A c a d e m i c  E q u i t y

DOSA supports academic equity by lifting the concerns of students related to the systemic inequities among schools within the district that restrict student achievement. The department aims to bridge the divide and remove impediments so that all students in the district can receive a quality education and reach their maximum potential.

S t u d e n t  L e a d e r s h i p

In pursuant to district policies #6061 and #6065, DOSA provides ways for students to express school-related ideas, goals and desires in productive, and constructive ways. Selected students from each high school serve as their respective student body liaison. These student leaders are tasked with ensuring that the students’ voices at their schools are not ignored or dismissed.

S t u d e n t  V o i c e

DOSA employs a variety of tools including different multimedia platforms to create innovative ways to amplify student voice concerning issues that directly affect them. These issues mostly pertain to education, community, and social needs. DOSA’s mantra is: “We hear students. We are here for students.“.

E a r l y  L i t e r a c y

DOSA supports the district’s Destination 2025 Priority 1: Strengthening Early Literacy. Students who do not read proficiently by the third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school. To help with reading and comprehension skills, the department donates grade level books to elementary schools. The Spelling Bee is one of many DOSA sponsored activities that helps with the development of critical thinking skills, learning language and developing vocabulary.

S t u d e n t  E n g a g e m e n t

The purpose of student engagement is to create opportunities that stimulate student interest. The goal is to motivate students to make the shift from being passive participants to becoming active participants in and ownership of their learning. DOSA affords students “a seat at the table” on all things related to their education.

P o s t - S e c o n d a r y  R e a d i n e s s

DOSA provides students with support to help with the transition from high school to college, from high school to the workforce. DOSA connects students with prominent community partners that provide mentorship and workforce development. These efforts equip students with practical knowledge and useful skills that will help them to be productive members of the community.


Pillar 1

Restorative Justice and Drop-out Prevention

Pillar 2

Student Voice and Leadership

Pillar 3

MSCS Internship Program

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