List of Titles for State Law

Report Results For: Number Of Copies is greater than or equal to "1"
6942 Result(s) Found.
 Line #  Title
 1  "Che" Guevara 
 2  "My dear husband" : important letters of Abigail Adams 
 3  "The earth is flat"--and other great mistakes 
 4  "With all my might" : Cochise and the Indian Wars 
 5  1,001 things everyone should know about American history 
 6  1,296 ACT practice questions 
 7  The 5th Wave 
 8  7 days at the hot corner 
 9  The 7 habits of highly effective teens : the ultimate teenage success guide 
 10  9/11-- press for truth 
 11  The 10 p.m. question 
 12  10 plays 
 13  10 real SATs. 
 14  10 things employers want you to learn in college : the know-how you need to succeed 
 15  10 things every writer needs to know 
 16  The 10,000 day war : Vietnam 
 17  12 angry men 
 18  The 12 biggest breakthroughs in communication technology 
 19  The 12 biggest breakthroughs in gaming technology 
 20  The 12 biggest breakthroughs in robot technology 
 21  12 practice tests for the SAT 2015 
 22  The 12 touchstones of good teaching : a checklist for staying focused every day 
 23  12 years a slave 
 24  13 ghostly yarns. 
 25  18 best stories by Edgar Allan Poe 
 26  19 varieties of gazelle : poems of the Middle East 
 27  20 fun facts about the Declaration of Independence 
 28  20 great career-building activities using Instagram and Snapchat 
 29  20 great career-building activities using Twitter 
 30  20 great career-building activities using YouTube 
 31  20,000 leagues under the sea 
 32  20,000 leagues under the sea 
 33  21st century atlas of the United States, Canada, and the world 
 34  The 21st century coach : 21st century skills in 21-minute lessons. 
 35  21st century synonym and antonym finder 
 36  The 25 rules of grammar : the essential guide to good English 
 37  47 Ronin 
 38  The 49'ers; : the story of the California gold rush, 
 39  50 Cent 
 40  The 57 bus 
 41  The 57 bus 
 42  100 artists who changed the world 
 43  100 entertainers who changed America : an encyclopedia of pop culture luminaries. 
 44  100 great events that changed the world; : from Babylonia to the space age. 
 45  100 greatest African Americans : a biographical encyclopedia 
 46  100 Hispanics you should know 
 47  100 library lifesavers : a survival guide for school library media specialists 
 48  100 more library lifesavers : a survival guide for school library media specialists 
 49  100 words to make you sound great 
 50  101 "answers" for new teachers & their mentors : effective teaching tips for daily classroom use 
 51  101 French idioms : understanding French language and culture through popular phrases 
 52  101 masks; : false faces and make-up for all ages, all occasions. 
 53  101 questions & answers about backyard wildlife 
 54  101 ways to bug your parents 
 55  300 BC 
 56  800 
 57  814 
 58  1000 ideas for term papers in American history 
 59  1001 things everyone should know about African-American history 
 60  1200 
 61  1500 / : Virginia Schomp. 
 62  1800 
 63  1812, : the war and the world. 
 64  1918: decision in the West. 
 65  1929 : the year of the great crash 
 66  The 1930s 
 67  1941: a world at war 
 68  1942: into the battle 
 69  1943: turning the tide 
 70  1944: road to victory 
 71  1945: victory at last 
 72  The 1960s 
 73  The 1970s 
 74  1980s 
 75  1984 : a novel 
 76  The 2000 presidential election 
 77  2008 ESPN sports almanac 
 78  The 2012 World Book year book : a review of the events of 2011 : the annual supplement to the World Book encyclopedia. 
 79  2731The pit and the pendulum, and five other tales. 
 80  A-Z of snake keeping 
 81  A. Philip Randolph 
 82  A. Philip Randolph : union leader and civil rights crusader 
 83  Abarat 
 84  Abigail Adams, 
 85  Aboriginal art of Australia : exploring cultural traditions 
 86  The aboriginal peoples of Australia 
 87  Abortion 
 88  Abortion : a positive decision 
 89  About critiquing : Nikki Giovanni & Virginia Hamilton share their opinions 
 90  About the Sleeping beauty 
 91  Abraham Lincoln and the Union; : a chronicle of the embattled North. 
 92  Abraham Rodriguez 
 93  Absalom, Absalom! 
 94  The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian 
 95  An abundance of Katherines 
 96  Academic moves for college and career readiness, grades 6-12 : 15 must-have skills every student needs to achieve 
 97  Accept no substitutes! : the history of American advertising 
 98  Ace of spades 
 99  Achieving educational standards using the Big6 
 100  Acids and bases 
 101  The acorn people 
 102  Acquainted with the night 
 103  Across five Aprils.  
 104  ACT elite 36 
 105  ACT English, reading, and writing workbook 
 106  ACT test preparation module : math test taking strategies 
 107  The actor's scenebook : scenes and monologues from contemporary plays 
 108  Ada Byron Lovelace : the lady and the computer 
 109  Adam Bede 
 110  Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. 
 111  Adam of the road. 
 112  Adaptations 
 113  Add a dash of pity. 
 114  Addiction : the brain disease 
 115  Addictions 
 116  The addictions handbook 
 117  Addictive personality 
 118  Adele : soul music's magical voice 
 119  ADHD 
 120  Adiós, Papá! 
 121  Adlai Stevenson's public years, : with text from his speeches and writings, 
 122  Admission to the feast 
 123  Adolf Hitler : a study in hate 
 124  Adventure classics 
 125  Adventure in space : the flight to fix the Hubble 
 126  Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha. 
 127  The adventures of Eros and Psyche 
 128  The adventures of Hercules 
 129  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
 130  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
 131  The adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
 132  The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and race in America 
 133  The adventures of Lewis and Clark. 
 134  The adventures of Robinson Crusoe 
 135  The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 
 136  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 
 137  The adventures of Tom Sawyer with related readings 
 138  The Aeneid 
 139  Aesop's fables 
 140  Affirmative action : opportunity for all? 
 141  Afghanistan in pictures 
 142  Afloat and ashore 
 143  Africa : facts & figures 
 144  Africa dream 
 145  African American art : the long struggle 
 146  African American artists : affirmation today 
 147  African American biographies, 2 : profiles of 332 current men and women 
 148  African American desk reference 
 149  The African American encyclopedia 
 150  African American icons of sport : triumph, courage, and excellence 
 151  African American inventors & scientists 
 152  The African American kitchen : food for body and soul 
 153  African American literature : sharing powerful stories 
 154  African American literature. 
 155  African American lives 
 156  The African American national biography 
 157  African American quilting : the warmth of tradition 
 158  African American religious leaders 
 159  African American student's guide to college success 
 160  The African American student's guide to STEM careers 
 161  African Americans during Reconstruction 
 162  African Americans during the Civil War 
 163  African Americans in film and television 
 164  African Americans in political office : from the Civil War to the White House 
 165  African Americans in science, math, and invention 
 166  African Americans in science, math, and invention 
 167  African Americans in the military 
 168  African Americans in the performing arts 
 169  African Americans in the performing arts 
 170  African Americans in the visual arts 
 171  African Americans in the visual arts 
 172  African folk tales. 
 173  African folklore 
 174  African mythology A to Z 
 175  African portraits 
 176  African religion 
 177  The African Union 
 178  African-American athletes 
 179  The African-American atlas : Black history and culture--an illustrated reference 
 180  African-American business leaders and entrepreneurs 
 181  African-American classics 
 182  The African-American heritage cookbook : traditional recipes and fond remembrances from Alabama's renowned Tuskegee Institute 
 183  African-American holidays, festivals, and celebrations : the history, customs, and symbols associated with both traditional and contemporary religious and secular events observed by Americans of African descent 
 184  African-American poets 
 185  African-American political leaders 
 186  African-American political leaders 
 187  African-American religious leaders : a-z of African Americans 
 188  The African-American slave trade 
 189  African-American social leaders and activists 
 190  African-American soldiers in the Revolutionary War 
 191  African-American writers 
 192  Africana : the encyclopedia of the African and African American experience 
 193  The Afro-American periodical press, 1838-1909 
 194  After 
 195  After the dancing days 
 196  After the death of Anna Gonzales 
 197  After the first death 
 198  After the rain 
 199  After the shot drops 
 200  After the snow 
 201  Afterlife 
 202  Against all opposition : black explorers in America 
 203  Against the odds : African-American artists and the Harmon Foundation 
 204  The Age of faith : a history of medieval civilization--Christian, Islamic, and Judaic--from Constantine to Dante : A.D. 325-1300  
 205  The age of innocence 
 206  The age of Jackson, 
 207  The age of reform; : from Bryan to F. D. R. 
 208  The age of revolution, 
 209  Agnes the sheep 
 210  Agnew: profile in conflict 
 211  The agony and the ecstasy, : a novel of Michelangelo. 
 212  The agrarian crusade : a chronicle of the farmer in politics 
 213  Agua quemada 
 214  AIDS 
 215  AIDS : how it works in the body 
 216  Ain't burned all the bright 
 217  The Ainu of Japan 
 218  Air disasters 
 219  Air forces of World War II 
 220  Aircraft carriers : supplies for a city at sea : multiplying multidigit numbers with regrouping 
 221  Aircraft of World War I 
 222  Airhead 
 223  Airman 
 224  Al Gore 
 225  Al Gore 
 226  Al Gore : leader for the new millennium 
 227  Al Gore : United States vice president 
 228  Al Qaeda : Osama bin Laden's army of terrorists 
 229  Al Sharpton. 
 230  Alabama 
 231  The Alamo 
 232  Albania-- in pictures 
 233  Albrecht Drer 
 234  An album of Martin Luther King, Jr., 
 235  An album of the seventies 
 236  An album of the sixties 
 237  An album of the Vietnam War 
 238  The Alchemist : A Graphic Novel 
 239  The alchemyst 
 240  Alcohol and your liver : the incredibly disgusting story 
 241  Alex Cross 
 242  The Alex crow 
 243  Alex Haley : author 
 244  Alex Rodriguez 
 245  Alex Rodriguez : hot corner, hot shot 
 246  Alex the great, Alex 
 247  Alexander the Great : master of the ancient world 
 248  Alexander the Great and ancient Greece 
 249  Alexander the Great, 
 250  Alfred Nobel and the story of the Nobel Prize 
 251  Alfred Tennyson, 
 252  Algebra 
 253  Algebra 
 254  Algebra 1. 
 255  Algebra equations 
 256  Algeria 
 257  Algeria 
 258  Alice in Wonderland : and Through the looking glass, 
 259  Alice Walker : author and social activist 
 260  Alice Walker : author of The color purple 
 261  Alice Walker : freedom writer 
 262  Alicia : a Clique novel 
 263  Alicia Keys 
 264  Aligning your curriculum to the common core state standards 
 265  All about language. 
 266  All about Niagara Falls : fascinating facts, dramatic discoveries 
 267  All about Sam 
 268  All about your money 
 269  All alone in the universe 
 270  All American boys 
 271  All American boys 
 272  All for one 
 273  All Hallows' Eve : 13 stories 
 274  All it takes is one bad day 
 275  All Might 
 276  All my rage 
 277  All quiet on the Western front. 
 278  All that remains 
 279  All the days past, all the days to come 
 280  All the furious battles; : the saga of Israel's Army. 
 281  All the king's men 
 282  All the summer voices. 
 283  All the way to morning 
 284  All the wrong moves : a fab life novel 
 285  All thirteen : the incredible cave resuce of the Thai boys' soccer team 
 286  All we have left 
 287  All you have to do 
 288  All-American girl 
 289  The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League 
 290  Allegedly : a novel 
 291  Allegiant 
 292  Alliance 
 293  Allied forces 
 294  Almost a hero 
 295  Along the tracks 
 296  Alphabet art : thirteen ABCs from around the world 
 297  Alt-America : the rise of the radical right in the age of Trump 
 298  Alternative energy beyond fossil fuels 
 299  Aluminum 
 300  Alvin C. York, young marksman, 
 301  Always home : 50 years of the USO--the official photographic history 
 302  Always to remember : the story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial 
 303  Always upbeat 
 304  Am I fat? : the obesity issue for teens 
 305  Amahl and the night visitors 
 306  Amanda and the giggling ghost 
 307  Amanda Gorman : inspiring hope with poetry 
 308  Amandine 
 309  Amanecer 
 310  The amazing and death defying diary of Eugene Dingman 
 311  Amazing animals : multiplying multidigit numbers by one-digit numbers with regrouping 
 312  Amazing grace : the story of the hymn 
 313  The amazing potato : a story in which the Incas, Conquistadors, Marie Antoinette, Thomas Jefferson, wars, famines, immigrants, and french fries all play a part 
 314  The Amazon and the Sahara : using double line graphs and double bar graphs 
 315  The amber spyglass 
 316  The amber spyglass 
 317  Ambitious 
 318  Amebic dysentery 
 319  Amelia Earhart : queen of the air 
 320  America : a novel 
 321  America aflame : how the Civil War created a nation 
 322  America after Vietnam : legacies of a hated war 
 323  America and Vietnam : the elephant and the tiger 
 324  America at middle age : a new history of the United States in the twentieth century 
 325  America dances 
 326  America during four wars, 
 327  America goes to war, 1941 
 328  America grows up, : a history for Peter. 
 329  America is born : a history for Peter 
 330  America moves forward; : a history for Peter. 
 331  America takes over 
 332  America the beautiful. Washington 
 333  America's 25 top killers 
 334  America's Ethan Allen; 
 335  America's frontier heritage. 
 336  America's Latinos : their rich history, culture, and traditions 
 337  America's leaders 
 338  America's leaders 
 339  America's military 
 340  America's neighborhood bats 
 341  America's political scandals in the late 1800s : Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall 
 342  America, the story of us. 
 343  American art appreciation activities kit : ready-to-use lessons, slides, and projects for grades 7-12 
 344  American astronomers : searchers and wonderers 
 345  The American billboard : 100 years 
 346  The American book of days 
 347  The American century 
 348  The American Civil War, : an English view. 
 349  American computer pioneers 
 350  American countercultures : an encyclopedia of nonconformists, alternative lifestyles, and radical ideas in U.S. history 
 351  American creation : triumphs and tragedies at the founding of the republic 
 352  American dawn; : a new model of American prehistory, 
 353  american dietetic association complete food and nutrition guide 
 354  American dinosaur hunters 
 355  American experience. 
 356  The American eye : eleven artists of the twentieth century 
 357  American eyes : new Asian-American short stories for young adults 
 358  The American flag 
 359  The American flag 
 360  American government. 
 361  American government. 
 362  The American heritage book of great adventures of the Old West, 
 363  The American heritage book of great historic places, 
 364  The American Heritage book of the Revolution 
 365  The American Heritage college thesaurus. 
 366  The American heritage guide to archaeology 
 367  The American heritage history of antiques from the Civil War to World War I 
 368  The American heritage history of World War I, 
 369  The American heritage new history of the Civil War 
 370  The American heritage student science dictionary. 
 371  American history: a student guide, reference and review book. 
 372  The American Indian in America. 
 373  American Indian mythology 
 374  The American Indian story. 
 375  The American Indian. 
 376  American inventors of the 20th century 
 377  The American language, : an inquiry into the development of English in the United States. 
 378  American legends of rock 
 379  The American magazine 
 380  American manners & morals; : a picture history of how we behaved and misbehaved. 
 381  American military history. 
 382  The American Nation; : a history of the United States from 1865 to the present 
 383  American Negro poetry. 
 384  The American Negro reference book. 
 385  American nicknames; their origin and significance. 
 386  American novelists, 1910-1945 
 387  The American past; : a history of the United States from Concord to the Great Society, 
 388  American patriots : the story of Blacks in the military from the Revolution to Desert Storm 
 389  The American people : creating a nation and a society 
 390  An American plague : the true and terrifying story of the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 
 391  The American political tradition and the men who made it. 
 392  The American presidency 
 393  The American promise : voices of a changing nation, 1945-present 
 394  The American reader, from Columbus to today; : being a compilation or collection of the personal narratives, relations and journals concerning the society, economy, politics, life and times of our great and many-tongued nation, 
 395  The American Red Cross 
 396  The American Revolution : 1763-1783 
 397  The American Revolution reconsidered 
 398  American Revolution, 1760-1783 
 399  The American Revolution. 
 400  American revolutionaries and Founders of the nation 
 401  American science fiction and fantasy writers 
 402  American social reform movements. 
 403  American social reform movements. 
 404  The American spirit : meeting the challenge of September 11. 
 405  The American spirit : United States history as seen by contemporaries 
 406  American Street 
 407  American Studies Album 
 408  American tycoons 
 409  American values : opposing viewpoints 
 410  American watercolors from the Metropolitan Museum of Art 
 411  American words. 
 412  American writers 
 413  American writers of the 20th century 
 414  Americanized : rebel without a green card 
 415  Americans before Columbus. 
 416  The Americans. 
 417  Americas's team : the Dallas Cowboys 
 418  The Amish drawings of Florence Starr Taylor 
 419  An Amish year 
 420  Amistad 
 421  The Amistad revolt 1839; : the slave uprising aboard the Spanish schooner. 
 422  Amistad:a long road to freedom. 
 423  Amnesty : the American puzzle 
 424  Amnesty International 
 425  Amos Fortune : free man 
 426  Amos Fortune, free man. 
 427  Amos y Boris 
 428  Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club 
 429  Analee, in real life 
 430  Anastasia again! 
 431  Anastasia at this address 
 432  Anastasia Krupnik 
 433  Anastasia's album 
 434  Anastasia's chosen career 
 435  The anatomy of curiosity 
 436  The ancient African Kingdom of Kush 
 437  Ancient China. 
 438  Ancient Egypt, discovering its splendors 
 439  Ancient Egyptian myths & legends / : Volume 2 
 440  The ancient Egyptians 
 441  Ancient Greece 
 442  The ancient Greeks 
 443  The ancient Hebrews 
 444  Ancient history 
 445  The ancient Maya 
 446  The ancient Maya, 
 447  Ancient monuments 
 448  The ancient Romans 
 449  Ancient Russia. 
 450  And I alone survived 
 451  And the crowd goes wild : relive the most celebrated sporting events ever broadcast 
 452  And the war came; : the North and the secession crisis, 1860-1861. 
 453  And then everything unraveled 
 454  And we stay 
 455  Andersonville. 
 456  Andrew Jackson's America, 1824-1850 
 457  Andrew Wyeth 
 458  Andrew Young, man with a mission 
 459  Andromeda Klein 
 460  Andy Jackson and the battles for New Orleans 
 461  An angel for Solomon Singer 
 462  Angel in the rubble : the miraculous rescue of 9/11's last survivor 
 463  The angel of Beale Street : a biography of Julia Ann Hooks 
 464  Angela's ashes : a memoir 
 465  The angels trilogy 
 466  Angels turn their backs 
 467  Anger is a gift 
 468  Anglo-Saxon England 
 469  Animal fact-file : head-to-tail profiles of more than 100 mammals 
 470  Animal farm : a fairy story 
 471  Animal farm : a fairy story 
 472  Animal farm : Moby Dick. 
 473  Animal farm; 
 474  Animal skeletons 
 475  Animals 
 476  Animals in danger, North America 
 477  Animals of the World 
 478  Ann Richards : politician, feminist, survivor 
 479  Anna Dressed in Blood 
 480  Anna Karenina 
 481  Anna Karenina 
 482  Anna of Byzantium 
 483  Annabel Lee : the poem 
 484  The Annals of America : Volume 22 
 485  Anne Frank 
 486  Anne Frank : life in hiding 
 487  Anne of Green Gables 
 488  Anne Sexton : a biography 
 489  Annotated book lists for every teen reader : the best from the experts at YALSA-BK 
 490  The Annotated Night before Christmas : a collection of sequels, parodies, and imitations of Clement Moore's immortal ballad about Santa Claus 
