Memphis-Shelby County Schools and other districts across the state will celebrate the unique role early postsecondary opportunities play in preparing students for college and career during EPSO Week, Nov. 6-11. College and career readiness discussions have been taking place among high school students, but it’s never too early to begin to “See the Future!”
Early postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs) include a course and/or exam that gives students a chance to obtain postsecondary credit while still in high school. In Tennessee, there are eight types of EPSOs offered widely by districts.

According to state education leaders, EPSOs have been shown to increase the number of students seamlessly transitioning from high school to postsecondary while helping them also save money on tuition. Districts across the state, including MSCS, are leveraging dual-credit and dual-enrollment opportunities to maximize the number of college credits students can earn during their high school experience.
MSCS has Early College programs at several high schools, allowing students to take courses on local college campuses while also pursuing career certifications. The District partners with a growing list of institutions that include LeMoyne-Owen College, Moore Tech College of Technology, Southwest Tennessee Community College, and Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCAT).

Student industry credentials in MSCS are up by at least 7% in a year-to-year comparison. Interim Superintendent Toni Williams touted the program’s success in her State of the District address, saying, “CCTE is one of the best programs in the district because it provides the student with college credit, high school credit, work-based learning pay, and, in my program, a welding certification while in high school, cost-free. In CCTE, every day is career day.”
In addition to taking college-level courses for credit, Early College students have the opportunity to participate in campus activities, utilize college campus libraries, labs and other resources, and receive ongoing support from college advisors.
Read more about EPSO Week and the Tennessee Department of Education’s dedication to college and career readiness here.
Read more about MSCS Ready Grad program through the Department of College, Career, and Technical Education (CCTE) here.