surprise 
 2963  Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom 
 2964  Horrible Harry and the green slime 
 2965  Horrible Harry and the holidaze 
 2966  Horrible Harry in room 2B 
 2967  Horrible Harry moves up to third grade 
 2968  Horrible Harry's secret 
 2969  The horse and his boy 
 2970  Horse shoes 
 2971  Horse. 
 2972  Horses. 
 2973  Horses. 
 2974  Horton hatches the egg 
 2975  Horton hears a Who 
 2976  The hostile hospital 
 2977  Hot air balloons 
 2978  The hot and cold summer 
 2979  The house at Pooh Corner 
 2980  A house for Little Red 
 2981  The house in the night 
 2982  The house of sixty fathers 
 2983  The house on East 88th Street 
 2984  The house on the cliff. 
 2985  The house with a clock in its walls 
 2986  Houseboat mystery 
 2987  How a book is made 
 2988  How and Why. 
 2989  How animals move 
 2990  How banks work 
 2991  How Big? Facts, Records, and Size Comparisons of Ordinary and Extraordinary Things. 
 2992  How Communities are alike and different. 
 2993  How corn grows : como crece el maiz 
 2994  How credit cards work 
 2995  How do people use rocks? 
 2996  How do volcanoes make rock? : a look at igneous rock 
 2997  How do water and wind change rock? : a look at sedimentary rock 
 2998  How do we measure? Area. 
 2999  How do we measure? Area. 
 3000  How do we measure? Distance. 
 3001  How do we measure? Height. 
 3002  How do we measure? Height. 
 3003  How do we measure? Time. 
 3004  How do we measure? Time. 
 3005  How do we measure? Weight. 
 3006  How Fast? Facts, Records, and Speed Comparisons of Orddinary and Extraordinar Things. 
 3007  How I became a pirate 
 3008  How I learned geography 
 3009  How I met my monster 
 3010  How I went from bad to verse 
 3011  How it happens at the TV station 
 3012  How long or how wide? : a measuring guide 
 3013  How Long? Facts, Records, and Length Comparisons of Ordinary and Extraordinary Things. 
 3014  How Many Donkeys? a Turkish folk tale. 
 3015  How many people traveled the Oregon Trail? : and other questions about the trail west 
 3016  How many seeds in a pumpkin 
 3017  How much can a bare bear bear? : what are homonyms and homophones? 
 3018  How much is a million? 
 3019  How Much is a Million?. 
 3020  How my parents learned to eat 
 3021  How people learned to fly 
 3022  How so we measure? Volume. 
 3023  How tall, how short, how faraway 
 3024  How Tall? Facts, Records, and Height Comparisons of Ordinary and Extraordinary Things. 
 3025  How the Grinch stole Christmas 
 3026  How the guinea fowl got her spots. 
 3027  How the internet works 
 3028  How the second grade got $8205.50 to visit the Statue of Liberty 
 3029  How the sun was brought back to the sky 
 3030  How the world got its color. 
 3031  How things work in the yard 
 3032  How to answer test questions 
 3033  How to be a WWE superstar 
 3034  How to be cool in the third grade 
 3035  How to differentiate instrunction in mixed-ability classrooms. 
 3036  How to dig a hole to the other side of the world 
 3037  How to Draw Indian Arts and Crafts. 
 3038  How to eat fried worms 
 3039  How to grade for learning, K-12 
 3040  How to have fun building sailboats 
 3041  How to have fun making birdhouses and birdfeeders 
 3042  How to lose all your friends 
 3043  How to raise a drug-free kid : the straight dope for parents 
 3044  How to read a highway map 
 3045  How to read with your child- parent guide. 
 3046  How to read with your child- Wkshop guide. 
 3047  How to share with a bear 
 3048  How to solve it : a new aspect of mathematical method 
 3049  How to survive a flood 
 3050  How to survive a tornado 
 3051  How to survive an earthquake 
 3052  How to talk to your computer 
 3053  How to train your dragon 
 3054  How to use differentiated instruction : with students with developmental disabilities in the general education classroom 