 491  Anoche hablé con la luna 
 492  Another Brooklyn : a novel 
 493  Another kind of courage. 
 494  An anthology of Famous English and American poetry, 
 495  An anthology of world poetry, 
 496  The anti-slavery crusade; : a chronicle of the gathering storm, 
 497  Antigone 
 498  Antigone 
 499  Antigones 
 500  Antonyms; hot and cold and other words that are different as night and day. 
 501  Ants 
 502  Anxiety disorders 
 503  AP calculus AB/BC 2012-2013 
 504  AP English language, 2012-2013 
 505  Apollo 13 
 506  The apothecary diaries. 
 507  The apothecary diaries. 
 508  The apothecary diaries. 
 509  The apothecary diaries. 
 510  The apothecary diaries. 
 511  The apothecary diaries. 
 512  The apothecary diaries. 
 513  The apothecary diaries. 
 514  The apothecary diaries. 
 515  The apothecary diaries. 
 516  The apothecary diaries. 
 517  Apple : skin to the core : a memoir in words and pictures 
 518  Apple tree Christmas 
 519  April morning, : a novel. 
 520  Aptera 
 521  The Arab-Israeli conflict 
 522  The Arabian nights 
 523  Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization 
 524  Archaeologists : life digging up artifacts 
 525  Archie, Peyton, and Eli Manning : football's royal family 
 526  Archimedes' revenge : the joys and perils of mathematics 
 527  Archimedes, greatest scientist of the ancient world 
 528  Arctic explorer : the story of Matthew Henson 
 529  Are cell phones dangerous? 
 530  Are you in the house alone? 
 531  Argentina 
 532  Argentina in pictures 
 533  Arilla Sun Down 
 534  Arilla Sun Down 
 535  Arithmetic 
 536  The arm of the starfish. 
 537  Armadillos 
 538  Armageddon summer 
 539  Armed America : the status of gun control 
 540  Armed forces 
 541  Armenia in pictures 
 542  Arms and equipment of the Confederacy 
 543  Arms and equipment of the union 
 544  Arnold Schwarzenegger 
 545  Arnold Schwarzenegger 
 546  Around the World in 80 Days 
 547  Around the world in eighty days 
 548  Arriving at a place you've never left 
 549  Arrows to atoms : the story of east Tennessee. 
 550  Arrowsmith 
 551  Art 
 552  The art & life of Georgia O'Keeffe 
 553  Art : an A-Z guide 
 554  The art and craft of papier mch 
 555  Art deco 
 556  Art from the ashes : a Holocaust anthology 
 557  The art of Africa. 
 558  The art of drawing fantasy characters 
 559  Art of Japan : wood-block color prints 
 560  The Art of Teaching 
 561  Art of the Far North : Inuit sculpture, drawing, and printmaking 
 562  Art of the Far North : Inuit sculpture, drawing, and printmaking 
 563  The art of writing great lyrics 
 564  Art since mid-century : 1945 to the present 
 565  Art up close : from ancient to modern 
 566  Artemis Fowl 
 567  Artemis Fowl : the Arctic incident 
 568  Artemis Fowl the Lost Colony 
 569  Artemis Fowl the Opal Deception 
 570  Artemis Fowl the Time Paradox 
 571  Arthur Ashe and his match with history 
 572  Arthur Miller's The crucible 
 573  Arthur the King 
 574  Artists by themselves, Monet 
 575  Artists by themselves, Renoir 
 576  Arts and literature of Cuba 
 577  Artworks : an anthology of workshop poetry 
 578  As I lay dying : the corrected text 
 579  As I lay dying. 
 580  Ascend 
 581  Ascension; the story of a South Atlantic island. 
 582  Ash : a novel 
 583  Ashes of roses 
 584  The assassination of Abraham Lincoln 
 585  The assassination of James A. Garfield 
 586  The assassination of John F. Kennedy 
 587  The assassination of John F. Kennedy 
 588  The assassination of Malcolm X 
 589  The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 590  The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 591  The assassination of Medgar Evers 
 592  The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy 
 593  The assassination of William McKinley 
 594  Assassination! : Kennedy, King, Kennedy 
 595  The astonishing color of after 
 596  Astounding tales of the sea. 
 597  ASVAB : prep plus 2018-2019. 
 598  ASVAB prep 
 599  The asylum 
 600  Asylum 
 601  At Christmastime 
 602  At first sight 
 603  At freedom's edge : black mobility and the southern white quest for racial control, 1861-1915 
 604  At sea on a Viking ship : solving problems of length and weight using the four math operations 
 605  At the controls : women in aviation 
 606  At the crack of the bat : baseball poems 
 607  At the drop of a veil. 
 608  Athletic shorts : six short stories 
 609  The Atlantic coast 
 610  Atlantis 
 611  Atlas of American history 
 612  Atlas of Hispanic-American history 
 613  Atlas of the Middle East. 
 614  Atlas of the Roman world 
 615  Atlas of the world 
 616  Atlas of the world in the Middle Ages 
 617  Atlas of the world. 
 618  Atmosphere : sea of air 
 619  The atomic bomb. 
 620  Atomic structure 
 621  Attaboy, Sam! 
 622  Attack in Iraq 
 623  Attack of the Fiend 
 624  Attack on Quebec; : the American invasion of Canada, 1775. 
 625  Attacked 
 626  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 
 627  Audition 
 628  The Audubon Society encyclopedia of animal life 
 629  August Wilson 
 630  Augustus and Imperial Rome 
 631  Aunt Dimity's death 
 632  Auroras : fire in the sky 
 633  Auschwitz : inside the Nazi state 
 634  Australia in pictures 
 635  The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman 
 636  The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman 
 637  Autumn street 
 638  The Avenue of the Presidents. 
 639  Aviation History of Tennessee, The 
 640  Avoiding plagiarism 
 641  The awakening 
 642  The awakening 
 643  Awakening 
 644  The award movies : a complete guide from A to Z 
 645  Axe-age, wolf-age : a selection from the Norse myths 
 646  Axe-time, sword-time 
 647  The Aymara of South America 
 648  The Aztec empire 
 649  Aztec Indians of Mexico. 
 650  Aztecs : reign of blood & splendor 
 651  Aztecs and Incas : AD 1300-1532 
 652  B is for Bethlehem : a Christmas alphabet 
 653  B, my name is Bunny 
 654  Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave 
 655  Babe 
 656  Babe : the gallant pig 
 657  Babe : the gallant pig 
 658  A baby doesn't make the man : alternative sources of power and manhood for young men 
 659  A baby doesn't make the man : alternative sources of power and manhood for young men 
 660  Baby teeth 
 661  Babyface 
 662  Babyface : a story of heart and bones 
 663  Babysitting 
 664  Back-up quarterback 
 665  Backyard hunter : the praying mantis : text and photographs 
 666  Bad boy : a memoir 
 667  Baily's bones 
 668  Bake your own bread / : and be healthier 
 669  Baker's Biographical dictionary of musicians. 
 670  A balancing act : a look at checks and balances 
 671  The bald eagle 
 672  The ballad of Sir Dinadan 
 673  The ballad of songbirds and snakes 
 674  The ballad of songbirds and snakes 
 675  Balls! round 2 
 676  The Baltimore Ravens 
 677  The Bane chronicles 
 678  Bangladesh in pictures 
 679  Banned in the media : a reference guide to censorship in the press, motion pictures, broadcasting, and the Internet 
 680  The Bannekers of Bannaky Springs. 
 681  Bar mitzvah : a Jewish boy's coming of age 
 682  Barack Obama 
 683  Barack Obama : "we are one people" 
 684  Barack Obama : "we are one people" 
 685  Barack Obama : people's president : the campaign that changed history 
 686  Barack Obama : the politics of hope 
 687  Barack Obama : the power of hope. 
 688  Barbara Jordan : politician 
 689  Barbara Jordan, a self-portrait 
 690  Barbara Walters : TV superstar 
 691  Barbary pirates. 
 692  Barbiturates and your central nervous system : the incredibly disgusting story 
 693  Barefoot dancer : the story of Isadora Duncan 
 694  Barefoot dreams of Petra Luna 
 695  Barron's ACT English, reading, and writing workbook 
 696  Barron's AP English literature and composition 
 697  Barron's pass key to the GED test 
 698  Bartlett's familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature 
 699  Baseball stars 
 700  Basic English revisited : a student handbook 
 701  Basic watercolor techniques 
 702  The basics 
 703  The basket counts 
 704  Basketball all-stars : the NBA's best 
 705  Basketball in the Big 12 Conference 
 706  Basketball in the Big East Conference 
 707  Basketball in the Big Ten Conference 
 708  Basketball in the Pac-10 conference 
 709  Basketball in the SEC (Southeastern Conference) 
 710  Basketball now! : the stars and stories of the NBA 
 711  Basketball stars 
 712  The Bat-Chen diaries 
 713  Bats 
 714  Battle for Quebec. 
 715  Battle in Baghdad 
 716  The Battle of Fallen Timbers, August 20, 1794; : President Washington secures the Ohio Valley, 
 717  The battle of Jericho 
 718  The Battle of Manila Bay; : the Spanish-American War in the Philippines. 
 719  The battle of the Alamo 
 720  The battle of Yorktown, 
 721  The battlement garden : Britain from the Wars of the Roses to the Age of Shakespeare 
 722  Battles of World War I 
 723  Battles of World War II 
 724  The bean trees : a novel 
 725  The Beards' New basic history of the United States 
 726  The Beardstown Ladies' guide to smart spending for big savings : how to save for a rainy day without sacrificing your lifestyle 
 727  Bearing witness : selections from African-American autobiography in the twentieth century 
 728  Bearing witness : stories of the Holocaust 
 729  Bears 
 730  Bearstone with related readings 
 731  Beast 
 732  The Beast 
 733  Beastly bones 
 734  The beasts of Bethlehem 
 735  Beasts of prey 
 736  Beasts of ruin 
 737  Beat voices : an anthology of beat poetry 
 738  Beating heart : a ghost story 
 739  Beau Geste. 
 740  The beautiful blue jay, and other tales of India, 
 741  Beautiful creatures 
 742  Beautiful landscapes 
 743  Beautiful redemption 
 744  Beauty and the beast 
 745  Beauty and the serpent : thirteen tales of unnatural animals 
 746  Beauty of the beast : poems 
 747  Beauty queen 
 748  The beauty that remains 
 749  The beauty trap 
 750  Beaver skins and mountain men; : the importance of the beaver in the discovery, exploration, and settlement of the North American continent. 
 751  Because you love to hate me : 13 tales of villainy 
 752  Becket 
 753  Becoming 
 754  Becoming : adapted for young readers 
 755  Becoming Americans : Asian sojourners, immigrants, and refugees in the western United States 
 756  The Bedouin of the Middle East 
 757  The bee and the dream : a Japanese tale 
 758  Bees 
 759  Beethoven, : master musician, 
 760  Before I fall 
 761  Before the ever after 
 762  Beginning of the death of tomorrow 
 763  Beginnings of the American people 
 764  Beginnings of West Tennessee, : in the land of the Chickasaws, 1541-1841, 
 765  A begonia for Miss Applebaum 
 766  Behind every step : have you got what it takes to be a choreographer? 
 767  Behind the blue and gray : the soldier's life in the Civil War 
 768  Behind the terror 
 769  Behind you 
 770  Being Jazz : my life as a (transgender) teen 
 771  Belgium 
 772  The bell that rang for freedom; : the Liberty Bell and its place in American history, 
 773  The Bell witch 
 774  The Belles 
 775  The bells of Christmas 
 776  The bells of London : with a story in pictures 
 777  Beloved 
 778  Ben and me : a new and astonishing life of Ben Franklin as written by his good mouse, Amos 
 779  Ben Hur 
 780  Ben-Gurion and the birth of Israel. 
 781  A bend in the road 
 782  Benedict Arnold, : traitor to his country. 
 783  Benjamin Banneker 
 784  Benjamin Banneker : astronomer and mathematician 
 785  Benjamin Franklin : citizen of the world 
 786  Benjamin Franklin : early American genius = poltico e inventor estadounidense 
 787  Bent's reader's encyclopedia. 
 788  Beowulf 
 789  Beowulf 
 790  Beowulf 
 791  Beowulf. 
 792  Beowulf: a verse translation, 
 793  The Berlin airlift 
 794  The Berlin Boxing Club 
 795  The Berlin Wall 
 796  The Berlin Wall : how it rose and why it fell 
 797  Berlin: city split in two. 
 798  The Bermuda Triangle 
 799  Bernard Shaw's plays: Major Barbara, Heartbreak House, Saint Joan, Too true to be good; 
 800  Bessie Coleman : first black woman pilot 
 801  Best books for young adults : the selections, the history, the romance 
 802  The best Christmas pageant ever. 
 803  Best ever paper airplanes 
 804  The best from fantasy and science fiction. 
 805  The best of Oscar Wilde : selected plays and literary criticism 
 806  Best plays by Chekhov 
 807  The best short plays, 1984 
 808  The best test preparation for the GED high school equivalency diploma 
 809  The best years of their lives : a resource guide for teenagers in crisis 
 810  The betrayal of Africa 
 811  Betrayals : a strange angels novel 
 812  Betrayed 
 813  Better learning through structured teaching : a framework for the gradual release of responsibility 
 814  Between shades of gray 
 815  Between shades of gray 
 816  Between the world and me 
 817  Between two fires : Black soldiers in the Civil War 
 818  Beyoncé 
 819  Beyoncé 
 820  Beyoncé Knowles : a biography 
 821  Beyond : a ghost story 
 822  Beyond diplomacy; : a background book on American military intervention, 
 823  Beyond the chocolate war : a novel 
 824  Beyond the chocolate war : a novel 
 825  Beyond the mango tree 
 826  Beyond the Medal : a journey from their hearts to yours 
 827  Beyond the river : the untold story of the heroes of the Underground Railroad 
 828  The Bicentennial almanac : 200 years of America 1776-1976 
 829  The big beast book : dinosaurs and how they got that way 
 830  The big book of favorite dog stories 
 831  The big bug book 
 832  The big change: America transforms itself, 1900-1950. 
 833  Big game hunter, Carl Akeley. 
 834  The big lie : a true story 
 835  Big pumpkin 
 836  Big Red. 
 837  Big star fallin' mama : five women in Black music 
 838  The big ten of grammar : identifying and fixing the ten most frequent grammatical errors 
 839  Bigfoot 
 840  Biggie 
 841  Bigotry 
 842  Bilingual Richmond dictionary : English-Spanish, Espańol-Inglés 
 843  Bill Clinton 
 844  Bill Clinton 
 845  Bill Clinton : United States president 
 846  Bill Cosby : actor and comedian 
 847  Bill Cosby: the changing black image/ 
 848  Bill Gates, billionaire computer genius 
 849  Bill Nye's Solving for X 
 850  The Bill of Rights 
 851  The Bill of Rights 
 852  Billie Holiday 
 853  Billy Graham : the personal story of the man, his message, and his mission. 
 854  Billy Yank and Johnny Reb: how they fought and made up. Illustrated by Leonard Vosburgh. 
 855  Bingo Brown's guide to romance 
 856  Biographical dictionary of African Americans 
 857  A Biographical dictionary of artists 
 858  Biographical dictionary of Hispanic Americans 
 859  The biographical dictionary of Hispanic Americans 
 860  Biographical dictionary of mathematicians : reference biographies from the Dictionary of scientific biography. 
 861  The biographical dictionary of women in science : pioneering lives from ancient times to the mid-20th century 
 862  A biographical history of Blacks in America since 1528, 
 863  The biography of a river town; Memphis: its heroic age 
 864  Biography of a rivertown 
 865  A biography of General Charles de Gaulle : "I am France" 
 866  Biohazard technicians : life on a trauma scene cleanup crew 
 867  Biology 
 868  Bionic bodies 
 869  The bionic human 
 870  Bipolar disorder 
 871  Bipolar disorders 
 872  Birding 
 873  Birdland 
 874  Birds, beasts, and fishes : a selection of animal poems 
 875  Birds, beasts, and the third thing : poems 
 876  Birds. 
 877  Birds: a guide to the most familiar American birds, 
 878  Birmingham Sunday 
 879  The birth of a nation : the early years of the United States 
 880  Birth of liberty; : the story of the James River. 
 881  The birth of the Constitution, an informal history. 
 882  The bitter woods; : the dramatic story, told at all echelons, from supreme command to squad leader, of the crisis that shook the Western coalition: Hitler's surprise Ardennes offensives, 
 883  Bizarre phenomena and unexplained mysteries 
 884  Black American poets and dramatists of the Harlem renaissance 
 885  Black Beauty 
 886  Black birds in the sky : the story and legacy of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre 
 887  Black boy 
 888  Black boy : (American hunger) : a record of childhood and youth 
 889  Black boy joy : 17 stories celebrating Black boyhood 
 890  Black boy white school 
 891  Black Camelot : African-American culture heroes in their times, 1960-1980 
 892  The black death 
 893  The black death 
 894  Black eagles : African Americans in aviation 
 895  The Black Eyed Peas 
 896  Black firsts : 2,000 years of extraordinary achievement 
 897  Black firsts : 4,000 ground-breaking and pioneering historical events 
 898  Black girl unlimited : the remarkable story of a teenage wizard 
 899  The black God's drums 
 900  Black greek organizations : the foundation : a true documentary 
 901  Black heroes of the American Revolution 
 902  Black history; : a reappraisal, 
 903  Black Indians : a hidden heritage 
 904  The black kids 
 905  Black like me 
 906  Black like me 
 907  Black lives matter 
 908  The Black lives matter movement 
 909  Black market adoption and the sale of children 
 910  Black mirror : a novel 
 911  The black moon rising 
 912  Black music in America : a history through its people 
 913  Black out loud; : an anthology of modern poems by Black Americans. 
 914  Black patriot and martyr; : Toussaint of Haiti. 
 915  Black politicians and Reconstruction in Georgia : a splendid failure 
 916  The black prince and other Egyptian folk tales. 
 917  Black profiles in courage : a legacy of African-American achievement 
 918  Black scenes. 
 919  Black ships and rising sun, the opening of Japan to the West, 
 920  Black theater, U.S.A.; forty-five plays by Black Americans, 1847-1974. 
 921  Black unicorn 
 922  The Black West. 
 923  Blackbird 
 924  Blacks in political office 
 925  Blacks in science and medicine 
 926  Blacks in Topeka, Kansas, 1865-1915 : a social history 
 927  The blade and me 
 928  A blade so black 
 929  Blast 
 930  Bleach. 
 931  Bleach. 
 932  Bleach. 
 933  Bleach. 
 934  Bleach. 
 935  Bleach. 
 936  Bleach. 
 937  Bleach. 
 938  Bleach. 
 939  Bleach. 
 940  Bleach. 
 941  Bleach. 
 942  Bleach. 
 943  Bleach. 
 944  Bleach. 
 945  Bleach. 
 946  Bleach. 
 947  Bleach. 
 948  Bleach. 
 949  Bleach. 
 950  Bleach. 
 951  Bleach. 
 952  Bleach. 
 953  Bleach. 
 954  Bleach. 
 955  Bleach. 
 956  Bleach. 
 957  Bleach. 
 958  Bleach. 
 959  Bleach. 
 960  Bleach. 
 961  Bleach. 
 962  Bleach. 
 963  Bleach. 
 964  Bleach. 
 965  Bleach. 
 966  Bleach. 
 967  Bleach. 
 968  Bleach. 
 969  Bleach. 
 970  Bleach. 
 971  Bleach. 
 972  Bleach. 
 973  Bleach. 
 974  Bleak House 
 975  The blind side 
 976  Blood and guts : the basics of mixed martial arts 
 977  Blood beast 
 978  Blood of freedom; : the story of Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown. 
 979  The blood of Olympus 
 980  Blood of the Bastille, 1787-1789 : from Calonne's dismissal to the uprising of Paris 
 981  Blood promise 
 982  Blood-red the roses; : the story of the Wars of the Roses. 
 983  Bloodlines 
 984  Bloomability 
 985  Blossom Culp and the sleep of death 
 986  Blount journal. 
 987  Blowout in the Gulf : the BP oil spill disaster and the future of energy in America 
 988  The Blue and the Gray; : the story of the Civil War as told by participants. 
 989  Blue and white Japan 
 990  Blue heron 
 991  Blue Lily, Lily Blue 
 992  The Blue Sword 
 993  Blues : an anthology : complete words and music of 53 great songs 
 994  Blues : its birth and growth 
 995  Blues journey 
 996  The bluest eye 
 997  Bluish : a novel 
 998  Boat people : a novel 
 999  Bob Dole, legendary senator 
 1000  Bob Dylan, spellbinding songwriter 
 1001  Bodies from the bog 
 1002  Body decoration 
 1003  Body image and appearance : the ultimate teen guide 
 1004  The Boggart 
 1005  Bolivia in pictures 
 1006  The Bolsheviks; : the intellectual and political history of the triumph of communism in Russia 
 1007  Bomb squad experts : life defusing explosive devices 
 1008  Bombing Nazi Germany : the graphic history of the Allied air campaign that defeated Hitler in World War II 
 1009  The bombing of Pearl Harbor 
 1010  The bond : three young men learn to forgive and reconnect with their fathers 
 1011  The bone detectives : how forensic anthropologists solve crimes and uncover mysteries of the dead 
 1012  Bone Gap 
 1013  The bones of ruin 
 1014  The book book 
 1015  Book clubbing! : successful book clubs for young people 
 1016  The book of America : inside 50 states today 
 1017  The book of Brendan 
 1018  The book of eagles 
 1019  The book of inventions 
 1020  A book of nonsense 
 1021  The book of rock stars : 24 musical icons that shine through history 
 1022  The book of the banshee : a novel 
 1023  The book of three 
 1024  The book of world-famous music, : classical, popular and folk, 
 1025  The book thief 
 1026  The book thief 
 1027  Bookbanning in America : who bans books?--and why? 
 1028  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 1029  Booker T. Washington and education 
