Recently Revised District Policies

Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on February 27, 2024.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs here.

2010 Minority, Women, and Small Business Enterprise Participation - Revised

Revisions to the policy:

  • Change the title to Supplier Diversity Policy
  • Expand definitions inclusive of minority, minority business enterprise (MBE), small business enterprise (SBE), and women business enterprise (WBE)
  • Replace language specific to annual and project-specific goal setting with language specific to contract-by-contract goal-setting
  • Authorizes the Superintendent (designee) to review contracts to determine available opportunities for SBE/MWBE participation
  • Clarify the Board’s expectation regarding good faith efforts
  • Incorporate language authorizing the Superintendent (designee) to establish criteria for determining whether procurement opportunities will only be open for competition by and between certified SBEs (small business enterprise sheltered market)


2021 Employee Additional Pay - New policy

Establishes guidelines and criteria for providing additional pay for employees for the following

  • Recognition of achievement/professional development; services/work rendered
  • Recruitment and retention
  • Additional instances as approved by the Superintendent (designee)
    • Written justification and approval prior to providing an employee with additional pay regardless of the funding source (e.g., federal, state, private, grants)
    • Review and approval of the Superintendent (designee) of additional pay made available to an employee through a grant
    • A signed statement attesting to the employee’s actual performance of service/work and time when service/work is rendered for additional pay
    • Maintenance of records related to additional pay
  • States that additional pay must be (1) processed through payroll unless prior approval is otherwise received by the Superintendent (designee) and (2) disseminated in accordance with District determined timeframes
  • Administrative Rules and Regulations provides criteria and guidance specific to requirements for (1) written justification, (2) signatory approval, and (3) additional pay for non-exempt and exempt employees./li>

Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on November 28, 2023.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs here.

4057 Parenting Leave - Statutory

  • Approved revisions align with state law providing eligible employees with up to six (6) weeks of paid leave for the birth (including still birth) of the employee's child or adoption of a newly placed minor child

6026 Appeals Related to Student Discipline: Suspension/Expulsion/Remand of Students - Statutory

  • Reformat the policy to move procedural language to newly developed Administrative Rules and Regulations
  • Authorize the Superintendent to establish procedures for students to appeal discipline decisions
  • Include provisions and requirements of state law related to discipline
  • Newly developed Administrative Rules and Regulations outline procedures for due process and appeals for short-term and long-term suspensions/expulsions

2006 Purchasing Authority

  • Strengthen the definition of “emergency purchases” to include purchases due to unforeseen conditions that (1) create an imminent threat to life, health, safety, or property and/or (2) must be made to prevent or minimize a major disruption to District, including school, operations
  • Clarify that splitting a single purchase transaction to avoid bidding or other purchasing requirements is prohibited
  • Revises purchasing threshold provisions for invoice and purchase orders
  • Invoice for individual purchases: change from up to $500 to up $3500 (exceptions may apply)
  • Purchase order: change from over $500 to over $3500


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on October 24, 2023.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs here.

1014 Charter School Intervention - New policy

  • Aligns with law requiring charter school authorizers to adopt a policy that outlines intervention decisions and actions that will be taken by the Board against a charter school for violation of their charter agreement or for performance deficiencies

4005 Payroll Deductions

  • Aligns policy with new state law prohibiting the district from deducting due for professional association

4060 Meal and Break Periods

  • Deletes language regarding break time for nursing mothers to express breastmilk (pump)

4064 Lactation Policy - New policy

  • Aligns with federal law
  • Requires the district to:
    1. provide a supportive environment for eligible employees to express breastmilk during work hours
    2. allow reasonable break times and private space for a nursing employee to pump at work (up to one year after the birth of their child)
    3. conspicuously post information regarding employee rights relevant to the law
  • Allows a covered employee and supervisor to establish reasonable break times to pump as long as the schedule is adjusted as needed to accommodate the employee

6064 Student Clubs and Organizations

  • Aligns policy with new state law requiring written, informed parental consent before a student is allowed to join or participate in activities of any student club and organization


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on September 26, 2023.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs at

0000 School Board Meetings

  • Adds definitions for meeting, committee meeting, executive session, and charter grievance meeting
  • Clarifies that a quorum must be present to transact business and that a majority of the membership of the Board is required to approve Board action

0001 School Board Legal Status and Authority

  • Strike language regarding the Board being an agency of the State

0002 Board Members: Qualifications and Elections

  • Aligns language relevant to qualifications for board members with state law, specifically eligibility requirements
  • Aligns education requirements with current state law (GED now high school equivalency credential approved by the state board of education)
  • Clarifies that elections for school board members may be conducted on a partisan or nonpartisan basis in accordance with state law

0012 Board Policy Development Adoption Dissemination and Review

  • Add definition of policy and policy action
  • Outlines requirements for the policy development process

1005 Superintendent Evaluation

  • Reinstates policy 1005

4026 Sick Leave

  • Deletes language relevant to bereavement leave

4027 Bereavement Leave

  • NEW policy provides eligible employees with paid leave for bereavement purposes not to exceed three regularly scheduled workdays

5021 Library Services and Collections

  • Aligns policy to Public Chapter 472 allowing the District to address complaints related to library collections
  • Newly developed Administrative Rules and Regulations outlines a process to receive and evaluate a complaint regarding materials in a library collection

6002 School Admissions

  • States that exceptions may apply when assigning students to schools
  • Clarifies exceptions when charging tuition
  • Revises language to align with state revisions related to high school equivalency credentials

6022 Student Conduct

  • Clean up definitions to align with state law
  • Add threat of mass violence on school property or at a school related activity as a zero-tolerance offense in alignment with Public Chapter 299

6055 Alternative/Non-Traditional Academic Schools or Programs

  • Renames the Policy to Non-Traditional Schools (Including Alternative Schools or Programs)
  • Adds definitions
  • Provides guidance for the assignment of students to non-traditional schools including provisions relative to students who have committed zero-tolerance offenses, threatened violence, or are transitioning from incarceration
    • Provides guidance for assigning to and serving students in alternative schools or programs and non-traditional schools


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on August 29, 2023.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs at

2006 Purchasing Authority - Revises the purchasing threshold requiring Board approval for professional service contracts from $100,000 and above to $75,000 and above.