 3055  How to write an interview 
 3056  Huge Harold 
 3057  The hula hoopin' queen 
 3058  The human body & how it works 
 3059  Human Body. 
 3060  Hummingbirds 
 3061  The hunchback of Notre Dame 
 3062  Hunches in bunches 
 3063  The hundred dresses 
 3064  The hundred penny box 
 3065  The Hunger Games 
 3066  The hungry snowbird 
 3067  Hungry, hungry sharks 
 3068  Hunting 
 3069  Hurricane Katrina 
 3071  Hurricane Katrina, 2005 
 3072  Hurricanes 
 3073  Hurricanes 
 3074  Hurricanes 
 3075  Hurricanes have eyes but can't see : and other amazing facts about wild weather 
 3076  Hurry home, Candy 
 3077  Hurry up, Franklin 
 3078  Huskies, Mastiffs, and other working dogs 
 3079  I ain't gonna paint no more 
 3080  I ain't gonna paint no more! 
 3081  I am a man: from Memphis, a lesson in life 
 3082  I am a Seal : The Life of an Elephant Seal. 
 3083  I am every good thing 
 3084  I am mad! 
 3085  I am not a crybaby 
 3086  I am not a number 
 3087  I am number four. 
 3088  I am water 
 3089  I and you and don't forget who : what is a pronoun? 
 3090  I believe I can 
 3091  I belong to the Buddhist faith 
 3092  I belong to the Hindu faith 
 3093  I belong to the Jewish faith 
 3094  I belong to the Muslim faith 
 3095  I belong to the Sikh faith 
 3096  I can cook cookbook 
 3097  I can go fishing 
 3098  I can lick 30 tigers today : and other stories 
 3099  I can make exciting electronics 
 3100  I can make fantastic fliers 
 3101  I can make marvelous movers 
 3102  I can make remarkable robots 
 3103  I can make slippery slime 
 3104  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, tambi n 
 3105  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, tambi n 
 3106  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, tambi n 
 3107  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, tambi n 
 3108  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, tambi n 
 3109  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, tambi n 
 3110  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, tambi n 
 3111  I can use the telephone 
 3112  I dare you! 
 3113  I dissent : Ruth Bader Ginsburg made her mark 
 3114  I dream of trains 
 3115  I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew 
 3116  I have a sister--my sister is deaf 
 3117  I have heard of a land 
 3118  I have heard of a land 
 3119  I have to go! 
 3120  I have, Who has? 38 interactive card games. 
 3121  I is for idea. 
 3122  I is for idea. 
 3123  I is for idea. 
 3124  I just forgot 
 3125  I live in a town 
 3126  I look like my mother 
 3127  I lost my tooth! 
 3128  I love cake! : starring Rabbit, Porcupine, and Moose 
 3129  I love horses and ponies. 
 3130  I Love Hugs 
 3131  I love it when you smile 
 3132  I love my hair! 
 3133  I Love My New Toy! 
 3134  I love rocks 
 3135  I love you so much 
 3136  I need you, dear dragon 
 3137  I promise I'll find you 
 3138  I read signs 
 3139  I said no! : refusal skills 
 3140  I see, you saw 
 3141  I shop with my daddy 
 3142  I speak English for my mom 
 3143  I stink! 
 3144  I survived the attacks of September 11, 2001 
 3145  I survived the destruction of Pompeii, AD 79 
 3146  I survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011 
 3147  I survived the Joplin tornado, 2011 
 3148  I survived the Nazi invasion,1944 
 3149  I survived the San Francisco earthquake, 1906 
 3150  I survived true stories : nature attacks! 
 3151  I text dead people 
 3152  I took my frog to the library 
 3153  I want a dog 
 3154  I want my hat back 
 3155  I want to be a builder 
 3156  I want to be a chef 
 3157  I want to be a cowboy. 
 3158  I want to be a doctor 
 3159  I want to be a mechanic 
 3160  I want to be a musician 
 3161  I want to be a nurse 
 3162  I want to be a pilot. 
 3163  I want to be a soldier 
 3164  I want to be a teacher 
 3165  I want to be a truck driver 
 3166  I want to be a vet 
 3167  I want to be president 
 3168  I want to be zookeeper 
 3169  I want to fly 
 3170  I was so mad. 
 3171  I yam a donkey 
 3172  I'll fix Anthony 
 3173  I'll use a hand lens with my friends! 
 3174  I'm a little teapot 
 3175  I'm a little Teapot. 
 3176  I'm a mosasaurus 
 3177  I'm dirty! 
 3178  I'm Dracula, Who Are You?. 
 3179  I'm going to be famous 
 3180  I'm gonna get you! 
 3181  I'm gonna get you! 
 3182  I'm sorry 
 3183  I'm terrific 
 3184  I've seen the promised land : the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 3185  I, Houdini : the amazing story of an escape-artist hamster. 
 3186  I, Juan de Pareja 
 3187  Ice age. 
 3188  Ice magic 
 3189  Ice magic 
 3190  Ice mummy : the discovery of a 5,000-year-old man 
 3191  Icebergs and glaciers 
 3192  Icefall 
 3193  Iceland 
 3194  Icelandic ponies 
 3195  Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman. 
 3196  Ichiro Suzuki 
 3197  Ida B. Wells : let the truth be told 
 3198  Ida B. Wells : mother of the civil rights movement 
 3199  Ida B. Wells-Barnett : a voice against violence 
 3200  Ida Early comes over the mountain 
 3201  Idaho 
 3202  Ideas are all around 
 3203  The Idiom Game. 
 3204  If a bus could talk : the story of Rosa Parks 
 3205  If all the seas were one sea 
 3206  If anything ever goes wrong at the zoo 
 3207  If I ran the dog show : [all about dogs] 
 3208  If I were an ant 
 3209  If mom had three arms 
 3210  If not for the cat 
 3211  If the shoe fits 
 3212  If the world were a village : a book about the world's people 
 3213  If you didn't have me 
 3214  If you don't take care of your body, where else are you going to live? 
 3215  If you give a cat a cupcake 
 3216  If you give a dog a donut 
 3217  If you give a mouse a cookie 
 3218  If you give a mouse a cookie 
 3219  If you give a pig a pancake 
 3220  If you lived when women won their rights 
 3221  If you made a million 
 3222  If you traveled west in a covered wagon 
 3223  If you were a minus sign. 
 3224  If you were a plus sign 
 3225  If you were a set 
 3226  If you were an even number. 
 3227  If you were an odd number 
 3228  If you're happy and you know it 
 3229  Igloos 
 3230  Igniting a passion for reading : successful strategies for building lifetime readers 
 3231  Ike and Porker 
 3232  Illinois 
 3233  The illuminating world of light with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 3234  Illustrated chess for children. 
