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MSCS Newsroom

The MSCS Newsroom is our official source for MSCS news and updates. Here, we highlight all the awesome things involving our students and teachers that happen every day in classrooms and the community.

From videos and social media to great photos and stories in print, our goal is to make sure parents, employees and partners have a place to depend on for positive MSCS news. We even have a Spanish section, Nota Escolar!

Our story topics include:

  • Innovative student-led programs and projects
  • Outstanding student or staff awards and achievements
  • Inspiring partnerships that support our schools
  • Fun or engaging human interest stories about our students and educators
  • Important District programs and initiatives

Tips for identifying a good story:

  • Think visual! Every story should have a great photo or video.
  • Common doesn’t cut it! It’s not as newsworthy if everyone else is doing it.
  • Seek the unique! One-of-a-kind programs? Above-and-beyond teaching?
  • The human angle! Think beyond the classroom. Getting personal works!
  • In the moment! Doing something cool with current events?

Tips for submitting stories to the MSCS Newsroom:

  • Advance notice always helps. Submit ideas at least one week before an event.
  • Identify all the visual elements that will make good photos and video, and be sure to identify everyone who can be interviewed for the story.
  • Make sure any students involved have media consent on file. Parents provide consent as part of registration.
To share a story idea, send an email to [email protected] with important details and contact name, phone number and email address to follow up with you.

160 South Hollywood Street
Room 208
Memphis, Tennessee 38112

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