 1030  Booktalk! 3 : more booktalks for all ages and audiences 
 1031  Booktalking the award winners 3 
 1032  Bootleg : murder, moonshine, and the lawless years of prohibition 
 1033  Born beautiful : the African American teenager's complete beauty guide 
 1034  Born behind bars 
 1035  Born blue 
 1036  Born for liberty : a history of women in America 
 1037  Born in sin  
 1038  Bosnia : the struggle for peace 
 1039  Boston Jane : an adventure 
 1040  The Boston Tea Party 
 1041  Both sides of time 
 1042  Both sides of time 
 1043  Botticelli, : a biography. 
 1044  Bottled up 
 1045  Botulism 
 1046  Bound for the North Star : true stories of fugitive slaves 
 1047  Bound in wedlock : slave and free Black marriage in the nineteenth century 
 1048  Box : Henry Brown mails himself to freedom 
 1049  Boxing's greatest fighters 
 1050  Boy 21 
 1051  Boy bites bug 
 1052  The boy born with everything 
 1053  The boy in the black suit 
 1054  The boy in the striped pajamas 
 1055  The boy who spoke colors 
 1056  The boys' war : Confederate and Union soldiers talk about the Civil War 
 1057  The bracelet 
 1058  The brain and spinal cord : learning how we think, feel, and move 
 1059  Brain games 
 1060  Brain injuries in football 
 1061  The Bram Stoker bedside companion; : 10 stories by the author of Dracula. 
 1062  Bratfest at Tiffany's : a Clique novel 
 1063  The brave 
 1064  Brave Irene 
 1065  Brave new voices 2010 
 1066  Brave new voices : the Youth Speaks guide to teaching spoken-word poetry 
 1067  Brave new world 
 1068  Brave new world 
 1069  Bravo! : poems about amazing Hispanics 
 1070  Brazil 
 1071  Brazil in pictures 
 1072  Break this house 
 1073  The Breakbeat poets : new American poetry in the age of hip-hop 
 1074  Breakfast & brunch book 
 1075  Breaking beautiful 
 1076  Breaking Dawn 
 1077  Breaking into print : before and after the invention of the printing press 
 1078  Breaking point 
 1079  Breaking the sound barrier 
 1080  Breaking through 
 1081  Breath 
 1082  Breathing underwater 
 1083  Brett Favre 
 1084  Brian's winter 
 1085  Briana's gift 
 1086  Briar's book 
 1087  Bridge across the sky : the Berlin blockade and airlift, 1948-1949 
 1088  Bridge in the sky 
 1089  Bridge to Terabithia 
 1090  Bridge to the sun. 
 1091  Bridges and spans 
 1092  The bridges at Toko-ri. 
 1093  Bright Christmas : an angel remembers 
 1094  Bright future 
 1095  Bring on the bad guys 
 1096  The brink : Cuban missile crisis, 1962 
 1097  Brisingr, or, The seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular 
 1098  The Britannica guide to soccer 
 1099  Britannica ImageQuest 
 1100  Britannica School 
 1101  Brock Lesnar 
 1102  Broken 
 1103  The broken coda 
 1104  The Brontës 
 1105  Bronx masquerade 
 1106  Bronxwood 
 1107  The bronze bow 
 1108  Brothers 
 1109  Brothers and sisters; : modern stories by Black Americans. 
 1110  Brothers in arms 
 1111  Brown angels : an album of pictures and verse 
 1112  Brown girl dreaming 
 1113  Bruiser 
 1114  Brush up your Shakespeare! 
 1115  Buck Leonard 
 1116  Bucking the Sarge 
 1117  Bud, not Buddy 
 1118  Buffalo dance : a Blackfoot legend 
 1119  Buffalo gals : women of the old West 
 1120  The Buffalo Soldiers 
 1121  Buffalo soldiers 
 1122  Bugs : a closer look at the world's tiny creatures 
 1123  Bugs for dinner? : the eating habits of neighborhood creatures 
 1124  Building a career in robotics 
 1125  Building a new nation : the Federalist era, 1789-1801 
 1126  Building better Web sites : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians 
 1127  Building big 
 1128  Building Washington, D.C. : measuring the area of rectangular shapes 
 1129  Buildings 
 1130  Buildings & transportation 
 1131  Bulfinch's Mythology 
 1132  Bulfinch's mythology  
 1133  Bulfinch's mythology; : The age of fable, The age of chivalry, Legends of Charlemagne. 
 1134  Bull Run 
 1135  The bully 
 1136  Bullying 
 1137  Bullying 
 1138  Bullying and hazing 
 1139  The bumblebee flies anyway 
 1140  Bunnicula : a rabbit tale of mystery 
 1141  Buried Moon 
 1142  Burn baby burn 
 1143  Burned 
 1144  Burning blue 
 1145  Burning up : a novel 
 1146  Burning up : a novel 
 1147  Bury my bones but keep my words : African tales for retelling 
 1148  Busta Rhymes 
 1149  Butterflies 
 1150  Butterflies of the world 
 1151  The button lover's book 
 1152  By faith, not by sight : the inspirational story of a blind prodigy, a life-threatening illness, & an unexpected gift 
 1153  By these words : great documents of American liberty 
 1154  The Byzantine Empire 
 1155  The Byzantines. 
 1156  Byzantium, 
 1157  C. Everett Koop : the health of the nation 
 1158  Caesar's Gallic War. 
 1159  The Caine mutiny, : a novel of World War II. 
 1160  Cal Ripken, Jr. 
 1161  Calcium 
 1162  A Caldecott celebration : six artists and their paths to the Caldecott medal 
 1163  The Calder game 
 1164  Calendar art : thirteen days, weeks, months, and years from around the world 
 1165  Calendar's years 
 1166  Calendars of Native Americans : timekeeping methods of ancient North America 
 1167  The calibrated alligator, : and other science fiction stories. 
 1168  California gold rush 
 1169  The California gold rush, 
 1170  The California gold rush. 
 1171  The California gold rush; : an informal history. 
 1172  California pageant : the story of four centuries /  
 1173  Call down the moon : poems of music 
 1174  Call it courage 
 1175  Call me Francis Tucket 
 1176  The Call of the Wild 
 1177  The call of the wild 
 1178  The call of the wild 
 1179  The call of the wild with related readings 
 1180  Call us what we carry : poems 
 1181  The Callender papers 
 1182  Calling all monsters 
 1183  The Calydonian boar 
 1184  Cam Newton : trying to win them all 
 1185  Cambodia 
 1186  The Cambridge history of American literature, 
 1187  Camelot; : a new musical. 
 1188  Cameron and the girls 
 1189  Cameroon 
 1190  Cameroon 
 1191  Camilla : a novel 
 1192  Campaign politics : What's fair? What's foul? 
 1193  Can gun control reduce violence? 
 1194  Can the Gulf Survive 
 1195  Canada 
 1196  Canada in pictures 
 1197  The Canadian Dominion; : a chronicle of our northern neighbor, 
 1198  Candide; : ou, L'optimisme. 
 1199  The Canterbury Tales : a literary pilgrimage 
 1200  The Canterbury tales, 
 1201  The Canterbury tales; 
 1202  The Canterville ghost 
 1203  A Capote reader 
 1204  Captains courageous 
 1205  Captains courageous 
 1206  Captains courageous 
 1207  Captured 
 1208  Capturing light & color with pastel 
 1209  Caraval 
 1210  Carbon 
 1211  The carbon diaries 2015 
 1212  The carbon diaries 2017 
 1213  Cardi B 
 1214  Cardinals, robins, and other birds 
 1215  A career as a diesel mechanic 
 1216  A career as a hairstylist 
 1217  A career as a plumber, pipefitter, or steamfitter 
 1218  A career as a teacher 
 1219  A career as an aircraft mechanic and service technician 
 1220  A career as an athletic trainer 
 1221  A career as an electrician 
 1222  A career in transportation and warehousing 
 1223  Career opportunities in education and related services 
 1224  Career opportunities in television and cable 
 1225  Careers for animal lovers 
 1226  Careers for foreign language experts : interviews 
 1227  Careers for mystery buffs & other snoops and sleuths 
 1228  Careers for people who like to perform : interviews 
 1229  Careers for women as clergy 
 1230  Careers if you like math 
 1231  Careers if you like science 
 1232  Careers if you like the arts 
 1233  Careers if you like writing 
 1234  Careers in art : an illustrated guide 
 1235  Careers in chemistry 
 1236  Careers in child care 
 1237  Careers in computer forensics 
 1238  Careers in electronics 
 1239  Careers in emergency medical response teams' search and rescue units 
 1240  Careers in fashion 
 1241  Careers in firefighting 
 1242  Careers in gaming 
 1243  Careers in healthcare 
 1244  Careers in hospitality 
 1245  Careers in Internet technology 
 1246  Careers in law enforcement and security 
 1247  Careers in machine maintenance 
 1248  Careers in manufacturing 
 1249  Careers in medical technology 
 1250  Careers in state, county, and city police forces 
 1251  Careers in the ATF 
 1252  Careers in welding 
 1253  Careers inside the world of offices 
 1254  Careers inside the world of sales 
 1255  Careers inside the world of technology 
 1256  Careers inside the world of the government 
 1257  Carl T. Rowan, spokesman for sanity. 
 1258  Carlito's story 
 1259  Carmen : an urban adaptation of the opera 
 1260  The carpenter and other stories 
 1261  Carry on : the rise and fall of Simon Snow 
 1262  Carry on, Mr. Bowditch; 
 1263  Cars 
 1264  Cartooning : the head & figure 
 1265  The cartoonist's workshop 
 1266  Carver, a life in poems 
 1267  Casey at the bat 
 1268  Casey Jones's fireman : the story of Sim Webb 
 1269  Cash is queen 
 1270  The cask of amontillado 
 1271  Cassell's encyclopdia of world literature. : Editor: S. H. Steinberg. 
 1272  Cassell's French dictionary : French-English, English-French 
 1273  Castle 
 1274  Castles 
 1275  Castles 
 1276  Castles and cathedrals : the great buildings of medieval times 
 1277  Cat and Rat : the legend of the Chinese zodiac 
 1278  The cat I never named : a true story of love, war, and survival 
 1279  The cat who came for Christmas 
 1280  The cat who went to heaven. 
 1281  Catalyst 
 1282  Catching fire 
 1283  Catching fire 
 1284  Catherine the Great : Empress of Russia 
 1285  Catherine, called Birdy 
 1286  Catholicism & Orthodox Christianity 
 1287  Cats 
 1288  Cats 
 1289  Cats are cats 
 1290  Cause & effect : the September 11 attacks 
 1291  Celebrate you! : building your self-esteem 
 1292  Celine 
 1293  Cell biology 
 1294  Cell number 10 
 1295  The Celts 
 1296  The Celts of Northern Europe 
 1297  Cendrillon : a Caribbean Cinderella 
 1298  Censorship 
 1299  Censorship, or freedom of expression? 
 1300  The census and America's people : analyzing data using line graphs and tables 
 1301  The centennial history of the Civil War. : E. B. Long, director of research. 
 1302  Center stage : one-act plays for teenage readers and actors 
 1303  The Central Division 
 1304  A century of immigration : 1820-1924 
 1305  A century of pop. 
 1306  A century on the Mississippi : a history of the Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1876-1981 
 1307  Cervantes; his life, his times, his works. 
 1308  Challenge for a throne : the Wars of the Roses 
 1309  The challenge of the green knight. 
 1310  Challenger deep 
 1311  The challengers 
 1312  Challenges in education 
 1313  Chameleon the Spy and the case of the vanishing jewels 
 1314  The champion 
 1315  Champion : a Legend novel 
 1316  Chance the Rapper 
 1317  Chance the Rapper : making music and giving back 
 1318  Chancellorsville; disaster in victory. 
 1319  Chanda's secrets 
 1320  The Chandler legacies 
 1321  Change-up : mystery at the World Series 
 1322  The changing face of American society, 1945-2000 
 1323  Chaos theory 
 1324  Chaparral 
 1325  Characters in 20th-century literature 
 1326  Charlemagne 
 1327  Charlemagne and the early Middle Ages 
 1328  Charles A. Beard's The presidents in American history. 
 1329  Charles Darwin 
 1330  Charles Drew 
 1331  Charles R. Drew 
 1332  Charlie Brown, Snoopy and me, and all the other Peanuts characters 
 1333  Charlie Hernandez & the league of shadows 
 1334  Charlotte Forten : a Black teacher in the Civil War 
 1335  Charmed and dangerous : the rise of the Pretty Committee : the Clique prequel 
 1336  Chasing King's killer : the hunt for Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassin 
 1337  Chasing Vermeer 
 1338  The Chattanooga country : 1540-1976, from tomahawks to TVA 
 1339  Chaucer and his England 
 1340  Chaucer and his England. 
 1341  Chaucer's England. 
 1342  Cheap raw material 
 1343  Checking on the moon 
 1344  Checkmate 
 1345  Cheetahs 
 1346  Chemistry 
 1347  Chemistry 
 1348  The Cherokee 
 1349  Cherokee summer = : |Cwy |ay 
 1350  The Cheyenne Indians: their history and ways of life. 
 1351  Chi-hoon : a Korean girl 
 1352  The Chicago Black Sox trial : a primary source account 
 1353  The Chicago manual of style. 
 1354  Chicken soup for the Christian teenage soul : stories to open the hearts of Christian teens 
 1355  A chicken soup for the soul Christmas : stories to warm your heart and share with family during the holidays 
 1356  Chicken soup for the teenage soul on tough stuff : stories of tough times and lessons learned 
 1357  Chicken soup for the teenage soul the real deal : challenges : stories about disses, losses, messes, stresses & more 
 1358  Chicken soup for the teenage soul's the real deal : friends : best, worst, old, new, lost, false, true and more 
 1359  Chicken soup for the teenage soul's the real deal : school : cliques, classes, clubs, and more 
 1360  Child abuse 
 1361  Child abuse 
 1362  A child called "It" : one child's courage to survive 
 1363  Child labor : then and now 
 1364  Child of faerie, child of earth 
 1365  A child of fortune : a correspondent's report on the ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the battle for a Bill of Rights 
 1366  Child of the morning 
 1367  A child's Christmas in Wales 
 1368  A child's garden of verses : a collection of scriptures, prayers & poems featuring the works of Robert Louis Stevenson, with the artwork of Thomas Kinkade 
 1369  Childhood obesity 
 1370  Children of blood and bone 
 1371  Children of blood and bone 
 1372  Children of promise : African-American literature and art for young people 
 1373  Children of the Resistance. 
 1374  Children of virtue and vengeance 
 1375  The Children's classic poetry collection. 
 1376  The children's Homer : the adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy 
 1377  The Children's Homer: the adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy. 
 1378  Chile 
 1379  Chill wind 
 1380  Chillin' : a guy's guide to friendship 
 1381  Chimpanzees 
 1382  China: adventures in eyewitness history. 
 1383  Chinese Cinderella : the true story of an unwanted daughter 
 1384  The Chinese difference. 
 1385  Chinese handcuffs. 
 1386  Chinese myth : a treasury of legends, art, and history 
 1387  Chinese myths & legends / : Volume 5 
 1388  The Chinese-American experience 
 1389  Chingis Khan 
 1390  Chinhominey's secret : a novel 
 1391  The chocolate war 
 1392  The chocolate war; : a novel. 
 1393  Choices 
 1394  Cholera 
 1395  Choosing a career as a firefighter 
 1396  Choosing a career as a nurse-midwife 
 1397  Choosing a career as a paramedic 
 1398  Choosing a career as an entrepreneur 
 1399  Choosing a career in animal care 
 1400  Choosing a career in banking and finance 
 1401  Choosing a career in cosmetology 
 1402  Choosing a career in hotels, motels, and resorts 
 1403  Choosing a career in music 
 1404  Choosing a career in real estate 
 1405  Choosing a career in teaching 
 1406  Choosing a career in the post office 
 1407  Choosing a career in the restaurant industry 
 1408  Chosen : a house of night novel 
 1409  Chris Rock 
 1410  Christianity 
 1411  Christianity and Byzantium, 
 1412  Christina Aguilera 
 1413  Christmas bells are ringing; : a treasury of Christmas poetry, 
 1414  A Christmas book. 
 1415  A Christmas carol 
 1416  A Christmas carol 
 1417  A Christmas carol 
 1418  A Christmas Carol 
 1419  A Christmas carol, in prose. 
 1420  A Christmas carol... : [and] The cricket on the hearth; a tale of home. 
 1421  Christmas cross stitch 
 1422  The Christmas Eve cookbook : with tales of Nochebuena and Chanukah 
 1423  A Christmas feast : poems, sayings, greetings, and wishes 
 1424  The Christmas gift 
 1425  The Christmas invitation 
 1426  The Christmas killer 
 1427  Christmas on the farm 
 1428  The Christmas sky 
 1429  Christopher Columbus : the great adventure and how we know about it 
 1430  Christopher Reeve : Hollywood's man of courage 
 1431  Christy 
 1432  The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian Book 4 
 1433  The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian The Silver Chair Book 6 
 1434  The Chronicles of Narnia The Horse and His Boy Book 3 
 1435  The Chronicles of Narnia The Last Battle Book 7 
 1436  The Chronicles of Narnia The Magician's Nephew Book 1 
 1437  The Chronicles of Narnia The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Book 5 
 1438  The chronicles of Pern : first fall 
 1439  The Chunin exam, concluded---!! 
 1440  Church and state : government and religion in the United States 
 1441  Churchill 
 1442  Churchill, the end of glory : a political biography : 
 1443  Cimarron 
 1444  A circle of seasons 
 1445  Circles 
 1446  Circular motion & momentum 
 1447  The circulatory system 
 1448  The circulatory system 
 1449  Cirque du Freak 
 1450  Cirque du freak : a living nightmare 
 1451  Cirque du freak : allies of the night 
 1452  Cirque du freak : hunters of the dusk 
 1453  Cirque du freak : killers of the dawn 
 1454  Cirque du freak : lord of the shadows 
 1455  Cirque du freak : sons of destiny 
 1456  Cirque du freak : the Lake of Souls 
 1457  Cirque du freak : the Vampire Prince 
 1458  Cirque du freak : the vampire's assistant 
 1459  Cirque du freak : trials of death 
 1460  Cirque du freak : tunnels of blood 
 1461  Cirque du freak : Vampire Mountain 
 1462  Cirque du Freak. 
 1463  Cirque du Freak. 
 1464  Cirque du Freak. 
 1465  Cirque du Freak. 
 1466  Cirque du Freak. 
 1467  Cirque du Freak. 
 1468  Cirque du Freak. 
 1469  Cite it right : the SourceAid guide to citation, research, and avoiding plagiarism 
 1470  Citizenship 
 1471  Citizenship and immigration 
 1472  City in the sky : the rise and fall of the World Trade Center 
 1473  City of bones 
 1474  The city of dragons 
 1475  The city of Ember 
 1476  City of fallen angels 
 1477  City of glass 
 1478  City of heavenly fire 
 1479  City of saints & thieves 
 1480  City of the beasts 
 1481  Ciudad de cristal 
 1482  Ciudad de las almas perdidas 
 1483  Ciudad del fuego celestial 
 1484  Ciudades de papel 
 1485  Civil rights 
 1486  Civil rights 
 1487  Civil rights : the African-American struggle for equality. 
 1488  The Civil Rights marches 
 1489  The civil rights movement 
 1490  The Civil Rights Movement 
 1491  The Civil Rights Movement 
 1492  Civil rights pioneer : a story about Mary Church Terrell 
 1493  The Civil War : an illustrated history 
 1494  The Civil War and emancipation 
 1495  The Civil War and Reconstruction 
 1496  The Civil War in the West 
 1497  Civil War recipes : adding and subtracting simple fractions 
 1498  Civil War Tennessee : battles and leaders 
 1499  The Civil War, 1860-1866 
 1500  The Civil War. 
 1501  Civilization before Greece and Rome 
 1502  Claiming Georgia Tate 
 1503  Clap when you land 
 1504  Clap when you land 
 1505  Clara and the hoodoo man 
 1506  Clash of cultures : prehistory-1638 
 1507  A clash of kings 
 1508  Clash of the gods 
 1509  Class struggle : what's wrong (and right) with America's best public high schools 
 1510  Classic clip art 
 1511  The classic myths in English literature and in art 
 1512  Classical myth : a treasury of Greek and Roman legends, art, and history 
 1513  The classical tradition; : Greek and Roman influences on western literature. 
 1514  Classification of life 
 1515  classroom instruction that works 
 1516  Claude McKay : rebel sojourner in the Harlem Renaissance : a biography 
 1517  Claudette Colvin : twice toward justice 
 1518  The clay marble 
 1519  Claymore and kilt : tales of Scottish kings and castles, 
 1520  Clean 
 1521  Clear and present danger : Schenck v. United States 
 1522  Cleopatra 
 1523  Cleopatra's nose : essays on the unexpected 
 1524  Cliff Dwellings, : ancient ruins from America's Past. 
 1525  Clique 
 1526  A cloak for the dreamer 
 1527  Clockwork angel 
 1528  Clockwork prince 
 1529  Clockwork princess 
 1530  Clone 
 1531  The clone saga 
 1532  Cloning 
 1533  Cloning 
 1534  Close encounters with aliens 
 1535  A close look at close reading : teaching students to analyze complex texts, grades 6-12 
 1536  Closing the attitude gap : how to fire up your students to strive for success 
 1537  Clothing 
 1538  Cloud Dancer 
 1539  Coal camp girl. 
 1540  Coalition leaders 
 1541  Coast to coast 
 1542  Cocaine and crack : what you need to know 
 1543  Cocaine and your nose : the incredibly disgusting story 
 1544  Code name Badass : the true story of Virginia Hall 
 1545  Cold Shoulder Road 
 1546  Colin Powell : "Have a vision. Be demanding" 
 1547  Colin Powell : four star general 
 1548  Collaborating for project-based learning in grades 9-12 
 1549  The collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union 
 1550  The collapse of the Third Republic; : an inquiry into the fall of France in 1940, 
 1551  The collected poems of Langston Hughes 
 1552  Collected poems. 
 1553  The collected poetry of Nikki Giovanni, 1968-1998 
 1554  The collected short stories of Edith Wharton. 
 1555  Collected stories 
 1556  Collected stories of William Faulkner. 
 1557  Collected stories. 
 1558  Collected stories. 
 1559  College access & opportunity guide. 
 1560  College basketball underdog stories 
 1561  The Collins big book of art : from cave art to pop art 
 1562  A collision of cultures 
 1563  Colombia 
 1564  Colonial Connecticut 
 1565  Colonial folkways, : a chronicle of America life in the region of the Georges, 
 1566  Colonial Georgia 
 1567  Colonial period of American history. 
 1568  Colonial Rhode Island. 
 1569  The colonial spirit of '76: the people of the Revolution ... 
 1570  Colonial Virginia, 
 1571  The colonial wars, 1689-1762. 
 1572  The colonial wars, prelude to the American Revolution; : the struggle between France and Great Britain for supremacy in North America: 1689-1763. 
