Shelby County Board of Education
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Issued Date: 08/26/10


Every student eighteen years of age or older shall follow all rules, regulations and procedures that any student under the age of eighteen must follow. The only exception to this is in a situation when a student eighteen years of age or older is not allowed to reside with his/her parent/legal guardian by the parent/legal guardian and a notarized statement from the parent/legal guardian to that effect is on file with the Director of Student Services. In this case and this case only the following conditions apply:

  1. School Assignment
    The student's residence will determine school placement.

  2. Absences/Lateness/Truancy
    Absence notes, normally signed by parents or guardians, may be signed by students.

  3. Suspensions/Expulsion
    All suspension and/or expulsion proceedings shall conform to the suspension policy of the Shelby County Board of Education. Students of legal age not residing with their parents/legal guardian are permitted to represent themselves upon reinstatement to school following a suspension.

  4. Withdrawal from School
    Students of legal age not residing with their parent/legal guardian may withdraw from school under their own cognizance.

  5. Alcohol and Drugs
    The use, possession, or distribution of alcohol or drugs in the building, on school grounds, or at school-sponsored activities is prohibited. Students under the influence of either shall be subject to disciplinary procedures. The school administration may involve police action, where advisable, without parental consent.

  6. Permission to Inspect Student Records
    Students of legal age may request permission to inspect their personal school record but may review same on a "need to know" basis only.

  7. Excuses from School
    The principal/designee may grant permission for students to leave school early for reasons such as job interviews, college visits, and driver testing. Permission to leave school early may be denied if the request is invalid or unreasonable.

  8. Financial Responsibility
    Students of legal age can be held financially responsible for damage to school property, unless Public Chapter 668 would apply.