 3235  The Illyrian adventure 
 3236  The imaginary friend 
 3237  Immigrant kids 
 3238  Immigration 
 3239  Immigration and migration 
 3240  Immigration and the slave trade : Africans come to America (1607-1830) 
 3241  Imogene's antlers 
 3242  The importance of water. 
 3243  The important book 
 3244  Improving student writing skills. 
 3245  In a cabin in a wood 
 3246  In a dark, dark room, and other scary stories 
 3248  In a pickle, and other funny idioms 
 3249  In Daddy's arms I am tall : African Americans celebrating fathers 
 3250  In Mexico : en Mexico 
 3251  In my momma's kitchen 
 3252  In my mother's house 
 3253  In the cattle yard 
 3254  In the chicken coop 
 3255  In the dinosaur's paw 
 3256  In the horse stall 
 3257  In the land of words : new and selected poems 
 3258  In the pig pen 
 3259  In the saddle : horseback riding for girls and boys 
 3260  In the sheep pasture 
 3261  In the tall, tall grass 
 3262  The inch boy 
 3263  Incident at Hawk's Hill 
 3264  Incredible animals : eye opening photos of animals in action 
 3265  Incredible inventions : poems 
 3266  The incredible journey 
 3267  Independence Day 
 3268  Indian children of America 
 3269  The Indian in the cupboard 
 3270  The Indian in the cupboard. 
 3271  Indian in the Cupboard/Return of the Indian/Secret of the Indian. 
 3272  Indiana 
 3273  Indonesia 
 3274  The industrial revolution 
 3275  The industrial revolution for kids : the people and technology that changed the world : with 21 activities 
 3276  The infamous Ratsos 
 3277  Informal reading assessments Grades K-8 : 2nd Edition. 
 3278  Informed choices for struggling adolescent readers : a research-based guide to instructional programs and practices 
 3279  Inheritance, or, The vault of souls 
 3280  Inquire: a student handbook for 21st century learning. 
 3281  Insect bodies 
 3282  Insect life cycles 
 3283  Insects 
 3284  Insects : Over 300 fun facts for curious kids insects. 
 3285  Insects and spiders 
 3286  Insects do the strangest things 
 3287  Insects that work together 
 3288  Inside out & back again 
 3289  Instructions 
 3290  Integrating science with reading instruction : 12 complete science units 
 3291  The International Space Station 
 3292  Internet safety 
 3293  Interrupting chicken 
 3294  Interstellar Cinderella 
 3296  The inventions of Eli Whitney : the cotton gin 
 3297  Investigating electricity 
 3298  Investigating the scientific method with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 3299  The invisible dog. 