 1573  The colony of Maryland, 
 1574  The colony of New York. 
 1575  The colony of Rhode Island, 
 1576  The color of absence : 12 stories about loss and hope 
 1577  The color of absence:12 stories about loss and hope. 
 1578  The color of water : a Black man's tribute to his white mother 
 1579  The color purple 
 1580  A color sampler 
 1581  Colorado 
 1582  The Columbia Granger's index to African-American poetry 
 1583  Comanches & other Indians of Texas 
 1584  Come sing, Jimmy Jo 
 1585  Come, gentle spring. 
 1586  Comedias interpretadas.  
 1587  The comedy of errors 
 1588  Comic poems 
 1589  Coming of age in Mississippi 
 1590  The coming of the Revolution. 
 1591  Coming to America : immigrants from the British Isles 
 1592  Coming up Cuban 
 1593  The commandos of World War II. 
 1594  Commercial Appeal 
 1595  Commodore Perry and the opening of Japan; 
 1596  Commodore Perry in Japan, 
 1597  Common Core curriculum maps in English language arts, grades 9-12. 
 1598  Commonsense copyright : a guide for educators and librarians 
 1599  Communication 
 1600  Como agua para chocolate : novela de entregas mensuales con recetas, amores y remedios caseros 
 1601  Compassion 
 1602  The compelled 
 1603  Competitive basketball for girls 
 1604  Competitive Cheerleading 
 1605  Competitive fastpitch softball for girls 
 1606  Competitive figure skating for girls 
 1607  Competitive gymnastics for girls 
 1608  Competitive soccer for girls 
 1609  Competitive tennis for girls 
 1610  Competitive track and field for girls 
 1611  Competitive volleyball for girls 
 1612  The complete atlas of world history. : 4,000,000 years ago - AD 600 
 1613  The complete atlas of world history. : 1783 - Present 
 1614  The complete atlas of world history. : AD 600 - 1783 
 1615  The complete cookbook for teen chefs : 70+ teen-tested and teen-approved recipes to cook, eat, and share 
 1616  The complete history of U.S. wars, 1700-2004 
 1617  The complete Persepolis 
 1618  The complete poems and plays, 1909-1950 
 1619  The complete poetical works of Alexander Pope. 
 1620  The complete poetical works of Browning 
 1621  The complete poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier. 
 1622  Complete poetical works. 
 1623  The complete poetical works. 
 1624  Complete poetry and selected prose. 
 1625  The complete Sherlock Holmes. 
 1626  The complete short stories of H. G. Wells. 
 1627  The complete short stories of Mark Twain now collected for the first time. 
 1628  Composers since 1900 : a biographical and critical guide 
 1629  Compost critters 
 1630  Compromise or confrontation : dealing with the adults in your life 
 1631  Computer animation 
 1632  Computer animation 
 1633  Computer animator 
 1634  Computer science 
 1635  Computers 
 1636  Comrades 
 1637  The concise Columbia dictionary of quotations 
 1638  A concise history of England from Stonehenge to the atomic age 
 1639  The concise Oxford dictionary of music 
 1640  Concrete rose 
 1641  Condemned 
 1642  Condena 
 1643  Condoleezza Rice 
 1644  The Confederate flag 
 1645  Confucianism 
 1646  Congress 
 1647  The Congress 
 1648  Connecticut 
 1649  A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court 
 1650  A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. 
 1651  Connecting lines : new poetry from Mexico 
 1652  The conquest of New France : a chronicle of the colonial wars 
 1653  Conquistadores. 
 1654  Conquistadors and pueblos; : the story of the American Southwest, 1540-1848, 
 1655  Conquistadors in North American history. 
 1656  The Constitution 
 1657  The Constitution 
 1658  The Constitution 
 1659  The Constitution 
 1660  Constitutional amendments. : from freedom of speech to flag burning 
 1661  Constitutional amendments. : from freedom of speech to flag burning 
 1662  Constitutional amendments. : from freedom of speech to flag burning 
 1663  Constitutional journal : a correspondent's report from the Convention of 1787 
 1664  Constructing a life philosophy : opposing viewpoints 
 1665  Consumed 
 1666  Contact lost. 
 1667  Contemporary America; : the national scene since 1900. 
 1668  Contemporary artists 
 1669  Contemporary Black leaders 
 1670  Contemporary Hispanic biography : profiles from the international Black community 
 1671  Contemporary novelists 
 1672  Contemporary thought 
 1673  Contemporary women artists 
 1674  Contemporary women scientists 
 1675  The contender. 
 1676  Cookleburr quarters. 
 1677  Cooks' ingredients 
 1678  Cool careers without college for animal lovers 
 1679  Cool careers without college for film and television buffs 
 1680  Cool careers without college for math and science wizards 
 1681  Cool careers without college for music lovers 
 1682  Cool careers without college for nature lovers 
 1683  Cool careers without college for people who love animals 
 1684  Cool careers without college for people who love crafts 
 1685  Cool careers without college for people who love fashion 
 1686  Cool careers without college for people who love food 
 1687  Cool careers without college for people who love movement 
 1688  Cool careers without college for people who love sports 
 1689  Cool careers without college for people who love to build things 
 1690  Cool careers without college for people who love to drive 
 1691  Cool careers without college for people who love to entertain 
 1692  Cool careers without college for people who love to fix things 
 1693  Cool careers without college for people who love to make things grow 
 1694  Cool careers without college for people who love to repair things 
 1695  Cool careers without college for people who love to sell things 
 1696  Cool careers without college for people who love to travel 
 1697  Cool careers without college for people who love to work with children 
 1698  Cool careers without college for Web surfers 
 1699  Cool melons--turn to frogs! : the life and poems of Issa 
 1700  Cool Papa Bell 
 1701  Cool salsa : bilingual poems on growing up Latino in the United States 
 1702  Coping in a blended family 
 1703  Coping in a single-parent home 
 1704  Coping with a dysfunctional family 
 1705  Coping with birth control 
 1706  Coping with choosing a college 
 1707  Coping with dangers on the Internet : staying safe on-line 
 1708  Coping with date and acquaintance rape 
 1709  Coping with date rape & acquaintance rape. 
 1710  Coping with death & grief 
 1711  Coping with decision-making 
 1712  Coping with drinking and driving 
 1713  Coping with drugs and sports. 
 1714  Coping with growth spurts and delayed growth 
 1715  Coping with interracial dating 
 1716  Coping with natural disasters 
 1717  Coping with street gangs 
 1718  Coping with teen parenting 
 1719  Coping with the dangers of tattooing, body piercing, and branding 
 1720  Coping with the death of a brother or sister 
 1721  Coping with weapons and violence in school and on your streets 
 1722  Copley; : a biography. 
 1723  Copyright for schools : a practical guide 
 1724  Copyright for schools : a practical guide 
 1725  Corbin Bleu 
 1726  The core six : essential strategies for achieving excellence with the Common Core 
 1727  Coretta Scott King 
 1728  Coretta Scott King 
 1729  Coretta Scott King 
 1730  A corner of the universe 
 1731  Cory : Corazon Aquino and the Philippines 
 1732  Costa Rica 
 1733  Cote d'Ivoire /Ivory Coast 
 1734  The cotton kingdom : a chronicle of the old south 
 1735  Coubertin's Olympics How the Games Began 
 1736  The Count of Monte Cristo 
 1737  The Count of Monte Cristo 
 1738  The count of monte cristo (abridged) 
 1739  Counting by kangaroos 
 1740  Counting on kindness : the dilemmas of dependency 
 1741  County fairs : where America meets 
 1742  Courageous teen resisters : primary sources from the Holocaust 
 1743  The course of empire; 
 1744  The court of the stone children. 
 1745  Cowboy with a camera 
 1746  Crack and your circulatory system : the incredibly disgusting story 
 1747  Cracked 
 1748  Cracking the Code of Life 
 1749  Crank 
 1750  The Crazy Horse Electric game 
 1751  Crazy house 
 1752  Crazy lady! 
 1753  Creating a beautiful home : from starting fresh to freshening up : inspiring ideas to help you turn your house into a warm and welcoming home 
 1754  Creating a city park : dividing three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers without remainders 
 1755  Creating the Constitution, 1787 
 1756  Credit cards and loans 
 1757  The Cree of North America 
 1758  Creepy creatures. 
 1759  Crepúsculo : un amor peligroso 
 1760  Crescendo 
 1761  Cricket on the hearth : a tale of home. 
 1762  Crime and punishment : changing attitudes 1900-2000 
 1763  Crime and punishment. 
 1764  Crime in America 
 1765  The crime of innocence in the fiction of Toni Morrison 
 1766  Crime Scene : collecting physical evidence 
 1767  Criminal terminology 
 1768  Crisis of fear: secession in South Carolina 
 1769  Crispin : the cross of lead 
 1770  Crispin's Day : the glory of Agincourt 
 1771  Criss cross 
 1772  Critical companion to Ernest Hemingway : a literary reference to his life and work 
 1773  Critical companion to F. Scott Fitzgerald : a literary reference to his life and work 
 1774  Critical companion to William Shakespeare. : a literary reference to his life and work 
 1775  A critical history of English literature. 
 1776  Critical survey of long fiction 
 1777  Crocodiles 
 1778  Crocodiles 
 1779  Crocodiles, camels & dugout canoes : eight adventurous episodes 
 1780  The cross & the crescent : a history of the Crusades 
 1781  Crossed 
 1782  The crossing 
 1783  Crossing the trestle 
 1784  The crossover 
 1785  Crossroads in Korea; : the historic siege of Chipyong-ni 
 1786  Crowell's handbook of classical literature. 
 1787  Crowell's handbook of classical mythology. 
 1788  The crucible 
 1789  The crucible, : a play in four acts. 
 1790  The cruel prince 
 1791  The cruel years; : the story of the Spanish Civil War. 
 1792  Cruise control 
 1793  The Cruisers 
 1794  Crusaders of New France; : a chronicle of the fleur-de-lis in the wilderness, 
 1795  The crusades 
 1796  Cry, the beloved country: a story of comfort in desolation. 
 1797  Cryptologists : life making and breaking codes 
 1798  Crystal 
 1799  Cuisine de France. 
 1800  The Culper spy ring. 
 1801  Cultural atlas of Spain and Portugal 
 1802  The cultural life of the American Colonies, 1607-1763. 
 1803  Culture 
 1804  The culture and people of Cuba 
 1805  Cultures of the World: Zimbabwe 
 1806  Cultures of the World Malaysia 
 1807  Cultures of the World: Australia 
 1808  Cultures of the World: Austria 
 1809  Cultures of the WOrld: China 
 1810  Cultures of the World: France 
 1811  Cultures of the World: Germany 
 1812  Cultures of the World: Greece 
 1813  Cultures of the World: India 
 1814  Cultures of the World: Indonesia 
 1815  Cultures of the World: Iraq 
 1816  Cultures of the World: Israel 
 1817  Cultures of the World: Italy 
 1818  Cultures of the World: Japan 
 1819  Cultures of the World: Kenya 
 1820  Cultures of the World: Libya 
 1821  Cultures of the World: Myanmar 
 1822  Cultures of the World: Nepal 
 1823  Cultures of the World: Nigeria 
 1824  Cultures of the World: Philippines 
 1825  Cultures of the World: Saudi Arabia 
 1826  Cultures of the World: Singapore 
 1827  Cultures of the World: South Africa 
 1828  Cultures of the World: Spain 
 1829  Cultures of the World: Sri Lankka 
 1830  Cultures of the World: Sweden 
 1831  Cultures of the World: Thailand 
 1832  Cultures of the World:Turkey 
 1833  Cumberland county's first hundred years. 
 1834  Cumberland Gap and trails west. 
 1835  Cupid and Psyche 
 1836  Curiosity's mission on Mars : exploring the red planet 
 1837  The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 
 1838  The Curse of the Romany wolves 
 1839  Cursed 
 1840  A curtain of green, and other stories. 
 1841  The curtain rises 
 1842  Cut 
 1843  Cutting edge Internet technology 
 1844  Cutting loose 
 1845  Cyber crime 
 1846  Cyber ethics 
 1847  Cyber literacy : evaluating the reliability of data 
 1848  Cyberbullying 
 1849  Cyclopedia of literary characters. 
 1850  Cyclopedia of literary characters. Vol. 1 
 1851  Cyclopedia of literary characters. Vol. 2 
 1852  Cyclopedia of literary characters. Vol. 3 
 1853  Cyclopedia of literary characters. Vol. 4 
 1854  Cyclopedia of literary characters. Vol. 5 
 1855  The Cyclopes 
 1856  Cyclops 
 1857  Cypress Hill 
 1858  Cyrano de Bergerac, 
 1859  Cystic fibrosis 
 1860  Czech Republic in pictures 
 1861  César : sí, se puede! = yes, we can! 
 1862  Dabi's dance 
 1863  The dachshund 
 1864  Daddy Yankee 
 1865  Daily Memphian 
 1866  Daily prison life 
 1867  Dalai Lama 
 1868  The Dallas Cowboys 
 1869  Dams and waterways 
 1870  Damsels not in distress : the true story of women in medieval times 
 1871  Dance of the continents 
 1872  Dance Teams 
 1873  A dance with dragons 
 1874  Dancing in my nuddypants : even further confessions of Georgia Nicolson 
 1875  Dancing on the bridge of Avignon 
 1876  Dangerous games 
 1877  The dangers of online predators 
 1878  The dangers of texting and sexting 
 1879  Daniel "Chappie" James 
 1880  Daniel's story 
 1881  Darby 
 1882  Dare 
 1883  Dare to be different : athletes who changed sports 
 1884  Darius the Great is not okay 
 1885  Dark days : America's great Depression 
 1886  The dark eagle : the story of Benedict Arnold 
 1887  The darkest minds 
 1888  Darkness before dawn 
 1889  Darkness over Denmark : the Danish resistance and the rescue of the Jews 
 1890  Darnell Rock reporting 
 1891  Darwin, nature reinterpreted 
 1892  Dating Hamlet : Ophelia's story 
 1893  Daughter of Earth:a Roman myth. 
 1894  Daughter of fire : a portrait of Iceland 
 1895  Daughter of smoke & bone 
 1896  Dave's way : a new approach to old-fashioned success 
 1897  The Davenports 
 1898  David Copperfield 
 1899  David Copperfield : adapted for young readers 
 1900  Dawn of the Maya 
 1901  Dawn over Saratoga: the turning point of the Revolutionary War, 
 1902  Day by day : professional journaling for library media specialists 
 1903  The day Lincoln was shot. 
 1904  A day no pigs would die 
 1905  Day of tears : a novel in dialogue 
 1906  The Day of the Confederacy : a chronicle of the embattled South 
 1907  The day of the Confederacy; : a chronicle of the embattled South, 
 1908  The day that Elvis came to town : a novel 
 1909  Days of Jubilee : the end of slavery in the United States 
 1910  Days of slavery 
 1911  Days of the blackbird : a tale of northern Italy 
 1912  The days of the dragon's seed 
 1913  The days when the animals talked : Black American folktales and how they came to be 
 1914  Dazzling! : jewelry of the ancient world 
 1915  Dead to you 
 1916  Deadly storms 
 1917  Deal with it 
 1918  Dealing with dragons 
 1919  Dean Duffy 
 1920  Dear America : the story of an undocumented citizen 
 1921  Dear and glorious physician. 
 1922  Dear bully : 70 authors tell their stories 
 1923  Dear Doc-- : the noted authority answers your questions on drinking and drugs 
 1924  Dear Justyce 
 1925  Dear Martin 
 1926  Dear Martin 
 1927  Dear Mr. Henshaw 
 1928  Death 
 1929  Death comes for the archbishop ... 
 1930  The death cure 
 1931  Death of a salesman 
 1932  Death of a salesman : certain private conversations in two acts and a requiem 
 1933  The death of Gandhi, January 30, 1948; : India's spiritual leader helps his nation win independence, 
 1934  Death row and capital punishment 
 1935  Death trap : the story of the La Brea Tar Pits 
 1936  The death trilogy overture 
 1937  Death's Shadow 
 1938  The deathberry returns 
 1939  The December rose 
 1940  The decisive Battle of Nashville 
 1941  Decisive battles of the American Revolution. 
 1942  Decisive battles of the Civil War. 
 1943  The Declaration of Independence 
 1944  The Declaration of Independence 
 1945  The Declaration of Independence 
 1946  Declaring freedom : a look at the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution 
 1947  Declaring independence : the origin and influence of America's founding document : featuring the Albert H. Small Declaration of Independence Collection 
 1948  Decoy in diamonds. 
 1949  Deep'n as it come : the 1927 Mississippi River flood 
 1950  The deerslayer 
 1951  Defiance : a strange angels novel 
 1952  Defiance to the Old World; : the story behind the Monroe Doctrine. 
 1953  The Delaware Colony, 
 1954  Delirium 
 1955  Deliver us from Evie 
 1956  Deliverance 
 1957  Deliverance day : the last hours at Dachau 
 1958  Democracy 
 1959  Democracy : a primary source analysis 
 1960  Democracy's signature : Benjamin Franklin and the Declaration of Independence 
 1961  Democratic Republic of Congo in pictures 
 1962  Democratic Republic of the Congo 
 1963  The Democratic Republic, 1801-1815. 
 1964  Dengue fever 
 1965  Denmark Vesey 
 1966  Denmark Vesey 
 1967  Denzel Washington : Academy award-winning actor 
 1968  Department nineteen 
 1969  Departure 
 1970  Derek Jeter 
 1971  Desert 
 1972  Desert courage 
 1973  The deserts of the Southwest 
 1974  Destination unexpected : short stories 
 1975  Destined 
 1976  Destroy all cars 
 1977  Devastation! : the world's worst natural disasters 
 1978  The development of black theater in America : from shadows to selves 
 1979  The development of theatre : a study of theatrical art from the beginnings to the present day. 
 1980  The devil and Daniel Webster. 
 1981  The devil's arithmetic 
 1982  Devil's bargain : Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the storming of the presidency 
 1983  Devils within 
 1984  Diabetes 
 1985  Dialogos contemporaneos 
 1986  Diamond Park 
 1987  The diamond tree : Jewish tales from around the world 
 1988  Diana, Princess of Wales : a biography 
 1989  Diane Sawyer : super newswoman 
 1990  The diary of a young girl 
 1991  The diary of a young girl. 
 1992  The diary of Anne Frank 
 1993  The diary of Anne Frank 
 1994  The diary of Anne Frank 
 1995  The Diary of David R. Leeper Rushing for Gold 
 1996  The diary of Elizabeth Bacon Custer : on the plains with General Custer 
 1997  The Diary of Mary Jemison Captured By the Indians 
 1998  The diary of Sam Watkins, a confederate soldier 
 1999  The diary of Susie King Taylor, Civil War nurse 
 2000  Dicey's song 
 2001  The Dickens encyclopaedia; : an alphabetical dictionary of references to every character and place mentioned in the works of fiction, with explanatory notes on obscure allusions and phrases 
