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Families are often children’s first teachers, and a little practice goes a long way.

Mom can help.

Dad can help.

Grandparents can help.

Siblings can help.

Aunts/Uncles can help.

Friends can help.

If you can read this, YOU can help too!

Anyone who can read can help a child read.

What’s changed from the Third Grade Commitment to the Literacy Commitment?

Second-grade students will no longer be held to retention based on success criteria points outlined by Memphis-Shelby County Schools. The updated state law expands the literacy scope to focus on students in third through fifth grade.

How will students' reading readiness be monitored for the 2022-23 school year?

Students' reading readiness will be monitored by the district's universal screener, i-Ready.

How will parents be informed about their child's reading readiness throughout the 2022-23 school year?

Parents will receive notice of their child's reading readiness through school meetings, parent-teacher conferences, report cards, and Academic Support Plan Parent Letters.

When will the specific revisions to Policy 5013 be relative to the retention of third graders?

Implementation is now 2022-23.

Who will be promoted to fourth grade?

Third-grade students who meet the requirements outlined by the state law will be promoted to fourth grade.

How can I find out more information about the Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act?

For more information from the Tennessee Department of Education, click this link. Another education agency further simplifies what led to the passage of this law and how it impacts students across the state. Read more about it here.

When will families learn whether their student is at risk of retention?

Schools will identify students considered for retention by February 1 of each school year, unless otherwise specified.