TCAP Testing Starts In


The Youth Advocacy Program supports and advocates for teen parents, ensuring their comprehension needs are met while attending Memphis-Shelby County Schools. Our infrastructure of community resources and strong school wide partnerships enables MSCS to successfully increase teen parent graduation rates while promoting secondary educational goals.
Learn more about the Youth Advocacy Program.


  • Pupil/Teacher Ratio is 15:1
  • Emphasis on Academic Achievement and Differentiated Instruction
  • Emphasis on Satisfactory Student Attendance
  • Individualized Student Success Plan
  • Alternative Education Specialists with complete Mental Health Team

Prep Academies offers innovative, rich, rigorous and engaging programs designed to address the individual academic and developmental needs of students. Prep schools offer an extended-day and block schedule that allows high schools students to earn more credits than traditional students as well as more contact time for improved academic achievement.

Attending our prep academies is a unique and exciting opportunity for students to accomplish their dreams of earning a high school diploma. Shelby County Prep students will dramatically increase their chances of graduating, which will allow them to enter post secondary institutions or transition into the workforce and immediately contribute to the global economy. We offer service learning and real-world learning experiences to help students understand their role in the community.

Our instructional program includes on-line courses, internships for credit, dual enrollment, mini-courses, and comprehensive exams for credit. In addition, there are opportunities for students to supplement their studies with technical courses that prepare them for entering the work force after graduation.

  • DCS Correctional Facilities/Level 4 Residential Facilities
  • Shelby County Juvenile Court Youth Services Bureau

Transition Support Staff

  • Site Administrator
  • Licensed/Certified Teachers
  • Behavior Specialists
  • Professional Guidance Counselor
  • School Psychologist
  • School Social Worker
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