 2002  Dickens in his time. 
 2003  Dickens' Christmas spirits : a Christmas carol & other tales. 
 2004  Dictionary of American history; 
 2005  A dictionary of catch phrases, British and American, from the sixteenth century to the present day 
 2006  The dictionary of cultural literacy 
 2007  A dictionary of names, : nicknames, and surnames of persons, places and things. 
 2008  Dictionary of the Middle Ages 
 2009  A dictionary of world mythology 
 2010  Diego Rivera 
 2011  Diego Rivera : artist of the people 
 2012  Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez 
 2013  Dietrich of Berne and the dwarf king Laurin; : hero tales of the Austrian Tirol, 
 2014  Different worlds : interracial and cross-cultural dating 
 2015  The differentiated classroom : responding to the needs of all learners 
 2016  The digestive system 
 2017  Digging for bird-dinosaurs : an expedition to Madagascar 
 2018  Digital art : painting with pixels 
 2019  Digital content creation in schools : a Common Core approach 
 2020  Dinosaur ghosts : the mystery of Coelophysis 
 2021  Dinosaurs 
 2022  Dinosaurs 
 2023  The diplomacy of the American Revolution. 
 2024  Dirt bike racer. 
 2025  Disaster 1906; : the San Francisco earthquake and fire, 
 2026  Disaster at Johnstown; : the great flood. 
 2027  The discontented ghost 
 2028  The Discoverers : an encyclopedia of explorers and exploration 
 2029  Discoverers of America, : primitive man to Spanish conquerors. 
 2030  Discoverers of the New World, 
 2031  Discovering Christopher Columbus : how history is invented 
 2032  Discovering great singers of classic pop : a new listener's guide to the sounds and lives of the top performers and their recordings, movies, and videos 
 2033  Discovering how to make good choices 
 2034  Discovering the Inca Ice Maiden : my adventures on Ampato 
 2035  The discovery and conquest of Mexico, 1517-1521. 
 2036  Disputed passage. 
 2037  Dissenter on the bench : Ruth Bader Ginsburg's life and work 
 2038  Distant wanderers : the search for planets beyond the solar system 
 2039  Divergent 
 2040  The divided union : the story of the Civil War 1861-1865 
 2041  The diviners 
 2042  Divorce 
 2043  The divorce express 
 2044  The DK nature encyclopedia. 
 2045  The DK science encyclopedia. 
 2046  The DK science encyclopedia. 
 2047  The DK visual timeline of the 20th century 
 2048  DNA 
 2049  DNA : the secret of life 
 2050  DNA and body evidence 
 2051  DNA and genes 
 2052  DNA and RNA 
 2053  Documents of American history. 
 2054  Does this school have capital punishment? 
 2055  Dog Heaven 
 2056  Dogs 
 2057  Dogs & puppies 
 2058  Dogsong 
 2059  Dolores Huerta : labor leader and civil rights activist 
 2060  Dolphins 
 2061  Domestic crime 
 2062  Dominican Republic in pictures 
 2063  Don Omar 
 2064  Don Quijote de la Mancha 
 2065  Don't date Rosa Santos 
 2066  Don't know much about the Civil War : everything you need to know about America's greatest conflict but never learned 
 2067  Don't whistle in school : the history of America's public schools 
 2068  The door in the wall. 
 2069  The door of no return 
 2070  Dorothea Lange : photographer of the people 
 2071  Double down : a novel 
 2072  The Doubleday book of famous Americans 
 2073  Downriver 
 2074  Downtown 
 2075  Dr. Dre 
 2076  Dr. Josef Mengele : the angel of death 
 2077  Dragon rising : an inside look at China today 
 2078  Dragon's gate 
 2079  Dragon's keep 
 2080  The dragon's son 
 2081  Dragons & fantasy 
 2082  Dragons and unicorns : a natural history 
 2083  The dragons are singing tonight 
 2084  Dragonsong 
 2085  Dragonwings 
 2086  Drake 
 2087  Drake : acting and rapping to the top 
 2088  Drake. 
 2089  Drama A to Z : a handbook 
 2090  Drawing and sketching 
 2091  The drawing lesson : a graphic novel that teaches you how to draw 
 2092  Drawing the ocean 
 2093  Dread nation 
 2094  The dream bearer 
 2095  The dream bearer 
 2096  The dream collector 
 2097  Dream country 
 2098  Dream jobs in sports fitness and medicine 
 2099  Dream jobs in sports management and administration 
 2100  The dream keeper and other poems 
 2101  The dream of the stone 
 2102  Dreaming in color, living in black and white : our own stories of growing up Black in America 
 2103  Dreamland : a novel 
 2104  Dreamland burning 
 2105  Dreams 
 2106  Dreams from my father : a story of race and inheritance 
 2107  The Dred Scott case : slavery and citizenship 
 2108  The Dred Scott decision 
 2109  Dressed for the occasion : what Americans wore 1620-1970 
 2110  The drowned cities 
 2111  Drug legalization 
 2112  Drugged America 
 2113  Drugged athletes : the crisis in American sports 
 2114  Drugs and sports 
 2115  Drugs and your friends 
 2116  The druid of Shannara 
 2117  Druids, gods & heroes from Celtic mythology 
 2118  Drums along the Mohawk, 
 2119  Dry 
 2120  Drylongso 
 2121  Drácula 
 2122  Duke Ellington 
 2123  Duke Ellington : "I live with music" 
 2124  Dumped 
 2125  Durer, : a biography. With paintings, etchings, and drawings by A. Durer. 
 2126  Dutch and English on the Hudson; : a chronicle of colonial New York, 
 2127  Dwyane Wade 
 2128  Dying to meet you : 43 Old Cemetery Road 
 2129  Dylan : a Clique novel 
 2130  Dynamic art projects for children : includes step-by-step instructions and photographs 
 2131  The dyslexia checklist : a practical reference for parents and teachers 
 2132  E. coli 
 2133  Each little bird that sings 
 2134  Eagle song 
 2135  Eagles 
 2136  The ear : learning how we hear 
 2137  The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm : a novel 
 2138  An early American Christmas 
 2139  Early battles of the Civil War 
 2140  Early civilizations 
 2141  Early moon; : <poems>  
 2142  Early settlers in America: Jamestown, Plymouth, and Salem. 
 2143  Early thunder. 
 2144  Early times in Middle Tennessee. 
 2145  Earth care : world folktales to talk about 
 2146  Earth to Matthew 
 2147  The earth, my butt, and other big, round things 
 2148  Earthquake in Haiti 
 2149  Earthquakes 
 2150  Earthquakes 
 2151  Earthworms 
 2152  The East in the Middle Ages, 
 2153  East o' the sun and west o' the moon 
 2154  Easter poems 
 2155  Eastern Europe : the road to democracy 
 2156  The eastern forest 
 2157  Eat mor chikin : inspire more people 
 2158  Eating disorders : an encyclopedia of causes, treatment, and prevention 
 2159  Eats : poems 
 2160  Ebola 
 2161  Echoes of Africa in folk songs of the Americas. 
 2162  Eclipse 
 2163  The economic impact of COVID-19 
 2164  Ecstasy and your heart : the incredibly disgusting story 
 2165  Ecuador 
 2166  Ecuador in pictures 
 2167  The Edict of Nantes, 
 2168  An Edward Lear alphabet 
 2169  Edward VIII 
 2170  Egypt 
 2171  Egypt in pictures 
 2172  The Egyptian Cinderella 
 2173  Egyptian Islamic Jihad 
 2174  Egyptian mythology A to Z 
 2175  Eight cousins 
 2176  El ascenso 
 2177  El bosque tropical 
 2178  El castellano viejo y otros artículos 
 2179  El Club de los Corazones Solitarios 
 2180  El hacha 
 2181  El pez arco iris 
 2182  El plan de Zee 
 2183  El secreto de la llama : leyenda Peruana. 
 2184  Eldest 
 2185  Eleanor & Park 
 2186  Eleanor & Park 
 2187  The election of 1800 
 2188  The election of 1828 
 2189  The election of 1840 : and the Harrison/Tyler administrations 
 2190  The election of 1860 : and the administration of Abraham Lincoln 
 2191  The election of 1876 : and the administration of Rutherford B. Hayes 
 2192  The election of 1896 : and the administration of William McKinley 
 2193  The election of 1912 : and the administration of Woodrow Wilson 
 2194  The election of 1960 : and the administration of John F. Kennedy 
 2195  The election of 1968 : and the administration of Richard Nixon 
 2196  The election of 1976 : and the administration of Jimmy Carter 
 2197  The election of 1980 : and the administration of Ronald Reagan 
 2198  The election of Andrew Jackson. 
 2199  The elections of 1789 & 1792 
 2200  The electric kid 
 2201  Electrician 
 2202  Electricity and magnetism 
 2203  Electrifying medicine : how electricity sparked a medical revolution 
 2204  The elements of fiction 
 2205  The elephant's child 
 2206  Elephants 
 2207  The Elfstones of Shannara 
 2208  Eli Manning 
 2209  Elizabeth David classics : Mediterranean food, French country cooking, Summer cooking. 
 2210  Elizabeth Van Lew : southern belle, Union spy 
 2211  The Elizabethan deliverance 
 2212  Elizabethan England 
 2213  Elizabethan sea-dogs; : a chronicle of Drake and his companions, 
 2214  Ella enchanted 
 2215  Ella Fitzgerald 
 2216  Ellen Foster : a novel 
 2217  Ellery Queen's the golden 13; : 13 first prize winners from Ellery Queen's mystery magazine. 
 2218  Ellis Island 
 2219  Ellis Island 
 2220  Ellis Island : coming to the Land of Liberty 
 2221  Elmwood 2002 : in the shadows of the elms 
 2222  Elske 
 2223  Elske 
 2224  Elvis Presley 
 2225  Emblaze 
 2226  Emiliano Zapata 
 2227  Eminem 
 2228  Emma, 
 2229  Emotional illness in your family : helping your relative, helping yourself 
 2230  The Emperor Mage 
 2231  The emperor's giraffe and other stories of cultures in contact 
 2232  The emperor's silent army : terracotta warriors of Ancient China 
 2233  Employment and workers' rights 
 2234  Empower 
 2235  En llamas 
 2236  The enchanted castle 
 2237  Encyclopedia of African American history 1619-1895 
 2238  Encyclopedia of African American history 1896 to the present 
 2239  Encyclopedia of African history and culture 
 2240  Encyclopedia of African-American heritage 
 2241  Encyclopedia of African-American literature 
 2242  The encyclopedia of American crime 
 2243  The encyclopedia of American facts and dates 
 2244  Encyclopedia of American history 
 2245  The Encyclopedia of ancient civilizations 
 2246  Encyclopedia of animals 
 2247  Encyclopedia of Black America 
 2248  The encyclopedia of calligraphy techniques 
 2249  Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance 
 2250  Encyclopedia of extremely weird animals 
 2251  The encyclopedia of ghosts and spirits 
 2252  Encyclopedia of impressionism 
 2253  Encyclopedia of major marketing campaigns 
 2254  The encyclopedia of Native American religions : an introduction 
 2255  Encyclopedia of needlecrafts 
 2256  Encyclopedia of southern folklore. 
 2257  Encyclopedia of the American Civil War : a political, social, and military history 
 2258  The encyclopedia of the dog 
 2259  Encyclopedia of the Middle Passage 
 2260  The Encyclopedia of visual art. 
 2261  The end of apartheid in South Africa 
 2262  End of hypnosis 
 2263  End of the beginning, beginning of the end 
 2264  Endangered oceans 
 2265  Endangered species 
 2266  Ender's game : battle school 
 2267  Ender's shadow 
 2268  Endless 
 2269  The ends of time; : eight stories of science fiction. 
 2270  Engage every parent! : encouraging families to sign on, show up, and make a difference 
 2271  Engineering 
 2272  England: a chronology and fact book, 1485-1973. 
 2273  The English Americans 
 2274  The English Civil War. 
 2275  English fairy tales, 
 2276  English literature, : its history and its significance for the life of the English-speaking world, 
 2277  English literature. 
 2278  The English romantic poets; : an anthology with commentaries. 
 2279  Enshadowed : a Nevermore book 
 2280  Entertaining 
 2281  Entertainment 
 2282  Entice 
 2283  Environmental disasters 
 2284  Environmental science 
 2285  The era of expansion, 1800-1848 
 2286  The era of reconstruction, 1865-1877, 
 2287  Eragon 
 2288  Eragon 
 2289  Eric Carle's dragons dragons & other creatures that never were 
 2290  The Erie Canal, 
 2291  The Erie Canal; 
 2292  Ernest Hemingway 
 2293  Escape : teens who escaped the Holocaust to freedom 
 2294  Escape to freedom : a play about young Frederick Douglass 
 2295  Escape--teens on the run : primary sources from the Holocaust 
 2296  The ESL teacher's book of lists 
 2297  ESL. 
 2298  The ETA : Spain's Basque terrorists 
 2299  Eternal France; : a history of France, 1789-1944 
 2300  Ethics of Human Cloning 
 2301  Ethiopianism and Afro-Americans in southern Africa, 1883-1916 
 2302  The ethnic almanac 
 2303  Ethnic dress 
 2304  Eulogy 
 2305  European folk and fairy tales, 
 2306  Eva Luna 
 2307  Evangeline and the Acadians 
 2308  Evangeline, : a tale of Acadie. 
 2309  The eve of the revolution; : a chronicle of the breach with England, 
 2310  Even the stars look lonesome 
 2311  Events leading to World War I 
 2312  The ever-changing atom 
 2313  The Everglades 
 2314  The Everglades and the Gulf Coast 
 2315  Evernight 
 2316  Every body looking 
 2317  Every bone tells a story : Hominin discoveries, deductions, and debates 
 2318  Everyday ethics : inspired solutions to real-life dilemmas 
 2319  Everyday life in the New Nation, 1787-1860, 
 2320  Everyday life of the Aztecs; 
 2321  Everyday life through the ages 
 2322  Everyday phrases : their origins and meanings 
 2323  Everyday things in American life, 1607-1776. 
 2324  Everyman's book of English verse 
 2325  Everyman's Dictionary of dates. 
 2326  Everything sad is untrue : (a true story) 
 2327  Everything you need to know about AIDS and HIV 
 2328  Everything you need to know about anemia 
 2329  Everything you need to know about being a baby-sitter : a teen's guide to responsible child care 
 2330  Everything you need to know about being a teen driver 
 2331  Everything you need to know about being HIV-positive 
 2332  Everything you need to know about birth control 
 2333  Everything you need to know about codependency 
 2334  Everything you need to know about date rape 
 2335  Everything you need to know about date rape 
 2336  Everything you need to know about drug addiction 
 2337  Everything you need to know about dyslexia 
 2338  Everything you need to know about family violence 
 2339  Everything you need to know about geography homework. 
 2340  Everything you need to know about guns in your home 
 2341  Everything you need to know about mononucleosis 
 2342  Everything you need to know about placing your baby for adoption 
 2343  Everything you need to know about relationship violence 
 2344  Everything you need to know about school violence 
 2345  Everything you need to know about sexual harassment 
 2346  Everything you need to know about STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) 
 2347  Everything you need to know about street gangs 
 2348  Everything you need to know about teen fatherhood 
 2349  Everything you need to know about teen motherhood 
 2350  Everything you need to know about teen suicide 
 2351  Everything you need to know about teens who kill 
 2352  Everything you need to know about the dangers of tattooing and body piercing 
 2353  Everything you need to know about your parents' divorce 
 2354  Everything you need to know when a parent dies 
 2355  Everything you need to know when a parent has AIDS 
 2356  Everything, everything 
 2357  Evicted : poverty and profit in the American city 
 2358  Evolution : the human story 
 2359  Excalibur 
 2360  Excuse me while I ugly cry 
 2361  The Experts book of hints, tips, & everyday wisdom : from leading authorities ... more than 1,000 problem-solving secrets for easier, healthier living 
 2362  Explore America : tours of discovery through our magnificent country. 
 2363  Explorers in North America : solving addition and subtraction problems using timelines 
 2364  Exploring Australia : using charts, graphs, and tables 
 2365  Exploring careers in cyberspace 
 2366  Exploring careers on cruise ships 
 2367  Exploring King Arthur's Britain 
 2368  Exploring literary America 
 2369  Exploring pyramids around the world : making models of geometric solids 
 2370  Exploring the Titanic 
 2371  Extraordinary events and oddball occurrences 
 2372  Extraordinary Hispanic Americans 
 2373  Extraordinary origins of everyday things 
 2374  Extraordinary women scientists 
 2375  Extras 
 2376  Extreme scientists : exploring nature's mysteries from perilous places 
 2377  Extreme temperatures : learning about positive and negative numbers 
 2378  Extreme weather 
 2379  Extremist groups in America 
 2380  The eye : learning how we see 
 2381  An eye on the world : Margaret Bourke-White, photographer 
 2382  Eyes on the prize : America's civil rights years, 1954-1965 
 2383  Eyewitness : 150 years of photojournalism 
 2384  Eyewitness to the Civil War : the complete history from secession to Reconstruction 
 2385  F. Scott Fitzgerald 
 2386  F. Scott Fitzgerald : the man and his work 
 2387  A fable 
 2388  Fables 
 2389  Face at the edge of the world 
 2390  The face on the milk carton 
 2391  Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg 
 2392  The facts about "drug abuse" 
 2393  The Facts on File encyclopedia of word and phrase origins 
 2394  The Facts on File encyclopedia of word and phrase origins 
 2395  Fade to black 
 2396  The faery flag : stories and poems of fantasy and the supernatural 
 2397  Fahrenheit 451 
 2398  Failure is impossible! : the history of American women's rights 
 2399  Fair weather : a novel 
 2400  Fairy tale : a novel 
 2401  Fairy tales 
 2402  Faith Ringgold 
 2403  The fake date 
 2404  Fake ID 
 2405  The fall of five 
 2406  The fall of Saigon 
 2407  The fall of Sukarno. 
 2408  The fall of the Incas. 
 2409  The fall of the South 
 2410  The fallen 
 2411  Fallen angels 
 2412  Fallen angels 
 2413  Falling over sideways 
 2414  Falling up 
 2415  Fallout 
 2416  Fallout : a novel 
 2417  The fame game 
 2418  Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature 
 2419  Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature 
 2420  The families of words. 
 2421  Family secrets 
 2422  Family violence : how to recognize and survive it 
 2423  Famous American men of letters. 
 2424  Famous American spies, 
 2425  Famous authors for young people 
 2426  Famous first facts : a record of first happenings, discoveries and inventions in the United States 
 2427  Famous kings and queens for young people 
 2428  Famous labor leaders. 
 2429  Famous men of medicine. 
 2430  Famous modern men of medicine, 
 2431  Famous prisons 
 2432  Famous trials 
 2433  Famous twentieth century leaders. 
 2434  Fangirl 
 2435  Fannie Lou Hamer : fighting for the right to vote 
 2436  Fantasia mathematica : being a set of stories, together with a group of oddments and diversions, all drawn from the universe of mathematics 
 2437  The far away brothers : two teenage immigrants making a life in America 
 2438  Far from the tree 
 2439  Farewell, John Barleycorn : prohibition in the United States 
 2440  Farmworker's friend : the story of Cesar Chavez 
 2441  Fashion designer 
 2442  Fashion model 
 2443  Fashion photographer 
 2444  Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff 
 2445  Fat Fanny, Beanpole Bertha, and the boys 
 2446  Fat kid rules the world 
 2447  The fate of ten 
 2448  Father figure : a novel 
 2449  The fathers of New England; : a chronicle of the Puritan commonwealth. 
 2450  The fathers of the Constitution; : a chronicle of the establishment of the Union, 
 2451  The Faulkner reader; : selections from the works of William Faulkner. 
 2452  The fault in our stars 
 2453  The fault in our stars 
 2454  Favorite Greek myths. 
 2455  Favorite medieval tales 
 2456  Favorite sleuths: Ellery Queen, Doctor Alcazar,Lord Peter Wimsey,Nero Wolfe,Miss Marple, The Saint, Mr. Campion, Tommy Hambledon, Perry Mason, Mr. Fortune. 
