TCAP Testing Starts In

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should apply for Aspiring Teachers?
Aspiring Teachers is designed for current educators who desire to complete their licensure requirements to become a full-time teacher. These educators include, but are not limited to MSCS substitutes, education assistants, special education assistants, job-embedded or permit teachers. Prospective applicants must be an employee of Memphis-Shelby Schools and hold atleast a Bachelor’s degree.

How do I apply?
To apply, you must complete the application, which requires an upload of an official/unofficial transcript, your most recent Praxis scores and a principal recommendation. Click HERE to apply.

If I am ineligible to apply or cannot complete the application process, what’s my next step?
Aspiring Teachers’ foundational priority is to ensure educators have access to study and preparation resources to pass Praxis exams. If you cannot complete our application at this time, please view our Praxis Toolkit [link] to access free and at-cost resources for Praxis.

Is there a cost for this program?
There is a cost associated with the fellowship intensive, but Memphis-Shelby County Schools will cover a portion to ensure participants can complete the program. More details on cost will be provided when participants are selected.

What is the time investment for Aspiring Teachers?
Aspiring Teachers' duration is one semester to a year based on the level of support each participant needs. The key components of the Praxis Institute includes weekday mentoring sessions, Saturday workshops and 20 hours of online Praxis Tutoring Program.

What is the selection process for Aspiring Teachers?
All applicants who have an interest in teaching and hold atleast a Bachelor’s degree with the required GPA are eligible for the program. A board of experienced teachers, principals, administrators and program partners will select based on application information and principal recommendations.

Will I be guaranteed to pass the Praxis after completing Aspiring Teachers?
This is no guarantee to pass the Praxis exam(s) as we . It’s our goal to provide you with valuable, untapped resources via online and in-person professional development with top licensed educators to make the process to teaching easier to navigate.


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