 3300  The invisible island 
 3301  The invisible man 
 3302  Iowa 
 3304  IPAD adapter. 
 3305  IPAD adapter. 
 3306  IPAD storage case. 
 3307  Ira sleeps over 
 3308  Iris and Walter 
 3309  Iris and Walter and Cousin Howie 
 3310  Iris and Walter and the field trip 
 3311  Iris and Walter and the substitute teacher 
 3312  The Irish potato famine : Irish immigrants come to America (1845-1850) 
 3313  The Iroquois Indians 
 3314  Is everybody happy 
 3315  A is for Aloha. 
 3316  A is for Aloha. 
 3317  A is for America. 
 3318  A is for America. 
 3319  A is for America. 
 3320  A is for America. 
 3321  A is for America. 
 3322  A is for Arches. 
 3323  A is for arches. 
 3324  Is sand a rock? 
 3325  Is your mama a llama? 
 3326  Islam : signs, symbols, and stories 
 3327  An island grows 
 3328  The island of Dr. Libris 
 3329  Island of the Blue Dolphins 
 3330  Island of the blue dolphins. 
 3331  Island of the blue dolphins. 
 3332  It could be worse 
 3333  It creeps! 
 3334  It is illegal to quack like a duck & other freaky laws 
 3335  It Starts In the Heart 
 3336  It won't work : Let's try again 
 3337  It's a baby, Andy Russell 
 3338  It's an aardvark-eat-turtle world 
 3339  It's Christmas 
 3340  It's circus time, dear dragon 
 3341  It's Duffy time 
 3342  It's Halloween 
 3343  It's Halloween, Dear Dragon 
 3344  It's itchcraft! 
 3345  It's like this, Cat 
 3346  It's really Christmas 
 3347  It's shoe time! 
 3348  It's Thanksgiving. 
 3349  It's Valentine's Day 
 3350  The itchy book! 
 3351  Itchy, itchy chicken pox 
 3352  Its circle time! shapes 
 3353  Ivan's iceberg : A questions game. 
 3354  Ivanhoe 
 3355  Ivy + Bean 
 3356  Ivy + Bean and the ghost that had to go 
 3357  J.T. 
 3358  Jack and the beanstalk 
 3359  Jack and the beanstalk 
 3361  Jack and the beanstalk and the french fries 
 3362  The Jack tales 
 3363  Jack the Builder. 
 3364  Jack's path of courage : the life of John F. Kennedy 
 3365  Jackie Joyner-Kersee 
 3366  Jackie Robinson 
 3367  Jackie Robinson 
 3368  Jackie Robinson / : baseball's gallant fighter. 
 3369  Jackie Robinson : baseball's great pioneer 
 3370  Jackie Robinson and the story of all-Black baseball 
 3371  Jacob have I loved 
 3372  Jacqueline Kennedy 
 3373  Jacques and de beanstalk 
 3374  Jaguars 
 3375  Jaguars 
 3376  Jaguars 
 3377  Jake Drake, bully buster 
 3378  Jamaica and Brianna 
 3379  Jamaica and the substitute teacher 
 3380  Jamaica is thankful 
 3381  Jamaica's find 
 3382  Jambo means hello : Swahili alphabet book 
 3383  James and the Giant Peach/w tchr guide. 
 3384  James Harden 
 3385  James K. Polk 
 3386  James Madison 
 3387  James Monroe 
 3388  Jamestown 
 3389  The Jamestown Colony 
 3390  Jamestown, New World adventure 
 3391  Jane Goodall 
 3392  Jangles : a big fish story 
 3393  The janitor's boy 
 3394  Janitors 
 3395  Japan 
 3396  Jason and the bees 
 3397  Jeff Gordon 
 3398  Jefferson Davis 
 3399  Jelly belly 
 3400  Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and me, Elizabeth 
 3401  Jenny Archer to the rescue 
 3402  Jenny Archer, author 
 3403  Jerry Rice : speedy wide receiver 
 3404  Jesse James 
 3405  Jesse Owens : legendary track star 
 3406  Jesse Owens : Olympic star 
 3407  Jewish American heritage 
 3408  Jimmy Carter 
 3409  Jimmy Sniffles Double Trouble 
 3410  Jingle bells, homework smells 
 3411  Jobs if you like...Animals 
 3412  Jobs if you like...Art 
 3413  Jobs if you like...Building things 
 3414  Jobs if you like...Computers 
 3415  Jobs if you like...History 
 3416  Jobs if you like...Math 
 3417  Jobs if you like...Reading and writing 
 3418  Jobs if you like...Science 
 3419  Jobs if you like...Sports 
 3420  Joe DiMaggio baseball star 
 3421  Joe Louis : America's fighter 
 3422  Joe Montana 
 3423  Joe-Joe the wizard brews up solids, liquids, and gases 
 3424  Joey Pigza loses control 
 3425  Joey Pigza swallowed the key 
 3426  John Adams 
 3427  John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry 
 3428  John Elway 
 3429  John F. Kennedy 
 3430  John F. Kennedy : American visionary 
 3431  John Henry, an American legend 
 3432  John Henry, an American legend : story and pictures 
 3433  John Lewis : civil rights leader and congressman 
 3434  John McCain 
 3435  John Muir, young naturalist 
 3436  John Paul Jones : sailor hero. 
 3437  John Quincy Adams 
 3438  John Smith 
 3439  Johnny Appleseed 
 3440  Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale 
 3441  Johnny Long Legs 
 3442  Johnny Tremain : a novel for old & young 
 3443  The Joker virus 
 3444  The jolly postman, or, Other people's letters 
 3445  Jonathan cleaned up, then he heard a sound, or, Blackberry subway jam 
 3446  Joseph had a little overcoat 
 3447  Joshua's dream : a journey to the Land of Israel 
 3448  Journey from Peppermint Street 
 3449  A journey into adaptation with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 3450  The journey of little Charlie 
 3451  Journey to the bottomless pit : the story of Stephen Bishop & Mammoth Cave 
 3452  A journey to the center of the Earth 
 3453  Journeys in Wonderland 
 3454  Joy 
 3455  Joyful noise : poems for two voices 
 3456  Juan Ponce de Le n 
 3457  Judaism : signs, symbols, and stories 
 3458  Julia's magic 
 3459  Julian's glorious summer 
 3460  Julian, dream doctor 
 3461  Julian, secret agent 
 3462  Julie of the wolves 
 3463  Julie of the Wolves w/ tchr guide. 
 3464  Julius, the baby of the world 
 3465  Jumanji 
 3466  June 29, 1999 
 3467  Juneteenth 
 3468  Juneteenth 
 3469  Juneteenth : a celebration of freedom 
 3470  The jungle book 
 3471  Jungle worlds 
 3472  Jungles 
 3473  Junie B., first grader : turkeys we have loved and eaten (and other thankful stuff) 
 3474  Junior Geographer Atlas. 
 3475  The junkyard wonders 
 3476  Jupiter 
 3477  Jupiter 
 3478  Just a dream 
 3479  Just a few words, Mr. Lincoln. 
 3480  Just a mess 
 3481  Just a new neighbor 
 3482  Just add glitter 
 3483  Just add water-- and scream! 
 3484  Just ask! : be different, be brave, be you 
 3485  Just beyond. 
 3486  Just for fun 
 3487  Just for you 
 3488  Just for you readers. 
 3489  Just go to bed. 
 3490  Just kidding 
 3491  Just like dad 
 3492  Just Like Everybody Else. 
 3493  Just like me 
 3494  Just like my Papa 
 3495  Just me 
 3496  Just me and my dad 
 3497  Just me and my little brother 
 3498  Just me and my little sister 
 3499  Just me and my mom 
 3500  Just saving my money 
 3501  Just shopping with Mom 
 3502  Just us women 
 3503  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 3504  Justin Case : school, drool, and other deadly disasters 
 3505  K is for Keystone. 
 3506  K is for Keystone. 
 3507  K-1 Picture Books. 
 3508  K-2 Assorted Pleasure rdg books. 
 3509  A kangaroo's life 
 3510  Kangaroos 
 3511  Kansas 
 3512  Karen's big weekend 
 3513  Karen's bully 
 3514  Karen's Doll Hospital. 
 3515  Karen's goldfish 
 3516  Karen's grandmothers 
 3517  Karen's Kittens. 
 3518  Karen's new friend 
 3519  Karen's new year 
 3520  Karen's newspaper 
 3521  Karen's pumpkin patch 
 3522  Karen's school 
 3523  Karen's school trip 
 3524  Karen's stepmother 
 3525  Karen's surprise 
 3526  Karen's toothache 
 3527  Karen's tuba 
 3528  Karen's twin 
 3529  Karl and Carolina uncover the parts of a book 
 3530  Karl Malone 
 3531  Kate and the beanstalk 
 3532  Kate Shelley and the midnight express 
 3533  Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express. 
