Response to Intervention2- Behavior (RtI2-B)
We have two primary focus areas. The first is the Response to Intervention2 – Behavior State Framework being adopted by all K-12 Shelby County Schools. It is the systems approach to ensuring that all schools use the same language and same structures in building a positive school culture and climate supporting academic achievement at the highest levels. The goal is to remove behavior challenges that disrupt teaching and learning through universal prevention strategies and early identification and intervention.

The second focus is direct student interventions provided by Behavior Support Specialist (BSS). BSS receive referrals from a designated staff member, usually the School Counselor. They provide short-term interventions addressing specific behavior deficits with the intention of returning students to the classroom with the least interruption to their academic progress. The goal is also to reduce suspensions and expulsions over time to maintain services essential to success in school.
RTI2-B District Support Specialist
The Behavior Support Specialists (BSS) provides support for implementing the RTI2-Behavior State Framework across all Shelby County Schools K-12. The BSS works within SCS to assist in the prevention and intervention of disruptive and at-risk behavior of students by facilitating behavior services to students, families, and educational staff. BSS is also responsible for coordinating diagnostic, education and non-therapeutic services; assisting teachers with classroom management skills and techniques; assisting with on-going and crisis counseling, maintaining data records and reports as required, and performing related professional support as assigned. BSS works independently, reporting major activities through periodic meetings (faculty meetings/ILD Meetings/ILT Meetings).
BSS are tasked with the following job functions:
- Monitoring Behavior Support Plans (BSPs) monitoring following a student being suspended five days or more and implementation of the SART process for students who have five or more unexcused absences.
- BSS play a strategic role in implementing the Tier 1 and Tier 2 behavior interventions with students by utilizing the multi-tiered support system (MTSS) and the delivery platform for the State’s Response to Intervention for Behavior (RTI2-B.)
- Assisting SCS schools by ensuring the referral process developed by student review teams and parent communications processes are in place and in compliance with the S.E.E.D. office.
- Works collaboratively with school administrators, counselors, teachers, and other aligned District Student Support Professional staff to evaluate RTI2-B practices supporting Social-Emotional Learning in all SCS K-12 schools.
- Promotes positive school culture and climate and Restorative Practices designed to increase student engagement and reduce time away from classroom instruction in the schools.
Tennessee Multi-Tiered System of Supports Center
Formally known as Tennessee Behavior Support Project (TBSP), Tennessee’s Multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) encompasses programs, practices, and interventions to support all students across learning domains — academic, behavioral, and social and emotional. The TN-MTSS Center provides training and support to improve district and school capacity to implement an integrated model of a multi-tiered system of supports. Our work centers around strengthening the essential components of this framework: screening, progress monitoring, a multi-level prevention and intervention system, and data-based decision-making.