Meet Facilities Steering Committee and review facilities capital proposals/planning process next steps.    April 30
   Review enrollment trends, recruitment strategies for new students, enrollment process/timelines, school clusters/organization, and charter school governance.    April 12 (recurring weekly)
   Examine TISA weighted funding model, per pupil expenditures by school, utilization of federal funds, with heightened focus on ESSER and Title I allocations aligned with student achievement.    March
   Review current of pending litigation and statutes with implications or potential impact on the district.    February - Ongoing
   Review data management systems, student information systems and learning platforms, access to and effectiveness of internet, technology tools, digital resources, and support for staff/students.    
   Review district health centers, transportation, nutrition, grounds and maintenance, and building cleanliness audits.    March - Ongoing
   Review procurement, RFP/RFQ process, approval process for expenditures, vehicle use, field trips, and athletics. Perform line-item analysis of budget.    March - Ongoing
   Review school and district crisis communications and emergency management plans, safety protocols, department structure and needs, security system status, metal detector/PA system audits, high-incident areas/campuses, effectiveness of interventions/programs (SHAPE, Youth Court, etc.)    March - Ongoing
   Review salary schedules, stipends, and determinations for compensation and compare with similar districts.    March - Ongoing
   Explore student/staff-led SAFE Schools Summit for solutions to elevate school-community safety. Review processes for providing counseling, mental health, psychological and social services.    
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