 3534  Katie John 
 3535  Kay's collection. 
 3536  Kayaking and rafting 
 3537  Keep on singing and dancing with Dr. Jean 
 3538  Keep the lights burning, Abbie 
 3539  Keeping the night watch 
 3540  Ken Griffey, Jr : super center fielder 
 3541  Kentucky 
 3542  Kentucky : the bluegrass state 
 3543  Kevin and his Dad. 
 3544  Kevin Corbett eats flies 
 3545  Kevin Garnett 
 3546  Key to the treasure 
 3547  The keyboard family takes center stage! 
 3548  Kid athletes : true tales of childhood from sports legends 
 3549  The kid in the red jacket 
 3550  The kid's guide to money : earning it, saving it, spending it, growing it, sharing it 
 3551  A kid's life during the American Civil War 
 3552  A kid's life in ancient Egypt 
 3553  A kid's life in ancient Greece 
 3554  Kidnapped 
 3555  Kids growing up without a home 
 3556  The kids' guide to jumping rope 
 3557  The kids' guide to sign language 
 3558  Kids' Guide to the English Language. 
 3559  Kids' magic secrets : simple magic tricks & why they work 
 3560  The kill order 
 3561  Killers : birds. 
 3562  Killers : fish. 
 3563  Killers : prehistoric animals. 
 3564  Kindness 
 3565  King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table 
 3566  King Midas and the golden touch. 
 3567  King of the wind 
 3568  King's Chessboard. 
 3569  Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story 
 3570  Kirsten saves the day : a summer story 
 3571  Kirsten's surprise : a Christmas story 
 3572  Kirsten's Surprise : A Christmas Story. 
 3573  A kiss for Little Bear 
 3574  Kiss your brain 
 3575  The Kissing Hand. 
 3576  Kit Learns A Lesson : A School Story. 
 3577  Kite flying 
 3578  The kite making handbook 
 3579  Kitten's first full moon 
 3580  Kittens are like that 
 3581  The knight who was afraid of the dark 
 3582  Knights of the kitchen table 
 3583  Knock-knock jokes 
 3584  Knots on a counting rope 
 3585  Knots on a counting rope 
 3586  Know your government. 
 3587  Know your government. 
 3588  Know your government. 
 3589  Know your government. 
 3590  Know your government. 
 3591  Know your government. 
 3592  Knuffle Bunny too : a case of mistaken identity 
 3593  Knut : how one little polar bear captivated the world 
 3594  Koalas 
 3595  Kodak Easy Share LS443. 
 3596  Koko's kitten 
 3597  Korean War 
 3598  Kristy's big day 
 3599  Kurt Angle 
 3600  Kwanzaa 
 3601  Kwanzaa 
 3602  Kwanzaa 
 3603  L is for Last Frontier. 
 3604  L is for Last Frontier. 
 3605  L is for Lincoln. 
 3606  L is for Lincoln. 
 3607  L is for Lincoln. 
 3608  L is for Lincoln. 
 3609  L is for lobster. 
 3610  L is for lobster. 
 3611  L is for Lone Star. 
 3612  L is for Lone Star. 
 3613  La biblioteca : the library 
 3614  La Constitucion de los EE.UU. : the U.S. Constitution 
 3615  Labor Day 
 3616  Labor Day 
 3617  Labor Day 
 3618  Labrador retrievers 
 3619  Ladybugs 
 3620  Lamborghini Aventador 
 3621  Lamborghinis 
 3622  The land 
 3623  Landforms. 
 3624  Landscapes. 
 3625  Langston Hughes : great American poet 
 3626  Langston's train ride 
 3627  Language arts rhythm rhyme results. 
 3628  Language arts rhythm rhyme results. 
 3629  Las estaciones del ano : seasons of the year 
 3630  Las fases de la luna : phases of the moon 
 3631  Las Posadas : an Hispanic Christmas celebration 
 3632  The last kids on Earth and the cosmic beyond 
 3633  Last laughs : animal epitaphs 
 3634  The last leaf 
 3635  The last of the Mohicans 
 3636  The last Olympian 
 3637  The last princess : the story of princess Ka'iulani of Hawai'i 
 3638  Last stop on Market Street 
 3639  The last straw 
 3640  The last wilderness 
 3641  Latitude and longitude 
 3642  Laura Bush 
 3643  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 3644  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 3645  Lawn boy 