2012 Contract Requirements Approval and Signatory Authority - Revises the purchasing threshold requiring Board approval for professional service contracts from $100,000 and above to $75,000 and above.

2013 Professional Services Contracts - Revises the purchasing threshold requiring Board approval for professional service contracts from $100,000 and above to $75,000 and above.

4063 Employment of Relatives (Nepotism) - This NEW POLICY prohibits (1) the practice of favoring relatives or close relationships in employment practices and (2) employees who are relatives/family members from being placed within the same direct line of supervision in which one relative is responsible for supervising the job performance or work activities of the other. Additionally, the policy requires disclosure of relationships that may be in violation of the policy to the Superintendent or designee and outlines possible sanctions for violation of the policy.


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on February 7, 2023.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs at

1004 Superintendent Compensation and Benefits - Revisions require transparency/disclosure of the superintendent’s salary and benefits.

6051 Interscholastic Athletics - Revisions provide clarity specific to student athletes, coaches, and good sportsmanship. Revisions to the administrative rules and regulations outline provisions specific to (1) required information for student participation in interscholastic athletics and requirements for sports-related injuries/concussions and sudden cardiac arrest.


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on December 6, 2022.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs at

5021 Library Services and Collections- Revisions align to statutory requirements of the Age-Appropriate Materials Act. The MSCS Policy Manual located on BoardDocs has been updated to reflect the adopted revisions.


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on October 25, 2022.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs at

4015 Acceptable Use - Revisions align guidance for acceptable use of the District's digital and technology resources with federal and state statutory requirements.

5020 Maintaining Test Security - This new policy establishes guidance aligned with state requirements to ensure state-mandated tests are administered in a secure manner.

6022 Student Conduct - Revisions align with federal requirements related to students who bring or possess a firearm to school. Revisions also update the requirements relative to student withdrawal and revocation of a driver license/permit.

6031 Student Acceptable Use and Internet Safety - Revisions align guidance for students' acceptable use of the District's digital and technology resources with federal and state statutory requirements.


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on September 27, 2022.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs at

4008 Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - The revisions align with state policy 5.300 and include guidance specific to HIV/AIDS testing, confidentiality, infection control, and education/training.


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on August 30, 2022.


5013 Promotion and Retention - The revisions reflect the requirements of recently enacted state law and revised SBOE rules related to third (3rd) grade retention.

Also, the following Administrative Rules and Regulations:


5004 Graduation Requirements

Revisions includes language specific to:

  • administering the U.S. civics test to students who have an IEP
  • updated qualifications for Tennessee Tri-Star Scholar recognition
  • program requirements to obtain and Industry 4.0 Diploma distinction


5006 Awarding of Credits

Revisions includes language specific to:

  • dropping courses
  • Work-based Learning experiences
  • provision for middle school students to receive graduation credit


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on July 22, 2022.

6037 Medical Homebound Instruction Program - Revisions to the policy adds a provision allowing students who miss an aggregate number of instructional days over the period of the school year due to a medical condition to be eligible for homebound instruction.


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on June 28, 2022.

5014 Grading System for Grades Pre-K-5 and 5015 Grading System for Grades 6-12 - strikes the current academic grading scale and replaces with the following 10-point scale:

A: 90 -100

B: 80 - 89

C: 70 -79

D: 60-69

F: Below 60


Please be advised that revisions to the following policies were approved by the Board on March 1, 2022.

In addition to the links provided below, all policies can be accessed online in BoardDocs at


4040 Teacher Tenure - adds definition of teacher


5004 Graduation Requirements - strikes provision to earn credit by examination toward high school graduation

Revisions to the Administrative Rules and Regulations:

  • Clarify courses for which JROTC may be substituted for high school credit
  • Revise the current “industry certification” language to the new “industry credential” terminology
  • Clarify credits needed to meet early graduation requirements
  • Clarify requirements for the four (4)-year plan of study


5005 Advanced Courses - establishes guidelines for equitable student access to advanced courses and outlines eligibility criteria for enrollment in such courses (grades 7-12). Specifies criteria provided for automatic enrollment in Honors ELA, math, and science courses (grades 7-12)

Revisions to the Administrative Rules and Regulations: clarify that high school credit shall be awarded for successful completion of college level courses aligned to a graduation requirement course and that advanced courses, advanced programs, and career-technical pathways offer equitable opportunities without barriers for all students to be challenged with a rigorous curriculum


5013 Promotion and Retention

Revisions to the Administrative Rules and Regulations: aligns with state requirements for promotion and retention for grades K-8 and clarifies that (1) summer learning programs include any available summer intervention offered by the District (e.g. summer school; summer learning academy), (2) retained 2nd grade students who complete an available summer learning program will be promoted, and (3) the District will provide extended learning opportunities for retained High School students to master standards required for course credit

Justin Bailey

General Counsel
Justin Bailey
(901) 416-6370

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