MSCS works closely with the National Weather Service to monitor conditions in all weather events to make an informed decision in the best interest of student and staff safety. Below are our winter weather procedures and information on how to stay informed.
How are inclement weather closures determined?
In every instance of inclement weather, District staff will monitor conditions on neighborhood streets, bus routes, and school property in all MSCS communities to determine if it is safe for travel to and from school and student activities.
When will families be notified of inclement weather closure decisions?
MSCS makes every effort to give parents ample notice of school closure decisions. However, since weather is often unpredictable, closure decisions may sometimes be made in the early morning.
How will families be notified?
In addition to sending phone calls and text messages to all parents, MSCS will publicize weather-related school closings and early dismissals on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, 88.5FM, the District's website (www.scsk12.org), and work collaboratively with local media.
Please make sure parent contact information is updated in PowerSchool to ensure you receive all notifications from the District.
If school buildings close, will classes be virtual?
No, if schools are closed due to inclement weather, classes will also be canceled in accordance with the most recent Tennessee State Board of Education’s virtual learning restrictions.
We have resources in all subjects available here to help keep students engaged in learning while at home.
Are extracurricular activities also impacted?
In the event of weather-related school closures, all school activities will be canceled, including Y-Care, before/after school programs, athletics, performances, and family meetings.