 3646  Lazily, crazily, just a bit nasally : more about adverbs 
 3647  Lazy lions, lucky lambs 
 3648  Leaf Man 
 3649  Learn to draw now! 
 3650  Learning about assertiveness from the life of Oprah Winfrey 
 3651  Learning about plagiarism 
 3652  Learning about primary sources 
 3653  Learning by doing : a handbook for professional learning communities at work 
 3654  Learning Centers in Kindergarten. 
 3655  The learning leader : how to focus school improvement for better results 
 3656  Leaves 
 3657  The leaves fall all around 
 3658  LeBron James 
 3659  Left or right? 
 3660  The legend of Luke 
 3661  The legend of rock paper scissors 
 3662  The legend of Scarface : a Blackfeet Indian tale 
 3663  The legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Rip Van Winkle 
 3664  The legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas 
 3665  Legend of the guardians : the owls of Ga'Hoole 
 3666  The legend of the Indian paintbrush 
 3667  The legend of Zoey : a novel 
 3668  Legends 
 3669  Leif Ericson : explorer of Vinland (circa 1000) 
 3670  Leif the Lucky, discoverer of America 
 3671  The lemming condition 
 3672  The Lemming Condition. 
 3673  The Lemonade Crime. 
 3674  The lemonade trick 
 3675  The Lemonade War. 
 3676  Leo the Lightning Bug. 
 3677  Leon's story 
 3678  Leonardo da Vinci 
 3679  Leopards 
 3680  The leprechaun in the basement 
 3681  A lesson for Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 3682  Let 'er buck! : George Fletcher, the people's champion 
 3683  Let sleeping dogs lie 
 3684  Let's bake Christmas treats! 
 3685  Let's bake Halloween treats! 
 3686  Let's bake Valentine's Day treats! 
 3687  Let's discover the mountainr. 
 3688  Let's go down the Mississippi with LaSalle. 
 3689  Let's go for a drive 
 3690  Let's go home, Little Bear 
 3691  Let's go on a picnic 
 3692  Let's go to a fair 
 3693  Let's go to a park 
 3694  Let's go to the zoo 
 3695  Let's have a play 
 3696  Let's hear it for America; symbols, songs, and celebrations 
 3697  Let's learn how to draw 
 3698  Let's meet firefighter Cheryl 
 3699  Let's talk about being in a wheelchair 
 3700  Let's trade : a book about bartering 
 3701  Let's Walk to Australia!. 
 3702  A letter to Amy 
 3703  A letter to my teacher 
 3704  Leveled Literature Library 2nd gr. 
 3705  Leveled rdr Kdg. 
 3706  The lever 
 3707  Levi Strauss and blue jeans 
 3708  Lewis & Clark 
 3709  Lewis & Papa. 
 3710  Lewis and Clark 
 3711  Lexile Framework An introduction for educators. 
 3712  Liam knows what to do when kids act snitty : coping when friends are tactless 
 3713  The librarian from the Black Lagoon 
 3714  The librarian who measured the earth 
 3715  The library 
 3716  The library gingerbread man 
 3717  Library lion 
 3718  Life and Legacy of Dr. Benjamin Hooks. 
 3719  Life cycles. 
 3720  Life in the air 
 3721  Life in the sea 
 3722  Life in the West 
 3723  The life of a hamster 
 3724  The life of a rabbit 
 3725  The life of Paul Revere 
 3726  Life on the land 
 3727  Life underground 
 3728  Light & darkness 
 3729  A light in the attic 
 3730  Light the lights! : a story about celebrating Hanukkah & Christmas 
 3731  The lighthouse mystery 
 3732  Lighting their fires : raising extraordinary kids in a mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world 
 3733  Lightning 
 3734  The lightning thief 
 3735  Lights! Action! Land ho!. 
 3736  Like Jake and me 
 3737  Like the willow tree : the diary of Lydia Amelia Pierce 
 3738  Lilly's big day 
 3739  Lily and the runaway baby 
 3740  A lime, a mime, a pool of slime : more about nouns 
 3741  Lincoln and Douglass, an American friendship : and more stories to celebrate U.S. History 
 3742  Ling & Ting : not exactly the same! 
 3743  The lion & the mouse 
 3744  The lion and the rat : a fable 
 3745  The lion family 
 3746  Lion manes 
 3747  A lion to guard us 
 3748  The lion's share 
 3749  The lion, the witch and the wardrobe 
 3750  The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe 
 3751  The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. 
 3752  The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. 
 3753  The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. 
 3754  Lionel in the fall 
 3755  lionel in the fall. 
 3756  Lions 
 3757  Lions 
 3758  Lions at lunchtime 
 3759  Lipizzaner horses 
 3760  Listen! 
 3761  Listen, my bridge is so cool! : the story of the three billy goats Gruff as told by the troll 
 3762  Listen, my bridge is so cool! : the story of the three billy goats Gruff as told by the troll 
 3763  Literacy Centers Gr. 4-5. 
 3764  Literacy Library 5th- Our country's history. 
 3765  Literacy library- communities here and there (2nd). 
 3766  Literacy library- Neighborhoods near and far (1st). 
 3767  Literacy library- People and places everywhere. 
 3768  Literacy library-New Friends and new places (Kdg). 
 3769  Literacy work stations : making centers work 
 3770  Literature : Skill-Based Reproducible Activities Grades 4-5. 
 3771  Little Bear 
 3772  Little Bear's friend 
 3773  Little Bear's visit 
 3774  Little brown bats 
 3775  The little cookie 
 3776  Little Critter Just A Storybook Collection 
 3777  Little Critter sleeps over 
 3778  Little dreamers : visionary women around the world 
 3779  The little drummer boy 
 3780  The little engine that could : the complete original edition 
 3781  Little gorilla 
 3782  Little Grunt and the big egg : a prehistoric fairy tale 
 3783  The little house 
 3784  Little house in the big woods 
 3785  Little house on Rocky Ridge 
 3786  Little house on the prairie 
 3787  Little house on the prairie 
 3788  The little island 
 3789  Little leaders : bold women in black history 
 3790  Little legends : exceptional men in black history 
 3791  The little mermaid 
 3792  Little Mermaid 
 3793  Little Miss Bossy 
 3794  A little princess 
 3795  A little princess : the story of Sara Crewe 
 3796  Little puff 
 3797  The little red fort 
 3798  Little Red Gliding Hood 
 3799  The little red hen 
 3800  The little red lighthouse and the great gray bridge 
 3801  Little Red Riding Hood 
 3802  Little Red Riding Hood 
 3803  Little Red Riding Hood 
 3804  Little Red Riding Hood. 
 3805  Little Red's riding 'hood 
 3806  The little riders 
 3807  The little riders 
 3808  Little Rock Nine 
 3809  The Little Rock Nine : young champions for school integration 
 3810  The little runaway 
 3811  Little Runner of the longhouse 
 3812  The little scarecrow boy 
 3813  A little something 
 3814  Little Sure Shot : the story of Annie Oakley 
 3815  Little town on the prairie 
 3816  The little witch and the riddle 
 3817  little witch goes to school. 