 2457  The FBI 
 2458  A feast for crows 
 2459  The Federalist : a commentary on the Constitution of the United States 
 2460  The Federalists; : a study in administrative history, 
 2461  Feed 
 2462  Feel the beat! : dancing in music videos 
 2463  A female focus : great women photographers 
 2464  The Feminist companion to literature in English : women writers from the Middle Ages to the present 
 2465  Fences : a play 
 2466  Fences : a play 
 2467  Festival in my heart : poems by Japanese children 
 2468  A few fair days. 
 2469  A few red drops : the Chicago Race Riot of 1919 
 2470  Fidel Castro 
 2471  The field guide to the North American teenager 
 2472  Fields of fury : the American Civil War 
 2473  The fiery heart 
 2474  Fifteen hundred miles from the sun : a novel 
 2475  The fifty finest athletes of the 20th century : a worldwide reference 
 2476  Fifty weapons that changed the course of history 
 2477  Fifty-five days of terror; : the story of the Boxer Rebellion. 
 2478  Fight 
 2479  The fight for a free sea; : a chronicle of the war of 1812, 
 2480  The fight for Korea; : from the war of 1950 to the Pueblo incident, 
 2481  Fight on! : Mary Church Terrell's battle for integration 
 2482  Fighting fate 
 2483  Fighting Ruben Wolfe 
 2484  Fights : one boy's triumph over violence 
 2485  Film Clips for Character Education Episode 1 
 2486  Film Clips for Character Education Episode 3 
 2487  Film Clips for Character Education Episode 4 
 2488  Film Clips for Character Education Episode 5 
 2489  Film Clips for Character Education Episode 6 
 2490  Film Clips for Character Education Episode 8 
 2491  Final battle 
 2492  The Final Four 
 2493  The final gambit 
 2494  Final harvest: Emily Dickinson's poems. 
 2495  Final years of World War I 
 2496  Finale 
 2497  Financial literacy for students 
 2498  Financial literacy information for teens : tips for a successful financial life : including facts about earning money, budgeting, savings and investments, banking, credit unions, credit cards, debt, and latest trends in financial technology 
 2499  The financial peace planner : a step-by-step guide to restoring your family's financial health 
 2500  Finding facts fast: how to find out what you want and need to know/ 
 2501  Finding Jupiter 
 2502  Finger-ring lore; : historical, legendary, anecdotal. 
 2503  Fingerprints and impressions 
 2504  Finnegans wake 
 2505  Fire 
 2506  Fire & blood 
 2507  Fire and explosives 
 2508  Fire bringer 
 2509  Fire bringer 
 2510  The Fire Eternal 
 2511  Fire from the rock 
 2512  The firefly letters : a suffragette's journey to Cuba 
 2513  Firekeeper's daughter 
 2514  Fires 
 2515  The fires of Merlin 
 2516  The fireside book of Christmas stories. 
 2517  The first American; : a story of North American archaeology, 
 2518  First apartment smarts 
 2519  First bank account and first investments smarts 
 2520  The first book of American expansion. 
 2521  The first book of American history. 
 2522  The first book of the American Revolution. 
 2523  The first book of the early settlers. 
 2524  The first book of the Oregon Trail. 
 2525  The first book of the Panama Canal 
 2526  First budget smarts 
 2527  First car smarts 
 2528  First facts about the Middle Ages 
 2529  First houses : Native American homes and sacred structures 
 2530  First job smarts 
 2531  The first part last 
 2532  The first rule of Climate Club 
 2533  First to fly : how Wilbur & Orville Wright invented the airplane 
 2534  The first-year teacher's survival guide : ready-to-use strategies, tools & activities for meeting the challenges of each school day 
 2535  Fish & Bones 
 2536  Fish! : a remarkable way to boost morale and improve results 
 2537  Fitting in 
 2538  The five great religions. 
 2539  Five roads to the Pacific. 
 2540  Five thousand years of slavery 
 2541  Flash fire 
 2542  Flatterland : like flatland, only more so 
 2543  Flight : 100 years of aviation 
 2544  Flip 
 2545  Flood : wrestling with the Mississippi 
 2546  Flower on the precipice 
 2547  Flowering of the Cumberland. 
 2548  Flowers & botanicals 
 2549  Flowers for Algernon 
 2550  Flowers for Algernon 
 2551  Flowers for everyone 
 2552  Flowers; : a guide to familiar American wildflowers, 
 2553  Fly away home 
 2554  Fly the hot ones 
 2555  Flyers 
 2556  Flying giants of long ago 
 2557  The flying ship 
 2558  Focus on teaching : using video for high-impact instruction 
 2559  The Folk Keeper 
 2560  The folk music source book 
 2561  Folk stories of the Hmong : peoples of Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam 
 2562  Folk stories of the South 
 2563  Folk tales of Central Asia. 
 2564  Folklore & fairy tale funnies 
 2565  Football all-stars : the NFL's best 
 2566  Football champ 
 2567  Football now! 
 2568  For every one 
 2569  For laughing out loud : poems to tickle your funnybone 
 2570  For the common good : the ethics of leadership in the 21st century 
 2571  For the love of Pete : a novel 
 2572  The forbidden game : a social history of drugs 
 2573  Forensic science 
 2574  Forensic scientists : life investigating sudden death 
 2575  The forestwife 
 2576  Forge of union, anvil of liberty : a correspondent's report on the first federal elections, the first federal Congress, and the Bill of Rights 
 2577  Forged by fire 
 2578  Forgotten fire 
 2579  The forgotten heroes : the story of the Buffalo Soldiers 
 2580  Forgotten voyager : the story of Amerigo Vespucci 
 2581  The Forsyte saga, 
 2582  The forties--when we were dreamers of dreams 
 2583  Forts in America 
 2584  The forty-niners; : a chronicle of the California trail and El Dorado, 
 2585  Fossil fish found alive : discovering the coelacanth 
 2586  Fossils 
 2587  The founding of Memphis, 1818-1820. 
 2588  The fountainhead. 
 2589  The fountains of silence : a novel 
 2590  Four : a Divergent collection 
 2591  Four cents an acre; : the story of the Louisiana Purchase. 
 2592  Four days in Philadelphia, 1776. 
 2593  Four great tragedies : Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth 
 2594  Four three two one 
 2595  Fours Crossing 
 2596  Fourteen days for conspiracy 
 2597  Fourteenth-century towns 
 2598  The fox and the cat : Kevin Crossley-Holland's Animal tales from Grimm ; illustrated by Susan Varley. 
 2599  Fox Running : a novel 
 2600  Fracking 
 2601  The fractal caverns 
 2602  The fragile thread : the meaning of form in Faulkner's novels 
 2603  France in the eighteenth century: its institutions, customs, and costumes. 
 2604  France under de Gaulle, 
 2605  Francisco Vsquez de Coronado : the search for cities of gold 
 2606  Frank Lloyd Wright : visionary architect 
 2607  Frank O. Gehry : outside in 
 2608  Frankenstein 
 2609  Frankenstein 
 2610  Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus 
 2611  Franklin D. Roosevelt : the four-term president 
 2612  Franklin, America's "lost state" 
 2613  Frassanito : battlefield photography then & now 
 2614  Freckle juice. 
 2615  Frederic Remington 
 2616  Frederick Douglass 
 2617  Frederick Douglass : abolitionist and writer 
 2618  Free and independent; : the Confederation of the United States, 1781-1789, 
 2619  Free at Last Civil Rights Heroes 
 2620  Free at last: the struggle for Civil Rights 
 2621  Freedom 
 2622  Freedom : a history of US 
 2623  Freedom bound. 
 2624  Freedom flyers of Tuskegee 
 2625  Freedom of religion 
 2626  Freedom of speech 
 2627  Freedom riders : John Lewis and Jim Zwerg on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement 
 2628  The Freedom Rides : journey for justice 
 2629  Freedom songs : a tale of the Underground Railroad 
 2630  Freedom Summer 
 2631  Freedom Writers 
 2632  Freedom Writers 
 2633  The Freedom Writers diary : how a teacher and 150 teens used writing to change themselves and the world around them 
 2634  Freewater 
 2635  Freewill 
 2636  The French and Indian War : 1660-1763 
 2637  The French and Indian Wars, 
 2638  The French Broad. 
 2639  The French explorers in America. 
 2640  The French founders of North America and their heritage 
 2641  French impressionists 
 2642  The French Revolution 
 2643  The French Revolution, 
 2644  Frenchtown summer 
 2645  Frequently asked questions about plagiarism 
 2646  Frequently asked questions about teen pregnancy 
 2647  Fresh ink 
 2648  Frida Kahlo : a biography 
 2649  Friday Night Lights 
 2650  Friendly foes : a look at political parties 
 2651  The friends 
 2652  Frindle 
 2653  A frog prince 
 2654  Frogkisser! 
 2655  Frogs 
 2656  Frogs 
 2657  From a standing start : my Tennessee political odyssey 
 2658  From cover to cover : evaluating and reviewing children's books 
 2659  From Hinton to Hamlet:building bridges between young adult literature and the classics. 
 2660  From Lexington to liberty; : the story of the American Revolution. 
 2661  From old Mobile to Fort Assumption; : a story of the French attempts to colonize Louisiana, and destroy the Chickasaw Indians. 
 2662  From ragtime to hip-hop : a century of Black American music 
 2663  From sea to shining sea ; a treasury of American folklore and folk songs 
 2664  From shadows 
 2665  From the crash to the blitz, 1929-1939, 
 2666  From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler 
 2667  From the notebooks of Melanin Sun 
 2668  From the Twilight zone 
 2669  From there to here/The immigrant experience 
 2670  From Versailles to the New Deal; a chronicle of the Harding-Coolidge-Hoover era. 
 2671  The frontier in American history. 
 2672  The frontiers of the sea. 
 2673  The frost child 
 2674  Frostbite 
 2675  The frozen hors d'oeuvre cookbook : you've got it made 
 2676  Fudge-a-mania 
 2677  The full belly bowl 
 2678  Fun with American history 
 2679  Functions 
 2680  Funk & Wagnalls standard handbook of synonyms, antonyms, and prepositions. 
 2681  Funny papers : behind the scenes of the comics 
 2682  Furia 
 2683  Future techniques in surgery 
 2684  Futurehype : the tyranny of prophecy 
 2685  Gainsborough, : a biography. 
 2686  Galapagos : the islands that changed the world 
 2687  Galapagos Islands : nature's delicate balance at risk 
 2688  Gallant 
 2689  Gallows Hill 
 2690  Gallows Hill 
 2691  Game 
 2692  The Game 
 2693  A game for swallows : to die, to leave, to return 
 2694  The game of Love and Death 
 2695  A game of thrones 
 2696  Gamer girls : 25 women who built the video game industry 
 2697  Gangsters 
 2698  A gap in nature : discovering the world's extinct animals 
 2699  The gatekeepers : inside the admissions process of a premier college 
 2700  Gates of Paradise : a Blue Bloods novel 
 2701  Gates to tomorrow; : an introduction to science fiction. 
 2702  Gathering blue 
 2703  GED test prep. 
 2704  Generally speaking 
 2705  Generals of World War II 
 2706  The generosity factor : discover the joy of giving your time, talent, and treasure 
 2707  Genesis begins again 
 2708  Genetic engineering 
 2709  Genetic engineering : progress or peril? 
 2710  Genetics and heredity 
 2711  Genghis Khan : 13th-century Mongolian tyrant 
 2712  Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire 
 2713  Gentle Ben, 
 2714  Gentlehands 
 2715  Gentlemen 
 2716  Geography 
 2717  The geography of Mexico 
 2718  Geometry and trigonometry 
 2719  George Eastman : photography pioneer 
 2720  George W. Bush 
 2721  George Washington & the founding of a nation 
 2722  George Washington : father of the nation = padre de la patria 
 2723  George Washington Carver 
 2724  Georgia 
 2725  Georgia 
 2726  Georgia O'Keeffe 
 2727  Georgia O'Keeffe : the wideness and wonder of her world 
 2728  Germ theory 
 2729  Germ warfare 
 2730  The Germans : a people at the crossroads 
 2731  Germany in pictures 
 2732  Germs : mysterious microorganisms 
 2733  Geronimo : leader of Native American resistance 
 2734  Geronimo, Apache warrior 
 2735  Get it done! : writing and analyzing informational texts to make things happen 
 2736  Get lit rising : Words ignite. Claim your poem. Claim your life. 
 2737  Get on board : the story of the Underground Railroad. 
 2738  Get the message : telecommunications in your high-tech world 
 2739  Get up and go!:the history of American road travel. 
 2740  Getting a credit card 
 2741  Getting away with murder : the true story of the Emmett Till case 
 2742  Getting him 
 2743  Getting to the core of English language arts. : how to meet the common core state standards with lessons from the classroom 
 2744  Getting your first job 
 2745  The Gettysburg Address 
 2746  The Gettysburg Address 
 2747  Gettysburg: the final fury. 
 2748  Ghana 
 2749  Ghana 
 2750  Ghost dance : the Czar's Black Angel 
 2751  The ghost of Fossil Glen 
 2752  Ghost soldier 
 2753  Ghosts and poltergeists 
 2754  Ghosts of the Wild West 
 2755  Ghosts, vampires, and werewolves : eerie tales from Transylvania 
 2756  Ghoststalking 
 2757  The ghoul next door : a novel 
 2758  Giant steps : the new generation of African American writers 
 2759  Giant. 
 2760  Giants of invention. 
 2761  Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) : right to counsel 
 2762  The gift 
 2763  The gift of grief : healing the pain of everyday losses 
 2764  A gift of hope : how we survive our tragedies 
 2765  Gifted hands 
 2766  Gifted hands : the Ben Carson story 
 2767  The gilded ones 
 2768  Gilgamesh; man's first story, 
 2769  Gingerbread 
 2770  Giraffes 
 2771  Giraffes can't dance 
 2772  Giraffes, the sentinels of the Savannas 
 2773  A girl called Al 
 2774  Girl code : gaming, going viral, and getting it done 
 2775  Girl made of stars 
 2776  Girl mans up 
 2777  The girl who spun gold 
 2778  The girl who wanted a boy 
 2779  Girl with a pearl earring 
 2780  A girl's guide to love & magic 
 2781  Girling up : how to be strong, smart and spectacular 
 2782  Girls : a history of growing up female in America 
 2783  Girls like me 
 2784  The giver 
 2785  The giver 
 2786  The giver 
 2787  The giver 
 2788  Glass 
 2789  Glenn : the astronaut who would be President 
 2790  Global warming : crisis or myth? 
 2791  A global warning? 
 2792  The glorious Koran 
 2793  The Glory Field 
 2794  The Glory Field 
 2795  The glory field with related readings 
 2796  Glory Road 
 2797  The glow-in-the-dark book of animal skeletons 
 2798  Go ask Alice 
 2799  Go down, Moses. 
 2800  Go set a watchman 
 2801  Go tell it on the mountain 
 2802  Go tell it on the mountain. 
 2803  Goal 
 2804  The Goddess of Thunder 
 2805  Gods and goddesses from Greek myths 
 2806  Going bovine 
 2807  Going down Jericho Road : the Memphis strike, Martin Luther King's last campaign 
 2808  Going to the sun 
 2809  Gold 
 2810  Gold and gods of Peru. 
 2811  The gold bug, : and other tales of mystery. 
 2812  Gold in California. 
 2813  The gold-bug : and other tales and poems 
 2814  The golden age of Islam 
 2815  The golden book of America : stories from our country's past 
 2816  The golden book of the American revolution; 
 2817  The golden book of the Civil War. 
 2818  The golden compass 
 2819  Golden dreams 
 2820  The golden journey; : poems for young people. 
 2821  The golden lily : a Bloodlines novel 
 2822  Golden slippers, : an anthology of Negro poetry for young readers, 
 2823  Gone crazy in Alabama 
 2824  Gone rogue 
 2825  Gone with the wind 
 2826  Gone with the wind 
 2827  Good abode : nineteenth century architecture in Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee 
 2828  Good dog poems 
 2829  The good earth 
 2830  The good luck girls 
 2831  Good masters! Sweet Ladies! : voices from a medieval village 
 2832  Good rockin' tonight : Sun Records and the birth of rock 'n' roll 
 2833  Good to great : why some companies make the leap--and others don't 
 2834  Good women of a well-blessed land : women's lives in colonial America 
 2835  The good years: from 1900 to the First World War. 
 2836  Goodbye parakeet, good night my sister 
 2837  Goodbye, gasoline: the science of fuel cells 
 2838  The Google résumé : how to prepare for a career and land a job at Apple, Microsoft, Google, or any top tech company 
 2839  Gordon Parks 
 2840  Gorillas 
 2841  Government intelligence agencies 
 2842  The government of Mexico 
 2843  The governor 
 2844  Goya, a biography. 
 2845  Graffiti moon 
 2846  Grams, her boyfriend, my family, and me 
 2847  The Grand Canyon 
 2848  Granddaddy's street songs 
 2849  Grandfather Tang's story 
 2850  Grandfather's journey 
 2851  Grant Hill : superstar forward 
 2852  The grapes of wrath 
 2853  The grapes of wrath 
 2854  The grapes of wrath 
 2855  The grapes of wrath. 
 2856  The graphic alphabet 
 2857  The graphic history of Gettysburg : America's most famous battle and the turning point of the Civil War 
 2858  The grass tower 
 2859  Grasshopper jungle : a history 
 2860  Grassland 
 2861  A grateful nation : the story of Arlington National Cemetery 
 2862  Great African Americans in history 
 2863  Great ages of man : a history of the world's cultures. 
 2864  Great American battles. : Illustrated with maps, prints, and photos. 
 2865  Great American nurses, 
 2866  Great Atlantic adventures. 
 2867  Great books for girls : more than 600 books to inspire today's girls and tomorrow's women 
 2868  Great buildings 
 2869  Great careers with a high school diploma. 
 2870  The great cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural history 
 2871  The great conspiracy; : Aaron Burr and his strange doings in the West. 
 2872  Great dates in United States history 
 2873  A great day in Harlem 
 2874  Great days of a country house 
 2875  The great debaters 
 2876  Great declaration; : a book for young Americans 
 2877  The Great Depression 
 2878  The Great Depression 
 2879  Great documents in Black American history, 
 2880  Great events from history. 
 2881  Great events from history. 
 2882  Great expectations 
 2883  The great flight!! 
 2884  The Great Lakes 
 2885  Great lion of God. 
 2886  The great little Madison 
 2887  The great mathematicians.  
 2888  Great men of American popular song; : the history of the American popular song told through the lives, careers, achievements, and personalities of its foremost composers and lyricists--from William Billings of the Revolutionary War through Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Burt Bacharach. 
 2889  The great migration : an American story 
 2890  The Great Migration From Farms to Cities 
 2891  Great quotes from great teachers 
 2892  Great river, wide land; : the Rio Grande through history. 
 2893  Great scrapbooks (Memory makers) ideas, tips & techniques 
 2894  The Great Wall of China 
 2895  The greatest : Muhammad Ali 
 2896  The greatest gamble. 
 2897  The greatest generation 
 2898  Greatest speeches of the 20th Century. 
 2899  Greek and Roman mythology A to Z. 
 2900  Greek drama 
 2901  The Greek gods 
 2902  Greek gods and heroes. 
 2903  Greek myths. 
 2904  Green : a novel 
 2905  The Green Man : tales from the mythic forest 
 2906  The greenhouse effect : life on a warmer planet 
 2907  Greenpeace 
 2908  The grey king 
 2909  Gridiron greats : 8 of today's hottest NFL stars 
 2910  The Griffin legacy 
 2911  Grind 
 2912  Ground Zero 
 2913  Growing older : what young people should know about aging 
 2914  Growing up Chicana/o : an anthology 
 2915  Growing up female : new challenges, new choices 
 2916  Growing up in old New England 
 2917  Growing up King : an intimate memoir 
 2918  Gruel and unusual punishment. 
 2919  Guardians of liberty: Sam Adams and John Hancock. 
 2920  Guatemala 
 2921  Guess how much I love you 
 2922  Guide to American literature and its backgrounds since 1890 
 2923  Guide to cartooning 
 2924  The Guinness book of records 1492 : the world five hundred years ago 
 2925  Guinness world records 2022. 
 2926  Gulag : a history 
 2927  The Gulf states of Mexico 
 2928  The Gulf War 
 2929  Gulliver's travels 
 2930  The gun 
 2931  Gun control 
 2932  Gun control : public safety and the right to bear arms 
 2933  Gunga Din 
 2934  Gypsy Rizka 
 2935  Ha Jin 
 2936  Hades 
 2937  Hades 
 2938  Haiku-vision in poetry and photography 
 2939  Haiku: the mood of earth. 
 2940  Hair and fibers 
 2941  Haiti and the great powers, 1902-1915 
 2942  The Haiti earthquake 
 2943  Haiti's influence on antebellum America : slumbering volcano in the Caribbean 
 2944  Half a hemisphere; : the story of Latin America, 
 2945  Half past autumn : a retrospective 
 2946  Halle Berry : "beauty is not just physical" 
 2947  Hallowe'en party, 
 2948  Hallucinogens and your neurons : the incredibly disgusting story 
 2949  Hallway diaries 
 2950  Hamas : Palestinian terrorists 
 2951  The hamburger book; : all about hamburgers and hamburger cookery. 
 2952  Hamilton : the revolution : being the complete libretto of the Broadway musical, with a true account of its creation, and concise remarks on hip-hop, the power of stories and the New America 
 2953  Hamlet 
 2954  Hamlet 
 2955  Hamlet 
 2956  Hammond's Nature atlas of America, 
 2957  The handbook for SMART school teams 
 2958  The handmade alphabet 
 2959  The handmaid's tale 
 2960  Hands across the continent : the life story of Dr. Gideon Adegbile, M.D. 
 2961  Hang a thousand trees with ribbons : the story of Phillis Wheatley 
 2962  The Hank Aaron story. 
 2963  Hans and Sophie Scholl : German resisters of the White Rose 
 2964  Hans Brinker 
 2965  Hans Brinker, or The silver skates 
 2966  Happily may I walk : American Indians and Alaska natives today 
 2967  Happy ending ; : and, Day of absence : two plays 
 2968  Harbor me 
 2969  Hard bop : jazz and Black music, 1955-1965 
 2970  Hard love 
 2971  Hard questions, heart answers : speeches and sermons 
 2972  The Harlem Renaissance 
 2973  The Harlem renaissance 
 2974  Harlem Renaissance 
 2975  The Harlem Renaissance : a historical exploration of literature 
 2976  Harlem Renaissance : art of Black America 
 2977  The Harlem Renaissance. 
 2978  Harlem stomp! : a cultural history of the Harlem Renaissance 
 2979  The Harmony illustrated encyclopedia of rock 
 2980  Harold & Chester in scared silly : a Halloween treat 
 2981  Harold the herald : a book about heraldry 
 2982  Harriet and the Promised Land 
 2983  Harriet Beecher Stowe 
 2984  Harriet Tubman 
 2985  Harriet, the spy. 
 2986  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
 2987  Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets 
 2988  Harry Potter and the deathly hallows 
 2989  Harry Potter and the goblet of fire 
 2990  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 
 2991  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 
 2992  Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban 
 2993  Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban 
 2994  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 2995  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 2996  The Harvard book of contemporary American poetry 
