Begin your journey to teaching here! As a part of Aspiring Teachers, Memphis-Shelby County Schools wants to set you up for success and provide a pathway to teaching with the Aspiring Teachers Toolkit. Below are free and at-cost resources for study preparation, including content-specific practice tests and exam guides as well as detailed information on the licensure requirements for your desired subject area.
Thinking About Becoming a Teacher?
Licensure 101
Got Praxis?
Education Preparation Programs
Get a leg up on teaching by entering an education preparation program to receive targeting training and preparation for licensure.
EPP Admission Requirements
Bethel University
Christian Brothers University
Delta State University
Freed-Hardeman University
Grand Canyon University
Lemoyne-Owen College
Teacher Ready
Union University
University of Memphis
University of Phoenix
University of TN-Martin
Pathways to Certification
Learn more about licensure requirements, including which Praxis test(s) to take for your desired teaching subject.
Elementary K-5


Middle/High School English

Middle/High School Math

Middle/High School Science

Middle/High School Social Studies


Physical Education


Special Education

Visual Art

World Language

Study and Preparation Resources
Access online resources to help you prepare for the Praxis below.
Ultimate Guide to Praxis FAQs
Praxis Study Guide
Praxis Test Taking Skills
Official Praxis Study Companion
Praxis Elementary Flash Cards
National Evaluation Series - Math
Study Stack Flash Cards
Mometrix Flashcards