 3818  Little Witch's big night 
 3819  Little women 
 3820  The Littles 
 3821  The Littles and the lost children 
 3822  The Littles and the Trash Tinies 
 3823  The Littles have a wedding 
 3824  The Littles take a trip 
 3825  The littlest dinosaurs 
 3826  Lives of the musicians : good times, bad times (and what the neighbors thought) 
 3827  Living in a desert 
 3828  Living in a forest 
 3829  Living in a grassland 
 3830  Living in a rainforest 
 3831  Living in an ocean 
 3832  Living in rural communities 
 3833  Living in suburban communities 
 3834  Living in the Arctic 
 3835  Living with dinosaurs. 
 3836  Liza Lou and the Yeller Belly Swamp 
 3837  The lizard of Oz 
 3838  Lizards 
 3839  Lizards Photo-fact collection. 
 3840  Lizzy's do's and don'ts 
 3841  LMNO peas 
 3842  Loamhedge 
 3843  Lobsters 
 3844  Local businesses 
 3845  Local government 
 3846  Locked in the library! 
 3847  Loco-motion : physics models for the classroom 
 3848  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 3849  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 3850  The long haul 
 3851  The long patrol : a tale from Redwall 
 3852  A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories 
 3853  The long way home 
 3854  The long winter 
 3855  Longhouses 
 3856  Longitude and latitude 
 3857  Look again : secrets of animal camouflage 
 3858  Look for a bird 
 3859  Look it up : finding information 
 3860  Looking at Lincoln 
 3861  Looking at nature 
 3862  Looking at solids, liquids, and gases : how does matter change? 
 3863  Looking through a microscope 
 3864  The loon's necklace 
 3865  Loons and Black bears 
 3866  Loose tooth 
 3867  Loose tooth 
 3868  The Lorax 
 3869  Lord Brocktree : a tale of Redwall 
 3870  Lord of the fleas 
 3871  Lorraine Hansberry. 
 3872  Los Angeles Clippers 
 3873  Los Angeles Lakers 
 3874  Los astronautas : astronauts 
 3875  Los planetas 
 3876  Loser 
 3877  Lost 
 3878  Lost and found 
 3879  Lost bear, found bear 
 3880  The lost hero 
 3881  Lost in the tunnel of time 
 3882  Lost in the woods : a photographic fantasy 
 3883  The lotus seed 
 3884  The loud-noisy, dirty-grimy, bad and naughty twins : a book of synonyms 
 3885  Louie. 
 3886  Louis Armstrong : jazz musician 
 3887  Louisiana 
 3888  Louisiana 
 3889  Lovable Lyle. 
 3890  Love 
 3891  Love you forever 
 3892  Love you, soldier 
 3893  Lowriders 
 3894  Lucky bear 
 3895  Lucky broken girl 
 3896  Lucky dog days 
 3897  Lucky Duck 
 3898  The lucky stone 
 3899  Lucretia the unbearable 
 3900  Ludie's song 
 3901  The Lunch Date. 
 3902  Lunch money 
 3903  Lunch money 
 3904  Lupe Vargas and her super best friend : Lupe Varsgas y su super mejor amiga 
 3905  Lyle at the office 
 3906  Lyle finds his mother. 
 3907  Lyle, Lyle, crocodile. 
 3908  Lyndon B. Johnson 
 3909  M is for Magnolia. 
 3910  M is for Magnolia. 
 3911  M is for Majestic. 
 3912  M is for Majestic. 
 3913  M is for Majestic. 
 3914  M is for Majestic. 
 3915  M is for Maple Syrup. 
 3916  M is for Maple Syrup. 
 3917  M is for Mayflower. 
 3918  M is for Mayflower. 
 3919  M is for Mitten. 
 3920  M is for Mitten. 
 3921  M is for Mount Rushmore. 
 3922  M is for Mount Rushmore. 
 3923  M is for Mountain State. 
 3924  M is for Mountain State. 
 3925  M. C. Higgins, the great. 
 3926  M.C. Higgins, the great 
 3927  M.C. Higgins, the great 
 3928  Mac and Cheese 
 3929  Mac side up 
 3930  Macaroni and rice and bread by the slice : what is in the grains group? 
 3931  Madam C.J. Walker : inventor and millionaire 
 3932  Madam C.J. Walker : self-made millionaire 
 3933  Madam C.J. Walker and new cosmetics 
 3934  Made in America : eight great all-American creations 
 3935  Madeline : story & pictures 
 3936  Madeline and the bad hat 
 3937  Madeline and the gypsies 
 3938  Madeline in London 
 3939  Madeline's Christmas 
 3940  Madeline's rescue : story and pictures 
 3941  Mae Jemison 
 3942  Maebelle's suitcase 
 3943  Maggie Marmelstein for president 
 3944  The magic beans 
 3945  The magic beans 
 3946  The magic boot 
 3947  The magic cellar. 
 3948  The magic fish. 
 3949  The magic hare. 
 3950  Magic Johnson 
 3951  Magic Johnson : champion with a cause 
 3952  The magic nutcracker 
 3953  The magic school bus holiday special 
 3954  The magic school bus inside the Earth 
 3955  The magic school bus lost in the solar system 
 3956  The magic school bus super sports fun 
 3957  The magic trap 
 3958  Magic tricks from the tree house 
 3959  Magic Tricks you too can do. 
 3960  The magician's elephant 
 3961  Magnetic Animal Cell. 
 3962  Magnetic Animal Cell. 
 3963  Magnetic Plant cell. 
 3964  Magnetic Plant cell. 
 3965  Mahalia Mouse goes to college 
 3966  Maine 
 3967  Make like a tree and leave 
 3968  Make way for ducklings 
 3969  Make your own comics for fun and profit 
 3970  Makers and takers : studying food webs in the ocean 