 2997  Harvard guide to contemporary American writing 
 2998  The harvest birds 
 2999  Hastings 
 3000  The hat : trends and traditions 
 3001  Hate crimes 
 3002  The hate u give 
 3003  The hate u give 
 3004  A hatful of gold. 
 3005  Hatshepsut and ancient Egypt 
 3006  Hatter Fox. 
 3007  Hawai'i 
 3008  Hawaii 
 3009  Hawaii, gem of the Pacific; 
 3010  Hawks & falcons 
 3011  The Hawthorne legacy 
 3012  Hazardous heights 
 3013  The head and neck : learning how we use our muscles 
 3014  Headin' for better times : the arts of the great depression 
 3015  Heads or tails? : exploring probability through games 
 3016  Heads up money 
 3017  Healing love 
 3018  Health and hygiene 
 3019  The heart : learning how our blood circulates 
 3020  Heart man : Vivien Thomas, African-American heart surgery pioneer 
 3021  The heart of a woman. 
 3022  Heart of darkness 
 3023  Heart to heart : new poems inspired by twentieth-century American art 
 3024  Hearth & home, preserving a people's culture 
 3025  Heather and broom; tales of the Scottish highlands. 
 3026  Heaven 
 3027  Heaven Eyes 
 3028  Heaven looks a lot like the mall : a novel 
 3029  Heavenly date and other flirtations. 
 3030  Helen Keller 
 3031  The help 
 3032  Help yourself for teens : real-life advice for real-life challenges 
 3033  Helping a child with nonverbal learning disorder or Asperger's disorder : a parent's guide 
 3034  Helping animals 
 3035  Helping children 
 3036  Helping hands : how monkeys assist people who are disabled 
 3037  Helping those in poverty 
 3038  Helping those with addictions 
 3039  Helping those with mental illnesses 
 3040  Helping to protect the environment 
 3041  Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 
 3042  Henri Matisse 
 3043  Henri Matisse 
 3044  Henri Rousseau 
 3045  Henry Clay and the art of American politics. 
 3046  Henry Ford 
 3047  Henry of Navarre 
 3048  Henry VIII 
 3049  Her stories : African American folktales, fairy tales, and true tales 
 3050  Her story : black female rites of passage. 
 3051  Herbert Hoover 
 3052  Hercules 
 3053  Here is my kingdom : Hispanic-American literature and art for young people 
 3054  Here there be unicorns 
 3055  Heredity 
 3056  The heritage of America; 
 3057  Herman Melville 
 3058  Hermann Goring : Hitler's second-in-command 
 3059  Hermosas criaturas 
 3060  The hero and the crown 
 3061  Hero's bridge 
 3062  Hero's song 
 3063  The hero's trail : a guide for a heroic life 
 3064  Heroes : a novel 
 3065  Heroes and history. 
 3066  Heroes of the day 
 3067  Heroes, gods and monsters of the Greek myths. 
 3068  The heroes. 
 3069  The heroic triad; essays in the social energies of three Southwestern cultures. 
 3070  Heroin and your veins : the incredibly disgusting story 
 3071  Hex 
 3072  Hey world, here I am! 
 3073  Hey, kiddo 
 3074  Hey, that's my soul you're stomping on 
 3075  The Hiawatha story. 
 3076  Hidden 
 3077  The hidden contributors: Black scientists and inventors in America 
 3078  Hidden figures : the American dream and the untold story of the Black women mathematicians who helped win the space race 
 3079  Hidden human computers : the Black women of NASA 
 3080  Hidden like Anne Frank : fourteen true stories of survival 
 3081  Hidden pictures 
 3082  Hidden teens, hidden lives : primary sources from the Holocaust 
 3083  Hidden treasures of the sea. 
 3084  Hide and seek 
 3085  Hiding to survive : stories of Jewish children rescued from the Holocaust 
 3086  The high deeds of Finn Mac Cool, 
 3087  The high deep blue sky 
 3088  Highly illogical behavior 
 3089  The highwayman 
 3090  Highwaymen 
 3091  Hijas Americanas : beauty, body image, and growing up Latina 
 3092  The hill we climb : an inaugural poem for the country 
 3093  Hillary Clinton 
 3094  Hillary Clinton 
 3095  Hillary Rodham Clinton : activist first lady 
 3096  Hillary Rodham Clinton : first lady and senator 
 3097  The hills beyond, 
 3098  Him she loves? 
 3099  Hinduism 
 3100  Hinduism 
 3101  Hip hop world 
 3102  Hip-hop : a short history 
 3103  Hip-hop around the world 
 3104  Hip-hop high school 
 3105  Hirohito 
 3106  Hiroshima : a novella 
 3107  Hispanic America, Texas, and the Mexican War 1835-1850 
 3108  The Hispanic nations of the New world : a chronicle of our southern neighbors 
 3109  Historic costume; : a resum of style and fashion from remote times to the nineteen-sixties 
 3110  Historical atlas of the United States. 
 3111  The historical encyclopedia of costumes 
 3112  Historical Negro biographies, 
 3113  History : journey through time 
 3114  The history of African American colleges and universities 
 3115  The history of counting 
 3116  History of First Methodist Church Memphis, Tennessee 1826-1900 
 3117  A history of invention : from stone axes to silicon chips 
 3118  The history of jazz 
 3119  A history of mathematics 
 3120  History of medicine in Memphis. 
 3121  The history of Mexico 
 3122  The history of punishment 
 3123  A history of Rome to A.D. 565 
 3124  A history of Rome. 
 3125  The history of space exploration : sequencing events chronologically on a timeline 
 3126  A history of Tennessee from 1663 to 1930. 
 3127  A history of the African American people: the history, traditions & culture of African Americans/ 
 3128  History of the American frontier, 1763-1893. 
 3129  The history of the city of Memphis : being a compilation of the most important documents and historical events ... Also, the "Old Times papers" 
 3130  History of the conquest of Mexico; and, History of the conquest of Peru. 
 3131  A history of the English language. 
 3132  The history of the Incas. 
 3133  A history of the Old South. 
 3134  History of the Tennessee Education Congress, 1923-1967 
 3135  A history of war and weapons, 449 to 1660; : English warfare from the Anglo-Saxons to Cromwell 
 3136  The history of zero : exploring our place-value number system 
 3137  Hitch 
 3138  The Hitler Youth : marching toward madness 
 3139  The Hmong of Southeast Asia 
 3140  Ho. 
 3141  A hog on ice; and other curious expressions 
 3142  Hokage vs. Hokage!! 
 3143  Hokusai, a biography. 
 3144  Hole in my life 
 3145  Hole in the sky 
 3146  Holiday in Washington. 
 3147  The hollow bettle 
 3148  The Holocaust : the fire that raged 
 3149  The Holocaust : understanding and remembering 
 3150  The Holocaust and other genocides : history, representation, ethics 
 3151  Holocaust memories : speaking the truth in their own voices 
 3152  The Holy Bible : authorized King James Version. 
 3153  Home and Child life in colonial days. 
 3154  The home book of quotations, classical and modern. 
 3155  The home book of Shakespeare quotations; : being also a concordance & a glossary of the unique words & phrases in the plays & poems. 
 3156  The home book of verse, American and English; : with an appendix containing a few well-known poems in other languages. 
 3157  Home is not a country 
 3158  Homecoming 
 3159  Homecoming 
 3160  The homecoming; : a novel about Spencer's Mountain. 
 3161  The homeless : distinguishing between fact and opinion 
 3162  Homeless bird 
 3163  Hominids : a look back at our ancestors 
 3164  Honduras. 
 3165  Honest Abe 
 3166  Hoopmania : the book of basketball history and trivia 
 3167  Hoops 
 3168  Hope in Patience 
 3169  Hope was here 
 3170  The Horizon book of the Elizabethan world, 
 3171  Horror stories : classic tales from Hoffman to Hodgson 
 3172  A horse and two goats; : stories, 
 3173  Horse hooves and chicken feet : Mexican folktales 
 3174  Horses 
 3175  Horses of dreamland 
 3176  Horses, horses, horses; : a collection of stories, 
 3177  Hospitality & recreation 
 3178  Hotlanta 
 3179  The hound of the Baskervilles; 
 3180  The Hound of Ulster 
 3181  Hourglass 
 3182  A house divided : America's Civil War 
 3183  The house divides; : the Age of Jackson and Lincoln, from the War of 1812 to the Civil War 
 3184  House made of dawn 
 3185  The house of Dies Drear with related readings 
 3186  The house of Hades 
 3187  The house of the scorpion 
 3188  The house of the spirits 
 3189  The house on East 88th Street 
 3190  The house on Mango Street 
 3191  Houston in the rearview mirror 
 3192  How a bill becomes a law 
 3193  How Barack Obama fought the War on Terrorism 
 3194  How can I support you? : strategies for effective writing conferences. 
 3195  How Congress works : a look at the legislative branch 
 3196  How dare the sun rise : memoirs of a war child 
 3197  How do I teach this kid to read? : teaching literacy skills to young children with autism, from phonics to fluency 
 3198  How do we know abou the Romans? 
 3199  How do you spell God? : answers to the big questions from around the world 
 3200  How does cell phone use impact teenagers? 
 3201  How dog began 
 3202  How green was my valley. 
 3203  How I discovered poetry 
 3204  How I spent my summer vacation : an Amanda Pepper mystery 
 3205  How Indians really lived, 
 3206  How it feels when a parent dies 
 3207  How it went down 
 3208  How long 'til black future month? 
 3209  How many spots does a leopard have? and other tales 
 3210  How Moon Fuentez fell in love with the universe 
 3211  How proudly they wave : flags of the fifty states 
 3212  How renewable energy is changing society 
 3213  How robotics is changing society 
 3214  How serious a problem is computer hacking? 
 3215  How serious a problem is cyberbullying? 
 3216  How serious is teen drunk and distracted driving? 
 3217  How states make laws 
 3218  How sweet the sound : African-American songs for children 
 3219  How the Arabs invented algebra : the history of the concept of variables 
 3220  How the Internet is changing society 
 3221  How time flies : FedEx delivers the 21st century. 
 3222  How to build a house : a novel 
 3223  How to draw comics the Marvel way 
 3224  How to draw Grimm's dark tales, fables & folklore 
 3225  How to draw steampunk 
 3226  How to land the best jobs in school administration : the self-help workbook for practicing and aspiring school administrators 
 3227  How to make super pop-ups 
 3228  How to make watercolor work for you 
 3229  How to money : your ultimate visual guide to the basics of finance 
 3230  How to read and write poems 
 3231  How to run a meeting 
 3232  How we got to the moon : the people, technology, and daring feats of science behind humanity's greatest adventure 
 3233  How we know about the Egyptians. 
 3234  How we know about the Greeks 
 3235  How we know about the Vikings 
 3236  Howard Pyle's Book of pirates; : fiction, fact & fancy concerning the buccaneers & marooners of the Spanish Main: 
 3237  Hub 
 3238  Hubknuckles 
 3239  Huda F are you 
 3240  Hudson's Bay Company. 
 3241  Hue Boy 
 3242  Human body 
 3243  The human body 
 3244  The Human Genome Project 
 3245  The human mind : how we think and learn 
 3246  Humbug 
 3247  The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. 
 3248  A hundred days from home. 
 3249  The hundred penny box 
 3250  Hunger 
 3251  Hunger : a memoir of (my) body 
 3252  The Hunger Games 
 3253  The Hunger Games 
 3254  The Hunger Games 
 3255  The Hunger Games 
 3256  The Hunger games : complete 4-film collection. 
 3257  The hunt for "Tokyo Rose" 
 3258  Hunted like a wolf; : the story of the Seminole War. 
 3259  The hunter : a Chinese folktale 
 3260  Hush little baby 
 3261  Hush! : a Thai lullaby 
 3262  Hush, hush 
 3263  The Hydra 
 3264  Hydrogen 
 3265  I always wanted to be somebody. 
 3266  I am a star--child of the Holocaust 
 3267  I am number four 
 3268  I am the cheese : a novel 
 3269  I am the darker brother : an anthology of modern poems by African Americans 
 3270  I am the darker brother; : an anthology of modern poems by Negro Americans. 
 3271  I am the mummy Heb-Nefert 
 3272  I am writing a poem about-- a game of poetry : edited by Myra Cohn Livingston. 
 3273  I burn 
 3274  I couldn't help laughing; 
 3275  I feel a little jumpy around you : a book of her poems & his poems collected in pairs 
 3276  I feel like the Morning Star 
 3277  I hadn't meant to tell you this 
 3278  I have a dream 
 3279  I have a dream : A collection of black Americans on U.S. postage stamps. 
 3280  I have lived a thousand years : growing up in the Holocaust 
 3281  I heard the owl call my name. 
 3282  I know why the caged bird sings 
 3283  I must betray you 
 3284  I never saw another butterfly : children's drawings and poems from Terezn Concentration Camp, 1942-1944 
 3285  I promised I would tell 
 3286  I see the moon 
 3287  I shall not be moved 
 3288  I shall not be moved 
 3289  I stay near you : 1 story in 3 
 3290  I want to be a chef 
 3291  I'll be seeing you 
 3292  I'll give you the sun 
 3293  I'll love you when you're more like me 
 3294  I'll see you in my dreams 
 3295  I'm going to sing : Black American spirituals, volume two 
 3296  I'm nobody! who are you? : poems 
 3297  I've got to talk to somebody, God : a woman's conversations with God 
 3298  I, Juan de Pareja. 
 3299  I, Robot 
 3300  I, too, sing America : three centuries of African-American poetry 
 3301  I, witness 
 3302  I-search, you search, we all learn to research : a how-to-do-it manual for teaching elementary school students to solve information problems 
 3303  Ice Palace. 
 3304  Ichiro 
 3305  Ichiro Suzuki 
 3306  Icing on the cake 
 3307  Ida B. Wells : mother of the civil rights movement 
 3308  Ida B. Wells-Barnett : "strike a blow against a glaring evil" 
 3309  Ida B. Wells-Barnett : powerhouse with a pen 
 3310  Identificación 
 3311  If I stay : a novel 
 3312  If only you knew : a Hotlanta novel 
 3313  If you were really superstitious 
 3314  Ignite me 
 3315  Il tait une fois le cinma 
 3316  The Iliad 
 3317  The Iliad and the Odyssey : the heroic story of the Trojan War [and] the fabulous adventures of Odysseus 
 3318  The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, 
 3319  The ill-made mute 
 3320  Illegal 
 3321  Illegal immigration 
 3322  Illustrated atlas of the Civil War 
 3323  The Illustrated dictionary of British history 
 3324  The illustrated dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology 
 3325  The illustrated dinosaur dictionary 
 3326  The Illustrated dinosaur encyclopedia 
 3327  The illustrated encyclopaedia of Arthurian legends 
 3328  The illustrated encyclopedia of rock 
 3329  The illustrated encyclopedia of the Civil War : the soldiers, generals, weapons and battles 
 3330  An Illustrated History of the 20th Century 
 3331  An illustrated treasury of myths and legends 
 3332  Image and substance : the media in U.S. elections 
 3333  Imaginary gardens : American poetry and art for young people. 
 3334  Immigration bans 
 3335  Immigration to America : identifying different points of view about an issue 
 3336  The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks 
 3337  The immune system 
 3338  Impassioned efforts 
 3339  Imperial Rome. 
 3340  The importance of being an active citizen 
 3341  Imposters 
 3342  Impressionism. 
 3343  Impulse 
 3344  In a dark wood 
 3345  In a pig's eye : a Jimmy Flannery mystery 
 3346  In black and white : the life of Sammy Davis, Jr. 
 3347  In defense of liberty : the story of America's Bill of Rights 
 3348  In for winter, out for spring 
 3349  In his own voice : the dramatic and other uncollected works of Paul Laurence Dunbar 
 3350  In lane three, Alex Archer 
 3351  In my hands : memories of a Holocaust rescuer 
 3352  In my momma's kitchen 
 3353  In our defense : the Bill of Rights in action 
 3354  In praise of black women 
 3355  In real life : six women photographers 
 3356  In search of Mary : the woman and the symbol 
 3357  In search of Nella Larsen : a biography of the color line 
 3358  In the afterlight 
 3359  In the beginning : creation stories from around the world 
 3360  In the camps : teens who survived the Nazi concentration camps 
 3361  In the days of McKinley. 
 3362  In the forest : a portfolio of paintings 
 3363  In the ghettos : teens who survived the ghettos of the Holocaust 
 3364  In the Land of Small Dragon : a Vietnamese folktale 
 3365  In the Mecca; : poems. 
 3366  In the middle of the night 
 3367  In the middle of the night 
 3368  In the moonlight mist : a Korean tale 
 3369  In the Nation: 1932-1966. 
 3370  In the sewers of Lvov : a heroic story of survival from the Holocaust 
 3371  In the time of the butterflies 
 3372  In the Womb 
 3373  In this night 
 3374  In Vietnam 
 3375  In your dreams 
 3376  Inca & Spaniard : Pizarro and the conquest of Peru 
 3377  The Incas 
 3378  Incas : lords of gold and glory 
 3379  The Incas; : people of the sun. 
 3380  An inconvenient truth 
 3381  An inconvenient truth : a global warning. 
 3382  Incredible century : a pictorial history, 1901-1970 
 3383  Incredible comparisons 
 3384  The incredible story of China's buried warriors/ 
 3385  Incredible Visual Illusions: You Won't Believe Your Eyes 
 3386  Independence Hall 
 3387  India in pictures 
 3388  India Unveiled 
 3389  The Indian and his horse. 
 3390  Indian and the buffalo. 
 3391  The Indian background of Latin American history; : the Maya, Aztec, Inca and their predecessors. 
 3392  Indian chiefs 
 3393  Indian chiefs 
 3394  Indian fishing and camping. 
 3395  Indian games and crafts, 
 3396  The Indian heritage of America 
 3397  Indian hunting; 
 3398  The Indian medicine man 
 3399  Indian music makers, 
 3400  Indian picture writing, 
 3401  Indian sign language, 
 3402  Indian wars and warriors, West. 
 3403  An Indian winter 
 3404  Indiana 
 3405  Indians of the plains, 
 3406  Indigenous religions 
 3407  Indigo summer 
 3408  The industrial revolution 
 3409  Inexcusable 
 3410  The inexplicable logic of my life 
 3411  The infinite sea 
 3412  Influenza 
 3413  Information literacy : search strategies, tools & resources for high school students and college freshmen 
 3414  Inhalants and your nasal passages : the incredibly disgusting story 
 3415  Inherit the wind 
 3416  Inheritance : a visual poem 
 3417  The inheritance games 
 3418  Inheritance, or, The vault of souls 
 3419  Inheritors of the spirit : Mary White Ovington and the founding of the NAACP 
 3420  Inside America's CIA : the Central Intelligence Agency 
 3421  Inside Britain's MI6 : military intelligence 6 
 3422  Inside France's DGSE : the General Directorate for External Security 
 3423  Inside Germany's BND : the Federal Intelligence Service 
 3424  Inside Israel's Mossad : the Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks 
 3425  Inside out 
 3426  Inside Russia's SVR : the foreign intelligence service 
 3427  Inside the Living Body 
 3428  The inside-out stomach : an introduction to animals without backbones 
 3429  Insurgent 
 3430  Intellectual property 
 3431  Intelligence: what is it? 
 3432  Interesting invertebrates : a look at some animals without backbones 
 3433  The Internal Revenue Service 
 3434  The international dictionary of religion : a profusely illustrated guide to the beliefs of the world 
 3435  International terrorism 
 3436  The internet 
 3437  Internment 
 3438  Interpretations of life: a survey of contemporary literature; : the lives and opinions of some major authors of our time, 