 3971  Making & Writing Words; 40 sequenced word-builing lessons. 
 3972  Making & Writing Words; 40 sequenced word-builing lessons. 
 3973  The making of my special hand : Madison's story 
 3974  Making sense of ADHD: a parent's guide. 
 3975  Making the connection : learning skills through literature 
 3976  Making their mark 
 3977  Making things change. 
 3978  Making things float and sink. 
 3979  Making words : lessons for home or school. 
 3980  Making Your Word Wall More Interactive. 
 3981  Malala Yousafzai : champion for education 
 3982  Malcolm Little : the boy who grew up to become Malcolm X 
 3983  Malcolm X : by any means necessary : a biography 
 3984  Malcolm X : force for change 
 3985  The Maldonado miracle 
 3986  Malia and Sasha Obama 
 3987  Mall Mania. 
 3988  A mama for Owen 
 3989  Mama, do you love me? 
 3990  Mambas 
 3991  The man who kept house 
 3992  The man who loved clowns 
 3993  The man who walked between the towers 
 3994  Managing classroom behavior and discipline 
 3995  A manatee morning 
 3996  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 3997  Maniac Magee. 
 3998  Maniac Magee. 
 3999  Manners 
 4000  Manners! 
 4001  Mansa Musa : the lion of Mali 
 4002  Manx cats 
 4003  Many moons 
 4004  Many moons 
 4005  The many rides of Paul Revere 
 4006  Map keys 
 4007  Map scales 
 4008  Maps and globes 
 4009  March on! : the day my brother Martin changed the world 
 4010  March. 
 4011  March. 
 4012  A mare for Young Wolf 
 4013  Marian Anderson : a great singer 
 4014  Marian Anderson : a great singer 
 4015  Marian Anderson : amazing opera singer 
 4016  Mariel of Redwall 
 4017  Marisol and the yellow messenger 
 4018  Maritcha : a nineteenth-century American girl 
 4019  The mark of Athena 
 4020  The Mark on the Door 
 4021  Mark Sanchez/Tomy Romo. 
 4022  Marley and the great Easter egg hunt 
 4023  Marley and the kittens 
 4024  Marley. 
 4025  Marley. 
 4026  Marlfox 
 4027  Marmee's surprise : a Little women story 
 4028  Marriage celebrations. 
 4029  Mars 
 4030  Mars : the dusty planet 
 4031  The Mars rovers 
 4032  Martha Go Go Goes Green. 
 4033  Martha speaks 
 4034  Martin & Mahalia : his words, her song 
 4035  Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
 4036  Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 
 4037  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 4038  Martin Luther King, Jr. : great civil rights leader 
 4039  Martin Luther King, Jr. and the March on Washington 
 4040  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 4041  Martin the Warrior 
 4042  Martin's big words : the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 4043  Martin's mice. 
 4044  Martina the beautiful cockroach : a Cuban folktale 
 4045  Marvelous minilessons for teaching beginning writing, K-3 
 4046  Marvelous minilessons for teaching intermediate writing, grades 4-6 
 4047  Marvelous motion 
 4048  Marvin Redpost / : a flying birthday cake?. 
 4049  Marvin Redpost / : class president. 
 4050  Marvin Redpost / : why pick on me?. 
 4051  Marvin Redpost, kidnapped at birth? 
 4052  Mary Ann saves the day. 
 4053  Mary Cassatt 
 4054  Mary McLeod Bethune : a great teacher 
 4055  Mary McLeod Bethune : a photo-illustrated biography 
 4056  Mary McLeod Bethune : woman of courage 
 4057  Mary Poppins : and Mary Poppins comes back 
 4058  Mary Todd Lincoln 
 4059  Maryland 
 4060  Massachusetts 
 4061  Massasoit, friend of the Pilgrims 
 4062  Masters of disaster 
 4063  Matches, lighters, and firecrackers are not toys 
 4064  The matchlock gun 
 4065  Math and literature 
 4066  Math appeal 
 4067  Math dictionary for kids : the essential guide to math terms, strategies, and tables 
 4068  Math for all 
 4069  Math in the backyard 
 4070  Math in the neighborhood 
 4071  Math Minutes : One hundred minutes to better basic skills. 
 4072  Math Minutes : One hundred minutes to better basic skills. 
 4073  Math Minutes : One hundred minutes to better basic skills. 
 4074  Math Minutes : One hundred minutes to better basic skills. 
 4075  Math poetry: linking language and math in a fresh way. 
 4076  Math poetry: linking language and math in a fresh way. 
 4077  Math rhythm rhyme results. 
 4078  Math rhythm rhyme results. 
 4079  Math titles. 
 4080  Math tools 
 4081  Math Work Stations. 
 4082  Mathematicians are people, too : stories from the lives of great mathematicians 
 4083  Matilda 
 4084  Matthew and the midnight money van 
 4085  Matthew and the midnight tow truck 
 4086  Matthew and the midnight turkeys 
 4087  Matthew Henson : Arctic adventurer 
 4088  Matthew's dream 
 4089  Mattimeo 
 4090  Max and Maggie in winter 
 4091  Max's ABC. 
 4092  Maxie, Rosie, and Earl - Partners in Crime. 
 4093  May I bring a friend? 
 4094  May we sleep here tonight? 
 4095  Maya Angelou : a creative and courageous voice 