 3439  The Interstate Commerce Act : the government takes control of trade between states 
 3440  Into the dying light 
 3441  Introducing Michelangelo 
 3442  An introduction to great artists. 
 3443  An introduction to scientology : a filmed interview with L. Ron Hubbard. 
 3444  Intruder in the dust. 
 3445  The Inuit of Canada 
 3446  The invaders of Rome. 
 3447  The invasion of Poland 
 3448  Invasion of the boy snatchers : a Clique novel 
 3449  Inventors 
 3450  Invincible 
 3451  Invincible Louisa; : the story of the author of Little women. 
 3452  Invisible armies : the impact of disease on American history 
 3453  Invisible invaders : new and dangerous infectious diseases 
 3454  The Invisible Man 
 3455  Invisible man 
 3456  Invisible man. 
 3457  Iran in pictures 
 3458  Iraq in pictures 
 3459  The Irish Republican Army 
 3460  Iron 
 3461  Iron widow 
 3462  Ironclads of the Civil War, 
 3463  Ironman : a novel 
 3464  Is it them or is it me? 
 3465  Is online addiction a serious problem? 
 3466  Is social media good for society? 
 3467  Is the U.S. ready for a minority president? 
 3468  Isabel and Ferdinand and fifteenth century Spain 
 3469  Ishi in two worlds; : a biography of the last wild Indian in North America. 
 3470  Islamic fundamentalism in the modern world 
 3471  An island far from home 
 3472  The island harp 
 3473  An island like you : stories of the barrio 
 3474  Island of the Blue Dolphins with related readings 
 3475  Island of the Blue Dolphins. 
 3476  Island of the Blue Dolphins. 
 3477  Israel 
 3478  Israel in pictures 
 3479  It happened to Nancy 
 3480  It is the poem singing into your eyes; : anthology of new young poets. 
 3481  It's an aardvark-eat-turtle world 
 3482  It's not about the bike : my journey back to life 
 3483  It's not the end of the world 
 3484  It's not your fault : overcoming anorexia and bulimia through biopsychiatry 
 3485  It's okay to say no : choosing sexual abstinence 
 3486  Itachi's power 
 3487  The Italian Renaissance 
 3488  Italy in pictures 
 3489  Its Greek to me! : brush up your classics. 
 3490  Ivan the Terrible : tsar of death 
 3491  Ivanhoe 
 3492  Ivory Coast 
 3493  Izuku Midoriya : origin 
 3494  Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi 
 3495  Izzy, willy-nilly 
 3496  Jack : secret circles 
 3497  Jack : secret vengeance 
 3498  Jack and Jill 
 3499  Jack London : a writer's adventurous life 
 3500  Jack-in-the-pulpit 
 3501  Jackaby 
 3502  Jackaroo 
 3503  Jackie Joyner-Kersee : champion athlete 
 3504  Jackie Joyner-Kersee : superwoman 
 3505  Jackie Robinson 
 3506  Jackie Robinson 
 3507  Jackie Robinson 
 3508  The Jacksonville Jaguars 
 3509  Jacob have I loved 
 3510  Jade and iron : Latin American tales from two cultures 
 3511  Jam! : the story of jazz music 
 3512  James Baldwin 
 3513  James Earl Jones 
 3514  James Harden 
 3515  James Weldon Johnson 
 3516  James Weldon Johnson 
 3517  Jamestown adventure. 
 3518  Jamestown colony 
 3519  Jamestown: first English colony, 
 3520  Jane Addams, pioneer for social justice; : a biography, 
 3521  Jane Austen 
 3522  Jane Eyre, 
 3523  Jane Goodall, protector of chimpanzees 
 3524  Japan in pictures 
 3525  Japan in the days of the samurai 
 3526  The Japanese Red Army 
 3527  Jason and the golden fleece : the most adventurous and exciting expedition of all the ages 
 3528  Jay-Z 
 3529  Jay-Z : excelling in music and business 
 3530  Jayd's legacy 
 3531  Jazz owls : a novel of the Zoot Suit Riots 
 3532  Jazz tap : from African drums to American feet 
 3533  Jealousy : a strange angels novel 
 3534  Jefferson and his colleagues; : a chronicle of the Virginia dynasty, 
 3535  The Jefferson Memorial 
 3536  The Jeffersonian Republicans : the Louisiana Purchase and the War of 1812, 1800-1823 
 3537  The Jeffersonians; : a study in administrative history, 1801-1829. 
 3538  Jeffrey Strangeways 
 3539  Jennifer Hudson 
 3540  Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and me, Elizabeth, 
 3541  Jeremy Thatcher, dragon hatcher 
 3542  Jesse Owens 
 3543  Jesse Owens : "I always loved running" 
 3544  Jim Beckwourth; explorer-patriot of the Rockies. 
 3545  The Jim Crow encyclopedia 
 3546  Jim Thorpe : 20th-century jock 
 3547  The Jimmy Carter story 
 3548  Jip : his story 
 3549  Jo's boys, : a sequel to Little men; 
 3550  Joan of Arc 
 3551  Joe Biden : 46th US president 
 3552  Joey Pigza loses control 
 3553  Johann Sebastian Bach. 
 3554  John Calvin 
 3555  John Charles Frémont : pathfinder to the West 
 3556  John F. Kennedy 
 3557  John F. Kennedy : young people's president 
 3558  John Hedgecoe's new book of photography. 
 3559  John Henry and his hammer. 
 3560  John Lennon : the Beatles and beyond 
 3561  John Lewis : from freedom rider to Congressman 
 3562  John Marshall and the Constitution; : a chronicle of the Supreme court, 
 3563  John McCain 
 3564  John Quincy Adams. 
 3565  John Steinbeck, nature and myth 
 3566  John Sutter : California pioneer = pionero de California 
 3567  Johnny Tremain and the American Revolution 
 3568  Joker 
 3569  Jonathan Livingston Seagull : : a story 
 3570  Joseph Pulitzer and the story behind the Pulitzer Prize 
 3571  Josephine Baker 
 3572  Josh Gibson 
 3573  The journal of Biddy Owens : the Negro leagues 
 3574  The journal of Milo Thatch. 
 3575  Journalism ethics 
 3576  Journey 
 3577  A journey along the Erie Canal : dividing multidigit numbers by one-digit numbers without remainders 
 3578  A journey to the center of the earth 
 3579  Journey to the river sea 
 3580  The journey, 
 3581  The Joy Luck Club 
 3582  Joyride 
 3583  Jubilee 
 3584  Jubilee 
 3585  Judy Johnson 
 3586  Juelz Santana 
 3587  Julia Gillian (and the quest for joy) 
 3588  Julian Bond : civil rights activist and chairman of the NAACP 
 3589  Julius Caesar 
 3590  Julius Caesar 
 3591  Julius Caesar 
 3592  Julius Caesar. 
 3593  Jump at de sun : the story of Zora Neale Hurston 
 3594  Jump back, honey : the poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar 
 3595  The jungle book 
 3596  Juntos 
 3597  Just Ella 
 3598  Just mercy : a story of justice and redemption 
 3599  Just mercy : adapted for young adults : a true story of the fight for justice 
 3600  Just what the doctor ordered : the history of American medicine 
 3601  Justice Sandra Day O'Connor 
 3602  Justin Timberlake 
 3603  Kaffir boy : the true story of a Black youth's coming of age in Apartheid South Africa 
 3604  Kaffir boy in America : an encounter with apartheid 
 3605  Kakashi vs. Itachi 
 3606  Kaleidoscope 
 3607  Kamala Harris : first female US vice president 
 3608  Kamala Harris : history-making US Vice President 
 3609  Kansas 
 3610  Kanye West 
 3611  Kanye West 
 3612  Kanye West : conquering music and fashion 
 3613  Karen Kepplewhite is the world's best kisser 
 3614  Katherine Dunham : pioneer of black dance 
 3615  Katsuki Bakugo : origin 
 3616  Katsuki Bakugo rising 
 3617  Katy Perry : a biography 
 3618  Keep jumping 
 3619  Keep Talking That Book! : Booktalks to Promote Reading Grades 2-12. 
 3620  Keeper 
 3621  Keeping secrets 
 3622  Keeping time through the ages : the history of tools used to measure time 
 3623  Keesha's house 
 3624  Ken Griffey, Jr. : superstar centerfielder 
 3625  Kentucky 
 3626  Kenya 
 3627  Kenya in pictures 
 3628  Kevin Corbett eats flies 
 3629  Kevin Durant 
 3630  Kevin Durant 
 3631  Kevin Garnett "Da Kid" 
 3632  The key to Rondo 
 3633  Keys to the repository 
 3634  The Khan's daughter : a Mongolian folktale 
 3635  Kick-start your class : academic icebreakers to engage students 
 3636  Kicks 
 3637  The kid who invented the popsicle : and other surprising stories about inventions 
 3638  Kidnapped 
 3639  Kids at work : Lewis Hine and the crusade against child labor 
 3640  Kids who kill 
 3641  Kids without homes 
 3642  The kids' guide to digital photography : how to shoot, save, play with & print your digital photos 
 3643  Kill Alex Cross 
 3644  The kill order 
 3645  The kill order 
 3646  The killer angels 
 3647  Killer at Large 
 3648  Killers of the flower moon : the Osage murders and the birth of the FBI 
 3649  A killing freeze 
 3650  Killing Mr. Griffin 
 3651  Kim 
 3652  Kimberly Bryant : founder of Black Girls Code 
 3653  A kind of thief 
 3654  Kindred 
 3655  King 
 3656  King Arthur 
 3657  King Arthur 
 3658  King Arthur : how history is invented 
 3659  King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. 
 3660  King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table 
 3661  King Lear 
 3662  King Lear 
 3663  King of shadows 
 3664  King of the mild frontier : an ill-advised autobiography 
 3665  The King's day : Louis XIV of France 
 3666  The king's equal 
 3667  The king's fool : a book about Medieval and Renaissance fools 
 3668  King's Mountain : the epic of the Blue Ridge "mountain men" in the American Revolution 
 3669  The king's shadow 
 3670  Kingdoms of Africa 
 3671  Kings & queens of England & Great Britain 
 3672  Kira-kira 
 3673  Kit's wilderness 
 3674  Kneel 
 3675  Knickerbocker's History of New York; 
 3676  A knight of the seven kingdoms 
 3677  The knight who was afraid of the dark 
 3678  Knights 
 3679  The Knights of Labor and the Haymarket Riot : the fight for an eight-hour workday 
 3680  The knot tied; : marriage ceremonies of all nations, 
 3681  Knots in my yo-yo string : the autobiography of a kid 
 3682  Know about smoking 
 3683  The knowledgebook : everything you need to know to get by in the 21st Century. 
 3684  Kobe Bryant : basketball superstar 
 3685  Kokopelli's flute 
 3686  The Korean Cinderella 
 3687  Kristen : a Clique novel 
 3688  The Kurds of Asia 
 3689  Kurt Vonnegut 
 3690  Kwanzaa! : Africa lives in a new world festival 
 3691  Kweisi Mfume : congressman and NAACP leader 
 3692  La búsqueda del dragon 
 3693  La caída 
 3694  La criatura de la noche 
 3695  La historia de Ana : un camino lleno de esperanza 
 3696  La tormenta 
 3697  La Verdad 
 3698  Lace cuffs and leather aprons: popular struggles in the Federalist era, 1783-1800, 
 3699  LaDainian Tomlinson 
 3700  Lady Gaga : pop's glam queen 
 3701  Lady Muck 
 3702  The Lady of Shalott 
 3703  The lady with the hat 
 3704  The Lady's Guide to petticoats and piracy 
 3705  Lake of secrets 
 3706  The land 
 3707  The land 
 3708  The land and literature of England : a historical account 
 3709  The land and people of Cambodia 
 3710  Land Between the Lakes; : experiment in recreation, 
 3711  The land of Canaan. 
 3712  Land of morning calm : Korean culture then and now 
 3713  Land of yesterday, land of tomorrow : discovering Chinese Central Asia 
 3714  The landing of the Pilgrims; 
 3715  Landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court 
 3716  The landmark history of the American people from Appomattox to the moon 
 3717  The landmark history of the American people from Plymouth to Appomattox 
 3718  Landmarks in science : Hippocrates to Carson 
 3719  Landmarks of Tennessee history 
 3720  Landmarks of the Civil War 
 3721  The landscape of memory 
 3722  Langston Hughes 
 3723  Langston Hughes : poet 
 3724  The Langston Hughes reader. 
 3725  Langston Hughes; a biography. 
 3726  Language in thought and action 
 3727  The language of graphics 
 3728  Language, meaning, and maturity; : selections from Etc., a review of general semantics, 1943-1953, 
 3729  The languages of the world. 
 3730  Laos 
 3731  Larousse encyclopedia of mythology. 
 3732  Lasers : the new technology of light 
 3733  Lassie come-home 
 3734  Lassie come-home 
 3735  The Last Americans: the Indian in American culture. 
 3736  Last battle of the Icemark 
 3737  The last caravan 
 3738  The last cuentista 
 3739  The last days of Pompeii 
 3740  Last names first : --and some first names too 
 3741  Last night at the Telegraph Club 
 3742  The last of the Mohicans 
 3743  The last of the Mohicans : a narrative of 1757 
 3744  The last Plantagenets. 
 3745  The last princess : the story of Princess Kaiulani of Hawaii 
 3746  The last resort 
 3747  Last sacrifice 
 3748  The last song 
 3749  The last two million years. 
 3750  The last tycoon 
 3751  The last vampire 2 : black blood 
 3752  The last, best hope: Eduardo Frei & Chilean democracy. 
 3753  Latin music USA 
 3754  Latin workshop experimental materials. : Book 2. 
 3755  Latin; : a structural approach, 
 3756  Latino athletes 
 3757  Latino writers and journalists 
 3758  Latinos in science, math, and professions 
 3759  Latinos in the arts 
 3760  Laughable limericks, 
 3761  Laughing at my nightmare 
 3762  The lavender box 
 3763  Law for K-12 libraries and librarians 
 3764  Lawn boy : a novel 
 3765  Layout : the design of the printed page 
 3766  Layover 
 3767  Le Noel dex Max. 
 3768  Leaders of World War II 
 3769  Leap of faith 
 3770  Learning disabilities 
 3771  Leaves of grass, 
 3772  Leaving Protection 
 3773  Lebanon : new light in an ancient land 
 3774  Lebanon's Hezbollah 
 3775  Lebron James 
 3776  LeBron James 
 3777  Lebron James : king of shots 
 3778  Lee Ann : the story of a Vietnamese-American girl 
 3779  Lee's lieutenants : a study in command 
 3780  Legacy : treasures of Black history 
 3781  Legend 
 3782  The legend of Daisy Flower Dew 
 3783  The legend of good women : medieval women in towns & cities 
 3784  The legend of King Arthur. 
 3785  The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 
 3786  The legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Rip Van Winkle 
 3787  Legendary women of the West 
 3788  Legendborn 
 3789  Legends of Paul Bunyan 
 3790  Legionnaire's disease 
 3791  Lemillion 
 3792  Lena 
 3793  Lena Horne 
 3794  Leo and the Lesser Lion 
 3795  Leo the Magnificat 
 3796  Leonardo da Vinci 
 3797  Leonardo da Vinci 
 3798  Leonardo da Vinci 
 3799  Leonardo da Vinci : Renaissance genius 
 3800  Leonardo da Vinci, : a biography. 
 3801  Leonardo da Vinci, : prince of painters. 
 3802  Leopard at the door 
 3803  Leopards 
 3804  Leprosy (Hansen's disease) 
 3805  LeRoy and the old man 
 3806  Les miserables 
 3807  A lesson before dying 
 3808  A lesson before dying 
 3809  A lesson before dying 
 3810  Lessons from the Eastern warriors 
 3811  Lessons from the fighting commandos 
 3812  Let me call you sweetheart 
 3813  Let the circle be unbroken 
 3814  Let's get lost 
 3815  Let's have a bake sale : calculating profit and unit cost 
 3816  Let's read stories. 
 3817  Let's take a hike! : converting fractions to decimals 
 3818  Let's talk about love 
 3819  Let's visit Canada : the metric system 
 3820  Letter from Peking. 
 3821  Letters from Atlantis 
 3822  The letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart, woman homesteader 
 3823  Leverage leadership : a practical guide to building exceptional schools 
 3824  Lewis & Clark, partners in discovery. 
 3825  The Lewis and Clark expedition. 
 3826  Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill 
 3827  LGBTQ+ discrimination 
 3828  Li'l Sis and Uncle Willie : a story based on the life and paintings of William H. Johnson 
 3829  The liars of Mariposa Island 
 3830  Liberation : teens in the concentration camps and the teen soldiers who liberated them 
 3831  Liberia 
 3832  The Liberty Bell 
 3833  The librarian of Auschwitz 
 3834  The librarian who measured the earth 
 3835  The library 
 3836  The library media specialist in the writing process 
 3837  Libya 
 3838  Libya and Qaddafi 
 3839  Lies like wildfire 
 3840  Lies we tell ourselves 
 3841  Lies, deception, and truth 
 3842  Lieutenant Lee of Beale Street 
 3843  Life : our century in pictures 
 3844  The life and death of Adolf Hitler 
 3845  The life and death of Crazy Horse 
 3846  The life and death of Nazi Germany, 
 3847  The Life and times of the apple 
 3848  Life at a high altitude 
 3849  Life behind a veil : Blacks in Louisville, Kentucky, 1865-1930 
 3850  Life doesn't frighten me 
 3851  Life doesn't frighten me at all : poems 
 3852  Life during the Middle Ages 
 3853  The life fantastic : a novel in three acts 
 3854  The life I'm in 
 3855  Life in a grassland 
 3856  Life in a lake 
 3857  Life in a medieval village 
 3858  Life in a river 
 3859  Life in an estuary 
 3860  Life in an old growth forest 
 3861  Life in colonial America. 
 3862  Life in Elizabethan days, : a picture of a typical English community at the end of the sixteenth century, 
 3863  Life in Georgian England. 
 3864  Life in Lincoln's America. 
 3865  Life in Norman England 
 3866  Life in outer space 
 3867  Life in the arctic 
 3868  Life in the desert 
 3869  Life in the fat lane 
 3870  Life in the ocean depths 
 3871  Life in Victorian England 
 3872  Life of Pi : a novel 
 3873  Life on Mars : tales from the new frontier : an original science fiction anthology 
 3874  Life on the color line : the true story of a white boy who discovered he was black 
 3875  Life on the equator 
 3876  Life on the line : stories of Vietnam air combat 
 3877  Life under slavery 
 3878  Life-and-death battles 
 3879  Lifelike animals 
 3880  Lifelike heads 
 3881  Lifers : learn the truth at the expense of our sorrow 
 3882  Lifetime Encyclopedia of Letters. 
 3883  Lift every voice; : the lives of Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois, Mary Church Terrell, and James Weldon Johnson 
 3884  Lifting as we climb : black women's battle for the ballot box 
 3885  The light book 
 3886  Light in August 
 3887  A light in the attic 
 3888  Light shining through the mist : a photobiography of Dian Fossey 
 3889  Light upon a hill : The University at Chattanooga, 1886-1996 
 3890  The lighted heart. 
 3891  The lightning thief 
 3892  Like sisters on the homefront 
 3893  Likely story : red carpet riot 
 3894  Lil Buck : inspiring change through dance 
 3895  The lilies of the field. 
 3896  Lily Nevada. 
 3897  Lincoln : a photobiography 
 3898  The Lincoln Memorial 
 3899  Lincoln shot : a president's life remembered 
 3900  Lincoln, in his own words 
 3901  Lincoln, the South, and slavery : the political dimension 
 3902  The Lincoln-Douglas debates 
 3903  The Lindbergh baby kidnapping trial : a primary source account 
 3904  Line and tone 
 3905  Linear equations 
 3906  Linger 
 3907  Linger 
 3908  The lion of Wall Street : the two lives of Jack Dreyfus 
 3909  Lirael, daughter of the Clayr 
 3910  The list 
 3911  A list of cages 
 3912  Listen up! : spoken word poetry 
 3913  Listen up! : teenage mothers speak out 
 3914  Listeriosis 
 3915  Literary newsmakers for students. : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on newsmaking novels, nonfiction, and poetry 
 3916  Literary newsmakers for students. : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on newsmaking novels, nonfiction, and poetry 
 3917  Little & Lion : a novel 
 3918  Little Bighorn 
 3919  The Little dog laughed 
 3920  Little Dorrit 
 3921  Little house in the big woods; 
 3922  A little life : (a novel) 
 3923  Little Little 
 3924  Little men 
 3925  The Little Prince 
 3926  Little princess 
 3927  The little wars of the United States 
 3928  Little women 
 3929  Little women 
 3930  Little women. 
 3931  The lives of Jean Toomer : a hunger for wholeness 
 3932  Lives of the artists : masterpieces, messes (and what the neighbors thought) 
 3933  Lives of the athletes : thrills, spills (and what the neighbors thought) 
 3934  Lives of the musicians : good times, bad times (and what the neighbors thought) 
 3935  Lives of the presidents : fame, shame, and what the neighbors thought 
 3936  Living biographies of great philosophers, 
 3937  The living earth book of North American trees 
 3938  Living ideas in America. 
 3939  Living in a risky world 
 3940  Living in two worlds : the immigrant children's experience 
 3941  Living on a budget 
 3942  Living On Portraits of Tennessee Survivors and Liberators 
 3943  Living treasure : saving earth's threatened biodiversity 
 3944  Living with a parent who drinks too much 
 3945  Living with learning disabilities : a guide for students 
 3946  Living with religion and faith 
 3947  Lizards 
 3948  Lizards 
 3949  LL Cool J 
 3950  Lloyd Banks 
 3951  The Loch Ness monster 
 3952  Lock in 
 3953  Lockdown 
 3954  The locked garden 
 3955  Locked in time 
 3956  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 3957  The lonely mound. 
 3958  The loners; : short stories about the young and alienated. 
 3959  The long black schooner; : the voyage of the Amistad. 
 3960  A long hard journey : the story of the pullman porter 
 3961  The Long March : Red China under Chairman Mao 
 3962  The long road to Gettysburg 
 3963  The long season of rain 
 3964  Long way down 
 3965  A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories 
 3966  A long way gone : memoirs of a boy soldier 
 3967  Look both ways : a tale told in ten blocks 
 3968  Look homeward, angel, : a story of the buried life, 
 3969  Look to the mountain top. : Executive editor: Robert L. Iacopi. 
 3970  Looking for Alaska : a novel 
 3971  Looking for Alibrandi 
 3972  Lord of the deep 
 3973  Lord of the flies 
 3974  Lord of the flies : a novel 
 3975  The lord of the rings 
 3976  The Lords Baltimore; 
 3977  Lords of the earth; : a history of the Navajo Indians. 
 3978  Lorenzo de Medici and Renaissance Italy 
 3979  Lorna Doone. 
 3980  Los juegos del hambre 
 3981  Losing battles. 
 3982  Losing sleep : how your sleeping habits affect your life 
 3983  Loss 
 3984  The lost 
 3985  Lost and found 
 3986  Lost and found 
 3987  The lost colony 
 3988  The lost hero 
 3989  Lost in a book : the psychology of reading for pleasure 
 3990  Lost in time : a Blue Bloods novel 
 3991  The lost marble notebook of Forgotten Girl & Random Boy 
 3992  The lost planet 
 3993  Lost summer 
 3994  The lottery rose 
 3995  The lottery winner : Alvirah and Willy stories 
 3996  Louis Armstrong 
 3997  Louis Armstrong 
 3998  Louis Arms